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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-,„.., ... \ Central Cape Dodge DART CORONET POLARA MONACO CHARGER \ i by DODGE SALES & SERVICE RTE. 28 — HYANNIS OPPOSITE AIRPORT 775-8424 MRS. BETTY SOUZA Correspondent Cotuit 02635 Tel. 428-*269 CADET RE1MIARDT TO GRADUATE Cadet Thomas T. Reinhardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reinhardt of Clamshell Point Lane, will grad- uate from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point on June 4. Cadet Reinhardt, who will re- ceive a bachelor of science degree, was appointed to the Military Academy as a qualified alternate. He is a 1964 graduate of Archbis- hop Williams High School , Brain- tree. While at West Point , the 23-year- old cadet was a member of the Debate Council and Forum, the Student Conference on U. S. Af- fairs and the Outdoor Sportsmen's Club. He was also on the football team. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SANTUIT-COTUIT, INC. At a recent meeting of the dir- ectors of the Historical Society of Santuit-Cotuit Incorporated, it was voted to hold a meeting in Bruce Hall , Cotuit, on Friday evening, May 30 at 8. The public is cordial- ly invited to attend and hear Vic- tor Boden of Cotuit speak on Time and Timekeepers. Refreshments will be served and samples of historical papers will be given to anyone Interested. COUNTRY CLUB NEWS Honors for the first hole in one of the season go to Earl Fllnker who on May 18 at the club made the play on the 6th hole with a 9 iron. On May 21 in the Ladies League Peg Savery, Claire Crocker and Edla Dahlbo won the contest over Kay Ryder, Doris Lentell and Carleen Burton. On May 24 coming in first were Sally Rennie, Kay Fllnker and Mary Beth Bird, and coming in second were Claire Crocker, Ber- tha Gilford and Leslie Bird. In the Wednesday twilight con- test, the team of Tommy Rennie and Clarence Tarvarian came in first, trailed by Joe Hallett and Earl Fllnker. Tony Souza and Bob LeBlanc , Sr. defeated the team of Clarence Tarvainen and Tommy Rennie in the Sunday morning men's tourna- ment, played May 25. In the mixed scotch Sunday evening, Peg Savery and Tony Souza teamed with Clarence and Jo Tnrvalnen to win over a tie with Leslie and Barry Bird and Ann and Bob LeBlanc, Sr. for one extra hole. Winners of the annual Cotuit Memorial Tournament this year wore Ed Savery and Von Lentell. On Sunday, June 1, at 9 a.m. the club has planned a spring mem- ber-guest tournament for 27 holes and 3 flights, for best ball medal. A buffet will follow catered by the Women's League. MARTHA PARKINSON TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Robbins of Copper Beaches, Cotuit an- nounce the engagement of her daughter , Martha Emmons Park- inson, to Robert J. Paradles of Villa Natalia , Florence, Italy and Makati , Rizal , the Philippines. Miss Parkinson is a graduate of the Rogers Hall School, Lowell and attended Cygnets House, Lon- don, England. She was presented to society at the 1968 Debutante Assembly in Boston . Miss Parkinson also is the daughter of Robert Parkinson of North Falmouth and the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson of Rumson, N. J. and the late Mr. and Mrs. John Parkin- son of Boston and Plainflold , Bourne. Mr. Paradles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur Pardies of Makati , Rizal , the Philippines. He is a graduate of LaSalle Col- lege in the Philippines, Villanova University, Villanova , Pa., and presently is in management train- ing with the firm of Olivetti , S. p. A. He is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Vidal Aboitlz of Cebu City, the Philippines, and of Mr. and Mrs. William Paradies of Cagayay De Oro, the Philippines. Mr. Par- adies* father is vice-president of Aboitiz and Company and Smith Bell and Company, Manila, holders of the Olivetti franchise for the Philippines and one of the leading Philippine shipping companies. On his return to the Philipines, Mr. Paradies will be associated with his father in Aboitiz and Com- pany. A summer wedding is planned. MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA The 4-H and Campfire mother- daughter tea held May 21, in Bruce Hall at 3:30 in the afternoon was well attended by mothers, daugh- ters and teachers. Presiding over the tea table were Mrs. Allan Crawford , Mrs. Ormand Dottridge and Mrs. Roland Barnabey, mem- bers of the Women's Fellowship who provided the refreshments. The girls entertained their moth- ers with singing and presented each mother with a piece of shell jewelry which they had fashioned themselves