July 6, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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%VKl»MMl»AV ,.H;i.V O, IKS I.
It will l>c seen below , that " An Act
to incorporate tlic Institution for Sav-
ings in the town o
f Uarn stablr ," was
passed (luring the last winter session of
the Legislature, and appr oved by the
Governor. It is gratif ying to those who
trul y wish the p ublic good, to observe the
efforts which have been miule to seek and
produce that good ;and it is equall y plea s-
ing that those efforts have been crowned
with success. We do not know of any
private or sinister designs which could
possibly operate upon the mind of any
one, in the obtaining of an Act to incor-
porate an Institution tike this, whi ch is
tending bo immediately to the benefit of
society, nnd more especially those who
have not a sufficiency of cap ital lo engage
in any vary active business. Long m;iy
it flourish and be patronised by those for
whom it was established. We see no-
thing in th e Charter or Act of Incorpora-
tion, which extends its benefits to other
towns than this, and we know not , wheth-
er a non-resident would be permitted to
partake in its advantages or not , but hop e
that the inhabitants of the adj oining towns
shall be enabled to partake with wh the
benefits. The first meeting, (as will be
seen by advertisement ,) will be held this
Since writing t|m above, we have been
informed by one of the Corporation , thai
the benefits and advantages arising from
this benevolent Institution , can be shared
mid partici pated in by encb'nnd every per-
son desiring, be they resident or not.
An Act la incorporate the Institution
f or Savings in the town o
f Jtanistu-
Skc 1. HP. U enitrlr.il In/ the Hr.iinlr. nnd
Home. itf lir.prKir.ntatiims, in (I niitritl. (' mtrl tt.t -
Hr.nibhi l, and In/ Hit nullwrili / »f I lit: .\ttinn , 'flint
Dunr orth I*. Wi ght , John Mun 'roc , Willi am |,ew-
ix , H enry lle.rsiey , .losiah Hinckle y, Matthew
Cohb , I saiah I., ( iri itu , Thoma s I' crrivnl , .Im ncs
Hmi th , f.niing CriM.ker , Kuo rh 'I'. C' ntiU , .(oKi .-p h
A Diivig Amos UtU , ,liv (MuiiI ch Marslou , mill
Henry Ur ucker , and sucli olhe-is as uiiiy hu duly
clcctud , and their hiic<'< jssiji's , be Hin t Ihey arc
hereby incorporated in to a bod y politic , by ti n:
liinmi of tho Institution fur Saving in tin: town
<•(' Idiriiiiauiu.
Skc 2. lie it further cnartrd , Tluil the sum
Corjiorn tion shall hi: capable oI receivin g, from
liny por son or persons disposed Id obtain ami
enjoy tlio ndvit nliigcu of Miuf inslifiMion , ihiv de-
posit nr i«r-
»oni app ointed by the Legislature lo examine
the inine , when ever remure u so .o do , and shall
exhibit (o Ilii-in nit the books uuil papers rela t-
ing ther eto, and shall sul.mil to ho examined by
fhi'lM under oalh coucerniii " the »ii lll(,
Sec. H. tie it f urther rwictal , Tii ni the said
Corpornl ion shall have power to make bv law s
f or tfil" more orderl y iim uiiging «f im,;|. oni
wi ns , pr ovidej the siiuu 1 me not lepuj -nniit to
|he Constituti on; nnd laws of this Common-
wealth ; mul the Leg isla ture may, at «ny t\ mc,
mark s such fur ther regulati ons for tin; govern-
wen t of the snid In stitution , as they may deem
expedien t , nnd may lit any ti»ie hereafter , alter ,
umend or repeal this net.
Skc. i). Be rt further enacted , That any one
pf the persona named in this act shall have- pow-
er to call the first meeting of the suiii Corpora-
lion , nt such time itml place ns he mny jud ge
proper ,by giving notice In the members of said
Corporation , in the public newspapers printed
in the town of Uurnstable.
[Approved by the liovernor, Jnmim v 20, J831.]
Lj bkuty and EQUALrrv.—The Duk e
of Saxe Wiemur , (says u London paper ,)
travelling last summer in Philadel phia ,
drove out to visit Scliuy lkill Falls. The
next morning, standit t '/ at tit** door of the
hotel , hu was accosted by th e coachman
in th e followin g apostroph e : " Are you
the man that I drove in tho coach yester-
day ? because I am tlie f ir.nllv.manwho
drove you , and I have come to be paid."
