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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
June 24, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NEW COURT CLERK—Leon L. Dary, Jr., of Barnstable (right) was sworn in last week by Governor Sargent as clerk of Barnstable Country 's 2nd District Court. Mr. Dary, former executive director of GOP State Committee, succeeds John R. Agna of Provincetown who retired. BUSINESS ig^^DIRECTORY LEGAL NOTICES ly of Elizabeth Hamblin and by land now or formerly of Louis A. Woodland and Carolyn ,T, won-" - land 223.74 feet, 111.84 feet, and 144.02 feet respectively; oomhe.i terly by land now or formerly of Louis A. Woodland and Carolyn J. Woodland 25.55 feet; and South- westerly by land now or formerly of Francis L. Van Buskirk, Trs. of the Barnstable Development Trust 103.07 feet, Petitioners admit the above- de- scribed land is subj ect to resti . tions on Lots numbered 4fi and 47 contained in deed from Van Bus- kirk , Trustee to Otto K. Hoffman et ux , Book 1376, Page 220. Petitioners deny the above- do- scribed land is subject to the rights of any person in the "roadway " as shown on a plan hereinafter - mentioned as running across mid- dle of locus. Petitioners claim as appurtenant to the above- decsribed land riffhts or easements as follows: 1.Ease- ment for installation and mainten- ance of pole line running from State Highway given by Ida P Bill , bv instrument dated 3/13/62 recorded in Book 1151, Pa»- lane, by land now or formerly of Donald K. Bearse, by lan ^ now n- formerly of Edward H. Bill. Jr.. Pr« -i fo.- lonrt now or formed" of Alice E. Sears 503.59 feet; South- east P'°v bv 'and nr>"' Or fn«-mo-' v of Alice E. Sears 109.19 feet; Sou- thwesterly by land now or former- AUTOMOBILES ___ CAR FOR SALE 1970 MUSTANG 302-V-8. Power Steering, Automatic Transmission. 5,000 Miles. Excellent Condition. Asking $2695. Call 775-3057 AR TSUPPUES hyannis art supplies " your cape art supply headquarters" Sherman Sq., Hyannis 775-2976 BOAT YARD (Hyannis) BRADBURY MARINE, INC. Formerly KLIMM'S BOAT YARD COMPLETE MARINE SERVICE 157 Pleasant Si. 775-1707 FEED & GRAIN m Cape Maid Farms, Inc. Wild Bird Foods — Grain "urina Chows — Pet Foods Route 28 — Hyannis — 775-3782 CABINET MAKING ROD ADAMS, INC Xj our Zrormica Center Custom Built Cabinets Hyonnis Tel. 775-2416 CLEANERS (Hyannis) SPARTAN CLEANERS Fast Cleaning Service 242 Barnstable Road Hyannis Tel. 7754119 INSTRUCTION A person who can speak a for- eign language is worth two peo- ple. Learn French, Italian, or Spanish. Paul K. Germani -___ Call 428-8901 KITCHEN CABINETS BRUCE R. LOVEJOY Co. KITCHENS-Deslgned-Installed FORMICA BATH ROOMS A VANITIES Show Room & Office Main St. RITE. 6A BARNSTABLE 362-3838 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FRANCES DOREY Landscape Contractor LAWN - WOOD CHIPS - FENCES TREE AND BRUSH CUTTING Tel. 7754056 Weat Yarmouth, Mass. OIL-FUEL MURRAY'S FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICES 24-HK. SERVICE CONTRACTS 2-WAY RADIO CONTROL Dennlsport Tel. 80S-MM OFFICE EQUIP, ft FURN. NEW STEEL FILES $34.95 Each Del. Cape Cod H. M. Meserve Co., Inc. Hyannis Tel. 775-e*W MISCELLANEOUS YARD SALE, Saturday, May 29, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. weather permitting 496 South Street, Hyannis Costumes, books, pots and pans, china, and lots of furnature. Don't miss this annual event. MOVING & "STORAGE" CHILDS MOVING & STORAGE Agent: MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE MOVING SERVICE BYANNIS Tel. 775-5544 PAINT ' ' LLOYD'S NORFOLK PAINT STORE 382 MAIN ST. HYANNIS 775-1091 CAPE COD COLOR CENTER VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ELECTROLUX REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Salesmen and salesladies needed 775-7533 Route 28 — Hyannis RUBBISH REMOVAL ~ CLOUGH & HIGGINS COMMERICAL CONTAINER PICKUP —CESSPOOL PUMPING— GENERAL TRUCKING. 775-1179 — 775-1351 fRirSERVTCE " CAPE COD TREE SERVICE • COMPLETE TREE SERVICE • BRUSH CLEARING • LANDSCAPING HYANNIS PORT TEL. 770-6441 LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of ^LICE F. COFFIN, late of Barnstable (Osterville), in said County, deceased. , _ . . A petition has been presented to saW Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to ne the last will of said deceased by THE BARNSTABLE COUNTY NA- TIONAL BANK of HYANNIS of Barnstable (Hyannis) , in the Coun- ty of Barnstable. praying &*)..