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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
June 24, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MRS. BETTi' SOUZA Cnrrcspnn!en1 Cotuit 02(535 'I'eLiZS-ZZG Q RETTLEERS HONORED A large number turned out on Sunday evening for the reception for the 1971 Cotuit Kettleers Base- ball Team. All age groups were 1 epresented and many autographs were signed by the ball players. Also attending were Arnold My- cock , general manager , Mannie Robello, president of Cotuit Ath- letic Ass'n., Fr. John Smith and Bob Migneault , announcers and and tiic Loam coach , Jack McCar- thy. Refreshments were enjoyed by all. Let's get behind the team this year and attend some of the many games to be played. This week's schedule finds Har- wich at Cotuit at 5 p.m. on Satur- day, June 26; On Sunday, June 27 Cotuit at Chatham at 4 p.m.; Co- tuit at Wareham at 7:30 on Tues- day, June 29; and Bourne at Co- tuit on Thursday, July 1, at 5:45 p.m. NEW OWNERS Mr. and Mrs . Edgar Haselbar- ll: of Paxton , Mass. have purchas- ed the old house on the Hoblizelle property on Old Post Road origi- nally known as the Rose Hobson property and more recently own- ed by the Landers family. Mrs. Haselbarth is the daughter of Dr . Goodale, well known resident in the village. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Settle- meyer of Short Hills, N.J. are the new owners of the former Pooler property at the corner of Ocean- view Avenue and Cross Street. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations go this week to Phil and Marie Sour.a, who are now at Camp Lejeune , N.C., and who on June 27 will be celebrat- ing the second anniversary of their wedding. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES This week to Mclva Perry, wife of Udell Perry of Santuit , who is celebrating her birthday on Mon- day, June 28. GRADUATES Richard M. Cashin , son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cashin of Main Street , Cotuit , graduated from Phillips Academy in Ando- ver recently. Richard , an honor student , also played varsity foot- ball , squash and lacrosse . He was proctor of his dorm , and a mem- ber of the Blue Key Society, The Newman Club and the stage-light- ing crew. He plans to attend Har- vard University. LEASH LAW IN EFFECT Residents of the village are re- minded that the leash law for dogs is in effect. Many complaints have been made for dogs who are loose or who wander into the many lov- ely gardens in our village. There is a fine for all who do not respect this law. Why not con- sider your neighbor and abide by the rules? CHURCH NEWS The Rev. John Smith, pastor of Cotuit Federated Church has en- titled his 10 a.m. sermon for Sun- day, June 27, Trends in Theology III, The Jesus People (or ) Jesus's People. i—a——— Residents of the village are re- minded that the annual church auction is planned for Aug. 4 in Freedom Hall at 8 p.m . Please start thinking of the items you wish to donate to this most worthy cause. Members of the village a r e aware of the transfer of Stephen H. Smith, pastor of Welfleet Meth- odist Church, to Milford , Mass. Methodist Church. Rev. Smith left Cotuit Federated Church in 1962 afte r being pastor of our church for approximately 8 years. His many friends in the village wish him well. SOUVENIR SPOONS FEATURED AT FAIR Souvenir spoons are to be the feature at the annual Cotuit Wo- mans Fellowship summer fair to be held at Bruce Hall on Saturday July 10, from 1-4:30 p.m. The sil- ver spoons depict the sign of Co- tuit with the kettle and the hoe, and for those who do not under- stand , an explanation is enclosed. What a gift to those who have visited in our village or to those who receive them as a gift. Also on sale will be crocheted and hand- knit items, toys, Christ- mas decorations, ceramics and aprons, as well as home- baked food , flowers and plants. Refresh- ments will also be on sale. A spe- cial treat for the "young-fry" will be the appearance of the Mimsey Puppets by Mrs. Virginia Wyeth of Harwich which will present a show at 3 p.m. Mark the dale for this event on your claendar. It's too great to miss!! :.0TII WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Open house for the 50th wed- ding anniversary of the F. May - uard Giffords of the village will be held on Sunday, the 27th, in Grange Hall , Santuit from 3-6 p.m. All are invited. The Giffords re- quest that no gifts be given. