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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
July 3, 1888     Barnstable Patriot
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July 3, 1888
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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B:u'MSt:il »l<\ Jottings I; \v:i~ iv:il ovcivoitt wi-ather Sunday. Mr. ,1-nni 's A. K liln'ilgo of tlio "Globe" w:i- in Host oil 1:ISI XV1H'''C- ' u< -:\i\ imiii 'i' "f (Miti'i'taininont under \-.nii ()Hi!! ami Yarmouth Port. Mr. Ktlwun l I'.aoon of New York is ,'ii ji>\ inu1 a l'rii 'f -I'ason in town. M:':-i aunt. Mrs. Abbie Seiuldor. Mrs . K. 1) . ( 'olih. with her sons Kieh- m-.I anil William, arrived on Sunday. \\\ ~ . Kearn ev aiul liie Misses Mason ,¦,. .¦! ^i. Louis :uv at Mr. Daniel (_'obb"s. >.i ¦— 'I'-.-i. i i>y N y.1 of Huston is here, a ;¦;:¦ • -: of her moiiier. Mrs. Hannah N ye. \;;~ .Inlia A. Havis , reeently from i' :.-.i!in. \V . 'I' ., arr ived here Saturday "¦ ¦ li-- llanuie Snow, daughter of Geo. >> ,, i\v . Ksi|.. of liarwieh , was a o-ue st of \| : .- l. ill ie S. Cuss on Thursday 'last. Mr. Cyrus II. Smith is taking down ].;. ni d i>:mi . and will ereet a new one ;..:, '; l unii er from the st reet. M- . Kii~-ell Mai I hews visited Broek- :, >:i aiii i Itosiou la>i Tuesday and W r.i i. i 'sday. Me-s]- .;. phinney iV Sturgis had three :;• : ¦ lii'i-si 's come by frei ght Tuesday :. ;i--rn. ">n. 'i.i-lrr I' ennie U'nie klry Alh'ii. of I' :Mekion. is vi siting his grand parents, ; ':. :¦' . and Mrs . 1',,-nj . llinekley. Mr s . Charles W . lh'dire and son ( !: ¦ ; '¦;. - n :v visiting lnends m Medtonl. :. ;, !,. ; !.. r p laees. ' I' ll: - Magie and (iuinevere will j iroba- ' : ¦ ¦. n'.ii - r tlie !tli of .Inl y regatta at ] ' • ¦ . • v i ' .ii i i i ! o w n . S. C:> rr of Cambridge was in ¦ "\ u ;.: — I ui 'i'l;. looking after his hay i :¦•¦[. . Air., upon liis j ,laee here. Wi n. Vii'ivo. Ksi|.. and niece, of Xew- ¦!:. N. -I ., were in town lasl week— ^¦i -si - ,¦! M rs. ltfliccca Otis . Mr- . Kebecc a Otis , who has spent tin* \\ '.:. ' ¦¦!• in 1' asi Sandwich, has returned :• ¦ iirr home in ihis village. M - . Ja m.- A. Kliiredg 'e. of the Globe i! ':. i- couiined \o his bed by a slow I. \" ¦¦'. ¦ . We hope to soon see him out Mr. Henry M. ilutehin? and famil y. \i. " have -1'¦ ¦ 11i t he winter in Sandwich. ;:.\v !¦¦ . ¦ ¦;urued io their former home in h:- villa- -.'. 'i'i. i - H owar d mansion is again open, ' :• ;.- ;n::l y having arrived from their ::; ¦:¦ lii 'iii' 1 in Kuil'alo. X. Y.. last "" ¦¦ havi ' UT.'ai j ileasurr m stating that ':;. !:, -v. John Will - was up the greater :: "I ia s; Sumlay and is now in a fair ¦ . ¦ •¦ ; • ' ! p i v , ! V' " . 'v . i- • .>iai;:c. Capi. I homas p. Lewis- \ ¦• - w-ill s > i n i: •- a part y for Provinee- n ; o-day. where she will participate "ne lib of .luiv race . !r. :.:¦.! Mrs. K. 1.. Kittredge. Prof. '. Mr- . (J eurge i.. isiitieii ge , and Mr. ; Mr- , lli vni K. Johnston, of Uoston , aii a! th i' Kittri 'dge place. l>s Hannah Peabudy. who has spent : ¦ ' ¦ than a vear among relatives and vi s in iLi sion and vicinity, returned M- . Oavi.l n.-iv -s -sl - .^ r \vo,'V. lames I. p .carse and daughter, of i'.-' dl 'or d. spenr Sunday at Mrs. a l.othrop '> : they will return to la^e -oon ti.r a 'longer visit. i. ille S. (io-- has commenced a of privat e lessons ou the piano rot. Carlisle Peiersillia. and will ;¦¦ :lie same through the snmnier. Andrew Patrick and daughter v. iih Marion Pennell. left on ¦ iv lor IJostou.for a short visit, and i- leave of the Captain who soon - ¦¦] ] :; vc.u jiv in the West Indies. ¦!¦• i!::rn-t able cat-boat Little Susie , ;. 