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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1969
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CENTERVILLE NEWS Mrs. Charlotte A. Sherman Correspondent 314 Bay Lane Tel. 775-6464 FOUR SEAS ICE CREAM OPEN Oldsters and youngsters alike are happy that Four Seas Ice Cream Inc. opened May 24 for the summer. Owned and operated by Richard Warren, Four Seas is noted for its 30 different flavors of home-made ice cream and old fashion ice-cream sodas. Besides having a takeout service, Four Seas features a continental break- fast and sandwiches for a light lunch. To serve you this summer are : Susan, Buckler, Susan Munroe, Connie Cole, Susan Chase, Kim Farnham, Debbie Dacey and Den- ise Dacey, all of Centerville. Joan Drew and sandwich maker June .Warburton are from Hyannis. David Lemarbre and Scott Ander- son of Centerville will be on hand as well as Bill Liimatalnen of Hy- annis. AMONG OUR RESIDENTS Karen E. Dempsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Dempsey of Highland Drive, received her B.A. degree in English language and literature from Boston Uni- versity May 18. Karen also had attended Nason College, Spring- vale, Maine and University of Strasbourg, France before com- pleting her senior year at Boston University. She is a 1965 graduate of Barnstable. Miss Dempsey is currently em- ployed at Harvard University in the division of Engineering and applied physics. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Richards of Westport, Conn, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Bearse of Stanley Way. Mr. Ric- hards was guest of Buss Bearse at the member-guest tournament at Cummaquid Golf Club. Donald L. Hull, son of Mrs. Frederick Hull of Herring Run Drive, was graduated from Iowa State University May 24, receiv- ing his degree in engineering science. Dr. Helen Stobbe, profesor of geology at Smith College, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Miller of Craigville Beach Road recently. Dr. Stobbe Is state presi- dent of Massachusetts Division, American Association of University Women's Clubs. Miss Gertrude Lane of Main Street has returned from a winter at Tuscon, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Kneale Jr., of Needham and Wequaquet Lake were guests of the Alton B. Shermans of Bay Lane last week- end. Mrs. Walter A. Brown has open- ed her Long Beach Road home for the summer after spending the winter at her home at Long Boat • Key, Fla. Ambassador and Mrs. Julfin F. Harrington have returned to their Bay Lane home after spend- ing the winter at Venice, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. B. Carson French of Crosby Circle spent the long weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Donald Lee O'Brien, her hus- band and their baby daughter Laura Lee at their new home. The CBriens have settled in Ridge- field , Conn, which is acesslble to New York city where Mr. OBrien is a pilot for TWA out of Kennedy Airport. At the 45th commencement ex- ercises June 1 at Marymount Col- lege in Tarreytown, N.Y., Susan Shields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shields of Crystal Lake Road, will receive a B.A. degree. GEORGE SICARD George Goodyear Sicard, 68, of South Main Street died May 27. He is survived by a son, Stephen of Passadena, Calif, and a daugh- ter Nancy Sicard. FIRES Fires tend to plague our area with fireman having been called three times during the holiday weekend. Two were believed to have been brush fires started by children and extinguished in Mar- stons Mills by Centerville firemen Fire Chief Stanley Buckler of Oster- ville-Centerville said a partition in the home owned by Royal Ross of Annabel Point Road, Centerville which was the third fire caused minor damage. SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH June 1 at South Congregational Church will be communion service with Harry Lake, Dr. Henry Har- mon, Roy Landisand John Sul- livan participating. Greeters will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jordan and ushers Harry Lake and Dr. Harmon. The sermon by Rev. Robert H. Sargent at 11 a.m. will be Let Us Break Bread Together. Members and guests of Women's Fellowship planning to attend the 12 o'clock luncheon June 9 at Cum- maquid Inn are asked to make reservations by June 2 by calling Mrs. H. Allen Davis 775-9088 after 6 p.m. Sunday evening Rabbi Weiss will speak to the Senior High Fel- lowship. On June 5 the Christian educa- tion committee will meet at the home of Rev. Sargent at 7:45 p.m. VILLAGERS ELECT At the fina l meeting of The Vil- lagers May 21, the following of- ficers were elected for next year: President, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; 1st vice-president, Robert Bartlett ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Axel Anderson; secretary, Rev. Peter Palches; and treasurer, Mrs. Palches. Following the meeting, a musical program was presented by Janice Mitchell who sang numbers from several different countries accom- panied by personal slides by Albln Johnson. Hostesses were Mrs. Emerson Moseley and Mrs. George Jacques. BECOME RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Swift Jr. of Bralntree have become resi- dents of the Wequaquet Lake, Centerville area following Mr. Swift's retirement from his duties at First National Bank in Boston. j jWEEK END SPra ) 20 GALLON GALVANIZED TRASH CANS ) \ WITH COVER C 2 FOR $5.95 [ Old County Hardware 1 1 Rte. 6A — East Sandwich 888-2420 I OSTERVILLE