June 29, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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June 29, 1831 |
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A Remarkable Circumstance.—A bwiss
¦male servant , who lived in one of our
most respectable families in Hroadway,
had for some time been laboring tinder
an attack o( intermittent lever, shewed
symptoms of insanity last week and conse-
quently was narrowly watched by the
family. However, he disappeare d be-
tween Thursday night and Friday morn-
ing and notwithstandi ng dili gent inqui-
ry, no trace could be found of him till
yesterday morning when a fellow servant
hearing a faint noise in the sink , which is
thirty feet deep, search was immediatel y
made, and in it the maniac Swiss was dis-
covered and taken out. It appeard that
lie had attempted to commit suicide ; he
lind made a gash in his throat , and also
one in either arm , but the wmmds were
not deep enough to prove fatal ; however,
from the loss of blood and the effects
of disease, he was reduced very low.—
It is remarkable that he should have
fallen so far, and remained so long as
three days, witho ut food, and amid the
noxious vapor of the sink and have been
taken out nlive. He was immediatel y con-
veyed to the hospital , and hopes are en-
tertained of his recovery.— N. V. Ath<:
From the V.S. Gazette.
The impression for gentlemanl y and
soldierl y deportment , left by the Hoston
City Citiards , on the recollecti on of our
citizens , is favorable to the members of
«li e company, and thousands mingled in
their farewell a hope that acquaintance
thus forni'.
'd might not be wholly lost.
Massa chusetts Leg islature. —Th e Leg isla tur e of
thi s Suite , whs prorogued on Thursda y lust , to
llio Tu esday next preceding the fust Wednes day
¦of January next. The Ciovcrnor infonnrd th e
Le gislature that he had approved of sevent y three
Ad s passed durin g the session. The pay roll of
tin: Senate ninomitcd to
nVill—that of the
Jlouse , to £2H ,1»58—resolves pas sed au thorisin g
(he (io vcrnor tu draw his warrant upon die
Treasurer for the navment of the same.
I he approaching .Nati onal Aneiiversary , w ill
lie celebrate d in Unriisiuhl c. The Hev . Mr .
H ersey will deliver an Address , fi nd other np-
propi inte services will he perfor med in the Knst
Meeting Mouse , to commenc e at eleven o'clock.
A Din ner will hi: provided by Capl. W aller
Clii pmnu , nt 51 for cncli person.
The citi zens of this mid the nei ghbourin g
town s are respectfull y invited to partici pate in
(hi s celebration. Gentlemen intendin g to pnr-
Inke of the entertainme nt nrc requested fonsscm-
tde at the house of Capt. Chi pm an 's at 10 o'-
1 lock , A. M.
i'er order of the Committee of Arra ngemen ts.
R . A I.NSWORTH , Chai rman.
linrnstnhlr . J une 2rt . 18:<1.
In this (own , 011 Sunda y evening last , by llev.
Mr. Ili rscy, Capl. Kiuihal l K. Smith , of Ui'.lli-
more , to ft'lis « Ma ry , daug hter of Capt. Tho uias
1'ercivHl , of this towii.
In Siindnich , by Itev . Mr. Goodw in , Joh n
Whit ney, K»i|. Coun sellor ill Lnw , of (iicr i t Har-
ri ngton lo Mix * Lucy Alle n , of Sandwich.
In Boston , on Sunda y evening lam , (.'a pt. Wil-
liam Lo rin g to Miss Julia A. Nye, both for merl y
of t his town.
In Charlc slown. Royal L. I' orter , F.sq. editor
«f the American Traveller , to Mis s Surah Ann
In this town , yesterd ay, Ol.iv e, wi fe of Mr.
TmoTHV P lllNNK V , Jk. agciM3 yi-nrs. Fu ner-
al from the Inte residen ce , thi s day, (Wednes-
da y) nt fi o'clock , !
'. M.
In Yarmout h , on Monday lust , widow Pa tience
Eld rid gc , ng**d 02.