from lovely colored shells donated by Mrs. J. Brad- ford Sargent of Old King 's Road. WANTED: LADIES TO PLAY SOFTBALL All ladies who have graduated from hioh school in any villages In the Town of Barnstable inter- ested in playing ladles softball are asked to come to the Cotuit School Field on Saturday, May 31, at 2 p.m. Further Information may be had by call Miss Gwen Phillips at 775-7196. HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Vicki Gifford , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Gifford , who will celebrate her 12th birthday on the 30th. To Mrs. Helen Robinson, 92 years young on the same day. Mrs. Robinson is still very active in the real estate business In the village. To little Jeanie Price, daughter of Mrs. Theresa Price of Santuit, who will be 7 on the 31st. To Walter (Buzz ) Hallett who celebrates his birthday on June 2. To Dianne Cobb, daughter of Walter Cobb of Main Street, San- tuit, who also celebrates her birth- day on June 2. COTUIT NEWS ! ' » f l gQ OCi aO B O O O O P | HYANNIS j: i @) j: SERVICE ji ,¦ JIM EILIS - TONY BENOIKEN |' '|725 Main St. Tel. 775-8275 Hyannii ' ' j COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE IJ 'l ON ALL DOMESTIC CARS j> J AND VOLKSWAGEN CARS |' j U-HAUL TRAILERS l| j ALA Emergency Service i At this time of year we strongly urge you to investigate our SUN MARK HOME HEALTH CARE CENTER for family care STORE HOURS • Weekday* 8 a.m. lo 8 p.m. SUNDAYS 9:00 to 1:00 P.M. BARNSTABLE VILLAGE PHARMACY OMER R. CHARTRAND, REO. PHARM. MAIN ST., BARNSTABLE 362-6052 BUSINESS DIRI One insertion — 6 cents per word, per word (50 cent minimum). REPORT ANY ERR The publisher will be responsit The Patriot reserves the right to e publication. AUTO SALES AND SERVICE CAPE COD AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, INC. Established 1929 Body and Pender Work Complete Auto Painting Radiator Repairing Telephone : 775-0858 West Main Street Hyannis NEIL'S ~~~ AUTO BODY SHOP Wreck {Repairs, Spray Painting Welding Rt. 6-A W. Barnstable Tel^362-3390 LANDSCAPING D. W. GANSHAW Quality Lawn and Garden Maintenance Sod Lawns Land Brushing Tel. 362-6070 WELDING CAPE COD SCALE CO Food Service Machines Wrought Iron Railings Welding Harry Jones 775-1720 HELP WANTED " TYPIST - An experience in Modern Typography Part Time, Weekly — To Learn Perforator. Apply R. B. Haskins Patriot iPreas, Hyannis Jte±J]5-?M5 SERVICES HOUSE SHINGLING Reasonable Rates, during July, August, and September. Write Rob- ert Noyes, 58 Willow Rd., Sudbury, Mass. HOUSE' PAINTING Students, experienced, will paint after June 15. Reasonable Rates. Please write : William A. Hass c/o General Delivery, Harwichport "ITECTROLUXT SALES & SERVICE New Factory Branch We refurbish and restore to full power any make cleaner. Trade- ins welcomed Salesman and/or Salesladies Needed. Telephone for interview 775-7533 RT. 28 Hyannis near Registry Motor Vehicles. MURRAY'S" fuel Oil Service, Inc. Oil Burner Service Contracts Available Dennisport, Mass. Phone 398-2408 CLOUGH & HIGGINS RUBBISH SERVICE SEASONAL lis COMMERCIAL — CESSPOOL PUMPING GENERAL TRUCKING 775-1179 — 775-1351 GARDENS PLOWED MACHINE TILLED call JAMES LEONARD 428-2735 after 5 p.m. IEC.AL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Passbook No. 2-5419 issued by Sandwich Co-operati v e B a n k , Bourne Branch, has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Co- operative Bank to issue duplicate book in accordance with require- ments of General Laws, Ter. Ed., Ch""tr»- i« ' , wection 20. (May 15, 22, 29) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of JOSEPH W. FAIR- CLOUGH, late of Barnstable (Hy- annis) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by DAVID ALAN PAIRCLOUGH , of Barnstable, in. the County of Barn- stable, praying that he be appoint- ed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond , and further praying that said will may be proved and allowed without the testimony of the subscribing wit- nesses. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 24th day of June, 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT. Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 20th day of May, 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN, Register. May 22, 29 June_5 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of SUSAN B. VINCENS. late of Barnstable (Hyannis), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to paid Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by PRISCILLA S. FISHBACK , of Chatham , in the County of Barn- stable, praying that she be ap- pointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond, Grace I. Greenya , first executrix named , having declined to serve. If you desire to ob'ect thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 10th day of June, 1909 , the return day of this citation. Witness ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Esquire, Judge of said Court this 13th dav of May. 