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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
July 3, 1888     Barnstable Patriot
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July 3, 1888
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Claries Itorflson & Co. New Eugland Agents for thefollowing specialties : ANTI-KALSOMINE For Tinting Wallsand Ceilings and foi a priming coat under oil paint. Lithogcn Silicate Paste Paiiit The Ori ginal and only Pure Silicate Paint made. If you are soinx > , I5arn«Uble. Sim-on Anv.vui, \v elided. Charl ie C. Bcirs? , C otu;t. Hi-am llBrai cj Lh.itnam. Alphon io L. \Veeke«, Ha rwich. Joseph ?. tfyann '.s. James S. H;nv»s, E:.Et I'ennls. Thom»« now;t , i;iis I'ort. Joseph I). \V;u?iiuv . Faln^'-nta. Aiui T. Xcwcorub , Orie ans. Georjff N. Chi pm an, San^wicii. Pe.'c=r I'. Akin , Sout h Yarmouth. Frederick C. bwif., Yarmouth Port. FRAXK THACHER, Secr«t«ry Yarmouth Port, Jan., 1887. Mrs. Dr. J. SMMES & SON, CMnpifs, Mum,aid Der naiolipb 41 Winter St., Boston Corns, bunions and infUmed jo ints treated withou t pain; 23e. ra i.-ii. Having been in the business for 27 years, we are prepared to treat the above diseases successfully, and emp loy only skilled male ami femait: operators. Mis. Dr. J. Semmes Is the proprietor of the only genuine ELECTRIC HAIR HE- STOllER. that well-known roet and herti tonic for I he hair, iha t in the short space o( one year has achieved a world-wide reputa- tion, meeting with success iu clironiccusea ol dandr uff, dry tette r,eczema and baldness. It ban actually caused hair to grow on heads that have been bald for 23year.-.. See testimo- nial? at office from physicians- Open evenings, Don'tfo rget the number ,41. Shampooing and adies* and children's hair cutting a specialty. [HIP1I Kill For Beauty of Polish, Saving Labor , Cleanlin et i Durabilit yand Chenpne ss ^ Uneqnalcd. MOBSK liiiOS.Pro """^tore - Catton.lias WM. H. PARMENTER, GENERAL AGEST. 50 STAT E ST. , BOSTON , MASS. 7 Cent. GOLD Dt'enti (Semi-annually 5 years,) First Mortgage Loans, GUARANTE ED, On Improved. Farms and choice City Prop- erty in the Gold Belt of the State of Kansas. Loaus taken only from tried customers of the HESS COUNTY BANK. CAPITAL , $250,000. Official Depository of the County, N . C. Merri ll, President, Ness City. Kan. Oldest and financiall y the strongest banking institution in Central Kansas. Loans only 25 per cent, of actual valuation of property. We offer such loans as the following: Amt." I Time. I Kate."| Acres. I Valuation. HOO 7 ~ 160 i!,(IOO ;>00 5 S Bld'g*Lt' s 11 ,200 f,UO 5 . ' 1G0 2.500 And many others equally as good. For handsomely illustrated Hand Book and full information , apply to Eastern Office, 4U Water St., Boston, Mass. A. E. ALVORD. Manage r. The American Investment Co. A Reliable Home Co. Bonds, Western Mortgages, Full}'Guaranteed. CHOICE SECURITIES FOB INVESTORS. Full particulars at our Office ,S Congress Street. Boston , Mass. D. 1!. SOi; T\v::LL, President. C. J. Ci LEASOW Treasurer. PARKER & CROCKER OF OSTERVIIXE Ilnve their usual lurge stock of PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDERS AND AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. We alse have a lot of ODD COATS & VESTS In small sizes, that we are selling WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. We keep a large and varied stock. Do not fall to visit our store when in want of goods In our Hue. PARK ER & CROC KER , OSTERYILLE. MASS. REAL ESTATE CO., BOSTON, MASS., Has earned over 10 Per ct. per Annum for Its Stockholders. New England's best Commercial Real Es- tatefor security. Slore than regular rates of Interest for a dividend. For stock and for pamphlets descriptive of Us Investments, send to FBAIVtt THACHER, Agent, Yarmouth Port, Mass. T^aper Hang ing's. GREAT BARGAINS. A LAIiGE STOCK OF THE Latest Styles of Ailiiic Paper Baiipis i.oril ' T!!. I niloet> and Picture 7>1onldiri2S , mailing iu'-[l:ir>! ii ^* th:m nny other t-tore in Boston. T. F. SWAN. 1'2 C' peculiar action upon the blood, the nervous system is given strength and vigor. , To obtain the best results Vegetine I SPRING MEDICINE I ¦should be used in the Spring. ' ' IF'P'nTT'n'PFnTflTTll IF Dr- Bulloc*'s KWney Remedy, Nephreti- u n r r l K n l l l 1111/1 cmi- The best for a11 kidney diseases. iDllUlIl1IlllJlll. geo pierce&co, i.