1-M ward A. Clark, capsized in liev- ha'.-bor Sunday with a party of ten . on board. All were thrown into -ail liiiil thus saved from drowning. !!¦ ¦PA i inni '- ilag. bearing the names !A!:i:iSt >X and 'M OP.TOX, is flying .-- 1,'ailroad Avenue in front of the :•;••; K-i aJ iiishment. Tlie lettering done by "Veter an " Kodo lphus • ¦ noi iced the venerable Seth It. Phin- . ,-i gi-d .-oinewliere in the vicinity of '. -' ¦'¦(¦ ¦. mo wing last Saturday morn- !!• • ca rried a i;ood wide clean ;h and iii- -i roke was as vi gorous as o! inaiiv of the voting men of the >!•¦¦--!¦- . ii avid. Ciiarles and f reeman i, i:: i •:1111 oi I'm-tii u. Mrs. Charles Healey ,.! N ,-w lie .itord . Mr- . -I . o. A. Hol brook "I ---. i l:; i IN ) - - ,-in. and Mr. Lot 'Hawi- s of i >;. -•¦' . wre m town last week. t )ur niiiet viilage was shocked , on Wednesday morning, to hear of the sud- it'-n deat li. by his own hand , of Mr. Thomas Easterbrook , a man much loved by his fa mily and highl y esteemed by his neighbor s and friends. Two years !asf wintei , he was tlirown from his car- riage, and aff -r much tedious suffering a nd the Io-- of one foot and leg below i 'ne knee , was provided with an artificial diii 1 : but the loss never could be made up to hi m. obliging him to resign his lucra- tive business ami engage in one not eu- tirel v familiar to him. Inn-ing this time he often spoke of i rouble in his head and suffered great depressio n of spirits , which he could not control , these resulted in his taking earl y in the morning a large quantity of cor- rosive sublimate , kept in the house for destroying ants. All that the skill and knowledge of Dr. Kellcy and his friends wh ich could be done icis done , but all of no avail and he died in great agony dur- ing i ' ne forenoon. 'it seems to those friends who knew him so well, that , in spite of his troubles he must have had much in this life to make him happy : the high esteem in which he was held by every one must have been very gratify ing to him ; the •Treat love and veneration which the lit- tle nephew felt for "Uncle Tom" and which was abundantly reciprocated on his side, and the pleasant home and wife, now left so absol utely alone. We cannot pass over the affectionate tribut eof the teacher of his boyhood at school . "He was my best boy", always to be trusted and never giving me the least trouble nor .iiixietv. " The funeral was from his residence on Friday afternoon , and was attended by Itev. C. A. Bradley, the Universalist clergyman of Brewster and Yarmouth. Soiltii Yarmouth. Our schools closed on Frinay for the summer vacation. Capt. F. A. Crowell is spending a few days with his family. Miss Alice Holmes of Xew Bedford is (he guest of Miss Ilattie Crowell. Mr. A. C. White of Boston spent Sun- day at Mr. A. B. Baker's. The iiouse of Capt. Ohed Baker was recently broken into in the evening, and one hundred and fifty dollars stolen from his pantaloons pocket , which hung in a elo.set. Xo clue as yet to the thief. -Miss Maud Allen is" , at home from Stamford. Ct.. for her summer vacation. Dennis. We were glad to see Sir. William Sears- in town recently....Mrs. Barzillal Howes and itausnu-r, Miss Eliza , hare arrived at their mn,,.T r ™1 llien ':c after a long visit In Ports- TWkt' Y--iIr- ClarenSe Bassett, of Air r!r?«M S ,r»ei:enUy made a 8hort vis t at ¦iafc7hZ& z.i j -u;&SsS Ing relatives In Brockton....Mr. George Per- kins, of Sagamore, spent a few days in town recently.... Miss Cora C. Howes went to Bos- ton last week....Dr. J. F. Lewis spent Sun- day In town After a loRg and painful ill- ness, Miss Nellie M. Hall passed away on Sunday morning, June 10. She will be sadly missed by her man? friends—Item. Elyann is Cliins Orders for printing or advertising can be left at the residence of Mr. Goss in this village. 