June 3, 1912 Barnstable Patriot | |
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Electric Street Li ghts
" i At the annual meeting of the Hy-
;, :uinis Fire District it was voted to con-
y tract with the Barnstable Lighting Co.
I to furnish electric street lights
s j thro ughout the district.
- { In their bid this company agreed to
i , be prepared to furnish lights in 30
1 I days after signing contract and legal
j requirements are complied with. j
The report of the meeting will be '
- found on our 4th page. I
Summer School of Music
M rs. Ella Hackus-Behr is to be in
f Ilyannis this summer and wiU conduct
a summer school of music. Students j
i can enroll during this month and reg-
¦' ular instruction will begin July 1st.
1 The courses will include the "
pia no, violi n and organ ,
i ..i rs. Behr 's reputation as a pianist
¦ ami teacher needs no recommendation
> from the Patriot , as her superior at-
. tainments are well-known to most of
i our readers.
During the summer Mrs. Behr ex-
i pi-cts to favor the public with several
i musical entertainments , and she will
• present to the people of this vicinity
) a number of leading artists , profes-
sional and amateurs , who will assist
' her in th ese functions.
.u rs. ('has. C. Crocker entertained
the afternoon whist club last week.
Uev. John MacChesney of Province-
town was the guest of Rev . P. L.
Schenk last week.
Mr. Kd ward F. Terry of Nantucket
is at home on a vaca>.on.
Mrs. H. X. White and May Kelley
are visiti ng in Boston.
Mr. Ed ward CJirard spent the holi-
day at his home in Fall River.
Mr. and Mrs. Heman P. Crocker
\\<_iu to New Bedford to spend Memo-
rial day.
The dance at the Yacht Club Thurs-
day «•veiling by McCann 's orchestra
was a pleasant occasion , much better
intended than was anticipated on ac-
count, of the severe storm that pre-
vailed all day and into the night.
Mr. Willard S. Cannon of Boston
was the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rufus Cannon , last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Baker and Mrs.
Walter I). Baker were in Uanvers
last week , where Mr. Baker delivered
. l. e Me morial day address.
Miss Elva Torrey of Providence has
'neon spending a few days at Mr. B.
¦". Luiube n 's.
Miss Mae C. Drew went to Boston
Wednesday to stay until today.
Mrs. Albe rt Baker is visiting in
Chelsea . She went up to attend the
fu neral of Mrs. Hersilia W. Walker,
you ngest child of the late Howes and
Hersilia Crowell , natives of West Yar-
mouth , who died suddenly last Mon-
iiay, at the ago of 31 years, the funeral
aki ng place on Wednesday.
.Mrs. Frederick G. Lothrop was in
i'lsto n iast week.
.Mrs. Edwi n Baxter went to Foxboro
i 'ri(lay to see M r. Joseph Baxter, who
s very sick.
Mr. He rbert Linnell of Boston was •
in tow n recently to attend the burial :
¦if his sist er, M rs. Gilbert L. Hinckley. ¦
On his return he was accompanied by (
Mrs . Liim rll and son Ralph.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest E. Starr of Bos- '
;nn arrived last week and opened their 1
new ho me on Pleasant street , the
Emily Crocker place. '
The ilya nnis Orchestra went to Os- ;
erviile Th ursday night and gave a
dance in I'n ion Hall which was quite '
w.-¦11 atte nded in spite of the bad ;
.veal her. '
Mr. Ed ward Mitchell spent the holi-
day at his ho me in Walt ham. '
Miss Anna M. Nickerson of South '
Dennis was the guest of her aunt , Mrs. '
'V . II. Ha rtle tt , last week.
Mr. Cha rles Stimpson joined his '
wife , who was visiting relatives away, !
or the holiday.
Fred Ti nkham , an employee of the
\da ms Express Co.. who has been ;
ru nning between Boston and Newark ,
X. J.. has been transferre d, and com-
ni- need this morning to run between '
here a nd Boston.
Mi:- s Moyt , niece of Rev. E. A. Hoyt , '
who has been keeping house for him
•;in <- e his wife 's death has returned to :
ier home in Maine.