In Ostc rvil le, a child of Capt. Joshua Lovell ,
nged 2 years.
In Chr <|iia<|iirttA , Mr *. Ames, wife of Mr.
Thomas A. ngrd 00.
In I'rovinretown , Mr . Thomas Small , nged 72.
In liojton , Geor ge Alex ander Otis , Jr. Ksq.
aged 2«.
In Por tland , Samuel Frre mnn , E«q. nged P8.
lie held a respectabl e rank turnin g the active
mid influential men of the town for nearl y half
a centu ry , ami filled various offices of public
Ir ust mid honor. He had been quite feeble for
some time past , but retired 10 rent ns usual 011
Frida y ni ght , and the nest mornin g was found
In Baltimor e, 17lh ins l. Miss Lucin Flail,
(la ug hter of the lute William Hall , of Bellows
Fall *, Vt. This amiable and trul y pious young
lady, was on a visit to her connexions in th is
city, in the hope of improvi ng her health , which
had for a consider able time been impaired bv a
pulmonary affection , which thus carl yha t con-
signed her to the tomb . But the purit y of her
life affords a consoling belief th at she hns e*.
chan ged this for " ano the r and a belter world "
— [ Halt. 1'at rial .
, In lilooinfield , Me. Mr. Jona than Davis, 82, n
soldier of the Re volution.
In Killing worth , Ire land , Mrs Isabell a Cut-
coign, 86.—Tho ugh the great nor th road is not
three miles distant , she never saw it in her life.
She was the youngest of a large family, nnd died
in the same bed in which she was born . She
was mother , grandmother , and great grandmo-
ther , to a numerous progen y. Upwards of 100
years ago Nathaniel Pun shon gave the cotta ge
to her nintlier fnr her tiff.
j v «l ur UAKn MAHL K ,
r oLL »«A--THi sDAy ,(Wtdncii 'y; 1 <> 'd' k54 in
if '
rwTrCl!r Emelille> Taylor, from Cape Sables,
1*: Vke.schr Saucho, Chase, 1000.-
Cf «rlct EdmuDdion, Kelley. of Harwich.
Om Hu
". Boston.
26th-,loop Jame, Lawrence, Boston.
24th-MemnSer, Halleit, Boston.
26ch~-*l°°P Be«*ey, Bourne,do.
"Volant , Huckins, do.
on he tttb w,,h ,„„ of (otemw>
f and mM( ofbw
ri n r.Anri. piiiA , June 2fc .—Arr. ship Iha mes ,
Tucker , fr om London via I'lvmouth , loth May.
Al? o arr . bri j Columbian Remmingfon , S days
from Ha va na. Shi p Louisiana , Oli ver sailed j
days before for Hambur g. Bri g Uliitna , Hi tch-
cock , lor Matan xns and Boston.
Also arr . seh Susan , Mn thew s 23 days fin.
St .Tnpo do Ctib n. On the 4th Jun e took on" of
Key F ranc is , the officers and crew of the sch
Mary Stewa r t, of Baltimore, wrecke d on the
31s t Ma y, nt midnight , on Key Fran cis , Th e
M S. was from Cape Hflytien bound to Haiti-
more , with a enrgo of colTcc &c—vessel nnd
car go lost. The undersi gned , wrec ked on 31st
May, at midni ght , on Key Francis , in the «ch
Mar y Stewart , of Bal timore , ret urn th eir sincere
thank s to Cnpt Nath 'l Mnll u ws , of the sch Su-
san of Hust on , for his humanit y in Inki ng- us oil'
of a deser t island , and for his human ity to u»
whilst on board. Kdwnrd I I. Alfr ed supcreni-
go, Jame s Fooks, master ; Tli os. Chapman ,
rt «n *A n-T llin Crll MlirV S l e W l lf f
[Hy the last i\ tslcrn Mail ]
BOSTON , June 2."».—Arr bri g Mallar y, Mow-
ley, F.nstp ort .