1he schools in district number sixteen closed on Friday afternoon with exhibi- tions. Both school-rooms were decorated with flags, (lowers and ferns ; on the black-boards were drawings by the scholars ; the scholars looked their best. The closing session of the primary school began at l.;H) P. M. About forty visitors were present, who were pleased with the exercises of the children. The parents and those interested in this school express much satisfa ction at Miss Cole- man 's discipline, teaching and the inter- est which she evinces in school and in pupils. FKOGRAMMK. Song, Buzz, Fuzz—School. Reci tation , Salutalio Ullletaries—Percy Lotlirop. Recitation , The Little Seamstresa—Rebecca Henry. Recitation , Old Speckle—Charlie Bearse. Dialogue , Our Flag—1 pupils. Keeltation , Old Hen and the Duck— School. Recitation , Madame Puss—Carrie Hat- field. Recitation , The New Mittens—Allen lirowH. Song—School. Recitation , The Boy for Me—Willie Ran- dolph. Dialogue ,The Sick Doll—Ella Jones, Ber- tie tj ooxitis , Cieraldlue Henry. Recitation , The First Letter—Llla Blag- den. Recitation , Willie's Speech—Willie Rob- bins. Song;—Alice andLillfe Robbins. Recitation , The Way—School. Radiation—John C."Bearse. Dialogue—Ten boys and girls. Recitation—Geraldin e Henrv. Recitation—Bertie (xoogins." Recitation—Alice Robbies. Song—School. Recitation—Millie Howes. Rcoltation—Millie Bacon. Recitation , Boy 's Rights—Bertram Gray. Dialogue , Mother Goo3e—10 boys "and irirlt". Recitation , Mamma's Help—Ella Jones. Song, The Sparrow and The Cat—Three girl *- Recitation , The Stars—Willie Sears. Recitation , Class Farewell—Winnie Ham- bliu. Recitatio n, Good Bye—7 boys and girls. Presentation of Certllicates' etc. Song, Rivulets—School. Pup ils in this school perfect in attend- ance during past term : John Bearse, Willie Piobbins. Pupils receiving certificates of promo- tion from Primary to Grammar School : ilolm C. Bearse, Winnie Haiublin , Millie Howes, Percy Lothrop, Bertram Gray. Miss Coleman's school closing at ;i o'clock gave those interested an oppor- tunity to visit both schools, the grammar beginning at :U5. Some of the interest- ing features of the programme were the proverbs ,recited by the school in concert , the musical drill and ealesthenies. Miss Pease, tile teacher , is a lady of culture and intelligence , under whose influence and trainin g, pupils with ability to learn and good intentions will be taught to do well , not onl y in regular school work, but will acquire also, much general in- formation and a fund of knowledge, of ntellectual and moral value. PROGRAMME. Sons:, Old School Bell—School. Concert Recitation. Recitation—Flora Bassett. Dialogue , The Rehearsal — Nettie Gray, Cla ra Brown , Is* Jones, Lizzie Baker , Har- vey Hart. Everett Jones, Winthrop Mitchell. Recitation—Susie Terry. Song—Carrie Crocker. Recitation—Eva Bacon. Composition—Eloise Crocker. Recitation—Chester Whelden. Geography—Second Claas. Song. Brother Robin—School. Composition—Jessie Collins. Arithmetic—First Class. Dialogue , Youthful Dissipation—Martha Brown , Jessie.Collins. Recitation—Clara Brown. ' Composition—Willie Collins. Music Drill—School. History—Third Class. Gymnastics—School. Song, Tliu Bluebird—School. Recitation—Eloise Crocker. Dialogue, Quarrel of the Flowers—Clara Jirown , Isa Jonea , Lizzie Baker, Mart ha Brown. Recitation—Harry Hinckley. Duct ,Giving—Jessie Collins ,Willie Collins. Reciution—Lottie Hiuckley. Sang. Swinging in the Hammock. Recital ion—Icxnbvoiche& FOE A DELICIOUS FAMILY BEVERAGE AND WHOLESOME TONIC USK