«JJX 1J.1I JJ i IU \Jill! 3o Hanover St., Boston. WEAK ~ NERYE S n| I n Ar ^RHEUMA TISM Bua B B S T^r^0 blood. It dnvea out the lactic acid , whiiu jEr grrmn—mmi ^ ^ a m ti m -^m- - ^r causes Eheumatism . aurt restores the blood! tt-ggr ^^3 JnaMn s organs to a healthy condition. I'ia fiVfjy ^ H *^e toue remedy for llheumatiam . fil td^1^^ i€\# lS!£^£y^OWPL-A!NTS ^i« i \ !* L ^ J H vir ^ §1 T m the iiycr and kidneys to perfect bualth. Tto ^^ ^ S^ ^ ®l^ ^. '^V H Mr tonics, makes it the liest remedy for all "(e^rtfew^ ^ ^^y ^^^^ ^^ ^^F kidney complaints . ^^ ^^ ^ ^/ ^ DYSPEPSIA M§r ^>B _ PArKE' B CEtEivzCoMPOTJjroetren irtlienB ihe get^— _. _ 1_ ¦ Btomach , and quiets the nerves of the diees- m fiffl liniinn ssssstotteysr"curese?en*"• rn ^yy pu Ul 1U constipation € ~ * * 9 & ^ r ™ > EAIS SS U^^ itT CoMPomro Ib not a cathar - : Jij. "MalaxatiTe .giTtag-easyandnstnral acHoa tothe bowels. Begulanty surely fol- and Liver D.seasDs Rhe umrj,.m , Dys- Price $1.00. Sold by Druggists. peps,a,an,l ail affecfons of tl» Kidney. . WELLS , RICH ARDSON & ^Pro D'S Seaiieal days ago Lee Mackey was plowingon the farm of C. S. Maxwell, near Buffalo Village, Pa., when he stopped to dig away the sod about a stump. As he pulled back the first flap of grass he was surprised to find underneath it a flat stone, which evi- dently hadn't got there by accident. Mackev proceeded to investigate, and was still more astonished to find that under the stone was a pot of shining gold coin to the value of nearly §3,000. Mackey resigned his job the next daj and left for his home in Greene County to enjoy the fruits of his good fortune. The money is supposed to have been hidden by Eobert Dryden, who many years ago occupied a cabin near by and was somewhat of a miser. James Eugene Hakvey, aged 14, an office boy, was brought before the Lord Mayor of London, charged with embez- zling $25. He had been sent to the bank to get a check cashed, and had absconded with the money. He said : "Some time ago I went to see Buffalo Bill's 'Wild West, 'and from that mo- ment I made up my mind to go to America; and as soon as I got the check cashed I started off, but, not having enough money to take me to America, I followed Buffalo Bill to Manchester, and have been at the show every day. I still intend to go to America, and, even if I shall get ten years for this offense, I shall go afterward." The State Capitol building of Texas was constructed on a peculiar contract. In lieu of money, the builders received 3,000,000 of land in a strip nearly two hundred miles long and averaging twenty-seven miles in width. The cost to the builders has been $4,000,000, which is more than the land was worth when they made the contract, but the increase in its value has been such that they could now sell out at a profit. Mk. Edwaeds Piereepout desires it to bo stated publicly that there is no foundation for the current rumor that his wife is the giver of the $125,000 to be used in building a new recitation hall at Yale. Mr. Pierrepont does not know who did give the money ; but he does know that Mrs. Pierrepont did not crive it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Price $1: eix bottles , $5. 'Wor th $5 a bottle. The Same Forever TheCross stands firm; no blast of time, No hurricane of earth'srude clime. Can shake its heavenly steadfastness, Or lesson its high power to bless. I look and livel The tidings from that tree of love Are still God's message from above, Telling, each hour, of cleansing blood Andpointingtothe upward road. I hear and liveI Still does the Christ His face reveal, His well of living joy unseal, Still telling of His love and light, His meekness, majesty and might. I come and live! Still waves life's tree its glorious wealth, Laden with everlasting health; With fruit and leaf Divinely fair, And immortaiity still there. I eat and livel Still from the rock the waters burst To quench the weary spirit's thirst; Who drinketh once will drink again, Who drinketh shall not drink in vain I drink and livel —[Bonar THE CHANGED HEART "But how can I hslp being neglected and miserable, Ned? You scarcely look at mo when Mias Lovel is near, and she is your preferred partner in all things now. You walk with hor, you sing with her, you drive with her, you dance with