Very probably the editor of the Lon-
don paper , is not all acquainted , with the
true state of Society in thi s happy lan d.
The stage driver was probably an awk-
ward , illiterate fellow, as are many in the
Western States ; but this is trul y a land
where Liberty and L'qu ali ty reigns.—
Kvcry man has his own best and dearest
rights defended and secured to him by the
laws ; and that fand/mgo mess of trumpe-
ry, Kings , Queens, Dulcet, and Counts,
are viewed in this country, by our sober
citizens , as something that is trul y absurd
and ridiculous. It h worth, not tillcH
nor wealt h, that makes the man in the
New Kng land States, at least in the view
and estimation of the cool and reflecting,
those who give st tone to public opinion.
Tin e, there are parasites , who cringe and
bow to wealth and office ; althoug h they
are in the possession of those whom the
public scorn and derision bus fastened up-
on. And this London editor , will find )
(ere lie looks round him twice ,) that the
castles , towers, and hi gh-sounding titles,
are crumbling around him , and unless be
is active , will bur y him in the ruins.
HVilloi fo r the Bankable Patriot.
Mb. Eiiivou. -—Allow me through the medium
of yoor paper , the liberty of ,UM,ig y0lir corres-
pondent n few questions respecting clergymen.
1st—Is schoolkecping consistent with the
ministerial duties of the clerpy ?
20—If consistent , how uukU of their time
ouij hl to be ci;t nni] devout in the dail y inter-
r:oursr; with Ih c irpf .oi.le , us in the desk of the
sam lu.iry ?
5ih— U levi ty nnd dup licity more justifiabl e in
Her alds of thc
evprlasli n'j truth , Ihfui in men of
inferior vocati ons ?
5th—Is coMm.'si , di»r f;«p f
t(:t i nn(l 'nl<1<™ r|t-
meii t« , dii« lo a broth er of thii fraterni ty of Ihc
same tenets, wh o has gainul ti'C rivalshi p in (he
sa me glorious ennui- .'
Gtli—And if n clergy m»rt devot es six sevenths
of »ii» limc t« tir.lio i)lkeeping, is nei ther circu in-
spt'd nor devout in th e dail y in tercourse with
his peop le, prac tices ndulat ion nnd dup lici ty to
gain his poin t* , nnd treats with mnti gn contempt
hi« successfu l rivnU in piety, «•">' mu st be his
fa te nnd that of hin peop le 's who imitate his
CXHIII 'llcS '
7lh- -Mu ni they not go down to the chnmhers
of deftth , wher e woe anil everlasting desp air will
be their portion '
We , in this pl ace are on the broad ruml to ru-
¦ nnd unless the peop le soon awake from (heir
lelhiir jj y, u nd la kea »iew vuidn , they must sink
in endles s ni
ht ! I' l'.o Uo.fo I' uil l.lC'i.
I ' .ilnio ulli , ./ill y, IS.'il .
f if .ridin Jlrriilr.nl '— W e und e r s t a n d t l i a t n
y i i u n^ iiiiin in tin: c i u pl oy < if ,Me , I h n n a m e uf l l a ^ t i u ^ i ,
nl ( .
'a m b r i d^ e I 'o i l , about \'i ye a i s of a'.;e, w i n
sliiudiii^ nnil er tlie sr n t t h : w h e r e t h ey w e r e
liiiisliii !; l- 'lui li" , w h e n n e a r (he t u p , (h e h u n k
sli pped , !ind t h e b i r r e l Ti ll i id M i n i ]; h i m on
tin: head iind .ihvuliler* , a n d I j - h I n i i i I b i s - l . u l i
in hiieh a m a n n e r tb.it no hope* an: e n t e r t a i n e d
of his recovery .— Trunicri/ il.