Mason 's Botani c, Hop, Dandelion, Sarsapaiilla , And '.iher Extracts, prepared by NEWB ALL & MASON ,Nottin«- am. iii n fj. (B^TOne ij acent, Rottle makes six gallons of Cool , Sparkllnj,'TEMPEKANOE DRINK. If your (}roc.. --r or Druggist tlon'l have it write to NKWBALL & MASON'S U. S. Agency, 10 Drnari Street, Boston , Mass. Jlr. [I. V, '. Cllft , of Low-til , Mass.. writing of linker 's Great American Specific , says: "It is the superior of anything of the kind in my ex perience." The kliul Is an Internal and Extern..! PAIN DESTROYER. Think of i- iiytliln . a tinit gives you bodily pain , ana Baker's Great American Specific is ita remedy. Samuel A. Pierce of l'ortlan'I, Me., suys: "Our ships do not go to -sea without It. " This is because It is almost In- stanianeous in its relief of lameness, iore hands , and In healing bruises and sprains. If yeu have a cold , your wife the rheumatism , your child the colic, your lather swollen joints , your mother weak luugs, your brother a sore throat, or your sisters, your cousins, and your aunts are bruised , l»urned, or scalded , you have a whole medicine chest in a bottle of Baker's Great American Specific, which will cure all, and for only 50 cents. Prepared only by Maurice, Baker & Co., Portland , Me. Doolittle & Smith , 24 and 26 Tremout Street , Boston , Selling Agents. CAPE COD TRAINS. (DOWN) WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAY TRAINS. Lea.vk a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. Boston , 9.00 1.00 3.30 4.05 US T^JO 8O5 S. Boston , Q';incy, 7.44 Braintroe , S.34 So. Brnintree , S 39 3.54 7.53 Brockton , S 5S 9.35 1.34 4.15 4.41 4.51 S.OS) 8.49 Bridgewaier , 9.1S 9.50 4.37 8.27 Middleboro', 9.35 10.05 2.00 4.55 5 07! 5.16 i S.10 S.42 Rock, 9 44 B.04 1 S.20 So. Middleboro ', 9 50 5.09 | 8 26 Tremont, 10.00 10.25 5.16 1 I S.H S. Wareham , 10.05* 5.20 8.30 Wareham , 10.11 10.33 2.24 5.20 5.33 8.45 9.11 E. Wareham, 10.1G 2.27 5.31 5 43 8.51 0.13 Onset Bay, 10.21 10.41 2.31 5.35 5.42 8.50 9.20 0.34 Buzzards Bay, 10.26 10.50 2 40 0.00 5.47 5.55 9.01 9.25 9.40 6.30 Bourne , 10.53 2 43 >> 03 9.43* 6.33* Bourndale , 10 5S* 2.4S5: 0.09* j 9.48* 6.3S* Sagamore, 11.02 2.52 6.13 | 9.52* 6.42* Sandwich , 11.07 2 57 6.1S «.1O 9.58 6.47 E. Sandwich , 11 12* 3.02* 6.23* 10.0,'J* 6.52* W. Barnstable, 11.21 3.11 6.34 G.5.'! 10.12 7.01 Barnstable , 11.2S 3.18 6.42 6.31 10.20 7.0!) Yarmouth , 11.37 3.23 8.49 0.J0 10.27 7.15 S. Tar-month, 11.45 (i.4S 10.35 S. Dennis , 11.49 0.52 10.39 N. Harwich . 11.53 6.57 10.43 Harwich , 11.57 7 03 10.48 Pleasant Lake, 12.01* 7.07* Brewster, 12.08 7.13 E. Brewster, 12.13* 7.18* Orleans, 12.19 7.-25 Eastham , 12.25 7.31 N. Eastham , 12.30 7.117 S. Wellfleet , 12.37* 7.44* Wellfleet , 12.44 7.52 S. Truro , 12.51 7.59 Truro , 12.56 8.C5 N. Truro , 1.04 S.14 Provincetown, 1.15 S.25 (UP) WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAY TKAJNS , Leave a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Provincetown , 5.50 j 12.10 1 N. Truro , 6.01 2.22 Truro , 6.09 2.29 S. Truro , 643 2.33 Wellfleet , 0.20 2.41 S. Wellfleet , 6.25* 2.47* N. Eastham, 6.33 2.54 Eastham , 0.38 3.01 Orleans , 6.45 ' 3.0!) E. Brewster, 6.50* S.14* Brewster, li.57 3.20 Pleasant Lake, 7.03* 3.26* Harwich , 7.13 3.31 4.57 N. Harwich , 7.19 3.30 5.02 S. Dennis, 7.24 3.41 5 07 S. Yarmouth , 7.29 ( 1 3.45 5.11 Yarmouth , 7.41 7.22 10.32 3.58 S.28 5.22 Barnstable, 7.47 7.27 10.37 4.04 S.34 5.28 W. Barnstable , 7.55 7.34 10.44 4.12 «.41 3.3« E. Sandwich , 7.42* 10 52* 4.21* 8.50* 5.45* Sandwich , 8.09 7.47 10.57 4 27 S.55 5.50 Sagamore, 7.51 11.02 4.33 9 01* ! u.5G» Bourndule , 7.55 11.06* 4.37* 9 05* 6.