her, and it makes mo very wretched I" '"Now, Mollie, if you're going to be jealous!' "I'm not jealous, N^d. If I thought you didn't care most for me; if I fancied you cared at all for any one else, I doa't think I'd remonstrate with you at all. I would just take off this," touch- ing tho diamond on her hand, " and hand it back to you, I'm not jealous, but you are not very kind to mo, Ned." "My little pet, you do not see things as I see them. One owes something to society, especiall y when one is at the seaside. If you would only remember that I love you too well to find fault with anything you can do, and if you would become a little more of a society character yourself, I should be perfe ctly happy. Why, you scarcely tako the least attention from any one but me, and so many arc willing to offer atten- tions to you. Now, dear, kiss me once ; I must be off ; I am to drive on the beach with Miss Love! ; not jea lous, my pet?" "Not jealous, Ne.l, no;" and she turned from him, but without giving the kiss he had asked for. "She is jealous, though 1" the young fellow thought, smiling as he watched the pretty, straight figure going away from the nook in which he had found her, out to the stretch of sand, against which the waves were rolling, receding, leaving now a mass of seaweed on it, now returning and bearing it away— a very coquette of an ocean, now kind and now cold, and alway3 fair in the 3unlight. Ned Tremaine hurried over tho beach, whistling as he went, and ho presently caught up with hia affianced, who, in her pretty dress of cream and black, with the wide sun hat ushed a little back on her blonde head, was looking very beautiful and animated— and smiling in the face of Leo Stone, the most incorrigible male flirt at the beach. "Where now, Trcmaiue?'1 the latter called out, as with a nod he pursued his way. "For a drive on tho beach ; will see you later," and Ned had gone by, re- suming his whistle. Mr. Stone smiled a little and spoke a few words to Mollie. She colored slightly, followed the tall form of her lover a moment with her eyes, then gave a gracious answer, and half an hour later, when Ned and Miss Lovel met the pretty light carriage on the beach in which Lee Stone took his daily drive, they received a pleasant nod from pretty Moflie, who was hu companion, and who looked as though she was thorough.y enjoying his society. "She certainl y lost no time in follow, ing my suggestions," Nod told himself half in surprise, "and she had evident- ly found the society of Stone anything put boring." "What a handsome couple they make," Miss Lovel said, with a certain gleam in her steady, gray eye. Ned colored suddenly, but didn't quite know why. "Perhaps you didn t know that Miss Annes is my promised wife,"he said, a u. trifle coldly. "Oh, but so many engagements are broken in a summer at tho seaside ; one never minds that very much." tho lan- guid belle said indifferentl y. That night there was a hop at tho ho- tel, and Ned had made up his mind while dressing to be a little more at- tentive to Mollie ; but to his surprise ho didn't find Moilie Annes shrinking un- der her mother's wing as had been her custom. A number of old friends had arrived while they were at dinner, and they were about her, and while she l NC iKit, 10 rSprnrt ? St.. New York. State nann- an-l amount of your sto.:k. DIaim'aDiIIa 6reat En9lish G°ui an d Blair Sr HsSi Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box, ait round , 14 Pill*. HERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL. " SSST&SSS Improvement. H K RBKASl ) CO., Fre mont, O. Aff" to S3 a day. Samples «orxn $1.50, vh&£ Jb ¦ *Li nes not under the horse 's feet. Wrtto V\\c '\ [COI'YIUGIIT , 1S87.] ARE YOU SICK ? iiSfSlSmW8 of drcad- or o£ Im- &%&fe^r* or later> in" Do you feel dul, lanpid,.low-anirited, JLZTJ T L^' « Jm? I ?Sfa2S ^i ^« I» & » lifeless, and indescribably miserable, both Buffering from that most common of through tuat greatTblood-purifviiiK orcan WA^'asK ^ra^^^i!i°^ y! ffiss: ^ e«^SS bad taste m mouth, irregular appetite, diz- number and diversity of symptoms. No cleansing, strengthening, and healina %b£l 2 n£?8\.flreq <-"ent headaches, blurred eye- matter what stage it has reached. Dr. diseases. As 5n apr*tl"lng restorative sight, "floating specks" before the eyes, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tonic it promotes digestion and rmtri ^.ffia^was: i!osssss^s'isssnss"&s x^ss/lsy-B ^'ltk " FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIF E.9' Thorou ghly cleanse the blood, which is humor s, from a common Blotch , or Erup- ence Vinilpnt- Wnnrt ¦,«!.