/Inulher Cute «/ /li/ ilro/ inliiii.— l > i «. H u l l n n d
Lawyer have lavouied us with tlie (ullinvj ui;
loein oi iin ilnin of U case whii'h i* to In: added In
tin; list of iinlanci t of sui eessl'ul Irealiucnt of
hvilroj iliobia. 'I'he prin 'i pal unrilii -iii i'S used
(.iil ouiel and lliuil .uioiii , adn iiiiiilcred in very
liir-fi! d oses,
Kir s. Kiilsom , who resides in (Uterry street,
w.is bitten on Tui'mI.iv morning the l lth inst. —
On tin: Itilh and 17th , (.onsnlerabh: pain \v;ts
felt by her in her b and , extending to tlie shoul-
der. On tin: evening of the IT lli decided sym
loins of I Ivdrnp luihiu Kiip ervened , s neli as bnr-
rnr nf lii |iiid< ., p arlii 'iihiii y water. Shi: a t t e m p t -
ed In bite all u h u approached In'i' , Ion: tin 1 pil-
lows and lie.I rlollie.s with her teeih , and threiv
on! l.n^i! ipi iiiil ilie .t of froth y inu eus from her
nioulli , bull.in;; and howling like n dn^ Hhe
IVeip ieiillv comp lained of thirst and called lor
drink , but when presented , thrust it from lier si II
with viiil ence . l'ai'Dxy sins i;r i:nned during the
niKh l ,
n t intervals of "JO nr II'I iniuules , which
coiilinu iMl il- i ' Mi ^ li i I.q i'mIIiiw 'hiu iltty Tin: next
dav she had but livi; ; the day after but two ;—
and foi' Iho last two days she has been in a lair
wi\y of recovery. .V. Y. Jour, o
f Cum.
The Comet nf 18:32.—Tho French
j ournals have had much to say, these two
years past, about the comet which is to
make its apearancc 1S3J, 'I'he German
jour nals beg in to amuse their readers with
th e chimerical apprehensions , which the
future appearance of this star may insp ire.
Tht: fact isjlhat this comet mi ght approach
the earth much nearer than it actuall y
will approach it , without furnishin g the
least ground for fear. It is known that in
1770,acomet approached within ~.
leagues of the earth , about nine times the
distance of the moon ; and those who are
acquainted with astronomy hav e not for-
got, that Lalandc has computed 13,000
leagues to be the distance at which a com-
et could produce any sensible derange-
ment of our system. The f«:ars,which these
journals propagate, arise from this : that
the comet of 1832 will pass near ihe or-
bit of the earth (within 4 diameters and
a half, thirteen or fourteen thousand
leagues) so thnt , if the earth be at that
point of its orbit which shall be for an in-
stant , near the comet , some deranging
phenomena may perhaps result ; but this
case is far from possible for the year 18 J2.
Piracy aid Murder.—The wreck (hat
was towed in.o Sandy Bay on the 1 lth
inst. proves lo be the schr liup id , Fisher ,
master , wich sailed ftom this port on the
'28th of May.bound to Nassau , N.I' . From
tho condition of the wreck , and the ap-
pearance of a thoroug h search having been
made for money, there can be no doubt
that Mr , Curtis, tho owner , the captain
and perhaps others on board were murd-
ered by the crew.
Wo subjoin the names of those on board
at the time the vessel sailed Clun k's Cur-
tis , owner and supercargo , of Now York;
Joh n t'ishiM", master, of New \ oik , form-
erly of IN'antucket ; John I'eltv , malt1, ol
Nassau , N. I*, near <) feet high, dark
comp lexion and stout hiult , about JX or :
j fj
years of n«;e; J ames Spencer , (Wack)
cook , middling size, ordinary looking man
imitit :
years ol ajjo , f» loot (> 1-2 inches
li'ih. iniUuvi 'I'/j o/h/woh, seaman , about
-!."> wars of ajje , .r» loot (> iuclu's stout
itlilct ic looking man , florid comp le xion ,
lit brown hair , and bail' a prot ection
us beiiiir a native of Massachusetts. But
it is said am! believed that ho is a native
of No w York. I'ohn Uoss, or Francis
lloss—the latter is supposed to be the right
name , about 2:5 or 2 1 years of a«o, about
(iv« I'oetsix inches high,florid complexion ,
light brown hair , also hud a protection
as being a native of Massachusetts, but
it is said he is an F.nglishman , that his
last voyage was out to Saint Baits and
back in the bri g New York , and that pre-
vious to that time lie had been in the Pen-
itentiary—both sailors appeared to be
welt acquainted and appeared to be well
educated ; both had been on board of men
of mar. Mr. Curtis was a native of
Boston , but has resided in this city for
about five years, be was a younsr man of
most excellent character nnd amiable
disposition , and will be a ^roat loss to
his fiends.
Capt Fisher has sailed nut 'of this port
for a number of years, and has always
sustained the character of a good seaman
and an honest man.
It will be seen by the above account,that
there were only six persons known to be
on board when the vessel sailed ? but if
the five men who landed on Plum Island
were those who comitted this atrocious
act , it is apprehended the regular crew
had accomplices concealed on board at
the time.