Came up from Quar antine , bri gs Hud , Fair
Ameri can, Lad y Adams , Surah ic Lsther ,(ieorj;e ,
and sehr Franklin.
2(ith—bri g J ohn (}. Adams , Lawrcns on , New
Orleans , 2d.
I ndependence , Weeks , Norfol k.
Argonaut , F.ldrcd ge, do .
Came up from tj o'irnntt uc—bii g Ann , from
Pal ermo , A pril 17 . Left , brig Curlew , Ro gers ,
Ho stoii , next day. J^pok e, May 1st bit 3 S l - 'J ,
Ion 3 1-2 , oil' Ma jorca , bri g Cherub , 17d u \ s l 'ui
Smyrn a for Boston,
Arr nt Providence , 'X l h , sehrs Topaz , Rider ,
fin New Oi Icons ; V ictor y , and Ren icve , I'.iim
M achin e : Sull y Hope , nnd Kxchnngi ' , lio»ton ;
Ceres , Morning Slur , Mar y , and Hope k. Pile-
be , f>Hti gor ; Hun ter , and Relief , ( iardiiu -i' ;—
Friendshi p, a nd Hope k I'lu be , Sac o ; Oli»e
Rianch , H ath ; Mary, Kemiebec.
Newport , 2-tth— air sloop (icrlrud e , lienuis ;
Patriot , Boston , for .
New V01 U , with bomu of her
sails spl it .
Wirk ford , 24lh— ar srhr Fair Poll v, fin Sn co.
F ull River , 26lh— cl' d schr Kcho ,
Heed , Bos-
Portland , 2.r>lh—ri d bri g Susan Jane , Norris ,
H avana ; ulir Milled gi ville , Hostcn.
Ken nebuiiU , l'.Kh—ar rived , schr Washi ngton ,
Brinvn , Huston .
Sneo , I Sth—inrsi hr Poll y, NicUers on , Provi-
dence: ; Mercui v , He iisou, Hu ston.
Ntw Orleans , J une 7—Air >hi p Azelia , New
York. William HolniPs was washed overboard
and lost in the gulf stream.
June 8, Sappho F.a sterhro ok Liver pool—schr
Ciithartne , Nichelso n , Boston,
Cl'd at Fredericksb urg, l!2il, schrs Two Sisters
Sii uthnrd , nnd Haiiel , I
'usl , Hos toii.
Cl'd at Mobile , lllh schr Henr y, Kmer y , Bos-
ton , sloop J ackson , Hod ges do.
At Mo bile 12th iust. bri g Harriet , and sch r
He nry , for Huston 2 ds.
At Rio tii nude In igs Holl y of Boston , load-
ing for Mont evideo ; Halc yon , for jN. Vork , 2
Baltimore , 22d sailed schr Mento r Smith , St
Ar r nt nich monil , 'J'Jlli, schr Rac hel &. Ly dia ,
At Anx Cavs , r>th inst bar que Four Sons , dis
ch'g ; Brig lieorge Henry do.
Ni:\V VORK , June24. —Arr schrs Post Hoy,
Ilallow ell ; lleni y, iiikI Tre mont , Boslnn ; Wi n.
R.iker , and Brilliant , M urblehead ; Mar y , Yin •
moutii ; Wntch m.i n , North Viinnouili ; sloops
lOiiterp risr , Boston ; Cllib , K Jli Ipn^ruo , flii p
Aliltu u , 'i- hours from New XiirU for Liver pool.
May 17th , lal :i'l , Ion <>!» 1-2 , Uii p Robin Hood ,
2li ds fin Liver pool foe Chn rlesioii.
Mnrch .
'J ls t , Io n rx», bri g Velocity, Bro oks 85
ilt I'm London for Val paraiso and Lima .
ll lh i nst. ofl" Pun Malnu zas , bri g Sabra , from
Hii vloii for N Orleans.
