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375 A GO GO - Organizers are hoping to get 375 dancers to turn out for a flash mob performance Sept. 21at noon
during the town picnic on the village green in Hyannis. Learn more on Facebook at 375 Dancers.
375-year-old readytokickupitsheels
By Edward F.Maroney
Town of Barnstable
is lacing up its dancing
shoes as it marks the 375th
anniversary of its founding.
Still ahead are next week's
celebration of the historic Old
Selectmen's Building, which will
feature actual old selectmen, and
thetownpicnicand tributeconcert
by the Cape Cod Symphony
Orchestra and special guests in
September. A call has been put
out for 375 flash mob dancers to
entertain at the picnic.
More details were discussed at
the July 16 meeting of the 37lh
committee, which is chaired by
Town Council President Jessica
Rapp Grassetti. Drawing much
interest was the possibility of a
fireworks display, perhaps during
the Labor Day weekend.
"The fireworks in July happen
off a barge because of piping
plovers," Rapp Grassetti said.
"When they're not nesting, you
can save $15,000 by shooting [the
fireworks] off the beach."
"That would be awesome,"
said committee member Bob
Frazee, probably speaking for
every resident disappointed when
a downpour cancelled the July 4
fireworks show.
Ralph Krau and Ron Glantz,
who are organizing the Sept. 21
green, reported that there'll be a
40-foot by 40-foot tent and that
the ubiquitous Breakaway Oil
cookingtruck will be in the town
hail parking lot. There'll also be
smaller tents for all seven of the
village libraries in which they
can conduct activities, and the
Barnstable Town Band will play
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cape Cod Potato Chips is
donating bags of its signature
product and also stepping up
with sponsorship money. It's
possible Stop & Shop will donate
something sweet for the affair. "I
think we need 24 sheet cakes,"
Krau said.
Dance teacher Michele Colley
has put out a call for volunteers to
stage a six- to seven-minute flash
mob dance at noon during the
picnic. "I think this should be a
requirement for the committee,"
member Meg Loughran cracked.
Colley's hoping to have 375
dancersparticipate. Details are on
Facebook at 375 Dancers.
The committee applauded
member Nancy Viall Shoemaker
for her work on the new Barnstable
375book,and Shoemakergaveatip
of thehat to the town'scommunity
services director, Lynne Poyant,
for her help.
The book can be purchasedfor
as various historical societies and
libraries. "This isreally super, and
what a bargain," Rapp Grassetti
said. "Weshouldbechargingtwice
as much, so buy twice as many."
A publication party for
Shoemaker's latest book project,
West Barnstable Remembered, will
beheld duringfestivitiesat the Old
Selectmen's Building on July 25.
Starting July 22 and running
through July 27 , the West
Barnstable Historical Society
will be celebrating the 125th
anniversary or the Did Selectmens
Building on Route 149 in West
Barnstable.Artworkand historical
photographs will be on display 10
am. to 4 p.m.
Befitting itshistory as a meeting
place of the town's selectmen, the
old building willwelcome former
Barnstable selectmen as well as
past and present members of the ¦
towfi council,toareception July 25
at 6:30p.m. Ceremonies willbegin
at 7 p.m., and all are welcome.
On the 24th at 7p.m., the Society
vvill host David Crocker's talk
about the history of Sandy Neck, i
to be held in the Old Selectmen's
Building. j
More details are available
about the Cape Cod Symphony
Orchestra 's 375th anniversary I
tribute concert on Sept. 21 at
8 p.m. at the Barnstable High
School Performing Arts Center
in Hyannis.Theprogram includes
two talented sets of siblings ,
Siobhan Magnus and her sister
Ceili and Kate McGarry and
her brother Allen as well as a
reading by Jim Frangione and
a poem by Hannah Van Sciver.
Composer Brett Abigana will
debut his "Seven Faces of a Stone"
composition, and Beverly Boden
Bodgers, granddaughter of Clara
Nckerson Boden, will read from
her grandmother's book The Cut
of HerJib.
At least one artist from each
villagewillbe honored with an on-
screen display of his or her works,
?vvitr},orchestral accompaniment.
The concert will also include
an Armed Forces salute and a
Tickets($25)should be available i
withintwoweeksat the Symphony
website (capesymphony.org), with
one $5 processing fee regardless
of the number ordered, and at the
town clerk's office.