Mrs. A. F. Swift of Bourne was the
-Miest of her sister, Mrs. Alex. C.
Ili nckley, for the holiday.
Frank L. L. Turner, who has been
employed here for some time, has
urine to Fal mouth to work. !
Advertised matter in Hyannis Post-
niliee : Anne M. Eastman , Edw. H.
Hu t z . M rs. S. Bell Beals, R. Dambrasio
''. W. Iligbee, F. M. Shields.
Mrs. Julia A. Baxter has recently
been in Providence , call ed there by
¦lie ill ness and death of her brother.
We were mistaken in our statement
last week that Mr. Lot E. Gorham was
Maiming Mrs. Howe's residence. Mr.
!. \\ . Cray is doi ng the job.
The Park grass crop was mowed
last week by Ben Gifford for the first
Mine this season. Tree Warden Bod-
'ish has requested Mr. F. P. Hallett to
have an oversight of the Park.
Mrs. Alfred Richards of North
'V-enn street has been entertaining
her mother , Mrs. Stone of Boston re-
¦¦< i n l y.
Afo=tino Dondero, the scissors
¦n't'der , was in town last week and is
"nalniiK his annual tour of the Cape.
Mrs. Edwa rd Sliney and son James
r Pri trlifon visited her brother , Mr.
M.'i'li:> m Gilmore , on Sunday of last
F.'X 'n Chalko is employed in the lum-
1 '<^r vm-(1 of Joh n Ilinckley & Son , at
" vai'ro mh.
Mis? Crops, the milliner employed I
¦ '"
¦• M-r jr . n. Chase, spent the holiday
'int of town. c
1 Mr . Irving Robbins spent nart of
1 'ast v eek in Boston with his brother,
Mr. George F. Robbins.
; A party of students from Mass.
Instit ute of Technology hired the use
• of the bowling alleys at the Yacht
! Club Thursday and Friday.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Nickerman of
1 Boston spent Sunday with Mr. and
I Mrs. Wm. Connolly. : Their daughter
Annie remained to visit.
y Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Blagden of
;" Quincy spent. Sunday with their
r mothe r, Mrs. Katie Blagden.
>' Conductor Walter R. Baxter has
been taking a week's vacation.
'" Rev. Charles R. Powers of Randolph
II supplied at the Baptist church yester-
''• day. A communion service was held
e in the morning. The text was taken
r- imm lot r"r> T-iTVHii -inc 11th Ph.int pr.
last part of 24th verse, "'This do in re-
membrance of me."
Mrs. S. B. Swift of Allston and Mrs.
lalph W. Higgins and little daughter
Frances of South Braintree are visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Kelley.
Miss Eliza F. Smith spent Sunday in
Miss Jennie Slavin is spending a few
iays in Chatham.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con-
gregational church will hold a food
=ale in the chapel Friday afterndon
at 3.
The Unity Club will be entertained
by Mrs. John C. Bearse and Mrs.
.has. C. Paine Friday evening at the
..ome of Mrs. Paine. A full attend-
ance is requested as officers are to be
Other Hyannis locals in 6th column ,
this page, and on 2d and 4th pages.
HYANNIS i — ^» ¦
¦w m wm*
Mem orial Exercise s
Following is the program of the
Centerville schools which was rend-
ered during the morning session of
\Ycdnesday in order that the veterans
could be present:
Singing, Star Spangled Banner. i
Recitation , Decoration Day—Anna !
Rosengren. i
Piccolo Solo, Tramp! Tramp!
Tramp!—Leo A. Childs.
Singing, Hats Off—Grammar School I
Kecitation , The Boys In Blue—Percy
B Robbins.
Singing, Flag of Our Native Land-
Primary School.
Recitation , In One Grave—Rosa J
Singing, Memorial Day—Grammar
Diologue, Keeping the Day—Pupils
of -Grade VIII.
Piccolo Solo, Just Before the Battle
Mother—Leo A. Childs.
Singing, Our Country 's Heroes-
Primary School.
Recitation , The Returned Battle
Flag—Erkki Rosengren.
Dialogue, Furl Your Battle Flag—
Four Girls.