June 1ft , (' ;ipp Ciirnnveral \V.N\S' 111 leagues ,
bri g Two Friends , of Boston , fm Ma tan zas for
ll.iinhin g.
H uh iiitl . 70 mile s K. of Charleston shi p Lliza
L Alib y.
lid iimt bri g Willi am O>borne , 8 days from N.
Orleans for Liverpool.
\>J.ti ult . |at ^3 lon .
'«>, shi p Vork , New York
for Liverpool.
)->ili ieiK i, Cape Florida W. 6 leagues , ihi p Pa-
ton for Boston.
The bri g President Manning, from Wil ming-
ton N. C. for Jnma cia , was wre cked nt I lenea
gua on (Iie 2'
.»th M ay, the cit pinin and crew eirr.
at Naf sau on the 8th of June. The bri g Kliza-
Paluicr , fr om Cha rleston for N. Orleans , was
wrecked nt Abnco on the 2d June , the caplui n
ami crew arr ut Nassau on the 8th Juue.
Bii g Agcnora , Da vis , of Pro vidence , from
iivw York for Savannah , wen t ashore nenr Ty-
bec 'Li gh t on the I lib. Capt ain 1). and crew
had succ eeded in getting out most of the ballast
¦nd ho though t siie might be got off if the weath-
er proved favor able. She had 4 feet water in
her hold.
Th e schr Bashaw , of Boston , has been totall y
lost on the Island of Crin. The trew rea ched
Sisal in the boat on the 2!>lh April.
f t 'rcrl; of the ich . llnptil. —A letter wns receiv-
ed in thi » tow n by Robert I ' plou , Ksq. on Satu r-
day evening, from Mr. Alfred Curtis , of New
rk ,slaliug that he cleared the sell Ra p id , John
Fisher ma ster , for Nassau , .V P. on th e 27lh of
Mav , for which place she sailed on the 28th. —
Feaii ng as Mr. Cti et is does that the vessel tow-
ed into filoucester is the one he cleared , the fol-
lowing is the descri pti on of the schr Ra pid , crew
a nd cargo—Said vessel is K1 tons burthe n , high
deck : built at Ncwbern , N.C. of oak , mulbe r-
ry, and ha rd pine, it 0 ye ars old , the name on
on lu.r stern i* Rapid of New York —she had a
chain cabl e CiO to 05 fatho ms , intended for two
cables: had bu t one iron hawser pipe : new
cooking stove and galley : a new foresail of col-
ton duck : n new square sail and other sails
newly repaired : her bowsprit and jib boom vrry
long :—her decks looked old with wide icaius
ha ving been calked in the West Indi es-
The names of (he cre w were —John Fisher ,
Mas ter ; Charles Curtis , Supcrcaigo nnd own-
er of the vckscl and car go ; Jo hn 1'elly male ;
\Vm. Th ompson and Joh n Ross , Seamen , bel ong-
ing lo Massachusetts ; James Spencer , Cook
(bl ank.)
Her carg o was princi pally a« follows :—About
100 boards 30 join ; 7 bbls pri me pork ; 4 bbls
li quor? ; 22 t runks and two boxes shoes and
boots ; 10 bbls Flour ; 2 doz Chairs ; a few
Ha ms ami Che eses ; lot of Fanc y Hard War e ;
Read y u.nde Clothin g ; 6 bbli Tur; 8 boxes Soup
and Candk'i
The re ii no insurance on vessel or car go. Mr
Curtis ex presses his fears that the Capt. nnd
Supcrcae go hnve been murdered . He has known
Capt Fisher for 15 years , and hat the utmost
confidence in his integrity. The Supercar go
was a near relat ive. — Lutx Rtg-
Bass River 22U—arr fcthr dolphin , Boston. Tor
Al ban y ; sailed , schr Sally Hope , do for Pr ovi- I
deuce .
At Harwich , ISth—sehrs Success, O. Bunk ,
JK .tt io lish , 7 we eks ; 22d , Eas tern Star , F red -
erick sbui-f for Boston.
