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Artists draw crowds in Cotuit
' ¦
Text and photos
by Edward F.Maroney
OYSTER FRAME - Herbert Holden,Jr., of Bourne finishes his painting of the Cotuit Oyster Co. on the village green.
FINDING OYSTERS IN COTUIT - Where else but at the Cotuit
Library book sale? Gavin Goldman of Cotuit knows where to
dig up a few good books.
BEAM ME UP - Tony O'Donnell of Cotuit has enough books for a long journey on the
Millennium Falcon.
ILLUMINATINGNATURE-LindaYoungof Mashpee isinspired
by the village green in Cotuit to create this work.
PIED PIPER -A member of Four Guys in Tuxes enthralls a young audience.
village of Cotuit is
pretty as a picture, and
a passel of painters set
out Saturday to prove it.
On a day designed forplein air
painters, you could find artists
sketching the trees on the village
green or the boats bobbing at the
town dock.
The Great Brush Off benefit
event for the Cahoon Museum
of American Art included live
and silent auctions of works that
captured a beautiful day in the
life of the village.
It reallywas agreat BrushOff
! BACKTO THE GARDEN-Just before the dedication of the Hyannis West
Elementary School garden last month, last-minute preparations were
under way. The garden will be allowed to grow following testing that
found "no significant risk" from the garden's soils.
| Especially those
| from Hyannis
\ West Elementary
By Edward F. Maroney
• emaroney@barnstablepatriot.com
they 've got to get
themselvesback to the
i Organizers of the Hyannis
WestElementary School garden
: were in limbo for a time after
; concerns werevoiced about soil
: contamination decades ago on
another area of the West Main
Street property.
• Supporters of the garden in
: the school's courtyard, which
had been abustle with the
i labors of enthusiastic teachers,
parents, and children, had to
i wait for an all-clear after soil
It came this week after Risk
i Management Incorporated' s
: analysis of soil samples taken
by Bennett Environmental
Associates found "no
I significant risk" of harm to
"human health, public welfare
and the environment" in the
garden's raised beds or in the
soil beneath them.
I The extensive testing looked
at levels of heavy metals, PCBs,
and organochlorine pesticides.
Unfortunately, the temporary
shutdown occurred toward the
end of the school year, so
children didn't get to take home
their produce.
"There will be different
produce during the summer,"
garden organizer Sue LaVallee
said in a recent interview.
"The radishes have gone by,
but there 's going to be beans,
tomatoes , squash hopefully.
We planted some cukes today."
For this first summer ,
LaVallee said, "we're going to
let the garden volunteers who
are taking care of it , mostly
staff from Hyannis West, help
themselves to the harvest, but
we'll have plenty to share with
the families of the students
who helped create the garden
in the spring."
The voluminous soil
investi gation report has an
attachment that lists "vegetables
planted in raised garden beds -
2014 Hyannis West Elementary
School Courtyard"that sounds
like a promise of good things
to come:
"Snap peas, shelling peas,
Swiss chard, spinach, various
types of lettuce, beans, corn,
squash , tomatoes , kale ,
pump kin , parsley, cilantro,
mint, sage, carrots."
It'sOKto eat
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