«,,. ~, v «.. f^ToJL^bX A^: ^^^r^r^&aS^ s^ kSS CtF^$ and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant short, all diseWs caused by bad blood 'ar<- Tetter E™ mf Frv^Ote t?VVTln * ^^ bodily health and vigor w* ^^^^^ U^r ^^a ^^^^ ^ f ^ Ooisen iteDiCAi, Discovery cures all cers rapidly h«n under its benign fnilu- G^trelor Tmck^l^and EntoledcSnds. aagsJBRSBEigF*Bg^-ag»**&- .»asnassttss»ss tun Genaemen-i'oT several years I have felt it took one bottle, but seemed •o KoK H«l ? V^ Rheumatism ^^"S Sjfi? -« haeUSS^SS: S^.^a^ tSS»^SH&il^^s? sg^s.^?»l«e%sasg^"Ss^,S'ajS3£snff &; ssssiisi? a^^ i^^H^^fs%??SsSs hands,causing the skin to crack open on. tho inside o£ the fingers I improved ; the rheurnatfem entire]? liSl S | ,7 S ? "**? gr,?atly at the joints and between the flnjrcrs. She was obliged to p.ur.ct almost cured, so that it ceased to L'w,,J* !,£ d he c*ta* lh '"a* the raw places by means of adhesive plasters,salves, ointments and enjoyed Cict'llert health tafm tto d^vt???= Oya°, c<;- S^^hM bandages, and during the winter months hud to have her hands return of either salt-rheum ^r rh«n^.^° thls -^ nd»1 1r?s bad ao . dresseS daily. The pain wasquite severe at times and her general Brems to have entirely erari Strd tfc S?*th£™ ? he P 1Bcovf r* health -was badlv affected, paving the way for other diseases to She is now over I gbtv• yel ira rid »nS ™ ^ h£S«.ft?m her 8?8terl- creep in. Catarrh and rheumatism caused a great deal of suffering extreme a-e e eDty 5cars old ' and \cry healthy for one of such In addition to the salt-rheum. She had used faithfully, and with I have written this lot+cr r.t ™r.- i , the most commendable perseverance,all the remedies prescribed see fit hopSg thatTsomJ^5iw^ch yoH <2m make P7 U8e * oxx by her physicians, but without.obtaining relief. She afterwards read it aSri Stfta!n re?tef^us?n£ v.?^'^^n U M 1 2?ig i 1 r, ?hanCe t( J began treating herself by drinking teas made from blood-purifv- -for 'Golden5^it is in ite^»7™ ?&} ^ Golden MedicalDiscovery* to! roots andiierbs. She continued this for several years nut de- the mult tude of ncStrums?mTK?^f^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ad <. as mJic?ab?ve rived no benefit. Finally,about ten yearsnjro.I chanced to rrad zealously:il lunted SSre ^thP r.nw, ^ a"= d \I5aten t meJffi &8%E£* RA£%& £emightshow mesomething; and then it seem^sthmigh?somo- I »'««"'"«¦ f time I. haveateo wed Dr.Fierce ' .Extract ^£^%^aJaZ\' ^ ^ ^^ e^ddo^ t-™ Jfry^"*1 or Water *¦**ta my I Gained | w^'SSS sSirs.rf ! On Sk fWorth Ml ^ ^W&&1» k^saai I9R Dnnunn I ftj ^wntes: When I commenced taking vour 1R.^.,. Golden Medical Discovery' and have been 1 1 3 rOUNDS.l Go\den Medical Discovery," I was not able to A BOTTLE cured of consumption. I am now Bound and I " " - " I vrork and wasa burden to myself. At thnt time I "» »""¦ well, and have only spent threedollars, and pounds. T ^ Sr^^ f tA ^^t&i j* * ™ *»***<*-hereI wa^* nOt * *^thOn88nd doUaM "* «t four or five if I dared to." X. w ean WsCovery $1.00,Six BoCtte. for »54M); »r MnwW* WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDIOAL ASSOCIATION , Proofs. No. 663 Naln St.. BUFFALO . N. Y. m ^Z^ THE Mfi ^ CHEAPEST | »» \*4*W AND iB&N& k. BEST 1 ^ ' MEDICIN E Bb%O»v7aBWfor family use I'fv'wSPr IN THE i»| 3w|9L WORLD! pHlililimB^ CURES ALL PAINS, 1 Internal or External. It was theflnrt and li the only Pain remedy th»t lnatantly stops the moBt excruciatin g painB . all»T« Inflammation and cures Coni?t*Uon!>, whether of th« Lungs Stomach , Boweln. or other glands or organ *. No matter how violent or excruc iating th« pain the Kheumatic , Bedridden , Innriu . Cripp led, Ner- vous, Neuralgic , or proatraUd with disease * may Buffer , RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford instan t ease. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Thirty to sixty drops in hal f a tumbler of water will in a few minut ¦ K TyS ^Pt rt Af__ £«|l> known. 11isreliab le»ndB»feto protect Potatoes, Oabb»g « , Cur- ^gjjlk JVJ ByV^ 2t ^°*N