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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
June 24, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A reception and farewell for the Rev. and Mrs. Alexander L. Chan- dler will be held in South Congre- gational , Centerville on Sunday, June 27 al 4 p.m . All their friends and co- workers are invited. Mr . Chandler has resigned as executive secretary of the Cape Cod Council of Churches , a posi- tion he has held since Jan. 1, 1968. Serving as program director of the eight departments and two committees of the Council , he has •ceen it grow in service and in sup- port. From a budget of &13.971 in 19G7 lo a total expenditure of $35,773 in 1970, the Council has expanded its services to the 62 related chur- ches which comprise its member- ship. Particular growth has been in the field of Christian Educa - (ion , which is providing educa - lional leadership for teachers and church workers in many fields. Hundreds of troubled families have received help through the Pastoral Counseling Center. Nine specially trained ministers are en- listed in this vital social and reli- gious service, the only counseling program for marriage problems un the Cape. In 1969 the Council began a sur- vey of the troubled young people and transients who are coming to the Cape in ever increasing num- bers. The study resulted in the de- velopment of HELP of Cape Cod in cooperation with the Cape Cod Mental Health Association . Mr. Chandler has been an ob- server member of the Fall River Diocesa of the Roman Catholic Church Commission on Christian Unity, and the Commission re - cently gave him a farewell dinner party at East Bay Lodge. After graduating from Boston University School of Religious Edu- cation in 1930 he attended Boston University School of Theology and Andover Newton Theological Sch- ool from which he graduated in 1934 with a graduate degree in Theology, After serving churches in New Hampshire and New Jersey he was pastor of the Sandwich Fed- erated Church and Falmouth Con- gregational Church. Mr. Chandler was vice- president of the U.S.O. Council of Southeastern Massachu- setts, assisting in staffing, furnish- ing and programming all U.S.O. Clubs in the area. He is president of Cape Cod Uni- ted Church Homes, Inc. and a member of the board of directors «nd one of the founders of Cape Cod Branch of the NAACP While in Falmouth he was instrumental in establishing the first Coffee House on the Cape planned to serve young people during the summer months. Mr . and Mrs . Chandler expect to travel widely in a travel-trailer starting in the Fall , and visiting their children on the way. Plans are to visit mission stations of the Board of Homeland Ministries of the United Church of Christ in many parts of the country and prepare lectures on them to share with local churches on their re- turn . In 1972 they will return to their new home in Green Dunes, West Hyannis Port. For The Alexander Chandlers Reception, Farewell Sunday " ^ " ^ Historic Route 6A. 8 fl In Barnstable Village yJL ^ OO N--JL^V _ Cocktails — B Luncrieon Specials 11:30 to 2:30 Dinners Served Daily 5 to 9 p.m. Entertainment Saturday evenings Dance and sing-along 1o Warren Benson at the piano and organ YES! We Are Open 7 Days A Week ^ *^S \ _ * y y Tel. 362-6610 CHARLES MOONEY, MANAGING DIRECTOR OPENING THURSDAY, JULY 1 - THRU SATURDAY , JULY 10 In Person Vivian Blaine Kitty Carlisle Sam Levene Ruth McDevitt LIGHT UP n THE SKY by Moss Hart Directed by Harold J. Kennedy Also Starring Hayden Rorke BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN Eves., except Sun., 8:30 p.m. Mats., Wed., Thurs., 2:30 p.m. i FOR RESERVATIONS: Phone 385-3911 x JCowezd fy ii I HENRY || \ T E I X E I R A | florist ij !; BOUQUETS — CORSAGES j ! \\ POTTED PLANTS 2 !