£ be appointed executor thereof wit n- out gTving a surety on its bond, and further praying that said win be proved and allowed without the testimony of the subscribing wit- If you desire to object hereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before teni o clock in the forenoon on the I3th day of July, 1971, the return day of tms ^ Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 1st dav of June. 1971. AT7 eHTm FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN, Reenter. Jun«i 10, IT, 24 LEGAL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 2000276 issued by Sandwich Co-operative Bank, Bourne Branch, has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Co- operative Bank , Bourne Branch, to issue duplicate book in accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter . Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. June 10, 17, 24 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 11036 issued by the Chatham Trust Company has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to said Chatham Trust Company to issue a duplicate book in accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter . Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. June 10. 17, 24 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 1380 issued by Sandwich Co - operative Bank , has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Co- operative Bank , to issue duplicate book in accor - dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. June 17, 24 , July 1, . "Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of EMMA TONGBERG, late of Barnstable (Osterville) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court, praying that MAR- JORIE I. TONGBERG of Barn - stable (Osterville) , in the County of Barnstable , be appointed ad- ministratrix of said estate with- out giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o clock in the forenoon on the 13th day of July, 1971, the return day of this ^Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT . Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 3rd dav of June, 1971. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN, Register. Junc 17. 24 JulyJ, _. "Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of AMELIA HILL, late of Barnstable (Hyannis) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by ELEANOR HILL BEDNARK. of 158 Herring Run Drive, Barnsta- ble (CentervUle) , in the County of Barnstable praying that she be appointed executrix thereof with- out giving a surety on her bond and further praying that said will be proved and allowed without the testimony of the subscribing W If ne vou S'deslre to obiect thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 13th day of July. 1971. the return day of this ^Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT Esquire, Jud^e of SR H Court, this 7th dav of .fiine 7, 1971. .„„_„ FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register. June 17, 24, July 1. INVITATION FOR BIDS The Board of Selectmen will re- ceive sealed bids for the razing, removal, removal of debris and the fillin g of any holes on proper- ty owned by the Town, and known as the "Lombard Home," with its accessory buildings. The property is on Center Street, Route 149. in the village of West Barnstable. Bids will be received until 12 noon on Wednesday, July 7, 1971, at which time they will be publicly opened . The Selectmen reserve the right to retain any part or parts of the buildings that they feel will be In the best Interests of the Town, and further , they reserve the right to reject any or all of the bids. E. Thomas Murphy George L. Cross Selectmen of the Town of Barnstable Jun e 24 , 1971 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ing.s Passbook No. SS 4617 issued by Sandwich Co- operative Bank has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to issue duplicate book In accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 107. Section 20. June 24, July 1, 8 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. SS 03-00015 is- sued by Sandwich Co- operative Bank, has been lost or destroyed and the application has been made to Sandwich Co- operative Bank to Issue duplicate book In accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 167 , Section 20. June 24, Ju ly 1. 