Singing, American Flag—Grammar
Recitatio n, Memorial Day-
—My rtie
L. I^ewi s.
Remarks by the veterans . Messrs.
M. M. Haskell , I). B. Snow, E. W.
childs , Gen. A. D. Ayling in their
'.'sual pleasing style.
Singing, America.
A Tribute
Mrs. Eli zabeth Doane, who had
made her home with her son, Robert
Doane, for the past thre e years
passed away the 24th , aft er being
tende rly cared for by a devoted son
and daughter-in-law . Grandma 's smile
of love and w ords of cheer were very
dea r to the hearts of the grandchil-
dren and she was always ready to com
fort the m in their little troubles. Her
pla ce cann ot be filled.
She was always seeking to comfort
othe rs, placi ng her own sorrows in the
She was th e widow of Joshua
Doa ne of Harwiehport. She leaves
five sons to mourn their loss, Lin-
wood F. of Lakeville, Charles of
Provide nce, R. I., Chester and Joshua
oi Harwich and Robert of Centerville,
and two sisters, Mrs. Osmond Ames of
Osterville and M rs. Flora Bacon of
Mr. and Mrs. Doane wish to thank
all those who so kindly assisted them
in thei r sad affliction.
Mr. and Mrs. Marston Woodbury are
t o occupy the "Utowana ," Mrs. Edith
Hartshorn 's cottage, this summer be-
ginning with the first of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard Bearse
and children moved to Marion the
first of thi s week. Mr. Bearse is to
work for Dr. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Bearse have
anothe r son which was born M ay 2Sth.
Mr. Myron L. Hinckley, son Harold
Miss Florence Hinckloy, and the maid
ar rived by automobile Wednesday
Mrs. Hi nckley and Mrs. Augustus
Childs arrived by train the same day.
Mast er Eddie Bea rse had his wrist
broken in two places Monday while
playing with a little friend.
Capt. Chas. E. Bearse has been very
ill the past week but is now gaining
Mrs. Crocker , infant , and daughter
Glenna of Nantucket are visitin g her
aunt , Mrs. N. H. Hearse, at "Fairview "
cottage fo r two weeks
Improvements are going forward at
Meechwood Cemetery under the care
of Mr. E. W. Childs , who is an ideal
A number from here attended the
exercises at the Barnstable High
school Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Tho rne was an arrival at Mr.
Howa rd G. Lumber 's th e past week.
M rs. Huldah' Turner arrived at Mr.
Theodore Crosby 's.
Dr. Harry Cutter was down the
past week.
Miss Augusta Loomis was at home
for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cornish arrived
at the "Barracks " for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. i red Hammond are at
"Hammond Lodge."
Miss Annis M. Sturges and friend
were here for Memorial Day..
M r. Harry L. Phinney and family
have moved into their summer quart-
ers, th e shop formerly used for awhile
by M r. Walter Stiff , Main street.
A party from New Bedford and
Matlapoisett visited Wequaquet Lake
and dined at Mr. E. B. Bearse's Sun-
day week, making the trip in five
Mr. Robert Doane received word
Friday of the sudden death of his
cousin , M r. David Doane of Harwich-
port. Mr. and Mrs. Doane went to the
funeral which took place Sunday.
Miss Jessie H. Crosby went to Bos-
ton Saturdav morning.
Mrs. Marston Woodbury went to
Attlebp ro to visit her pa rents over
Memorial day.
Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Lewis
arrived at Camp Lotus Tuesday for a
'"ew days' vacation.
Miss Bla nche Wright was an arrival
it "M ushroom 1
.' cottage for the holi-
Mrs. Pierce has been at her Long
"each cottag e a few day -.
M r. and Mrs. ('has. S. Miller and
•.on Lloyd were arrivals for Memorial
di'.y at P.ev. J. T. Theodore 's.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. James W. Holmes and
lladys of Pai nstab lo were arrivals at
•r. W. S. i r.mberfs the past week.
