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offers unique
By KathleenSzmit
FOUNDING FATHERS - Thomas Jefferson (Michael Hailing), Ben Franklin (David Silberman), and John Adams (James Beaman) discuss the merits of
independence during the Cape Playhouse production of 1776.
Two years ago I saw my first
production of the show 1776,
based onthebookby PeterStone,
withmusicand lyricsby Sherman
Edwards, which tells the tale of
the days (and weeks) leading up
to the signing of the Declaration
of Independence.
It was such a marvelous pro-
duction that when I heard it was
coming to the Cape Playhouse,
I was thrilled, looking forward
once again to an evening of
watching history unfold in all of
its contentious, argumentative,
impressive glory.
While the Playhouse produc-
tion was certainly entertaining,
I must confess that when I was
leaving, I was struck by a sense
of feelingunderwhelmed.Where
was the electricity? The angst?
That feelingof profound change?
Somehow, in spite of a tre-
mendous cast, such energy was
lacking and I, unfortunately,
found the show a bit flat.
Thecreation and signingof the
Declarationof Independencewas
a turning point in our country's
history. Far from a harmonious
occurrence, the eventwasfraught
with controversy, vehemence,
frustration,and, at times, explo-
siveanger. Factor in finemusic, a
talented cast, and the fiery story
of our country's not-so-humble
beginnings, and the stage should
have been set for a powerful eve-
ning of entertainment.
My disappointment came in
what I felt was a lack of overall
energy in, and onstage enthusi-
asm for, the show.Though certain
performerstobe named delivered
masterfully, the general feel was
such that at times I felt certain
actors were bored. Sound issues
also proved a distraction, calling
attention awayfrom what should
have otherwise been a resonant
With the exception of a few
scenes, much of the show takes
place inside the Philadelphia
meeting hall of the Continental
Congress, where representa-
tives of each of the 13 original
colonies are fiercely debating the
pursuance of independence from
England, even as British soldiers
are raining down all manner of
hellfire on Gen. GeorgeWashing-
ton and his troops in New York.
Leading the charge for inde-
pendence isJohn Adamsof Mas-
sachusetts,portrayed mightily by
James Beaman. Beaman brings
to the role intensity,passion and
determinationbefitting anation's
founder, and yet also reveals a
possible tender side of Adams
via heartfelt exchanges with his
wife, Abigail, beautifully played
by Christiane Noll.
Thought seen only in brief
montages, Noll rises to the task
of bringing Abigail to life via
stirring vocal performances
of "Yours, Yours, Yours" and
Portraying Ben Franklin, a
careful ally of Adams', is David
Silberman, who makes real all of
Franklin's quirks, from his gouty
foot to his penchant for pretty
ladies,all without losinghisburn-
ing desireto see independence for
the American people.
Completing an unlikely trio of
comrades is Thomas Jefferson,
played wonderfully by Michael
Hailing. Aware that his charac-
ter is the youngest member of
the congress, Hailing brings a
fine mix of reverence, intellect
and youthful optimism to his
Naturally, it wouldn't be a dy-
namic situation if there weren't
opponents of the grand plan,
and none shine through in that
manner more brighdy than South
Carolina 's Edward Rutledge,
played by Jamie LaVerdiere.
LaVerdierebrings fearsome wrath
to his southern character, and
delivers the song, "Molasses to
Rum" with a venomous sound.
My favorite song from this
show, however, will always be
"Momma Look Sharp," sung
plaintively by the beleaguered
courier ferrying dismal letters
from Washingtonto congress. In
this production Jim Shubin plays
the part, and offers a haunting
rendition, sung from the perspec-
tive of a dying soldier as a means
of conveying the horrors of the
I would be remiss if I did not
also include Aaron Serotsky's
excellent turn as John Hancock,
John Shuman as the ailing Cesar
Rodney,and StephanieRothenberg
as Martha Jefferson, who offers
a spirited "He Plays the Violin."
I also offer high praise to scenic
designer Michael Anania, espe-
cially for the gorgeous skies, and
to costume designer Gail Baldoni
for the stunningperiod attire. The
orchestra, under the direction of
Nick DeGregorio, was also ter-
rific, in perfect concert with each
of the songs.
I can only hope that as the
show progresses its overall elan
rises from a spirited hum to a
resounding roar properly befitting
the birth of a nation.
1776can be seen through July 19 at The
Cape Playhouse on Route 6A in Dennis.
be reserved via capeplayhousj.com.