8 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 2006069 issued by Sandwich Co- operative Bank , Bourne Branch , has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Co- operative Bank , Bourne Branch , \o issue duplicate book in accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. June 24, July 1, 8 LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and In execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage of real estate given by JOSEPH R. CARR and JUNE D. CARR, husband and wife , as tenants by the entirety, both of Marshficld , Plymouth Coun- ty, Massachusetts, to S A N D - WICH CO - OPERATIVE BANK situated in Sandwich , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, dated April 23rd , 1965, and recorded in Barn- stable County Registry of Deeds In Book 1295, Page 500, of which mortgage the undersigned Is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auc- tion at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time , on Wed- nesday, May 12, 1971, on Parcel 1 ol the premises, all and singular the premises described In said mortgage , lo wit:- "The land, with the buildings thereon , situated in Barnstable (Osterville) , Barnstable Coun t y, Massachusetts , comprising two par- cels bounded as follows: PARCEL I NORTHERLY by the State High- way, commonly called Main Str- eet , two hundred (20U ) feet: EASTERLY by land of Ruth Arenovski , three hundred twenty- two and 49,100 (322.49 feet, more or less; SOUTHERLY by CentervUle Ri- ver so-called , measuring on the upland , two hundred twelve (212 ) feet , more or less; and WESTERLY by land formerlv of Grace E. Madden , now of Geof- frey D. Roberts , by three courses , a distance of three hundred f If - teen and 07/100 (315.07 ) feet, more or less. PARCEL 2 NORTHERLY by CentervUle Ri- ver , so-called , measuring on the upland fifty (50) feet; EASTERLY by land formerly of G. A. Stackhouse, Trustee, one hundred ninety ( 190 ) feet , more or less ; SOUTHERLY by waters of Nnn- tucket Sound measuring on the upland fifty (50» feet; and WESTERLY by land formerly of Grace E. Madden , now of Geof- frey D. Roberts , one hundred eigh- ty (180 ) feet , more or less. The above described premises are conveyed subject to (a) the provisions of the Zoning and Build- ing Regulations of the Town of Barnstable , and (b ) as to Parcel 2. an easement or right of wav, if established , for the benefit of own- ers of land abutting said Parcel 2. Being the same premises c >n- veyed to us by John P. Edwards , Trustee, by deed to be recorded herewith. Subject to easements of record, iind takings by the Town of Barn- stable for building lines. Including as a part of the realty all portable or .sectional buildings, heating apparatus , plumbing, ra- nges , mantels , storm doors ami windows, oil burners , gas and oil and electric fixtures, screens, scr- een doors , awnings , air condition- ing apparatus , and other fixtures of whatever kind and nature , on said premises, or hereafter pla- ced thereon prior to the full pay- ment and discharge of this mort- gage , insofar as the same are or can by agreement of the parties be made a part of the realty." Said premises will be sold sub- j ect to all outstanding taxes, tax titles , and municipal liens and assessments, If any there be. Terms of the sale: Four Thou- sand Dollars ($4 ,000.00 ) to be paid in cash or certified or bank check by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale , balance of the purchase price within twenty '20) days upon the delivery of the rieci at the office of William P. Swift . Esquire, 49 Elm Street, Hyannis. Massachusetts. Other terms to be announced at the time of the sale. SANDWICH CO-OPERATIVE BANK , Present Holder of said Mortgage By George Sutton, President For further authority for said sale , see decree of the Superior Court in and for the County of Barnstable entered February 10, 1971, in Case No. 31028. William P. Swift Attorney at Law 49 Elm Street Hyannis, Mass. Counsel for Mortgagee. NOTICE OF ADJOURNED SALE Pursuant to said above Mort - gagee 's Sale of Real Estate, for good and sufficient reasons said sa'e was continupd to June J»n . 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, and Pur- suant to said continuance , notice is herebv given that the mo't"'"- ed premises will be sold at Public Auction at 2:00 o'clock P M. Ex- tern Daylight Savings Time, on Wednesday, June 30th. 1971, O" Parcel 1 of the premises, all and singular the premises as se* fnrfh in the above Mortgagee 's Sale of Real Estate , anrt subiect to a)' th» terms and conditions as set forth in said not' o<> . SAN^WTOH CO-OPERATTVF BANK , Pr"«e"t Wn'ri1" "f said Mo',to,a