| 505 Main Street Hyannis Z i[ Tel. 775-2336 \\ * +++*+**+*++*********+*++**+++*i ' INTERSTATE ^ >~r-^_r-i _ — 1_|—i ' ' ' ' >—^'— ~ ~ ~ '~ | — ' ' ' ' 'lNTEfESTATE ~ ^ INTERSTATE INTERSTATE _, CAPE COO MALL f^^ j n Cinema « P flHXffl CI N F M A ISUtS^^S OSTE RVILLE k J r mill MAM I I L IW| M *— ~s—-. —— MAIN ST WEST END ¦¦ " ^ "" " " OSTERVIUE, MASS. HYANNIS - 775-0570 RTE. 132 HYANNIS Hyennlt, Man. Tel. 775-1010 428-2181 " ¦ ^^^^^_^_____^^^^^^_ SH0WTIMES _ _J * ™ »> __ MAT.NEES: 2:00 Mats'S j Z ^ at 2 *°° ' ?i°° ' »15 MATINEES: 2:00 EVENINGS 7 ¦ 9:15 Ew. * *0D ¦ 9i15 NOW THRU SAT. J^l e " EVENINGS: 7 - 9:30 WED - ™ $*L r Martha? " ' " ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ————— . N . *L W *hr lJ""- r, • Ma ; thau BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR NOW thru TUES. HKWSCR Tn * ^ Mi "8 2ND WEEK! A N «« ._ A _ ¦ »%# iVM- Jennifer O'NieU Peter Gimbel A N i % LEAF RYAN'S Gary Grime. Ron Taylor FR| SAT JUNE 2g 26 DAUGHTER in Woody Allen (GP) Dl IIC t i lA TED Louise Lasser with •Mimirn BLUt WATER, BAjn .. R°be",M' ,c,hom SUMMER BANANAS , Sarah M.les V U l T l l l l h l l 1 U I I I T P rirafll (GP) Matinees at 1:30 WHITF llFaTH — — ~ Evenings at 6:00-9:30 OF 'd9 W l ll l f c I f Wl ll l sun , Mon. June 27 , 28 Ur *#£ (G) ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Sun- Mon- Tues June 27 • 29 , „ , . ». .-_———=—___ . _»_ BEST ACTOR - BEST PICTURE w . . . . (Rated R) - - , Woody Allen STARTS WED. JUNE 30 George C. Scott Louise La - in | STARTS WED. JUNE 30 Edward G. Robinson PATTO N D A k l A k i A r Florence Henderson (GP) BANANAS Walter Matthau in . ^80 (GP) MASH . _ mmm •**•«. 5QNQ Qp ^ m STARTS WED. i " " Mash Shown a 7,00 Ryan 0 . Ne„ | "PLAZA SUITE" NORWAY Tues G0NE WITH 2 9 0 "" rnvV^rnpY m (8) THE WIND LUV L » 'UKY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shown at 7:30 (GP) DOROTHY WORRELL Correspondent Centerville 02632 Tel. 775-2714 CRAIGVILLE CONFERENCE The Family Conference of the Armenian Memorial Church of Walertown is expected for the week-end. On Sunday for a six-day stay a Junior High Mass Conference with members from all over the state will be at Craigville. On Monday for an over - night stay will be the Community Cen- ter Development. The Thursday evening lecture series starts tonight , the 24th , with an illustrated presentation of Har- vest of the Sea. The lectures are given by Colonel Eugene S. Clark of Sandwich. The following week the subject will be A Visit To The Bottom Of The Sea, July 1st. Pierre Vuilleumeir, son of Dr. and Mrs. Pierre Vuilleumier, Is a member of the Boston Repertory Theatre , who will be performing plays In the old Junior High Sch- ool, Hyannis this summer. The se- ries opens Saturday evening with Beautiful People by William Saro- yan. Members of the company will be hosted at the Center by Dr. und Mrs. Vuilleumier. Tickets will be available at the box office , or may be procured for the three plays in the series by writing to The Boston Reper - lory Theatr e, Box 108, Craigville 02636, or by calling 771-2131. The summer ecumenical servi- ces at the Tabernacle start Sun- day, June 27, with the Rev. Rich- ard W. Bauer , pastor of West Con- cord Union Church of Concord , Massachusetts, preaching. Two ser- vices are held at 9:45 a.m. and 8 p.m. All are wolcome to attend. 102ND BIRTHDAY Mrs. Ada Phinney celebrated her 102nd birthday last Sunday at Centerville Nursing Home, where she lives. Mrs. Phinney is the old- est citizen of the Town of Barnsta- ble and , as such, holds the cane and has held it for the past 4 to 5 years. The Boston Post donated this cane to our town, to be given to the oldest citizen and passed from one to another. A birthday parly is being held today for all those residents of the home whose birth- days fall in June. Mrs. Phinney's two sons live in Centerville: Berton V. on Blue - berry Hill Road , and Roger A. on Maureen Road. 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Hurley celebrated recently the 50th anni- versary of their marriage. They have two children and seven grand- children . Their home is on Long- fellow Drive. WEDDING BELLS Miss Glenna Louise King, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. King ol Needham and Conners Road , Centerville , was married Saturday to Mr. Christopher Max- well Outwin, son of Mr . and Mrs. Edson S. Outwin of Summit, N.J. and The Millway, Barnstable. The ceremony took place in the Need- ham Congregational Church. Attendants in the wedding party with Cape Cod connections were Miss Linda L. King, sister of the bride , maid of honor; Miss Eliza- beth Outwin , sister of the bride- groom, bridesmaid; Patrick Out- win , brother of the bridegroom, best man; Rev. Edson Outwin, Jr. brother of the groom, usher; Pe- ter King, brother of the bride , ju- nior usher. The bride is a graduate of Colby Junior College and the bridegroom of Washington University . The couple are in Bermuda on their honeymoon. ENGAGED On June 26 there will be