"That will culminate our
planned events for the 375th ,"
Rapp Grassetti said. "I think it
will be sold out."
Theparty'sjust getting started EDWARD F MARONEY PHOTO
TWO GROUPS IN TUNE - Joe Berlandi of the Barnstable Village Business Association and Roberta Miller
of the Barnstable Village Civic Association lead separate and final meetings of their respective boards July
15 at the Olde Colonial Courthouse. Members of each voted to transfer the organizations' assets to the new
Barnstable Village Association. Four members from each of the former groups have formed a new board for
the BVA. The revitalized civic association and the relatively new business group were instrumental in the
recent and ongoing revival of the village.
Conducting business
Way to Water." She has
also taken down a set df
stairs that the town built
to the beach.
Marty sued the town
for the right to do so. The
state Land Court decided
in her favor and the town
is appealing. Because
of the continuing
litigation there were no
representatives from the
town's legal department
at the Monday ni ght
meeting, and although
Marty attended , she
declined an invitation
to speak.
Centerville Civic
Association President
David Sauro led the
meeting and town
i c o u n c i l o r s F r e d
j Chirigotis, representing
: precinct 4, and Will
Crocker of precinct 6,
also attended.
Chirigotis offered a
quick history of the
conflict. He said that
what he shared is "only
anecdotal. "
In about 1911 ,
C h i r i g o t i s said ,
Barnstable established
a "town way to water"
on the land that is now
in dispute. In 2011 , he
said , "my understanding
is that based on a 2011
case in Marblehead ,"
state courts decided that
a town must develop the
way within two years, "I
think ," said Chirigotis,
who is an attorney. At
issue between Marty and
the town is whether the
town ever developed the
"way" in question.
Public comment during
the meeting, which
included a number of
peop le from villages
other than Centerville ,
offered questions and
ideas about the way to
Long Beach and what
happens there.
The street is short and
the turnaround hard if
the two small parking
lots are full , said many.
Could there be a sign
to warn people when
Long Beach parking is
no longer available, and
also speed bumps to keep
pedestrians safe? One
speaker said that the auto
traffic on the Fourth of
July was "insane. "
Another noted that
the "speed on the
street is outrageous...
incredibly dangerous...
and someone 's going to
get hurt." He said that
some use Lone Beach
WARNING - This sign appeared in the town parking area across from
the disputed beach access. It was not put there by the town.
for all-night parties that
lead to garbage, drugs,
use of patios at empty
houses and human waste
left on the beach.
"What can we do
together to solve this
problem? Mrs. Marty
said she'd consider doing
something different , but
what are we going to do?"
asked Marc Goldberg,
who identified himself
as a 50-year resident
of the area. Later, he
asserted that "one-third
of the new library " -
meaning the renovations
and expansion - was
supported by people on
Long Beach Road.
Other comments
referred to Marty 's
relationshi p to the
environment. "We
even rake the beach ,"
one said , but "she" -
referring to Marty -
"doesn 't rake hers. "
Another participant at
the meeting said under
her breath , "She's never
on the beach - ever."
Yet the residen ts
of Long Beach Road
have donated around
a million dollars to
nourish the shore with
sand and beach grass,
people in the meeting
agreed. The dredging
of the Centerville River,
combined with private
efforts , has hel ped
to keep the beach "a
treasure. "
Meg Loughran , a
past president of the
civic association , said
that monev haM been
appropriated by the town
to develop the parcel. The
right of way belongs to
the people of Barnstable,
she said , to the first
applause of the evening.
A q u e s t i o n to
Chirigotis: could a
petition from peop le
interested in the issue
be admitted into the
appeal process? "It 's
pretty rare " to admit new
facts into an appeal , he
said. And when might a
decision be announced?
"I have no idea ,"
replied Chirigotis. The
appeals case was argued
on June 5 and the matter
is still pending, he said.
Meanwhile , someone
asked , what if someone
fell and got hurt because
the steps down to the
Who would be liable?
"Removing the stairs is
downright nasty," said
one partici pant whose
remarks were applauded.
"What do we do
together to solve the
problem?" Goldberg
Sauro announced that
he would put Long Beach
Road on the agenda of
the Centerville Civic
Association at its next
meeting on Sept. 7 at
7 p.m. in the library.
Suggestions from
Monday 's meeting were
that speakers might
include the police
and conservation and
resulatorv officials.
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