Provi dence —nrr schr Onl y Daugh ter , Ban-
gor ; Premium , I'm Boston.
Philadelphia, I.Sth—•cl 'if , brig Dod ge H eal y,
Wa r d, Mobil e ; Mexican , Pepper , Hartf ord .
Ne wber n , 10th—cl'd , Alexander , Shaw , (iien -
Sn vnnnnh 10th—nrr shi p Gen Ha milton , fin
Pr ovidence ; brig Pil grim , BoMon.
Washi ngton , NC . i»th—cl 'd , sch Proxy , Conk -
lin, Boston.
Al exnndiin , J une Itiih—arr stenm boat Poto-
mac , from Norfolk— Left , bri g Mcsseiigtr , and
Sop hia Jt F.lir a , u neer ; schr Virg inia, Balti-
more , 8—sa iled , liith , brig An telope , Howe rs ,
I fit h—saile d, bri g Swan , A t kins , Halifa x.
Norfolk , l.'lih—an - schr Rachel & Lydin , nnd
Maria , from Ho>i,)ii .
Nth — nrr schr Caroline , Jones , Richm ond for
Boston—den ied , schr Planter , Hull , Wes t In-
dies .
Ham p ton Hoa ds—'sailed , brig Lucy Ann , for
l"tt h—cam e up, Hr . brig Ward , from Boston.
Liverpoo l , Ma y 1i>— saile d , Waverle y, Rart-
lett , HciM nn :—li ith , cl'd , Olive Brnnch, Ha rd-
ing, Sava nnah; Shepherdes s , Cook , N Orle ans ,
I'p, bii g Diamo nd , Todd , Hoston, posiliveh
2iilh —llo pnrlh , Allen, New York 'Jtllh—Del ia,
Wood , do 22d—bri g Atlas , Adams , Huston , tin e.
At London lt> (h May, bugs Sarah Derrick ,
Chirk , Boston , liith —Minerva , Cowen , do 111
days—He inld , Don ne , do. 1,")th May.
Pallau , 2d M ay —I '.j iza Ann , Uamic oat , from
I' .lsineu r ith—l - .nvoy, Bln t kl er , fin Hos ton—-
Mari a Thcre sii , ( iiilord , Nau inu nh.
llambiu g Slh—\\ ' oli;.i , Nickers on , M alnnr.ns
—Ha rriet , Cook , Charle slon—Ca mcn , Sawyer ,
llnvnun .
Hilboii , April 28—Sil.vbee, Ilarlow , New Lon-
don. _____
Siilii n , 21 st June —arr bii g Cnrolin c , Bro oks ,
Rin tirande , April 7th.
Ports mouth , 20th—arr shi p Sar ah Park er ,
(l oodwin , fm Li verpool , l!>lh nil.
Pio »idence , 2;'lh—belo w, shi p (irn litude ,
Child , New Oilen ns .
Poiila nd 201 h—arr schrs F.xelcr , Louisa , nnd
F.i'ho , fimii Hus ton.
B(Hli , 2(i|h—nrr schr Boston , fin Bosto n.
Phila del phia H»th—cl 'd , bii g t.J eor g iann , for
Boston .
Balti more , Slh—below , bri g Ajnx , Ba nks , N.
Orleans —cl'd , schr Ha rvey , Snow , for Munle go
Ri chmond , 17th—nrr schr Ki ng, lloston.
Ch arle ston , 13th—arr shi p Win Hruwn , Tay-
lor , Rotterd am , •Mi ult. Hlh inst hit HO , Ion 7'.',
exchanged si gnals with shi p Dromo.
Al Havana , Kth , Lad y Adams , for Boston ;—
mIiis Nan cy, Me rrill , dis 'g ; Mary June , Dyer ;
Win Harris , loadin g.