M rs. !> . F. Richards went to Or-
lea ns lart Monday ' to remain over
Me morial day and place flowers upon
he graves of her loved ones accord-
ng to her usual custom. On Memo-
ial day Mrs. Richards gave two
Patriotic readings in the afternoon
J. A. R exercises in the Town Hall.
The Post and Corps from Harwich
ind Chatham were present. The
readings of Mrs. Richards were re-
ceived with great applause, her
'alents receiving marked appreciation
there and elsewhere as well as in her
own home village of Centerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton L. Childs and
family will move into their new home
Tuesday. Mr. Childs is one of the
smartest of masons and deserves his
good fortune in securing such a val-
uable piece of property.
The sewing circle will meet with
Mrs. Ingmonson Wednesday at 2.
The Patriot is for sale at the P. O.
each week. 6 cents a copy.
The B. H. S. dance to have been
siven Friday evening did not take
place for various reasons. »
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Hall and two
sons Masters Ralph and Howard, were
at Mr. Aaron S. Crosby 's and at "But-
tercup" cottage a few days including
Memorial day.
Mrs. Melissa Hamblin and Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Lockwood at the week end
arrived at "Comfort" cottage. Mr.
Lockwood returned to Boston Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Howard purges visu-
cents n
Death of Mrs. T. B. Pulsifer
Mrs. Annie, wife of Dr. Thomas B. j
Pulsifer, died at "her home Sunday
morning. Mrs. Pulsifer had been in
feeble health for many years, alth ough
able to attend to duties in her home.
Her huband , who has been ill for
some years, will miss her care and at- |
i tendance. She leaves three daughters .
Misses Carrie R., Helen and Annie
I Pulsife r, one son, Mr. Gorham Pulsi-
fer, and a brother, Mr. Benj. T. Gor-
ham , who deeply mourn her loss.
j The funeral will take place Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Summer Train Service
Trains leave Yimi.outli fi.r Boston :it ti 17. i; :'>:',
7.23 (.Saturday and Monday only). 7 SI. 7 f>",
10 10 a. m.: 4.01 p. m. Comm-nciii K Jnw 1" .
2 12 and 4 -'8 p. m.
sun.lii)s. 4.W. 4 2S. 7 14 p m.
To Buzznrds Bay, 9 iu n. in.
Arrive at Yarmouth from Boston at 10.1V5 a m .
d 18 (Saturdays only), 3.66, 4 06 (Saturdays only).
i 30 (Krlda j s and i-amrdays only). fi.tB. C 8S.
ti 58.7.48 p. in Commencin g June 14, a. SSn.in
anil 1- 18 p.m.
Sunda ys, 9.38, 10 50 a.m., 3.30 p.m.
Miss Ruth B. Taylor and Mr. Gor-
ham Pulsifer were married Saturday
afternoon , at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Elbridge Taylor. The
guests included the families of the con-
tracting parties and a few intimate
friends. Rev. E. E. Colburn of the
Congregational church officiate}. The
bride was attired in a traveling
suit. Mr. and Mrs. Pulsife r went
away in an auto and took the train for
Boston , but were summoned home
Sunday morning by the sudden death
of Mr. Pulsifer's mother.
The baseball game between the
Orleans High school and Yarmouth
High school teams Saturday afternoon
resulted in a victory of 11 to 1 in favor
.){ the Orleans team.
Mrs. Nathan T. Hallett of Roslin-
dale is visiting her parents, Capt. and
M rs. Chas. M. Bray.
Miss Harriet W. Ryder of Newton
Highlands spent the holiday and week
end with her mother , M rs. Mary Ry-
Miss Mabel Howes, who has been in
Brookli ne for the past eight months , is
at home for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Knowles of
Boston are at their summer home.
Mr. Charles utis and family of New
York arrived at their home here for
the summer Friday.
Miss Sara K. Nickerson of Middle-
boro spent the 30t h at home.
Mrs. Albert Haker and daughter
Alice of Allston are guests of friends
in town.
M r. and Mrs. Louis B. Thacher and
fa mily of Boston have opened their
house for the season.
Memorial day exercises were held in
the schools Wednesday afternoon .
The children marched to the different
cemeteries and placed flags and flow-
ers on the soldiers' gra ves.
M rs. Frank Crosby of South Yar-
mouth is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.
Franklin Arey.
M rs. Mary Matthews Bray has
joine d her sisters here for the summer.