(11* Bourne, 8.00 11.13 4.43 !I .12» 6.07 Bpzzards Bay, 8.10 8.26 8.30 11.24 3 25 4.53 9.15 0.14 G.2G 0,31 Onset Bay, 8.15 8.35 11.30 3 30 5.00 (i.SO G.31 6.37 E, Wareh' itm , 8.34 8.40 11.33 3.84 fi.05 6.35 6.43 Wareham , 8.23 8.45 11.38 3.40 5.11 6.40 6.50 S. Wareham, 8.50* 3.4G* 5.20 6.56 Treinont , 8.34 8.55 3 51 5.33 7.01 S. Middleboro , 9.03 4.01 A 7.09 Rock , 9.08 4.07 A 7.16 Middleboro', 9.04 9.19 12.07 4.25 5.55 7.14 7.26 Bridgewater, 9.35 4.41 6.07 7.30 Brockton , 9.15 9.30 9.53 12.33 5 01 0.22 j 7.15 7.49 S. Braintree , 5 22 G.39 ! 8.07 Braintree, 5.27 Qu incy, 5 33 8.14 S. Bos"ton , ] Boston , 950 10.05 10 30 1.10 5.48 7.00 ' 7.50 8.30 OLD GOLONY B. !L - OAPE 6QD DIVISION Takes effect MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1S8S. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ ^lSwihA : : #BMMm , % // of \\ • /' ^ '¦*"i!0 B*en>s aiitl toys' ? ^ RICH ARDS, ! • I j| |6ii0TJIIE]?(,|\ \\ Tio Eeliatlo dottier, // ? t \ > '¦ ' ;'. - ,,. •„,. ,. , „, J r/I \2S9 Washingt on St./ . . \a ^ ¥as! ^ l0il St f j l \ \ jes-Boys1 Clothing. // * * \\ <>. ¥D Evenings. JMr * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ^j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t Carpets! Carpets!! f^^H ^W OLD CORNER CARPET STORE'S ^ l^ffiS»^^^f ST0CK OF SEASONABLE GOODS ! Bi g Wilton Velvets, Brussels , a ^SBBIB llllllB ®m G&QWK8 &MB M&rmJMS. M ^^S^B- L^^ff Ml Goods Purchased Direct from Manufacturers. ¦ gf cSr* ^ ^ BAILEY & RANKIN , Prices guaranteed as low as money cau buy. Xo trouble to show goods. ^^ ^ T^ ^ ^^^ ^ S^S Comer Court and Hanover Sfeeets, - - Boston. Dr. Sweet IN BOSTON, 16 Union Park Street, The greatest Bone Surgeon of the present age also diflicult Chronic Dis- eases after all others fail. His cures of all forms of difficult types of lameness stand unparalelkd in any r.g-e. Read and write them if you doubt it. A few of Dr. Sweet's cures are respectfully submitted for contrast with any others with- in the memory of man. Watch this space closely every week. "XTO ?X West Woodstock, Cenn., -i> Y_/. «J. Jan. 4, 1.SS4. My Dear Sir: I desire to mention through the columns of your valuable paper, for the boneik of my neighbors,and especiall y those suffering from disease, that they may know where to go for help when all local means fail and death stares them in the face. Most every one has hea»-d of the famous Sweet family of uatural doctors for many years, and their wonderful power over disease. Well , after thrre noted doctors hud given my case up, or rather I had given them up, as I was continually growing worse, and probably should have been In my grave to-day if they had kept on; I ran across C. K. Labaree, " of Webster , whose wife had been almost miraculously restored by Dr. Sweet, who would have It that I should go to Boston and consult his doctor. So I went, placed ray case In his hands , and to-day what shall i'say to my ac- quaintances of my doctor? The least 1 can say Is, I would not be placed back a;;alu where I was when 1 applied to Dr. Sweet for one thousand dollars. Dr. Sweet is giving xclu(,lve attention to all diseases of long stamliug, and Is meeting with tlie Bame won- derful success that they do lu bone diseases. Cio and see him ! You will find him at 1C Union Park street , Boston. WALDO rillLUl'S. To the Editor of the l'utnnm I'atrlot. [Air. Waldo Philli ps personall y assured us that the foregoing statement was true In every particular , and is given voluntarily. Ills position In society Is too high lor any one to call In question what he asserts. He Isa wealthy citizen of this town, and Is above being influenced by pecuniary consideration. Editok or Patriot.] N. 15.