solem- nized the wedding of Miss Cyn - thia Lea Mulford , daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Kenneth F. Mulford of Wequaquet Lake in Centerville , to Mr . Kenneth A. Potz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Potz of Wether- sfield , Conn., at Our Lady of Vic- tory Church in Centerville. Miss Mulford is a secretary with Aetna Life and Casualty Company in Hartford and attended Mt. Ida Junior College at the University of Hartford , also Cape Cod Com- munity College. Employed by Pratt and Whitney, Mr , Potz holds a Bachelor of Sci- ence from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in electric engineering and a Master of Science In mech- anical engineering. He also holds the degree of Master of Business Administration from the Univer - sity of Connecticut. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The sermon topic for the Sun- day morning worship service , on June 27, is Hinges of Destiny, to be given by the pastor , Rev. Rob- ert H. Sargent. Ushers will be Di- ane Cowan and Mary Kimball; and the greeters , Mr. and Mrs . Steven Lapier. JUNE DOUGLAS MARRIED Mrs. June L. Douglas and Mr. Maurice J. Griffin , both of Center- ville, were married June 23 at the home of Mr . and Mrs . John Den- ninger on Shoot Flying Hill Road, Mrs. Griffin , a professional fig- ure skater and teacher , is a gra- duate of Goucher College and on June 20 received her Master of Arts degree from Northeastern. Her husband , who was graduated from Holy Cross College and at- tended Harvard , Is employed by Paine, Webber, Jackson and Cur- tis at Boston. They will reside at 100 Stanley Way, Centerville. AMONG OUR RESIDENTS Donald H. James of Bumps Ri- ver Road , Centerville has comple- ted 30 years of service with the New England Telephone Company. Starting as a cable splicer 's help- er in New Bedford , Mr . James rose steadily in his positions with the company and is now a mem- ber of the Telephon e Pioneers of America. Mr. James is a native of New Bedford and is a veteran of the Air Force. He served in World War II as a first lieutenant. He and his wife , the former Bar- bara E. Johnson of Fairhaven, are the parents of a daughter, Linda , 17 years old. Edward V. Buckler of Seabury Lane has received his Bachelor of Science degree in graduation cere- monies at the University of Con- necticut at Storrs. The degree was awarded in Business Administra- tion. Edward is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buckler. John C. Fernsell was graduated from St. Lawrence University In Canton , N.Y. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Horn of Cod- ciington Road, this village. His de- gree was in psychology. Mrs. Robert L. Masson of Horn- beam Lane attended last week- end the anniversary festivities wiih her classmates in celebra - lion of their fiftieth anniversary of graduation from Radcliffe College in Cambridge. Visiting Mrs. Orrin Fuller of Phinney's Lane is Mrs . Joyce Neale of Wellington , New Zealand. From here , Mrs. Neale will visit Ireland before returning home. At the recent program of the Cape Cod Council of Camp Fire Girls in dedication ceremonies of Camp Nan- Kerafe in Brewster, Charles Lockhart of Centerville, president, presided. Special guests included Mrs. Ray W. Babbitt of Centerville, executive director of the Cape Cod Council. At a recent meeting of the board of directors of Cape Cod Home - maker Service in Cotuit. plans were made for the Caravan Bou- tique , which will travel through the Cape this summer selling gifts, proceeds from which will aid the organization 's ability to help those in need of health care . Present from Centerville were Mmcs. Do- rothy Fish Mahoney, Chester B. Kelley Jr., Barry R. Smedley, Mary E. Thomas and Mrs. James J. Taylor Miss Dorothy Worrell of Phin- ney 's Lane spent last weekend in Cambridge enjoying the annual .class and alumnae festivities at Radcliffe College. She also visited friends in Brookllne, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Romney, who summer in Falmouth. Mrs. Romney is a class- mate. "Give me liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely accord- ing to my conscience, above all other liberties." - -John Milton. ^+*++++* »»»»»»» *****++***+*+++' t CENTERVILLE AHC ?\ AUJL - T^r* \ Ap *& \Tttnj.<)i r%iL»w \ / —TT-.I^V—^C^iaS \ /^- ^ t,..v- tfiir t;„£,->» \ *^ v-y v^ \ 1 J^5x^ ==° =3C %h^l 35^ nyM>»i«