Miss Saidee M. Swift has been
gra nted a leave of absence as sten-
ographer of the seventh session of
the Su ffolk superior court and will
take a trip to Panama.
Miss Rebecca Cheney of Washing-
ton is the guest of Miss May R.
I fowes.
Mrs. (' . I^ovell Goodspeed is vifliti ng
:ri<;ii(is in Gloucester.
Mr . and Mrs. Thomas Royle are now
established at thei r collage for the
su mmer season.
Mr. Hunt , WooiiBocket , Mr. Nicker-
-on , Mrai ntrce , and M r. Ea rl David-
mi were holiday guests at Mr. James
I (avidso n's.
Mr. Willia m Main , Bosto n , and Mr.
ili-.mabas Mai n and family were guests
••f Mrs. Hepsie Main.
Memorial day wan duly observed at
-Hiool and at ch urch.
The Ladies ' Aid which was to have
been at the chapel Friday afternoon
was at Mr. A. L. Crowell' B instead , as
heati ng apparatus has been removed
f rom the chapel.
Rev. Mr. Mercer, who has received
a call to the TJniversalist church in
this place, has rented the house near
the library, owned by Rev. H. E.
Thvgeson of Hatchville.
Mr L F- Williams has returned
from Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has
been spending a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bunker ol
Sagamore have been in town for a
i few days.
' MrsTSarah Freeman is the guest ol
> I Mr. and Mrs. Heman S. Cook /in
B. D. Baxter was in Boston the first
of the week.
Mr. William M. Grigson of New
York has been a guest at E. H. Ful-
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Peak arid son
Fletcher spent the holiday at their cot-
tage, coming from Cambridge in their
automobile. .
Miss Mina J. Fuller and friend spent
Memorial day in Sandwich.
Mr. A. D. Murray was a guest of his
parents last TiieBday. Mr. Murray
left Boston Thursday for his summer's
work in Maine.
The Patriot is for sale each week at the
news-BUDd of W. D.Paine,5cents a copy.
Subscriptions solicited for the same for
one month and upwards, payable io ad-
vance. Delivered at any P.O. address.
Alsosubscriptions for all leading news-
papers and periodicals at publishers'
rates. P.O. deliveryguaranteed,
N. B.—On and after May 1st, 1
912, all
8anday newspapers will be charged 6
centsper cop;delivered,and usualprinted
rates at the store.
All dallies delivered 10 centsextra eacb
Newsdealerand Agent.
On Friday evening Rev. P. L. Schenk
gave another illustrated lecture at the
chu rch , the subject being Abraham
Li ncoln. Memorial day coming at this
season suggested a patriotic theme
and the life of the great Civil war
leader and emancipator was most
fitti ngly chosen. The lantern slides
pictured Pres. Lincoln 's earliest sur-
roundings , his late r experiences , and
pa rticularly his closing years, and
death at Washington. Patriotic songs
and music were another feature of the
evening. The collection was appro-
priately taken for missionary work
amo ng the colored people of the South
who m Lincoln did so much to free.
At the services at the church yester-
(!a\ there was a notable array of flow-
ers from Mr. and Mrs. Joshua F.
Crowell's place. From now on Mr.
and Mrs. Crowell's ga rdens will be an
att ractive spot and it is the generous
custo m of the owners to contribute
each Sunday a good share of their
blossoms for decoration of the
ch urch. Later these blossoms llnd
thei r way into homes In the neighbor-
hood where they are much appreci-
Mr. E. T. Cha se and family an oc
cupylng Mrs. Johnson 's house at
Ermlewood for the summer.
Mrs. Faulkner and daughters are at
..Irs. Lamm 's for a part of the season.
The Whist club held its final even-
ing at Schoolhouse hall last Wednes-
day. The season 's pri zes were distri-
buted , an entertainment , both musi-
cal and literary was given , and re-
freshments served.
Street Lights Out
By order of the Prudential Commit-
tee of the Fire District the street
lighis have been discontinued.
It is the opinion of the Committee
that under the vote for the approi»ria-
tio n for street lights this money can-
not be used for present lighting. The
app ropriation was intended to carry
out the vote to contract for electric
light i ng.