Jlnpid Improvement.—A tract of land
situated on the margin of lake Pouchar-
[r ain , whence the railroad from New Or-
leans , readies the Lake has in conse-
rpienco of the Hail Road , and the estab-
lishment there of a port of entry, been ian.
Puu ldiw
j tt Journa l—A Journa l of a
cruise nf the I' . S. sclir. Dolphin amon'4
the Islands of the Pacifi c Ocean , and a
visit lo tlif Mti i'.
'tavc Island s i.n pur suit
of the mulinrers uf tlie wlial i- shi p ( ilobe,
by Lie ut 11 l' iiuldin '
j nf the V>. S. Na vy,
h a< just been published by Messrs Car-
vill. It is introduced by a modest pri'l-
ace , in which the author , expressess his
hop e lltut ' a plain irtrnitive ol a cruise
throug h an iinlre(|nciited part <'l Mi: <>-
ceau^coinprisin " a particular descri ption
of a f(r luivi- lir-i-n an attentive observer. Th«
book contains also intelli gent and interest-
ing; notices of severa l of tlie princi ple is-
lands in the south sea , and tlleir inhabi-
tants.—j V. K l'locnin" I' o.st.
iiooic nutjor a Uo«uC !—A man \rlui
called his name Brunson , said ho was
Irom Xew York State ,was ol" middlin g
hei ght , full, eyes and rather dark com-
plexion , who boarded at the Rail Road
Hotel , I'ond-stroet , kept by Mr. Haskell
iibsco udod yesterday morning just before
tin: alarm of lire. An eng in e-man who
slep t iivthe same room got up to the fire
missed bis boots , which wore nearl y ne w,
:>iul found that Brunson was mine. On
examination it appeared that B. hud got
up, gone into the cellar under the kitch-
en llience into the bar cellar , and throug h
a trap door into the bar-room , where he
toek about $I I in money and passed out
iho way he came. All the clothing ho
had with him was a short j acket , drab
pantaloons , n surtout which did not set
well ,some shirts &c. in a silk handker-
fhiol , and the boots above mentioned. —
Inquiry was made soon after, and it was
found that he bail passed over Warren
Bri dge, and meeting many people coming
over to tho lirt> , turned- buck to tho city
with tliem. A generous reward will be
oaid for the arrest of llrunso:i.
The newspapers in this vicinity benefit
taverncrs ami others by publishing tho a-
bove, as this mode of "robbery, may bo < a
purt of his system.'
$1300 has been paid the dog killers in
New York.
Murder.— It is stated in the Brid geton ,
N. Y. Observer that Sanders Powell was
murdered in his own house at Leesburg,
by one Win . Clark , who had slopped at
his house over night on his return from
a military muster. Powell came home
from work at 1 o clock and requested hi*
his wife to get bis dinner ; she told him
he might get it himself. An altercation
arose and the wife called on Clark to
come down stairs,but he made no answer.
Two young men who had come home to
dinner, went away to avoid the clamor ,
and returning soon after , found P. on the
bed, lifeless. His wife had gone to a
nei ghbor's and Clark had absconded.—
The woman has been arrested as an ac-
cessary lo the murder and Clark is char-
ted as princi pal.
The Execution.—The two pirates Col-
linet and Oadett were executed yesterday
morning at half past S, on (he Jail wharf ,
pursuant to the sentence of the U. States
Circuit court. The prisoners conducted
themselves with becoming fortitude and
were accompanied to the scalVold by tin:
clergymen of their respective relig ions.—
Th ey died without a strugg le and to ap-
pearance without pain. A vast concourse
of people assembled on the neighboring
wharves and in boats opposite the plan:
of execution. Wo are sorry to observe ,
ho wever , th at a number of females wen;
among the crowd ,contrary to every feelin g
of delicacy and prop riety. After tin: IjihI-
ies had hung tho usual time they were
removed to the Jail yard , where under
the direction of Dr. Webster and in pre-
sence of a great number r.f scienllic uj -ii-
ili - men ' the power of tho d'alvanic Bil-
tery was app lied with L'reat success.
The Transc ri pt states that Colliin It was
atte nded to the "fatal tree" (i. e. "allows)
by tin 1 Rev. Bishop Fenwick. This is
a mistake . Bishop Fenwick was not
present , but Dr. O'Flaherly and other *
of the C.itholic church of this city.—
lionton Patriot.