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs . George Merrill Nickerson of Nickerson Road , this village wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter , Laura F., to Garry Donald Currier of North Falmouth, son of Lt. Col. and the late Mrs. Donald E. Cur- rier , Jr. of North Falmouth. Both of the young people are graduates of B.H.S. and Laura is a graduate of the Chamberlain School of Retailing. An August wedding in Cotuit is planned by the young couple. OPEN HOUSE AT HISTORICAL SOCIETY The public is cordially invited to the annual open house of the Historical Society of Santuit-Cotuit to be held on Sunday, June 27, from 3-6 p.m. at the Old Dottrldge Homestead located on lower Main Street, Cotuit. Refreshments will be served. July 9 has been set for the an- nual meeting of the society which will take place in Freedom Hall at 8 p.m. Speaker of the evening will be Col. E.S. Clark with films and illustrated talk on The Long Beach . All are invited to attend. Annual dues are payable at this meeting. The annual white elephant sale of the society will be held in Free- dom Hall on July 24 from 2-5 p.m. Middle Gieg, chairman, has said that donations so far this year do not come anywhere near last year. She would be glad to pick up whatever you may wish to contri- bute if you will call her at 428- 2126. 6TII GRADE ASSEMBLY The sixth grade of Cotuit Ele- mentary School held its annual June assembly on June 15. Mat- thew Gardner , class president, opeped the assembly with a flag salute and the National Anthem. The sixth grade presentation was Freedom's Call. Penmanship awards were pre- sented by Mrs. Dorothy S. Moore , principal , to the following students Michael Barrows, Paula Behlman, Michael Blackburn , Catherine Bur- ton , John Daly, Stephan Edwards, Matthew Gardner , Gary Gomes, Patricia Jackson, Lisa Lauterbach, Melissa Lundquist, Nancy Parker , Debra Pouliot, John Price, Kath- leen Robello, Gregory Smith, Mi- chelle Tobey, Luanne White and Christine Yanchuck. Cotuit Elementary School Chor- us, under the direction of Eliza - beth Lannon, entertained with se- lections "The Mill," "Inch Worm ," "I Counted in the Heaven," "The Cat came Back" and "Good Morn- ing Starshine." Mrs. Bonnie Sargeant, president of Santuit- Cotuit Villagers, then presented charms to the girl gra- duates and tie clips to the boys. Simon Gesln, past president of Earnstable Teachers Ass'n, pre - sented the citizenship award to Paula Behlman and Gary Gomes. Graduates besides those who re- ceived penmanship awards were: Barbara J. Sisson, David Morin , Mark Murray, Nathaniel Parkin- son, William Palmer and Scott Os- borne. ILL IN THE VILLAGE Phyllis MacDowell, wife of Earl MacDowell , is still a patient at Cape Cod Hospita l this week, and Denman Wigh t is still confined to Falmouth Hospital. WINNERS OF CONTEST Following a bicycle safety pro- gram in the Barnstable Public schools recently, sponsored by the Hyannis Jr. Woman's Club and Officer James Flynn of the Barn- stable Police Department, a bicy- cle safety contest was held. Win- ners of the contest have been an- nounced. Winner from Cotuit Ele- mentary School who was awarded a bicycle was Duncan Baker from grade 1. A $5 savings accounts were awarded to Michael Barrows, grade 6, and Mark Frazier, grade 3. LIBRARY NEWS Mrs. Lucy Gibbons Morse, one of the founders of Cotuit Library Ass'n , wrote a book entitled "Bree- zes" illustrated with beautiful sil- houettes of children , trees and flowers. One of the illustrations from this book is featured on note paper and is on sale for the bene- fit of Cotuit Library. An excellent gift to remind you of your stay in Cotuit or to give to a friend. You may get yours at the library. Mrs. Betty Temple of Grove Str- eet has been hired as second assis- tant at the library during the sum- mer months. Denman B. Wight has donated two books to the library which he has written, namely "The Andro- scoggin River Valley" and "The Wild River Wilderness." A word of apology to Mrs. Kay Hamblin for her name being omit- ted from the list of talented ladies from the village whose tinsel pain- tings are on display in the library for the month of June. IUTUIT #. fk v*. VISIT YOUR NORTH SHORE HEALTH CENTER STORE HOURS • Weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. SUNDAYS 9:00 to 1:00 P.M. BARNSTABLE VILLAGE PHARMACY OMER R. CHARTRAND, REG. PHARM. MAIN ST., BARNSTABLE 362-6052 j WHAT ARE YOUR vi^fe. PHOTO ^^m NEEDS? ^tpT Film Bulbs? Camera? Photo Album? , Tripod? Expert Framing? WHATEVER YOU NEED IN PHOTOGRAPHY You can get it at (olby ^—^ PHOTO/ SUPPLY Cape Cod's Photographic Center 459 Main Street Hyannis 775-0845 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ f ft ^t^fTil^w C^11C°D'S ^=Ti57T7?7r^ f e GOURMET RESTAURANT =r<\C K l V £t f { £ ^ Fin.Dining f irmer.,* * , ' <\ V »%B^5&3fe«*» **>' •0—"$*Cmiury 3 W^^MT j RTE. 