—No cases accepted for less than a three months course. No room for trillers or speculators. Lady and gentleman assistants. Terms reasonable for first-class work. Cut this out. Cape Cod Invalids will be certain of finding ]>. SWEET at liis New Sani- tarium and Medical I nstitute , Hi Union Park St., Boston , Mass., every Satur- dav. Send the new.sto Invalid i'riends. YOUR HOI DEMANDS THE BEST! THE SECRET OF GETTING IT! Propose to any Agent who solicits your patronage for a PIANO OR ORGAN (don't, let him put one into store , its a dodge), that he shall pay your expenses to Boston , with the distinct understanding that he go with you and your friend , and examine six representative pianos or organs , and when all Is done that you shall be absolute!!/ f ree from any obligation to him , unless yeu choose it; or if you desire, for any reason , to buy of him, he shall by agreement get what you decide upon. You ask , •* Wh y so arbi- trary a plan? " litcaUNC its your home , jour family, your future and your money." Most agents sell for gains at the expense of the best In music, so their choice and price may be bad for you. Their patrons' choice has been limited to partizan Influence. I offer STANDARD, fi rst-class goods with THE Greatest Record ou Etirth ! From 5 to 10 per cent, under a fair price, and will pay expenses to Koston , by appointment with any buyer. Am I your friend or enemy ? L. SOTTLE, TAUNTON OR BROCKTON. JSP* I solicit correspondence. THE MARCELLILS DAY CO. (Successors to Day & Collins.) Manufacturers & Dealers in DrainPi pe This Pipe hardens with ago underground , does not Disintegrate by acids from sewag ; matter; Is smoother inside and the joints are stralghter than any other pipe In the market, and we sell at lowest prices. CHIMNEY PIPE AND TOPS , Square out-side, G and S Inch Itound Flue Inside. The only Chimney Pipe that WILL NOT CRACK. WELL PIPE, 24 & 3O Inch Bore. The only Pipe In the market that is made Especially for Wklls whose Joints are Whole, and not in Sections, and the only safe Pipe to sink In quicksand. Stone Garden "Vases at VEUY LOW PRICES (one fourth the cogt of Iron) JSTSend for Illustrated Circular. Office, 27 Devonshire Street, BOSTON. CETOURTERIVIS Before letting your services to any NURSERY FIRM If you want permanent and profitable ErVIPLOYf¥i EfyT. E. G. CHASE & CO, 23 Femberton Square, Boston. SUMMERRESIDENCE FOE SALE CHEAP. M A Delightfully situated (within reasonable distance of churches, schools, etc.,) large two story House, In the best of order , together with outbuildings, in d one acre of land under and adjoining samp, Is offered for sale at a bargain. 10 acres 01 land in clote proximity will be told with the place, If deBlred. This presents srare oppor- tunity for a person desiring a firrt-class SUM- MER EESIDENCE for a little money, or for any person who desire a good home. There is a large Hen House on the premises with latest improvements for keeping a big flock of hens, if one desires to go into that business. Further particulars can be learned of F. B. Goss, Patriot office, Barnslable. BETTER IBETTER Is the motto of those that put together our HEW MUSIC BOOKS. PLEASE EXAMINE. Songs for Kinderg arten aud Primary Schools, (30 cts.) byGer- trude Menard and Belle Menard , who give us r>0 delightful little songs for the children. Song Manual , Book II, by L. O. Emerson , (40 cts.) A trul y progres- sive course of exercises and"songs,341 in number , in all the keys, and with explanations ; 110 are regular school songs. A valuable musical text-book. College Songs for Banj o, (81.) 18 merry and musical songs—all fa- mous onus, with banjo accompaniment, making a most attractive book. Classic Tenor Songs, ;si). 