The news of the dissolution of tho Cab-
inet was carried out to Havana by th e
Catharine , and it excited much interest
the re. A day or two after her arrival , a
small Capo Cod Schooner , disp laying tin*
old State Flag of Massachusetts entered
the harbour— (be Spaniards were oaner
in their inquiries as to the "vat ioii whoso
(lag she bore—they were told by an A-
inciican merchant , that tin* (,'uiteil States
(lovernmi 'iii must have been dissolved ,
ami that tin* vessels nf the separate States
had no doubt hoisted their repective flags;
—tin 1 report spread rap idly thro ug h the
towns, and for several days was gener-
all y believed lo bo correct. — Charleston
The X. York Commercial of Wednes-
day last , says :—'• We regret to state il ^it
the venerable James Monroe, late Presi-
dent of the United States , is dangerousl y
ill , at bis residence in this citv. "
Schr. Itap id.—A letter from Snlcui to \. Cur-
tis , of New York , dated 2'llh inst. siivs —
" A gentle man tins broug ht (i s infm n>;iiinii fin
No wlniryporf , (hut the five men who have land-
ed nn 1'tlien Island were on it. fishin g expedition ,
:ind tir e Ut-ll knuwu in that nei
li liourlinod ,—
the y rMt t rnril in (heir llont the same day, ermw -
i|nenllv this circnnistmicc is not , ns »;is report -
ed , ol" n snjpicioiM diameter—Ih r fnli; of tin:
captain , siipcrtm -g o and crew still remains in-
volved in myster y."
After givin g nn rieconnt of n pirnlical lotfkin ^
craft seen Kith inst in hit .
'W <17, Ion 74 .
'M, ih<:
N. York Merc antile Adverti ser my%—" It seems
to us not nt nit improbable thnt tlie above de-
scribed vessel mav have l/oardcd the Rap id , mu r-
dered or captur ed all on board. That her own
crew, if nwnre of the car go, could hnvc commit-
ted pir ncy, seems impr obable , aa there was no-
thi ng of a tempting diameter la.len on boar il .
W e w.»it with anxiet y far a revcalinent of this
myster y. "
Brig Cri terion is about to saif fron
New York for Norfolk to receive 100 em-
igrants for Liberia. Contributions arc
making in New York , of clothing books
provisions , f ee. for the colony.
It is stated that hear Guernsey county,
Ohi o,two cases of hydrophobia have oc-
curred : one man had died and tho other
was confined With chains.
The Pensacola Gazette states,thai tin"
Small Pox is raging with great violen ce
at Mobile.
Several barns were blown tkiwii i trees
uprooted, glassbroken and other diiaiauc
done atTarmington , N. II. by a tum uli*
on Sunday week.
The Lo well Journal , in relation to ibo
carboy of vitriol sp ilt on the load in Lex-
ing ton , states that it was done in the ni ght ,
and that iho teamster thought l>o bad re-
moved the vitriol from the road.
In the Albany Museum a tread milt is
exhibited on which six wax figures Ian."-'
as life are treading. It must be fra ujjlit
with unp leasant recollections to some.
Two or three dogs have been killed in
Portland , said to have luid all the symp-
tom s of hydrop hobia.
A schr. called the <: Jack Down-ing,''
has been launched at Robbinslon , Mo.
William Dwy er, the husband of the
woman who was murdered in the cellar ,
near Frankfort-street, Now Y
ork , was ar-
rosted in Derpen , New Jersey on Tues-
day week. The accused was found in a
state of intoxicat ion asleep under a tree.
A littl e girl in Philadel phia lately went
to bed with g pin in her mouth, which
slipped into her throat at night , and.sin-
awoke in groat agony. L)r Chapman dis-
lodged it with a spoon, but the child was
several times near going into convulsions.
Attorney General.—-The Philadel phia
Sentinel , says that Mr. K. V>. Taney, of
Iiahimoro , is appointed Attorney Gener-
al of the I 'ultcil States.
Secretary of War.—The Warrenton
Gazette says that Hugh L. White Esq. has
consented to accept the office of Secreta-
ry of War. In the mean time Dr. Ran-
dolph is the acting Secretary of War.
Secrciaf i/ o
f the Treasury.—Mr. Ing-
liam ceased to act as Secretary of the
Treasury on Monday last , and was to
leave Washington for his residence in
Pennsy lvania on Wednesday. The du-
ties ol* the office of Treasurer are to be
discharged until the arrival of Mr. Me
Lane from Kngland , l>y Mr. Ashbury
Dickens, Chief Clerk of the Treasury De-
From Duenna Ayrcs.— Hueiios Ayres
papers to A pril 30 have been received at
New York. A batttlo was fought near
Mendoza , on the 2Stb of March , between
(Jen Quirona , and (Jen Castillo , in which
the latter who had an army of 2100 men
was defeated with serious loss.— D. Ad-
Imhi sthy or 1111; II kk , —" A swarm of yonn^
II.:.. !., ....I. _„!..„ ,,. |
U,. H IJ Uiugg,., „)• (¦„.