At Mn tau/ .n* '.lull insl. .shi p America , Ht Pe- |
tei.-buig, soon ; Betsey, Hod ges , Bosto n; Sa-
rah Mae in , Shaw , do ; Two Friends , (iniy, llu- ,
vann ; Fair Ainericuii , Portl and . 1
Philadel phia 20lh—air schr Favorite , Berr y, ,
New Oi lemiK.
Baltimore , ltf ih—nrr schr Men tor , •Smith, Si.
Th omas. ,
Richm ond , 17th—sc hr Caro line , Scnrs , Sand-
New Orleans flth—nr shi p Ol ym pin , Ham- 1
mond , Havre ; bri gs Deltn , and T' livariuo , Bos-
ton °, Neptune , Portland .
At Ha vana IOih iust. bri gs James , Burr , for
Warre n , Kdu ys ; Juno , Mn y be rr y, Boston, lon(U
ing ; Oscar , nnd Mor o, Portland '
, une.
Pioviilence , 2'ld—air schrs Nelson , Mnichan t
New Oi leans .
!ih— sniled , Kchoo ner s Convoy ,
(" ioi m'II , llali liii; (jih'donia , Hoslon.
Richmond , 18th—arr sehrs (.'harks , Ros ton ;
sailed , srli rs Ki ng, and riio mnslou , lor Host on.
Wilmington , N C. Klh—nr bri g Ch arles ii Kl-
len , '•ii nyiuiiii , via New York .
Cha rleston , Hlh— nrr bri g Stran ger , .Il ull ,
fm |
N OrlentiK.
Mobile , Ciih —nrr bri g Agenor a, New York ;
schr Pl y mouth Rock , BofI oii.
Hlh—nrr sehr Angelina ,Tnmpiro.
At Havana , lllh in sl. Khi ps Richard , Hodges ,
Boston , next day ; Plato , di sch' g ; Allan , load-
ing ; Shy lock , for St Petersbur g, 10 ; Lucy Ann ,
do do ; A genora , Hi Petersb ur g, loading ; Cri-
terion , l(o»lon ; Talimnan , llnmbur g, cle ared ;
Mariha A nn , Boston , do ; M alildn , for Ma r-
seilles , 4 ds ; M ary Jane , for Hoslon , loadin g—
f niU.'d, lllh , Juno , Murb ur y, Huston ; Laurel ,
Hus ton , via Matau/.a s
Bri g James , Wales , of Boston , from Kington ,
for New York , was dismn sted in the lh A ptII.
Al so nr bri g Arelhusn , FJlis, Rolterdnm , Dili
ult. I,ell , lili es Kli/.abelh , of Boston ; Oscar ,
Baker , of N Yolk.
Brig Mii ntilln , fen Cnrlhn grnn , 17; schr , Hi-
ram , Bullies , M niite go Bay, 17 . OH' I lall cras ,
passed Ini ;; Clu'idUee , Bosio n for Cliarlr nlou.
Schr Ale rt , Kuo wles , A palnchicnln , 1 I ; Ad-
venturer , Boston ; Compeer , p.nslporl ; Olive ,
fm llalh.
('r d , tichm Deli ght , Smith , St Domingo ; Jo-
Kcp hi uc , (' rowell , Halifa x ; ( Bnildin v< . with nhon t lirtec -
liun drrd feet of SA |YP/*'OH KN, nnd rich'
i»'ie < «. f LA N DJwclU fnAted for Salt Work * .
^ui.l lluil.lu ^ s , Si/t \W1B1nd Lnnd , lying in
Il ynn uis , in the s/utlianj
#of Bnrnstnble.
Said Salt WiJ ,j nwTilHuit livn yrnr« oliK
niul in good rep^r , witli lhe privilege of « g(»oii
sal t piiiul for sniil wmUs.
For tur ner pnr licular s , plea se cull on the
sn bM iib ei , 01 M essrs. H.win HiNCKt.V. V, or T.oi
<¦•'" ¦¦m-.ii. ALHI '. R T H I N C K L F . Y .
llM iuiii s, Apiil 2.*
i, IS31 if
j oiiN.r ;. MrMi innAY,
¦J ^TO. V.
