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you to join its open mic every
Monday through Friday, 1
to 3 p.m. (except holidays).
Help build a community of
people with disabilities and
their families , friends and
caregivers in a support system
that lets you share stories and
obtain needed information. For
more information , call CORD
at 508-775-8300.
? Specialized dental
service available
Community Health Center of
Cape Cod offers specialized
dental services with an exam
room specially equipped to
service people in wheelchairs.
Located at the center ' s
Mashpee offices at 107
Commercial St., the facility
offers a special wheelchair
tilting device that allows
patients to remain in their
chairs rather than transferring
to a dental chair.
The staff also has training
in caring for patients with
physical or learning disabilities.
The center is the only dental
provider in Massachusetts
to offer this service. For
information or enrollment ,,
call 508-539-6050.
? Pilot project
The V i s i t i n g N u r s e
Association of Cape Cod
has launched the Navigator
Pilot Project to improve
access to information and
the coordination and delivery
of home-based long-term
services and support for
residents of Cape Cod ages 18
and over, regardless of income,
who have chronic health
conditions and disabilities. The
service is free and does not
duplicate existing programs
and services. Call 508-957-
? Life Choice Hospice
• Book Club: discussion of
books that offers insights into
coping with grief and loss;
meets the second Tuesday
of each month , 1 to 2 p.m. at
Bourne Library.
• Alzheimer 's Caregiver
Support and Education: Meets
Thursdays from 10:30-11:30
a.m. At Life Choice Hospice,
123 Waterhouse Road, Suite
5, Bourne. 508-743-0203.
? Find a physician * •
Cape Cod Healthcare has
a service that makes it easier
to find a physician. Visitors to
the site can find a physician
who's accepting new patients,
meet the new physicians listed
in the directory or see videos
of patients' experiences with
their doctors. Direct access is
available at www.physicians.
capecodhealth.org, or at
the Cape Cod Healthcare
website by clicking on "Find
a Physician."
? Support programs
from Beacon Hospice
• "Coping with Grief"
Discussion Tea Group, 2nd
and 4th
Thursdays at Borsari
Gallery, 524 Main St., Dennis,
10 to 11:15 a.m.
• Ongoing Caregiver Support
Group, 1"and 4th Wednesdays
at Eastham Council on Aging,
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Groups are open to all and
free of charge. Pre-registration
is required: call Brooks
Reinhold , Beacon Hospice
coordinator: 508-778-1622 ,
ext. 115.
? Mental illness
support group
NAMI (National Alliance on
Mental Illness) of Cape Cod
& the Islands offers support
groups for families with a
member who has a mental
health situation or condition.
The group meets the third
Tuesday of the month at 7
p.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal
Church , Route 6A , Barnstable
Village; and the 1" Thursday
of the month at 7 p.m., First
Congregational Church , Main
St., Chatham.
NAMI support groups for
people with mental illnesses
are held at Federated Church ,
Main St., Orleans, monthly, 2nd
and last Saturday, 10-11:30
a.m.; NAMI Cape Cod, 5 Mark
Lane , Hyannis , weekly on
Thursday, 5:30 to 7 p.m.; and
Gus Canty Recreation Center,
790 Main St., Falmouth, weekly
on Thursday, 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Call 508-778-4277 or visit
? Rehabilitation
Hospital offerings
Spaulding Rehabilitation
Hospital Cape Cod in
Sandwich hosts Food Addicts
in Recovery Anonymous
meetings every Sunday 9:30
to 11 a.m. .
. Overeaters
Anonymous (general public)
meets Tuesdays , 5 to 7 p.m....
AA meets Saturdays , 9.30 to
10:30a.m. .
. Sober Sisters AA
I fl
Support Group meets Fridays,
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. ... A support
group addressing issues of
early onset Alzheimer 's
meets the fourth Monday of
each month , 4 to 5:30 p.m. ...
Afibromyalgia support group
meets the fourth Thursday of
the month , 5 to 6:30 p.m. ...
The aphasia support group
meets the first Wednesday
of the month , 10-11:30 a.m.
... The MS support group
meets the third Sunday of the
month , 1 to 3 p.m. ... A stroke
survivors support group
meets the second Wednesday
of the month , 1:30 to 3 p.m. ...
Parkinson's support group
meets the fourth Wednesday
of each month , 2 p.m. ...
CC Spinal Cord Injury
Support Group meets 1st
Wednesday, 6-7:30 p.m. ...