I nmhiii , (1' enn.) inade , froni ti n. tilh of June te
the l.'tlli , 11 period of neven days, fourteen -lonnds
of lionny , IV'i- donl/i , (snyn n l') iilml<:l i>liin |»i-
per) whether (his instance of tin: industr y uf the
bee U I'ipi ulleil on record. "
The : milkin g of honey by the bi:i! is n .source
nf pr ofit which should bo attended to by every
farmer. In the country towns , it is no unusual
cir cumstance , to see one or in (ire hives , around
which is seen the busy bee, addin y (o 1 lie stock
of (lie limner 's comforts mid profits. Money in
tin excellent substitute for butter , nnd a very
gr unt addition to it. lint the very mention nnd
niiine of honey is a mtity In many of our Cape
towns , and where it is used it is as 11 medicine.
Th e, vul gar op inion , often times is, that a person
is liable to take cold after eatin g it! and there-
lore il is entirel y abstained from. With it little
at tention to tlie subject , a very considerable
quan t ity might bo procured from swarms of bees
which now waste their sweets upon the tkser t
iiir. Wu trust Unit ere luiother ts|>riu g return s
thu attention of tho rising generation will be giv-
en lo this valuable guhjuct , for the pr actical far -
mot' .
A year or two since when passing
throug h Schencctady, in the State of N.
York , we stopped at Given 's Hotel, in
that city, and at the table were waited up-
on by a negro , apparentl y very aged, who
was dressed in his regimentals , an anti-
quated uniform, with his watch , chain ,
nnd seal ; his head was quite grey , and
his entire appearance indicated a worn
down veteran. We wore told that ho
was a private servant of ( ion. Wasiiinu-
ton 's, who bad followed him throug h all
the war of the \\> volution , and now lived
in ease and comfort , at one of the first
Hotels in Now York State, nt the landing
for passage boats on the Erie Canul.
We are requested to notice the appoint-
ment of freeman L. Scudder , Esq. as
Post Master, at llyannis , vice Otis Lor-
ing, Esq. resigned, in consequence of his
sickness ami infirm state of health.
11") "W o iK'knowl ed gc tlm recei pt of a loiter
thi' uuj ;!! the Post Oilier , from I'.ast Harw ich , ie-
(mi ring in rather tin uncinirlc uus manner , the
mime of the author of an aiticle in our liut il.it-
eil at l'.ast Harwich. Wo ca nnot cuueoive the
ttrlido allud ed to , obnoNioui to the serious char-
Sosi the ^enllenu'ii who have ndilressed us make
against us—there is nothin g in the ar ticle of 11
particular or dire ctl y personal ref erence th at we
know ol , nml the gentle men will excuse us when
we rcimest th cm t0 nCCcnt ii,i s ,,u tc ns ,in „„.
mver lo tlieir polite letter
Dkatii itv Dild wninc. —On Saturday
morni ng last , Capt. Aimer l .ovell , was
drowned at ll yannis, wh ile in (lie har-
bour , in a small boat—in reaching over
the gunwale be unf ortunatel y pushed the
boat from him. He was found in about
30 minutes , .standing erect , the water be-
ing nine inches above bis head. Vari-
ous attempts wore made to resuscitate
him , but nil oiJorls proved fruitless. A
famil y were thus deprived , in a moment ,
:>l ' a kind husband , and affectionate father.
His remains were carried 011 Sunday to
iho liaptist Meeting-house , and a dis-
course delivered by Rev. Mr. Harris ,
from Mat. xxv , I.'J. A very lar ge con-
course of peop le assembled lo witness
the solemn scene, and to pay tlieir last tri-
bute of respect to the deceased.
A country la ss , who was aceuKlomed (0 run
on i.'iTiiini f , was sent lo the bouse of a nei g hbor ,
and not obtaining what Mie was sent for , soon
reiur I and an swered lli.it she " couldn t find
any bod y. " " Whv ," said her mUtr e- ;s, " do
you not k nock when you iio to peop les h ouses '
. '
" Kno i.U ," tinid she , " what should I knoc k for >
I never heard of such it thin ir '."