3G tenor songs of a high character, by 29 distinguished composers,giving a great variety. Such names as, Pinsuti, Abt, Hclmund, Gregg, Jensen, Godard and >.icolai , among the authors, indicate good and attractive music. This book adds one to our "classic"series, which now includes Song Classics for tow Voices, Bass and Alto. Piano Classics, Classical Pianist , Young People's Classics. (Price of each §1.00.) MAILED KOK IJETAIL l'ISICE. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston THAT HEADACHE which troubles you so frequentl y and makes your life almost a burden can be cured at once by KELLEY' S HEADACH E CUKE. No matter what kind of a headache, No mailer from what cause, No mutter how bevere, this remedy Is safe , sure and prompt. For men of all professions and for everybody. It has the endorsement of Physicians who prescribe It mul thousands who use It. VrW.e only 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Prepared by Drs. 1IULBKUT & KELLEY , I hysklans, Apothecaries, and manufacturing Pharmacists, West Dennis , Mass. For sale in Chatham by Dr. IJEXJ. D. GI WORD. Diseases Treated by Mail With perfect success In non-surgical cages i no matterwhat your trouble may bo you can get vtiluable informa tion by sending youi address with stamp to HERBERT E. SMAXL M.D.,Hotel Parthla,690 ShawmutAve..Boitoa PORTLAND STEAMERS », OLD RELIABLE LINE, BnfHIMjMI Desirable Route to S|i£yra iOLD ORCHARD BEACH, gSij SaiWHITE MOUNTAINS, aBFT'll and the SEA-COAST and «B9^tt5 INTERIOR RESORTS aK!*«*|f OF MAINE. Tlio clnpfant Stcnmera of this line will leave India Wh:irf, Huston, i-very evening at 7 o'clock. Coimcc- tlom niiulo at Portland with tho earliest trains of Grand Trunk, ltouton & Maine,Portland & Oeili-iiHburf;, Maino Central Jlailroxls, and all Steamboat linen runnine Kast. The trip 1 * aliout tiiKlit liours lone, atiordlnij txavellBn a com- fortable night'srest and freudoiu from the licit,dust, ami rall(;uiM>f railway travel. It laonoof tlibi'iuest Ocouii TriiiH on tlio Eastern Coast. LUCALFAItK Sl.OO. Through KxruralonUat** lotrrr thnn an v othur route. Send for circular. licturuiuf,luavo Portland at 7 p.m. SUNDAY TRIPS. Leave PORTLAND and BOSTON at 7 P.M J. F. LISCOSIB, General Agent. "MATCHLESS." J ^ sPr 11 ^ Matchless WITH KOCKINO BEAM. All Extra Piirts for MATCHLESS and IIOLBKOOK PLOWS. It will pay you to get circular and prices of all our good*. GEO. TYLER & CO., Manufacturers , 43 SO. MARKET STREET, BOSTON. fg GARLANDOii Stove Jf lp ^ ^^ Pnovj r.t. ' ~-~~Z^ * '^ SOLD'EVERYWKCV •SEND rOR CIRCULAR - W A N T ED ! WE WANT EXPERIEN CED PANTALOON FINISHERS , -IMMEDIATELY. HIGHEST PR ICES TO FIRST-CLASS HANDS. GITE BOSTON REFERENCES. FreelandXoom is & Co., 1 1 Harvard St., Boston. New Advertisements. ^gHflfek THE BEST --T j S S i u Spring Medicine kmmibBwW ~m- ^SSS^HSBBP Tarrant 'a qE^—^JBE * Seltzer Aperieat. ^9B_| R^ s °ld br Ttrrant a: Co. l ]r.i; ^U™ I* «nd Drugguu eTunrbaN GILA RIVER IRRIGAT ION COMPANY . 7perCnet. TMrty-year WaterBoDflx Princi pal and intere st payable In Gold. (Interest payable «em!-annually. May and Nov.) at the Central Trust Coinpany. New YorK. Send for circular giving full informa - tion. BATES BROTHERS, bankers & 11 Wall St., New York. BROKERS. $1OO » $3OO -.£?£_ working for ui. Agents preferred who can furnish their own homes aDd five their whole time to the buslceis. Spare moment* mar be profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cliies. B. F. Johnson & Co.. 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. ' For Sale. . . PROSPECT HOUSE, pirn - - fl Mf f j antly situate d on Main Street , M£n! i lllm Cb* }h*m> Ms8g- Can «*«¦• HUUyMmodaie thirty-five persona : ~^~^~^» will sell with or without tta ban.k I?, nd<—• One summer residence; ateo will sell my dwelling house on SenView St.: nine rooms , large stable, and balf-aere of land ; slso a two-tenement cottage. 