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH ¦ *«JtJS53»+ * DAILY-YEAR ROUND ^©. *^ i^gS* 4» * TeL 398-2172 ^^SSSMS^ ^^ V ^^ fj j L & j g^ * * 1 ^ AOpopularcrtdit cardtmcoip f d ; DOLLOFF OIL SERVICE, INC. \ [ 145 YARMOUTH ROAD HYANNIS, MASS. I \ Call 775-0050 Today For Your COAL \ |; —#— or FUEL OIL Delivery \ For Heat That Can't Be Beat \ \\ AUTOMATIC DEPENDABLE SERVICE i < ' ¦* ¦** * » * X * *» «i* i4 * « « « « * * * * * * 1 « Tit fi TRY OUR Hyannis Pharmacy I I f James M. H.b.,1 . Ro9. Pharn, * 3 » VuA&MfymX, 3ftfSL CA N D I E S 362 Main Street Hyannis ^ 1 1^ Tel. 775-0674 M Free parking in rear 1 .. . . ™ !MmmWmmimm NOW pBAsT^TV^R^^ 1 | SEAFOOD | j RESTAURANT j 1 , 1 YEAR ROUND _ , _, _ - . j!| |,i LIQUOR LICENSE O p e nTfeaz iZound \j •<, Mill Lane South Yarmouth, Mass. II /ODgcooooaopoooooooooeooooooooQW 1 ~ HELEN W. MacLELLAN LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE I TEL. 428-6775 OSTERVILLE \m "—i i ¦¦ ; ) Good things come in small packages j j TRACY VOLKSWAGEN, INC. _ j / Route 132 Complete VW Care West Road §ry / 1 Hyannis Orleans Au„; ,,IW \ I 775-3049 _ _ _ _ _ _ 255-4100 ^ ™ ™ A REALTORS COLUMN § Not all real estate broken are REALTORS. They are .—~. REALTORS only If they are members of 'the National / $ ^^> L Association of Real Estate Boards. To become a mom- fi(* jiQmk \ ber of this organiiation a broker must demonstrate l;ffy 1g| g his professional competence and must subscribe to an VA ¦ ^JP established code of professional ethics. This means he ¦' <> ,—$/ is pledged to protect your interest. . i;,.; ^<~wy fe^POYANTJ^ '1 20 3 0 5 3 3 2 ^ 279 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Telephone 775-0079 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE \ John A. Drew ( / John A. Drew Charles F. Lockhirtf Vila Drew Bearse Seward K. Raid ! # Malcolm B. Boynton Dorothy B. Hostel 1 Member Multiple Listing Service 1 1749 Main Street, Hyannis — 775.1404 1 William E. Daccy, Jr. Realtor-Developer-Builder 570 WEST MAIN STREET - HYANNIS 775-3948 f- ~ SSii > i ^ 5 5 » i i t f EVELYN CROSBY 445 Main Street CentervilU 775-16S5 Established 1927 MLS JOHN A. LEMOS ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH 775-3322 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. D. Knott REAL ESTATE tales & Rental!) Tel. 362-3159 Main St. Barnstable • SELLING? • BUYING? LISTINGS WANTED REYNOLDS REALTY 172 MAIN ST. OSTERVILLE TEL. 428-5711 CECIL I. GOODSPEED & SONS OSTERVILLE 428-6919 HELEN W. ROBINSON MAIN STREET COTUT1 428-6564 CRAIGVILLE REALTY "Small Home Specialists" Craigville Beach Road 775-3174 Dudley & Kerr REALTORS, SALES and RENTALS PHYLLIS B. DUDLEY COTUIT, MASS. 428-6929 l/ivian 'i Vivian and Al Naolt 627 South Main St. CentervUle, 775-0158 MEMBER M.L.S. GENIEVE C. BEARSE Opposite the Library CentervUle 77i-086S LEBEL 1 REALTY !¦ _ 32 Wianno Ave \ j J t_ OHervllle IV-Aaif «M-ISSI T*** ! / ___jt . _ HELEN V- WEBSTER Berry Avenue / West Yarmouth J 775.a202 FOR A GOOD BUY IN USED CARS COME TO Warren Buick - Opel Hyannis All Barnstable Babe Ruth Lea- gue 13- year- olds on the roster for Merchants Bank & Trust, Mid- Cape Lions and All Cape Forms will challenge the boys on the ros- ter for Puritan, Mildred's and Ka- helln & Son in an exhibition game to be played on the Barnstable High School field Sunday, June 27 at 5:30 p.m. Robert Drew will be assisted by John Avery, Donald Souza , Ellis Johnson, Richard Norman and Howard Bearse. The regular Babe Ruth roster includes a total of 90 boys, ages 13, 14 and 15. Each team has five 13-year-old boys. Travelers in Roman times car- ried traveler 's checks to protect themselves against robbers. Banks issued the checks for a fee of 12 percent, the rate set by the Em- peror Justinian. Babe Ruth League Exhibition Game Doane Beat 'Ames INCOR FOR A1IO 1 FUNERAL - SERVICE > j Serving Ml Foilhi [ I _ Sine. 1926 I HYANNIS Tel. 775-0684 SOUTH YARMOUTH 398-2201 HARWICH PORT 432-0593 KETTLEERS VS. RED SOX—Cotuit left hander Rick Burley pltohefl n one-hitter June 20 at Lowell Park , shutting out Yarmouth 4-0. In play at plate, top photo , Kettleer catcher Bob Roemer forces out Yarmouth outfielder Dana Corey, who had the only lilt against Burley, a single. Bottom photo shows Burley delivering." John Vaiga , back- ground , guards third base. A loss to Bourne June Z'l puts Cotuit's Cape League record at 3-4.