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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
June 24, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Miss Wendy A. Hagstrom, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hag- strom of West Hartford , Conn, and Barnstable, and Mr. J. Markel Furniss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T, Furniss, were married June 19 at Saint Mary 's Episcopal Church in Barnstable by the rector , the Rev. George T. Cobbett. Attending her sister as maid of honor was Miss Catherine Hag- strom , and bridesmaids were the Misses Constance Furniss, Nancy Peterson, and Candy Colglazier. Mr. Furniss served as best man for his son , while ushering duties Were performed by Messers. C. T. Furniss, Jr., Philip Furniss. Ro- bert D. Sterling, and Mr. J . Mark Hall. After a reception at Cummaquid Inn, the couple left for Monterey, Calif., where the bridgegroom is attending the U. S. Army language school. Wendy Hagstrom Married The Cape Cod Conservatory Guild will present The College Light Opera Company in the ope- retta "Wiener Blut" by Johann Strauss on Sunday, July 4, at 8:30 p.m. in the Barnstable High Sch- ool , Hyannis. Originally written in German, it will be sung for the first time in this country in English. Proceeds of this production will benefit the guild's scholarship fund. Patrons tickets may be re- served by sending a check for $15 per couple to the guild, care of Barnstable Conservatory of Music and Art , Barnstable. General ad- mission tickets at $3 per person may be purchased at the door the night of the performance. Light Opera Group To Perform July 4 For Scholarship Philip Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Gordon Nelson of Cum- maquid, has finished his junior year at Trinity College and is working at Hyannis Yacht Club for the summer. Also employed at the yacht club this year is David Bush-Brown, son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Bush- Brown, summer residents of Barn- stable. Dave has just completed his second year at Boston University. News has been received here of the death last week of Mabel Hal- lett Chipman, widow of George Chipman, in Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Chipman spent many summers in Barnstable at the James Mitchell's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Calvin and four children of Plymouth spent the past week at Mr, Calvin's parents' camp at Salten Point . The senior Calvins were at their other cottage for the weekend. Mrs. Alma Frost of Canton has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barnard of Rendezvous Lane. Mrs. Winthrop Sullivan of Cum- maquid was in Cambridge June 17 for the graduation from Harvard of her grandson. Mrs. Paul B. Coffman of West Barnstable has been in Chicago, 111. for a weekend visit with her family and the graduation of her nephew, Mitchell Orman , from Northwestern. i Recent guests at the J . Harold Williams' home in Barnstable were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Booth and family, originally from Rhode Is- land. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greer have returned to their Barnstable residence after a weekend in Pit- tsburg visiting the McCargos of Wianno. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Benson, formerly of Westport , Conn., are here for another summer in Barn- stable. They have purchased a new home in New Canaan. Ralph Barrow of Barnstable is reported to be recovering nicely from surgery performed at Cape Cod Hospita l. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCallum of Scarsdale, N. Y. were at their home in West Barnstable for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Parker of Evanston , 111. spent several days this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Everet in Barn- stable. Also guests there recently were Mr . and Mrs. J. Howard Snow of Waban . The Warren Ryder house on 6A, Cummaquid has been resold , this time to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spra- gue of Sandwich. Mr. Ryder , by the way, is putting in a driveway east of his former home which will connect further south with the existing drive to his new house. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Munson returned to their home on Com- merce Road Monday after five days in New Jersey during which they attended the June 20 wedding of Mr. Munson 's nephew, Stephen Munson, at Wayne, N.J. Boy Scout Troop 56 has recess- ed for the summer after holding its final meeting of the season last week. In the informal softball games being played this season, Barn- stable Regulars were nipped by Barnstable Auxiliary Sunday by a score of 20 to 18. Games are play- ed at The Hollow. Suzanne Pierce , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pierce of West Barnstable, is starting vacation handicapped by a broken leg which she suffered when she fell in the school gym. Ralph Holmes of Barnctable is a patient at Cape Cod Hospital. Wendy Swift, daughter of Attor- ney and Mrs. William Swift of Bow Lane, completed her 10 days at Aquatic School today. Wendy, who has finished her junior year at Walnut Hill, will be instructing swimming this summer. NORTHSIDE VILLAGE ROUNDUP MRS. RUTH GIFFORD Correspondent Marstons Mills 02648 Tel. 428-2223 JUNE ASSEMBLY AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Parents and friends attended the annual June assembly held here at the Marstons Mills Elementary School , June 17, when grade six, numbering 24 students, presented a program , titled , Save Our Earth From Pollution. The Marstons Mills Chorus rendered four selec- tions under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Lannon, pianist . The welcoming address was giv- en by Lynn Hadfield , who with Su- san Melix received the Citizenship Award , given each year by the Barnstable Teachers' Association to students who best exemplify at school certain desirable traits of character , such as cooperation , courtesy, industry, judgment , loy- ally, reliability, self- control and truthfulness in all associations with fellow pupils and teachers. Mrs . James McGuire , president of the Go-Getters Mothers' Club, presented each member of the six- th grade an award and Mrs. Doro- thy S. Moore gave penmanship awards to Sheila DeVaughn, Syl- via Devine , James Glfford , Lynda Gorham , Lynn Hadfield , Robert Hamblin, Ronald J ohnson , Linda Kwiatkowski , Audrey Lapham , Re- becca Martin , Susan Melix , Mau- reen Mendes , Yvonne Mendcs , Dar- lene Moniz, Diane Parker , Char- lene Finn , Doris Plna , Steven Rod- erick , Lisa St. Pierre and Steven Weik. Others in the class include Laws rence Coggeshall , Barry Mossey, Edward Thew and William Wash- ington. HERE AND THERE Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Leonard I. Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Dow- ling and children , Dana and Sta- cey, of Fairfield, Conn. A family get- together was held there Satur- day evening when the group was joined by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fish of Cotuit and Mrs. Prescott Fish of Hyannis. Mrs . Wayne Oehme and daugh- ter Gretchen of Southampton spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Parker of Route 149. Mr. Oehme and Miss Cheryl St. Peter joined them for the weekend. Returning home with the Oehmes were Cindy Parker and Susan Melix , who will spend two weeks there. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hamblin have been Mrs. Sarah Mandelstan of Brookline and her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Flashnor of Newton. Mr . and Mrs. Zellk Entln, ac- companied by Mrs. Paul Entin and child , have returned from a 3 weeks' visit to Tsrael. Mrs. Ethel M. Thlfault was call- ed to Waltham by the death of her niece, Mrs. Nancy Rich Leonard, o frequent visitor to this village. Others who attended services from this village were Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Elskamp, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thifault and Mrs. Lydla Greenlea , also Mr. and Mrs. John Mullaly of Hyannis. Mrs. Peter L. Eldrldge of this village and New London , Ct. took a three-week tour of Europe , which included Italy, Spain and Greece to be with her husband , a Sub- mariner in the Navy. During her absence , her children spent part of the time with their grandpa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gifford of Route 149. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Els - kamp, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, were given a surprise party by their daughter , Miss Patricia Elskamp, at their home on River Road , June 11. A cake, made and decorated for the occasion , was served with other refreshments to the 30 guests in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Els- kamp attended the wedding of their son David , who took as his bride , Miss Diane Wood- Thomas on June 19, In Clinton , Conn. Oth- ers attending were Patricia and Richard Elskamp, Mrs. Ethel Thi- iault , Mrs. Lydia Greenlea . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Thifault and son Frederick , Mr. and Mrs. Char- les G. Thifault , Mr. and Mrs. John Mullaly and Mr. and Mrs. Sander- son Hughes. Mr . and Mrs. George T. Gifford spent Sunday In West. Boylston , guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Haigg and sons, David and John . Father 's Day guests of Mr . and Mrs. Leon Melix of Sandwich were their children of this village , Mr. and Mrs . Wilbur C. Cushincr , Mr. and Mrs. Oram Dubey and Mr. and Mrs . Donald L. Meltx. A family party was held at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Robert A. Parker In observance of Father 's Day, during which time their dau- ghter, Mrs. Durwood Rogge of California , telephoned her congra- tulations. Mr. and Mrs . Arthur J. Thifault and son Frederick are spending a week at their camp at Twin Moun- tains , N. H. Patrick Lyle Stearns celebrate d his second birthday with a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michaud in Cotuit , where he re- sides. Guests from this village were Mrs. Randall Johnson and children and Mrs . Bruce Setler nnd children. Spurgeon R. Weaver is recover- ing at his home on Flint Street from knee surgery at Cape Cod Hospital. Kenneth Roberts is also recover- ing at his home from a stay at Cape Cod Hospital. LANA NICKERSON AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP Miss Lana Nickerson of Ma rston Mills has been awarded a scholar- ship by Cape Cod Branch , Ameri- can Association of University Wo- men. Mrs. B. Carson French , scholar- ship chairman , said the award is made yearly to a woman graduate of Cape Cod Community College who is going on to work for a de- gree at a four-year college . A graduate of Barnstable High School , Miss Nickerson studied Liberal Arts at the Cape College. She was named to the Dean 's List each of her four semesters and graduated in June with high ho- nors. A charter member of the Phi Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa , national honorary society, Miss Nickerson served as secre- tary for the 1970-71 year. She plans to enter Williams College in the Fall. GRADUATED Janice M. Aalto of Lovells Lane received her associate in science degree from Forsyth Dental Sch- ool at graduation exercises held June 20 in Boston Garden by Nor- theastern University. The 70th an- nual commencement of the uni- versity was highlighted by an ad- dress of Mrs. Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Rev. Martin Lu- ther King Jr. MARST0HS MlLLSI " " "/MS j INSURANCE /^gN j |and ANNUITIES ^^ j T Frank G. Thacher Insurance Agency I T Robert G. Dowling — Robert G. Dowling, 3rd I I 251 South Street Tel. 775-1620 Hyannis, Mass. X lEifflffiHl gl ONE POLICY ASSURES Q H YOUR PEACE OF MIND ^ g| Leonard Insurance o^ gg Agency gg § 2 13 Wianno Ave. Osterville £>o ,§> 2 Tel. 428-6921 o 3 te~H X M X H M— it =M M At ti X IIleedlep oint dLeteons off ered ou 7 he WooC Shop OSTERVILLE series of six lessons plus 1 makeup $60,00 Mondays or Tuesdays starting July 12 s morning class 10 a.m. to 12 . afternoon class 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. rJLearn new itltckeil oLearn to cleMc^nl enrollment limited cO^ zegi&tez today .~ AjKC^ s ! telephone 428-6081 r^*V &Xi [ f«l J I' "^ j ;i ^-Jne v^ummaauia ^Jrnn I j ! IKoulv 6~/r Marmoutnp orl X J j \-Jvcvloolrinq L^ap e (—ocl t/ j ai j " J i| DINNER & COCKTAILS j j FROM 5:30 1j CLOSED MONDAYS I For Reservations Phone 362-6565 | I 4444+44+44 *4444 *4444444+444 *4444444444+44444444444 *4444444+40+44 > i , MSmSMmEiSBESSSm I <—VT-^—W ftiWFFt I >ryyJys)tov J **! n FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF FPI 170TS 17.0 cu. ft. $369.95 !; •Big and all froslless and just 30 inches wide! Smooth- !; !; glide nylon rollers • Reversa-doors can be hinged I; !; right or left, now or later • Twin crlspers, egg servers, !; !; specialized door storage ;; Other models start as low as $269.95. Home freezers pricedfrom $209.95. Choice of color or white. Budget terms FREE! $15 Worth of Frozen Food Coupons I! with any home freezer or frostless refrigerator-freezer ;; II purchased from us between June 7, 1971 and August ;> 21, 1971 and installed on our lines. ', ', Coupons redeemable at Angelo's, > 1 1 ' ! :; ;| dSft CAPE & VINEYARD ELECTRIC COMPANY ! 'ylS L^ IN mi tmn, HTANMI ¦****+4+4++++4++444+4++444++4 **4**********4*4****+++*++++4+ +++++i ' ? Diamonds . . . X ?choosing a diamond can be a i ?pleasurable experience . . . like A ?falling in love ! Come In and ! !see. I ® I Member of American Gem * Society * t r£ptU4#n> Ct.^M> S ? JEWELERS 1 ? 422 Main St. Hynnnis ? ? 4 \ Kenyon A. Carr . R J. * f louis C Emrich. R J Y * ¦ »¦» ? ? ? ? ? - » ? ? ¦? • ? ? ? ? * Authorized New Car Dealer For M. G. JEEP AMERICAN MOTORS Over 120 Cars in Stock S E A R S A UT O SALES Rt. 6A E. Sandwich, Mass. 775-7972 - 775-7959 Open Evenings 'til 8 P.M. Many widows of veterans may rot know they can receive Veter- ans Administration benefits even after their remarriage if the re- marriage has been terminated by cieath or divorce. Qualified widows were eligible for VA- guaranteed home loans, educational benefits, death pen - sion , and dependency and indem- nity compensation. Previously the widow of a vet- eran was declared permanently ineligible for these benefits if she remarried , but a recently passed law has amended that, provision to again make the widow eligible if her remarriage is terminated. Advice To Veterans