Under the circumstances the Pru-
dential Committee ordered the lights
discontinued as above stated. It
seems now that either the Prudential
Committee will have to take the re-
sponsibility and order the lights
lighted and trust the district to pay
the bills , or call another meeting and
provide for the lighting until the elec-
t ric lights are installed.
At any rate we ought to have the
Summer Train Service
Trains Ifnve llyannl.i for Utiston at fi.lu, 6 45,
7 16, 7.6'J, '
J.60 a. m., 3.45 p. nl. Coiiimcnelti K
.lime 14. 2< M and 4. 'JU p. in.
For tin ' Capt< ti 25 p. in.
Sun days . 3 66, 4.2U. 6.35. 7 p. m.
For ISuzzard s Bay 9.(0 n. in.
for I Iip Capp. 10.30a. m.
Arrive at llyunnlx fro m Boston at In ») a. in..
3.25 (.Saturdays only), 4.10, G.10, C 6o. 7.06, 7 55
p. m . Commencing June 14, D.45 a. in.. Vi.V)
p. in.
Arrive from the Cape 7.40 a. in.
Sundays 'J.45, 11 a. m., 8.31 p. m.
Krom Inn CajiP , 4.20 and 7.25 p. in.
Mrs. Thomas Brady and two chil-
dren of New Bedford sj ient Memorial
day with her sister, M rs. Walter It.
v Mr. Thornton Jenkins of Maiden
was the miest of Mrs. Maud I*. Chase
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Howe came down
from Boston last week and are to re-
turn tomorrow. They made the trip
n their auto. They expect to open
iiieir summer home here in about two
The severe rain stj rm en the ?,'» '¦
?iu off all out-of-doors exercises con-
nected with Memorial day, as well as
p irts scheduled for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Hallett of
Dorchester were holiday guests of his
mother and brother, Mrs. Susan E.
and John H. Hallett. Their mother
returned Saturday with them for three
or four weeks visit.
The Baptist and Congregational
Sunday Schools will hold union chil-
dren 's day exercises in the Baptist
church next Sunday at 4 o'clock.
The Sandwich High school base ball
team came to Hyannis Saturday ex-
pecting to play a ball game, but for
some reason there was no game.
The Avon Club that is to appear
here Thursday offers a very pleasing
program, and the Athletic Association
is deserving of a rousing benefit. The
proceeds are to be devoted to the pur-
chasing of new uniforms for the ball
team. Reserved seat tickets can be
had at Megathlin's.
Miss Bertha Crocker has entered
the employ of the Cape Cod Auto Co.
as bookkeeper. The roof of the new
garag e is nearl y covered in, and the
building will soon be read y for occu-
The Normal school students en-
joyed a picnic on Great Island Satur-
The illustrated lecture on Lincoln
given at the congregational church
Sunday evening proved one of the
most popular of the series and was at-
tended by a large number.
Memorial exercises were Kiven by
the schools on Wednesday afternoon ,
a large number of the parents and
oth ers being in attendance.
Mrs. Win. Hurst spent several days
in Boston last week with her daughter ,
Miss Ethel Hurst.
Little Olive r Studley, aged about eraied on for
Mr. Charles Btrnhardt of Boston
gave a pleasing entertainment at thf -
M. E. church last Tuesday evening,
consisting of vocal and violin solos
and German impersonations , the pro-
ceeds for benefit of the Sunday school.
Mr. Fred Warner arrived on Friday
from the lightship to spend two weeks
with hi s family.
Miss Evelyn Taylor is visiting in
Attleboro, Providence and Boston.
Mr. Edson P. Howes of New York
was a recent guest of his uncle, Mr.
Zenas P. Howes.
The Barnstable County Sunday
School association will be held on
Wednesday at the M. E. church. An
interesting program will be
out and a large attendance is ex-
The worst mistake Io painting Is not
patting-off. That costs about 10 per-
cent; yoa keep your money a year end
pay 10percent lor It.
Paint would have to come-down 25 per-
cent to make ten percent on the job, for
wages do not go-down.
Tbe worst mistake is "cheap" paint.