) Kxch angi: tlr cel , lio*lou , Cfi ve doom
J.^1 south of Dock S«|iiurc »inie 011 hand , urid in
consliiiill y iiian ufnctiiiin jLwiJ khes of every de-
scri ptio n, whi ch he offers T>r sale 011 the most
renxonable terrn». A
Cotton , Woolen Manuf *\r y nnd Machi ne
Bru shes of ever y dcsi.ii j/ t/n ,\adc tu orde r and
warrant ed to u2 eop3moii.A
N J'J »V.VOItK~ *7/j O ,
" r "" •¦ I' ri<\wl O o'clock , A. M.,
lod ge at Wor xlsiock , and uJjM a in Harlfurd in
season for the honl n. M
Mi ni — New Vorl< .Ma il %
j\ leaves every day ,
nt i anrl 10 o'clock , P. M.«ii)i\arrives in Hurt-
fold nex t day, 2, P. M. Far e lo N. Voek gH ,V) .
F. A. JWLIJN U .-3 , /J eatt.
BoU on , IS.'iO. if
JOUR NAL of Litera ture and the Ar ls—
published regidiir \/very other Saturda y,
by Joicph IV. J. Nilt ', jto. 4, Pr ovince Home
Row , opposit e the head Jf \S\i\k-ntii:
i:l , fi oflou.
[i:7*'I'crm s— j $:t per y/er,\ pay able iei udvnnco.
"/ Subscri pti on* luctivcd iitihi * ofllcc.
June 27 M
N O T I C E .
Till", re npp oiiilineiil of>TnlK.S7icri//' for this
(' oi nit y, having reren \|^ alu-n pliiro under
the piuvisioi m of nu Act pasKd Mnrch 17lh ,
183 1, nnd us he him not dectnff] it proper to re-
appoi nt me ns Deput y, I BouM ieiforiii my
frie nds nud the public thnt i jf u h ^
qualified to
«er ve, iih ( .'o+iMable , all Wr W fflflrl' reccp ts thnt
such an ollicer is authori/.cd by Inw to serve.
- nnrnslnble , J utic2l , 1R3L
M ^^^
W ll.l. Ui'ep con sliinll y on hand and for sale
I I U N N I M i R Kit ; I N O ofnll»i/.e»,
retail. —(Ja nok or Rmkiin o , Ca« (.ks , //aw h -
kiih , k<:. from th e iiianufnclor y of Josi nli /(<#!»-
binir , i;«r|. of Plyiii uiiih , will hit funilshwl In any
• quan tity nl hhort notice , nud on liberal tcrni i,
by app ly in g us above.
March V, mi. f
N O T I V K .
Till''. Kiil mciihcrii hav e fiiriiied a copnrlner
shi p nud will tniiimicl Co,ilM l8|ON IIUtlMISH a ,
under the firm of .
No. 'I , 4^entn/l wharf , Boston
iVrAck h(;iiddkh
j awk3 huckinh.
FOR SALK —2 M. CKI1A11 POSTS , and
RAILS. / /
20 M> S|>ruce ani//Icn/ock J '/M HKB nud
JO/S'P , 7 [
90 A'- ''"" ¦ ¦
(l l' n att tit a v -^/
weSccSt*»1***^1 "» ^*-*• _Jin i.i»iirl.
rj ll l l'- subscribe r would inform the pub lic ,
J. (ha t his J\t iti inc Itaihi 'iii/ , n l die Nar rows
in Wurcliiu n, in now read y llu the rece ption nl'
Vi-.flsM.s , of nny size t)udu ^!00 Ions—o n the
followin g lei ins , viz ;—J j ^ M
V' v.kh for haulin g oft iia^piincliing,includin g
nil expenses of lalioiiL^jpare tii'f iili/ mill per
Ion , nnd /fYf rcfj /.rpcr (Olljrai'li day (hut (hi) \ es
si I reimiimi on the) Wn/s. No Vcuscl will bo
charged for less llinn fo^v tons. Vessels
hniilcd mi l are lo In 1 delivered nl the ynrd
| f' Ow neiH of VcssiiIh wishin g repniin of any
kind, will liud every Ihing necessnry for conven-
ience! and despatch. —Carpente rs , (' milkers ,
Timber , Plank, Kne es, Tnr, Pil ch Bnrrels , die.
