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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
July 11, 2014     Barnstable Patriot
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July 11, 2014
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Asweetand lovelyLady, Be Good! Evensecond-tier Gershwinisgood fiin atCLOC ByJohanna Crosby BRIDGET DRISCOLL PHOTO SCENE-STEALER-Joshua Gronlund as lawyer WattyWatkins gives it bis all in CLOC's Lady,Be Good! L ady, Be Good* , is chock-full of toe-tapping tunes and snazzy dance numbers.But it doesn't rank as one of the best Gershwin musical comedies. Originally produced in 1924, the Jazz Age musical was the first Broadway collaboration be- tweenGeorge and Ira Gershwin. Writtenasa star vehiclefor those famous siblings, the dance team of Fred and Adele Astaire, the sillyplot isjust an excuseto break out into another song-and-dance number. In2014,theshowcomesacross as dated and old-fashioned. The score iscatchybut produced only two memorable tunes: the title songand "FascinatingRhythm." Itjust showsthateventhelegend- ary Gershwin brothers weren't alwaysahitfactory.Yetthefrothy period piece being staged by the College Light Opera Company this week in Falmouth provides lightheartedentertainmentfitfor a summer's night. The storyline is convoluted, predictable and asfluffy as cotton candy. Itcenters on three couples who engage in goofy high jinks and work out their troubles over two acts. True love eventually wins out, resulting in a happy ending. The main focus is on Susie and Dick Trevor, a brother and sister dance team, who are thrown out on the street for not paying their rent. Dick agrees to marry a rich socialite he doesn't love and Susie falls for a hobo that turns out to be the heir to a big fortune. Throw in an unscru- pulous lawyer, a nasty Mexican gangster and a bevy of flappers andyouhavealot of wackytwists and turns. Director Mark A. Pearson guides the CLOC production with a playful touch emphasiz- ingthe comic elements. The sets are simple but serviceable and the stylish costumes capture the flavor of the roaring '20s. The CLOC orchestra, under thedirectionof Jonathan Edward Brennand, delivers a smashing overture featuring an impressive solo with echoes of Gershwin's masterpiece Rhapsody in Blue. The CLOC company gives it theirbesteffortwithhigh-energy, spiritedperformances,kickingup astormin "FascinatingRhythm" withflappersand theirbeausand "I'd Rather Charleston." Rebecca Brudner (Susie) and Jens Jacobson (Dick) are an ap- pealingpair withpleasantvoices. They're not Fred and Adele, but theyexecute some smooth dance moves. Michael McCann is engaging as Jack Robinson and Maggie Robinsonisahoot asthehaughty Josephine Vanderwater. Will HawkinsandMaggie Langhorne providedelightful comicrelief as the daffy duo Bertie and Daisy. Joshua Gronlund steals the show as the meddlesome lawyer, Watty Watkins, who delivers his double entendre- laced lines with great comical expressions. Gunnar Manches- ter (Jeff) serves up fine jazz- flavored vocals with the Four Jazz Birds in the sultry saloon song "Little Jazz Bird ." Lady,Be Good!m\\ be presentedat8to- nightandtomorrowat High!ieldTheatre, 51HighfieldDrive,Falmouth.Tickets are $35.For reservations,call508-548-0668 WJ^^Lf g ? Sandwich Summer ^% Fd RAFT \ i Festival \ f JULY 12 & 13 I 10am to 5pm Daily r Henry T.WingSchool Route 130 - Sandwich, MA Arts, Crafts, Food & Music! FineJewelry,Photography,OrganicSkincare,Furniture, Custom Signs,Pottery,Fragrance, Flags,Blow Glass,Fiber,FloralDesign, Watercolors, Chimes, OilPaintings ,Lace, WearableArt,Metal, Accessories ,FolkArt,SlockPrint, Clay,MageChic, Quilts, Tole, Scrimshaw, Tile ,Baskets,Pet Gifts,ShellCraft, TurnedWood,Slate, Authors&Illustrations, Calligraphy,Candles,SwitchPlateCovers, HerbalDips,Jams,Jellies,Honey,OilsandMorel FreeAdmission- Rainor Shine Directions:FromRte.6takeExit2 toRoute130N W Dennis Village, Cape Cod • Since I927 J tmamm THE CAPEJ ¦ ^ EKmSmJ ^ r ^^^^^^^^¦ jij^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HflH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ' .-^^Hl ' ^ HL