Hearing screenings are held
the second Wednesday of each
month by appointment , 508-
833-4141. Specialty Rehab:
Driver Assessment program:
for those whose driving ability
has been compromised by
illness, injury or normal aging,
508-833-4141 Vibrant Voices:
Monthly interactive speech
group, Harwich Community
Center, 508-240-7203. Vision
Rehab Clinic, evaluation and
treatment , 2nd & 4th Tues.,
Call 508-833-4008for details
on these and other programs.
Spaulding Rehabilitation
Hospital Cape Cod is at 311
Service Road, East Sandwich.
? Hope at Home
Alzheimer's Services of Cape
Cod & the Islands has initiated
a new program , "Hope at
Home ," which provides one-
on-one support to address
many of the daily issues
experienced by caregivers
of loved ones with dementia
and Alzheimer 's disease
508-775-5656 or www.
? Parkinson 's speech
exercise group
Spaulding speech and
language pathologist Lee
Lacroix leads a monthly
interactive speech group.
"Vibrant Voices ," at Harwich
Community Center , 100 Oak
St. The group is designed
for people with Parkinson 's
disease who have completed
a Lee Silverman Voice
Treatment program within the
lasttwo years. Free screening
prior to participation. 508-
? AA, Al-Anon ,
Alateen meetings
A listing of Alcoholics
Anonymous meetings in
the local area is available
at http://www.capecodaa.
A list of Al-Anon and
Alateen meetings is at www.
Click on "Find a Meeting " and
entera town or call the South
Dennis office of Al-Anon at
? PFLAG support
Parents , Families and
Friends of Lesbians. Gays ,
Bisexuals and Transgenders
(PFLAG) meets monthly in
two locations to provide
support , educate others and
advocate for equal treatment.
Meetings are the third
Monday of each month at 7
p.m. at First Parish Church ,
Route 6A , Brewster , and the
last Tuesday of each month
at 6:30 p.m. at Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of
Falmouth , 840 Sandwich
Road , East Falmouth.
? Lyme Disease
support group
Lyme disease support
group from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
on the third Sunday of each
month at Cape Cod Covenant
Church in Brewster. Call Scott
Caseau at 508-957-2535.
? Help for moms
T h e C e n t e r f o r
Breastfeeding, 327 Quaker
Meeting House Road in East
Sandwich , offers classes
for moms and childrerj all
year long. Free lactation
counseling and pump and
supplies use are also
available. 508-888-8044.
? Open Wide for free
dental care
T h e T r i - C o u n t y
Collaborative for Oral Health
Excellence ' s Open Wide
Preschool Dental Disease
Prevention Program offers
several preventive dental
procedures at no cost , along
with assistance in finding
affordable dental care offices.
Call BL Hathaway at 508-255-
0009. The local Tri-CCOHE
office is at 115 Enterprise
Road , Hyannis.
? Caregiver support
The Family Caregiver
Support Program at Elder
Services of Cape Cod &
Islands provides training
and assistance for family
caregivers. To determine
eligibility, call 508-394-4630.
? HIV/AIDS testing,
The Cape Cod Free Clinic
& Community Health Center
offers free , confidential
testing for HIV and AIDS at
its Falmouth and Mashpee
offices. For more information
ortoschedulean appointment,
call 508-477-7090.
? Independence
House hosts
support groups
Independence House in
Hyannis sponsors a seeking
safety support group at the
office in Falmouth Hospital
on Mondays at 5.30 p.m.;
a children's empowerment
group on Wednesdays at
5:30 p.m. at the office in
Hyannis; and a self-esteem
focus group Thursdays at
5:30 p.m. at the Hyannis
office 508-771-6507.
? Cancer support in
Cape Cod Healthcare
offers a Living With Cancer
education support group
Tuesdays at Jhe Mashpee
Health Center , 5 Industrial
Road. 508-539-6215.
? Cape Cod
Healthcare options
for behavioral
health , physical
The Kids and Teens
B e h a v i o r a l H e a l t h
Assessment Center, 460 West
Main St. in Hyannis provides
families with behavioral health
assessments and treatment
plans, as well as referrals and
information about behavioral
health services. 508-790-
? Dare to Be Alive
DTBA hosts an education
and support group for
individuals interested in
organ donation , which will
meet at 6 p.m. on the third
Thursday of each month at
Cape Cod Hospital in the
Cape Cod Five room All are
welcome. 508-398-1260.