will be supplied if desired , nnd Blacksmith wor k )
by ii lii si rale workman , can be pr ocurod in the
yn rd. This Rail Wa y has llio advanta ge over
iiiUny nth ci'D , in th e convenience of workin g on
the bottom of Vessels , its nil the Wn yK arc re-
moved , giving a fre e passnge under the Vessel'*
bottom. 1). NVE.
; Wnrchiim , May 2, lfi.'M. .tirio
r > l l l l < Sulici iliers liavo itii nied a coniiexiort
_M. in business , under lte\l1rui of
nnd ha ve iiike n Store Nb. f>7 , ITonii wiiaii f ,
where llu v will keep con/tanllv on hand a gen-
eral nssii iiineiil of Il lf S V I. YIH. I ti () OI) S \
<;l{ ()( :i:i!li:s , VOIUhlUi: , ^r. lor supp ly ing
countr y tr.idcrs , and fiunis hiiig Fishi ng nud oth-
er Vessel s w ith Siores , which the y will sell on tho
must icnunnnhl u terms .
Hoslnn , Feb. M th , iH3l. ep is3mi|
simm: rw ifin,
"I RAl.l '.S lliid . ;p,,|'i Hcifll Twmv, nwuifd ,
•W 12, Is , •.! |, .,,,, 1 ;s,; |b—Jisl rrc ci\e«l Iroin
Londo n , an,I for side by lUf\ f nl II ' eeu/ner , No
'tl, Bro ad Mien , UdMon . I is&ioslf J 22
J j
A M F. S A. S M | r |
| having taken Mr
WILLIAM ('. UltOOKS , int o Copart-
nership with him , ili,. busi ness w ill be con-
duc ted In future unde r (he firm of
nl their Store , No 7, North Market street ,
— U'hrre th rii hive em /mm/ —
A general assort ment of H' r.'.sV LVDiV)
coons v (,'II (h:i:i!I i:s , tm- th« «uppi v oV
Traders , nnd furnis hing ol'iFumil y, Shi p, nnd
Fishing Siores . »V I
Bnslon , l''eb. 2llh , ilA. I rp is2m
T ill' siibbc rib eBiiis (htnbliiihed himself at
'roviiici'louii W here In: inK -inU to coiiliinio
tin: ll'hiil i
., anil I 'Jt llnal lluildiit K llutin tu , ill
a faith ful and \VyTkiiiciulike manner.
From (he i wfooi nj ' eioent of the past , ho is ful-
ly pers uaded n liberal nnp|)orl will lin giv en , nnd
be will iipnrc no |>aiiu lo plerui: tho ie Iliul should
favour him tvi tli their ciiMoi n.
On lutml , fur tale , tiecoud hand Boats , which
he will offer for sale , on f avourable term *.
II / 'All Oi"»' jm ctt , J ut
cash oh///. ^Bf1 *""1
An as x'irlin cnl uf <:0Hin ed ( ambiic n.
June 20 ¦
I! , 1 0 X I I W I'A 't TrAlSH
I tiMou C..rv« d Co/Jia , hiU'ly hui-hed lit
nillurd i COM/I litrlvry, oppwie the
OW Hoiilh-t liurrh , B»% ""| ,
• "L ndiek arc iiivitcAtuJ cxanjni ' !the m before
pur chasin g.
^B "'"
£» f very mj.eiim
j ipi ;iiii > fiii nili-'A inV/diiiiiou low pi icej,
i-v Uii u V i 'lu U , N u m, liil«y-it. UoiUm .
' .1 ...t \'i J