12 roomi. one acre of land , and fifteen carriage!, new and Mcond -band. For price Inq uire of E. N. ELDKIDGE , Sea View St., Chatham , Miw. SOLUBLE PACIFIC 6UAN0 3|^_ Is undeniably the leading manufactured fertilizer no matt er what ^^| our competitors say to the contrary. _ MU_f_ At the State Fair held at Worcester ,Mass., in September, 1887. MBHftl The New England and Worcester Agricultural Societies awarded )i9B fe '^ SILVER MEDAL, 4__fl____E for "Soluble Pacific Guano," and also their DIPLOMA for £^__j____ Hjil the best exhibit of produ cts raised by the use of this old and re- J ________Eliable fertilizer. Tills was the onlj Medal awarded ) which B ________Rfect speaksfor itself. f_PSi!l^__ K GLJDDE N & CUBITS, Boston, Man,, JKg_>J ^ ^ H | ^g General Selling:Agents, ? !3 S U B 3 3 e m & PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. FOR SALE BT S. I. MORSE , Sandwich ; MELVL N PARKER , W. Barns table , HYANNIS BRANCH TRAINS , WEEK-DAYS, SUNDAY TRAINS. Dowx a.m. a.m. "p-m- P-m- p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Leave Yarmouth. I 7.41 1 11.37 1 3.23 1 3 58 1 6.49 6.40 i I I 10 27 5.25 7-15 Arrive Hyannla. |7.50 ) 11.45 | 8.30 | 4.07 |G.57 C.4S | | | 10 35 5.3> 7.23 Leave Hyannis. I 7.30 1 715 10.25 I 11.15 1 3.45 I 6.20 1 I S 20 I 10.10 I 5.15 Arrive Yarmouth , |7.41 | 7.22 10.32 | 11.25 | 3.5S | 6.28 | | 8.28 |10.18 | 5.22 Up a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a m. p.m. FAiRHAVEN BRANCH TRAINS. (DOWN) a m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. (UP) a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. Boston , i> .b 0C0 3.30 4.05 - Fairlmvon , 1 8.00: 9.30 4.20J s 8.00 S. Boston , * .= -5 Multapoisett. i 8.10i 9.39 4 37.£ "5 8.10 Quincy, •= ~ £ Marion , ; 8.10 9.48 4.54SH 8.19 Uraintree , £ >. -» ^ Tremout , 1 S.34 8.5; 9.57 5.10 ar. S.29 S. JJraiutrer. -"-I 5? 5.83lv. Brockton. s r = ! "= Middleboro ', 9.19 ^ >t 5.55 3 Bridgewater. oi = Bridgewater, t^' g Middlebo ro', «. >, Marion , 9.04 3-10.40 5.36 7.11 Braintree, ' "•§ 2. Miittapoisett. 9.13 -llO 5.i| 5 45 7.20 Quincy, ,J£ . o Fail-haven , 9.22 311.10' 5.55 7.30 So. Boston , o-g , S. Harwich , 6.56* 3.17* 4 47»>. South Chatham, 12.14 "2 3.43 « 7.14 10.57 5 Harwich Centre 7 00* 3.21* 4.53*2 West Chatham 12.22*.* 3 46*- 7.18*11.00*0 Harwich , 7.13 3.31 4.57 a ¦Chatham, 12.30 g 3.50 w 7.22 |ll.O5 £ Boston, ,10.05 7.00 7.50 £ B Will stop to leave Passengers from Stationa above Middleboro. * Will stop to leave passengers or when flagged. c Will stop to leave Boston Passengers and take Vineyard and Jtfantucket Passengers. e Will stop to leave Vineyard and Nantucket Passengers and take Boston Passengers. Trains will not stop where time Is not given. (See special poster for time of Vineyard and Nantucket boats.) J. B. Kendrick , Gen. Manager, C.H. Nye, Superintendent. Boston,Mats. Hyanuis, Mass. Geo. Ia. Connor , Gen'l Pass?r Agent. WAI POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowder never varies. A marvel of purity,strength and wbolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can- not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test,short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. EOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St.. N.Y. Furnished House to Let ! •Ml A Two Story House, situated ¦! l' ;U In Yarmouth Port, Mass., contain- U| U| Ing ten rooms,all nicely furnished. •JKo L The house is pleasantl y located, and has good wells of water and cistern. For further particulars inquire of BANG8 HALLETT , Yarmouth Port , Hay 1st, J888.