? Brain injury support
The Brain InjuryAssociation
of Massachusetts hosts a
brain injury support group
for survivors , caregivers and
families. Meetings are held on
the third Wednesday of each
month from 10 a.m. to noon
at Mashpee Public Library,
64 Steeple St. 888-607-7678
or at www.biama.org .
? Alzheimer 's
Caregiver Support
AnAlzheimer 's Community
Caregivers Support Group
meets on the third Thursday
of each month from 3 to 5 p.m.
at Harbor Point at Centerville ,
22 Richardson Road , led by
Tamara Peach , Harbor Point's
program director. Free and
open to all. RSVP to 508-
? Free health
The Clinical Research
Center of Cape Cod , 131
Attucks Lane , Hyannis ,
will hold free preventive
health screenings for blood
pressure and glucose on the
second Thursday of each
month from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
? Stretch your food
C o m m u n i t y A c t i o n
Committee of Cape Cod &
Islands can assist those
who may be having a hard
time putting affordable and
nutritious meals on the
table during these hard
times. All can apply for the
Supplemental Nutritional
Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Call SNAP Outreach for
more information or to set
up an appointment: 508-771-
1727 x 164.
? Overcoming ostomy
The VNA of Cape Cod holds
ongoing free ostomy clinics.
The clinics will include a
one-hour visit with a wound ,
ostomy and continence nurse.
Clinics are held second and
fourth Wednesdays from 8
a m to noon at VNA of Cape
Cod , 434 Route 134, South
Dennis. For an appointment ,
call 508-957-7476.
? Mended Hearts
meets at CCH
Members of the Mended
Hearts group meet every
third Thursday at 4 p.m. at
Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis
to discuss heart disease
and share experiences.
Those with heart disease
and members of their family
are welcome. Contact Tim
Crane at 508-896-2560 or
club president Pat Boris at
508-896-5941 , or go to www.
? VNA offerings
The Visiting Nurses
Association , in conjunction
with the Massachusetts
chapter of the Arthritis
Foundation , offers Young
at Heart/PACE (People with
Arthritis Can Exercise) at
several Cape locations. A
low-cost fee and a doctor 's
approval are required for
participation. For more
information on location or
registration , or to observe a
class , call 1-877-267-7700
? Send us your news
The Health section
w e l c o m e s n e w s of
programs in Barnstable
and surrounding towns , as
well as achievements and
events. Send your news
to The Barnstable Patrio\ ,
ATT: Health , PO Box 1208,
Hyannis MA 02601; or by
fax to 508-790-3997 , marked
HEALTH; or to listings®
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I * 1
THINK PINK - In a hue that matches her lovely sweater.Adult Supportive Day Program participant Irene
Thorne paints a picture of a hydrangea flower during a recent ASDP afternoon.
; geography lessons, and visits
I from preschoolers involved in
; an intergenerational program
supported by a grant from
the Massachusetts Cultural
From September to June,
: therapy dogs also visit program
partici pants , establishing
relationships and encouraging
: people to socialize.
to our clients is amazing," said
; Cullen.
Perhaps what makes the
j ASDP so valuable is that many
j of those in the program have
some type of processing or
memory impairment , or are
simply socially isolated after the
death of a spouse.
The structured schedule
makes it easier for more
challenged participants to
follow, and the safe environment
helps caregivers feel secure in
knowing their loved ones are
well cared for.
"Many children are caring
for aging parents," said Donna-
Marie Burns, assistant director
of the Senior Center.
"They have to work. This
program allows them the
opportunity to go to work, to
maintain a job and still be a
Because clients are able to
attendbetween two and five days
with fellow participants and
program staffersis a keybenefit.
"They become friends," said
"As someone gets older, their
circle gets smaller," said Cullen.
"This givesthem the opportunity
to widen their circle. It's nice to j
know you're not alone. "
Caregivers also benefit from
the talks and events the ASDP
holds throug hout the year,
including those on difficult
topics such as addressing
challengingbehaviors, and when
to seek additional help.
" C a r e g i v e r s w a n t
information," Burns said. "We •
want them to know we support
them as wellas their loved ones."
"We feel we really are
providing a full experience
within the .structure of a
program ," said Cullen. "This
is not our place. This is their
place." j
For more information about the Adult
SupportiveDay Program atthe Barnstable
Senior Center, call 508-862-4765.