It costs from 60percent to 100, first cost,
and another In wear.
What a liar "cheap" is! "Pot-ofl" is
bad enough; "cheap"is ten times worse.
S. K. AB.Bears& Co., South Hyannis,
A. D. Makepeace Co., West Barnstable.
; tnd E. F. & W.I. Fuller,Osterville,sell It.
Not Paint
Wytchmere Tavern 1b open for the
Mr. Isaiah Sherman and family are
occupying his residence formerly the
home of Mrs. Pollie Sherman.
Mr. Joseph Crowell of Weymouth ifl
at home sick with diphtheria.
Mr. Josiah Smith has arrived for
the summer at the Smith cottage.
Mr. J. H. Jenks and Miss Elizabeth
Haswell visited Boston recently.
Criterion Temple No. 85 held their
second meeting in Pythian Hall Tues-
day evening.
Capt. A. Ix Nickereon, Miss Mary
Nickerson and Mr. Harold Nickerson
went to Boston Friday, returning Sat-
ur day by auto.
The Ladies' Aid- Society met in the
chapel Wednesday evening Instead ol
Mrs. Jerusha B. Edwards of Win
throp visited friends la town the past
': Among those in town for the 30tl
' and the week end were: Mr. Thatchei
Keller, Mr. Joseph Small, Brockton;
Miss Susie Chase
, Miss Holmes, Fal
> River; Mr. Caiiton Baker.
Mrs. Harry L. Bates , who is No rth
lor a viHil to her parents , Mr. and Mrs
Frank M. Swift , was a guest last week
of ('apt. and Mrs. L. H. Baker.
Mrs. Doling and daughter are oc-
upyin g the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ames for the summer , as they are
:-oi ng to chaperon a part y abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Heron , who have been
quests of Capt. and Mrs. Jonathan
Matth ews, left town last week for their
summer home in Waldoboro. Mrs.
Matthews recently spent a few days in
Miss Ada Nickerson has returned
to Providence as a guest of her
(ousin , Mrs. Arthur Peck.
Death of Seth Smith
Sc-th Smith died at his home Friday,
May 24, aged 75 years, 2 months, 4
days. He was the son of the late
Seth and Mary (Ghen) Smith , and was
born in Baldwin , Me., coming here
with his parents in boyhood to reside
March 11, 1864. he enliBted as a priv-
ate In the Sixteenth Mass. Artillery ,
and was attached to the 22d Army
Corps. He was at the defence of
Washington , D. C, during the three
days' fight with the forces of Gen.
Early in the latter's attack upon the
forts, and waa discharged as corporal
June 27, 1865, at the expiration of
service. He was town clerk and
treasurer of Provincetown from 1873
until 1906, relinquishing those offices
on account of ill health. Mr. Smith
was a member of J. C. Freeman Post,
No. 55, G. A. R., and Marine Lodge, I.
O. O. F., and one of the staunch sup-
porters of Centenary M. E. church.
He is survived by a wife and three
sisters, Mrs. Jonah Small and Mrs.
Samuel Long of this town, and Mra.
Prince Freeman-
Funeral services were held Monday,
Rev. James TregasWs officiating, the
burial service of the G. A. R. succeed-
ing that of the church.
Mrs. Stephen C. Whorf is the gueat
of her parents, Mr." and Mrs F. P.
Mrs. Edwin A. Grozier has been at
the family summer home the past
Mrs. Charles H. Hodgdon, Fall River
visited Mrs. Mary Worthen during the
past week.
William J. Mclntyre and family
have moved to SL Esprit, C..B.
Jonathan C. Small was the guest of
his father, Capt James H. Small, last
Edwin B..Rich, Brockton, is visiting
relatives in town.
Mrs. Herbert Rich and daughter
Marion, Somervllle, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Cook.
The Hollingworths are at their cot-
tage. Mr. Hollingworth has recently
purchased the cottage of Mrs. Anne
Bosworth Greene. -
J. Darrow Adams and friend of tbe
Jtindge Manual training school, Cam-
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The water mains are ialo as lar as
Miss Lumberfs store. The rain of
last week somewhat retarded 'the