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register. May 22, 29 June 5 ___________ The first true mechanical clocks, made in the 13th century, often lacked hands and faces and mere- ly struck the hour. i l_____________yi §£? In Case of Fire . . . §>| §§ Could You Rebuild? | § H ( §S §£| Leonard Insurance c*__? g£_ o<^ g| Agency g£ «§>2 13 Wiunno Ave. Osterville _^o g^ Tel. 428-6921 go & 1 1 B W K ii Young adult or new in I j! town,a Checking Account j jj here is a good start! jj II There's a certain amount of important 0 || and effective prestige — instant status — }j I|I in being a checking account customer jj || here. For this is an experienced, action- 0 II oriented "Full Service Bank" — long the ft II choice of checking account depositors v || who want and expect the best of every Jj II other banking service they may need to n || be right here, under the same roof! How Jj n about you? n II THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK j jl OF YARMOUTH j J ^^ f- -m\ m Route 6A Yarmonthport Tel. 3624551 i II TfSft ^ UouW 28 sioutli Viiiuioulli 3'JWiOUi | L I I ^ J^ P T Route <1A Main Street. Burnsi.U.I. ;i«2-S2S3 X | | * T^* Route 28, 5200 Bldg.. West Yarmou th 715-3183 I | II MEMBER F. D. I. C. | j VpaooaaacpoBPoooooooooooooooooooa fl r3-TJl.jTJjPfoT,jT JlJl.I.flJlJl.J M ^ I «7/ y? # Q \ ^Jhe s^ummaauicl ^Jrnn \ * f Soute 6-^ t Ly armoutlip ort E \ \Jverlooltina Ca p e Cod tOai j ' » : DINNER & COCKTAILS FROM 5:30 . - ' | "Opening May 30th for the season" \ 3 Closed on Mondays in June <• n SUNDAY BUFFET 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. 3 I ~—" ! 3 Enjoy The Rich Baritone Stylings of I 3 ROBERT CHAPMAN in Our Pub Room % FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS I J J ^ )For Reservations Phone 362-6565 £ Granite Chevrolet Co., Inc. Ridgcwood Ave. Hyannis Tel. 715-1843 _ LEGAL NOTICE* 'Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT (SEAL ) Case No. 56458 Mies. hi Equity To Edward A. Shapiro of New- ton. Middlesex County, Trustee of Harbor Realty Trust; Morris Ru- bin and Helen Rubin of Brookline. Norfolk County, d/b/a Central Finance Company; William Her- blts of Boston, Suffolk County, and all of said Commonwealth; and to all persons entiled to the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Re- lief Act of 1940 as amended: Home Owners Federal Savings and Loan Association, of Boston, Suffolk County, and said Commonwealth, claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering real property in Hyannis, 24 Nantucket Street , given' by Morris Savitz and Rose Savitz to the plaintiff , dated May 6, 1966, recorded with Barnstable Deeds, Book 1335, Page 696, has filed with said court a bill in equity for authority to foreclose said mortgage in the manner fol- lowing: by entry and possession and exercise of power of sale. If you are entitled to the bene- fits of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 as amended and' you object to such foreclosure you or your attorney should file a written appearance and answer in said court at Boston on or be- fore the twenty-third day of June 1969, or you may be forever bar- red from claiming that such fore- closure is invalid under said act. Witness, ELWOOD H. HET- TRJCK, Esquire, Judge of said Court this twentieth day of May ¦ MARGARET M. DALY , Recorder May_29 _ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of BERT SHEPARD NEAL , also'known as BERT S. NEAL, late of Barnstable (Hyannis) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by ELEANOR F. HAMMOND , ol Wareham (East) , in the County ot Plymouth, praying that she be appointed execrtrix thereof with- out giving a surety on her bond , and further praying that said will may be proved and allowed with- out the testimony of the subscrib- ing witnesses. If you desire to object theretc you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Couri at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 24th day oi June , 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 21st day of May, 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN Register. May 29, June 5, 12 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of CHARLES J. DONOVAK late of (Osterville) Barnstable, in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented tc said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by CYVIA GILMAN CONNOR , oi (Osterville) Barnstable, in the County of Barnstable, praying thai she be appointed executrix there of without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object theretc you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 24th day ol June, 1969, the return day of thi."- citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT Esquire, Judge of said Court, thi;- 22nd day of May, 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN, Register. May 29, June 5, 12 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss.- Probate Court To all persons interested in the trust estate under the will oi EVA G. STEARNS, late of ( Hy- annis)- Barnstable, in said Coun- ty, deceased , for the benefit oJ STUART G. STEARNS and others The trustee of said estate ha.*- presented to said Court for allow- ance its 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th ac- counts. If you desire to object theretc you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenon on the 24th day ol June 1969 the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 19th day of May, 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register May 20, June 5, 12 Commonwealth of Masachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the trust -estate under the will ol FRANK G. THACHER, late ol Barnstable (Hyannis) , in said County, deceased , for the benefit of FRANK G. THACHER, II et als. The (truste e of said estate has presented to said Court for allow- ance Ills 13th account. It ybu desire to object thereto you on your attorney should file a written 'appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the. forenon on the 24th day ol June, 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire , Judge of said Court , this 16th' day of May, 1969. ¦ FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , i .Register May 20, June 5, 12 BUSINESS Effl -ffi DIRECTORY LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Superior Court No. 30298 in Eaulty To ROBERT J. DONAHUE of Barnstable (Hyannis ) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts ; L. GROSS- MAN SONS, INC., in care of Leon H. Miller , Esquire, of Braintrce, Norfolk County, Massachusetts: NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY , in care of Curley & Curley, of Barn- stable (Hyannis) , Barnstable Coun- ty; FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF YARMOUTH, Yarmouth (Y a r- mouthport) , Barnstable Co u n t y, Massachusetts ; and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Sold- iers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 as amended. CLIFTON E. HALL of Barn - stable (Hyannis ), Barnstable Coun- ty, Massachusetts ; claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering real property situated in Barn- stable (Hyannis) In said County of Barnstable given by Robert J. Donahue to Clifton E. Hall dated September 18, 1968, and recorded September 19, 1968, with Barn- stable County Deeds, Book 1413. Page 345, has filed with said court a bill in equity for authority to foreclose said mortgage in the fol- lowing manner, to wit: bv pntrv and possession and by the exercise of a power of sale contained in said mortgage. If you are entitled to the bene- fits of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 and amendments thereto and you ob- ject to the foreclosure of said mortgage, you or your attorney should file a written appearance and answer in said court at Barn- stable on or before June 23. 1969, or you may be forever barred from claiming that such foreclosure made under such authority is in- valid under said act. Witness, G. JOSEPH TAURO, Esquire, Chief Justice of our Supe- rior Court, the fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty- nine. BARBARA HOLMES NEIL Clerk. May 29 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of WAYLAND P. MORSE late of Barnstable in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of certain instruments purporting to be the last will and one codicil of said deceased by GERTRUDE Q. MORSE OF BARNSTABLE, ill the County of Barnstable and NEW ENGLAND MERCHAN T S NA- TIONAL BANK OF BOSTON of Boston in the County of Suffolk , praying that they be appointed ex- ecutors thereof without giving a surety on their bond. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 24th day of June 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 21st day of May 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register. May 29, June 5, 12 •CTORY RATES Two or more insertions — 5 cents tOR IMMEDIATELY tie for only one incorrect insertion, dit or reject any copy received for SERVICES BRUCE R. LOVEJOY Coi Complete Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Show room and office Main St. Barnstable Tel. 362-S639 H. M. MESERVE CO., INC. " OFFICE EQU1IPMENT CASH REGISTERS WOOD FURNITURE JTEL. 77lW)4_3 JULIO R. RENZf GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Centerville, Mass. Sewage Systems all types, Drain- age, Excavations, Trenching, Fill and Loam. Call 775-2981 after 6:00 p.m. • R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanough Road Hyannis Tel. 775-5813 THE PATRIOT PRESS PRJNTTNG 24 Pleasant Street Hyannis TEL. 775-2446 JOB WELDING No job too small or too large Equipped to handle all metals FENNER GRANT INDUSTRIES, Inc. 63 Enterprise Rd., rear Aamco Trans. Hyannis Free Estimates, Tel. 775-5486 REALTORS GENIEVE C. BEARSE" Realtor 580 Main St. Centerville ' Tel. 775-0865 H. W. ROBINSON REALTOR COTUIT 428-6564 REAL ESTATE" Mr. & Mrs. Wm. D. Knott REAL ESTATE Sales & Rentals Tel. 362-3159 Main St. Barnstable JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate — General Insurance 51 Elm Street, Hyannis, 7754)303 • " See Me First" LEGAL NOTICES 35775 Reg. Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To the Town of Yarmouth, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Barnstable and said Commonwealth; Martha M. Scott, Irving C. Ayres, Frances B. Ayres, John A. Scott, Jr., John A. Scott, ni, and Robert E. Scott, all of said Yarmouth; Robert J. O'Connell and Annette M. O'Connell, both of Abington, in the Countv of Ply- mouth; William B. Egan and Mary F. Egan, both of Weymouth, in the County of Norfolk and sad Commonwealth ; George E. Mer- cier and Eleanor F. Mercier , both of Arlington, in the County of Mid- dlesex ; Raymond Wanerka and Elsie M. Wanerka, both of Wor- cester, in the County of Worces- ter; and Winthrop Sears, or his heirs, devisees or legal representa- tives ; and to all whom It may con- cern : Whereas, a petition has been presented to said Court by The A. D. Makepeace Company, a duly existing coroporation, having ah usual place of business in ware- ham, in the County of Plymouth and said Commonwealth, to regis- ter and confirm its title in the fol- lowing described land: A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situate in said Yarmouth, bounded and de- scribed as follows : Southeasterly by Winslow Grnv Road 953.35 feet; Southwesterly by land now or formerly of The Heirs of Winthrop Sears 490 feet and 25 feet , more or less, respec- tively; Northwesterly by the mid- dle line of Plash Brook, being land now or formerly of Martha M. Scott et als and by land of the Petitioner 1090 feet, more or less: and Northeasterly by land now or formerly of Robert J. O'Connell and Annette M. O'Connell , by land now or formerly of William B. Egan and Mary F. Egan, by land now or formerly of Irving C. Ayres and Frances B. Ayres, by land now or formerly of George E. Mercier and Eleanor F. Mer- cier, by land now or formerly of Raymond Wanerka and Elsie M. Wanerka 25 feet , more or less and 430 feet respectively. Petitioner claims as appurte- nant to the above described land the right to take and flow water into and out of Plash Brook in common with all others lawfully entled thereto. Petitioners deny the above de- scribed land is subject to any rights public or private in "Boa Road" as shown by dash lines on the plan hereinafter mentioned. The above described land is shown on a plan filed with said petition and all boundary lines are claimed to be located on the ground as shown on said plan. If you desire to make any ob- jection or defense to said petition you or your attorney must file n written appearance and an an- swer under oath , setting forth clearly and specifically your ob- jections or defense to each pan of said petition , in the office- a' the Recorder of said Court in Eos- ton (at the Court House ) , or in the office of the Assistant Record- er of said Court at the Registry of Deeds at Barnstable in the County of Barnstable where a copy of the plan filed with sai< ' petition is deposited , on or before the sixteenth day of June next. Unless an appearance is so flip'1 by or for you, your default wl" be recorded', the said petition wil' be taken as confessed and you will be forever barred from con- testing said petition or any de- , cree entered thereon. Wt»r.» Ss. ELWOOD H. H E T- TRICK, Esquire, Judee of sat'' Court, this sixth day of May in the year nineteen hundred and sixty- nine. Attest with Senl of said Court. MARGARET M. DALY, Recorder. May 15, 22, 29