NEWS MRS. C HARLOTTE A. SHERMAN Correspondent 314 Bay Lane Centcrville 02632 Tel. 775-6464 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH The building committee of United Methodist Church is prepared to present plans to the congregation for their new church. Rev. Har- vey K. Mousley has called a meet- ing of the parish In the sanctuary June 3 at 7:30 p.m. Members 18 years and older are eligible to vote. William Higdon of Stanwar Inc. will explain the plans, and it is Grandparents are the David C. Crawford's of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. C. D. Crawford "Miss Nita " of Ocean View Avenue is a proud great-grandmother. HOSPITALIZED Mrs. Alice Behlman (Mrs. Carle- ton ) of Santult Road has been a patient at Otis A.F.B. Hospital and has returned home. Alfred Rogers of Newtown Road is a patient at Cape Cod Hospit al. JUNE GRADUATES Among th eJune graduates at B.H.S. are several from the vil- lage : Susan Burton, Carol Cole- man, Milton Crocker, Forrest Daniels, Robert Gardner, Deborah Gomes, Shirley Jones, Earleen MacDowell , Ann Mayne, High Mc- Goldrick, Laura Nickerson, John Peck, Albert Rowley, Marsha Savery, Candace Souza and De- borah Souza. LIBRARY NEWS "Tim to the Lighthouse" by Ed- ward Ardizzone and King Thrush- beard from the book "Fairy Tales by Brothers Grinim" are the stories chosen by Miss Oda Ander- son for story hour on Saturday. May 31, from 10:30 - 11:15 a.m expected that both the retiring and newly-appointed district supintcn- dents, Mr. Ginns and Mr. White, will be present. On June 1, promotion day, the church school will meet in the church at 9:30 a.m. for closing exercises and to receive certifi- cates. Parents and friends are invited. A puppet show on this year's work will be given. The 11 a.m. sermon topic win be The Un- measured Gift. The junior choir will sing. Sunday afternoon a church picnic will be held on the parsonage grounds at 3. June 6 at 7 p.m. the married couples club will sponsor a cover- ed dish supper and program featuring a member of Barnstable Welfare Department, with discus- sion following. BAPTIST CHURCH On June 1 Rev. Earle Hunt of Osterville Baptist Church will preach on To the Work, with com- munion a part of the service. His evening topic will be Anathema Maranatha. Evangelical Ministers' Fellow- ship meets at Otis AFB with Chap- lain Earl Peden at 11 a.m. June 2. OSTERVILLE GARDEN CLUB Annual meeting and luncheon of Osterville Garden Club will be held June 16 at 1 p.m. at Wianno Club. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. David C. Davidoff 428-6048 or Mrs. George E. Fickett 362-6651. PERSONALS Mrs. Jean H. Scharin of Sea View Avenue, Wianno, invited a few friends to enjoy her beautiful spring flower garden which is at its peak on Monday afternoon. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Seth F. Taylor of Emerson Way are parents of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born May 10 at Cape Cod Hospital . Mrs. Taylor s the former Barbara Santos. ATTEND GARDEN FEDERATION ANNUAL MEETING Mrs. Carl O. Tongberg, presi- dent, and seven members from Osterville Garden Club, attended the 42nd annual meeting of the Garden Club Federation of Mas- sachusetts. Mrs. Irving W. Mack, president of the Massachusetts Federation , opened the meeting, which was held in the ballroom of the Colon- ial Statler Hilton in Wakefield. Following the awards luncheon, the group was taken by bus to Nahant, where they visited his- toric homes and churches in the area. • At the evening banquet, honor- ing the presidents of the 96 clubs, the Osterville Club received, as an award from the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc., a book entitled "Action Blueprint for Civic Development" by Mrs. Ho- ward S. Kittell. This was given in recognition of the outstanding scrapbook which was submitted showing the com- pletion of the Dowse's Beach beautlflcatlon project, for which the club won a $200 Sears, Roe- buck award in 1968. The Osterville Club is one of the 13 clubs in the Southeastern Dis- trict, which was presented a cer- tificate from the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts in honor of their "distinguished serv- ice for outstanding leadership in the field of conservation." Attending from the Osterville Club were Mrs. Robert F. Lebel, vice-president; Mrs. Theodore R. Turner, a National Council ac- credited judge; Mrs. Alfred Neves, Mrs. Victor E. Mazzarella , Mrs. George E. Fickett, Mrs. Randolph H. Todd and Mrs. Harold E. Glynn. MOTOR VALET CAR WASH $1.25 CAR WASH GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, MAY 30# 31, JUNE 1st NORTH STREET, HYANNIS at Bassett Lane , You'll like it! The New Motor Valet full y automatic car wash really washes your car clean. "FULL BRUSH ACTION" SOAPS . . . SCRUBS . . . RINSES . . . WAXES in less than 2 MINUTES WITHOUT LABOR. ' OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. SUNDAYS 8 A.M. to 1P.M. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL SAVE 50£ wi™ coup°N BAXTER'S FISH A CHIPS Foot of (Pleasant Street, Hyannis O P E N Foolhardy to publish hours, nobody ever remembers them. Fresh HADDOCK, CLAMS, SCALLOPS, SHRIMP All Cooked to order; All deep fried. Take home, eat in your car, and on Pleasant days on the wharf. 1 5Gy1 s^i This coupon good for 500 on a regular $1.25 <§ ; j | § MOTOR VALET CAR WASH & WAX during week- S |-¦- -', end of our Grand Opening FRIDAY , MAY 30 thru 8=5 1gg JUNE 1 £~; !.;.;; OPEN 8 A.M. - 5 P.M., SUNDAYS 8 A.M. -1 P.M. §¦ > • . ; MOTOR VALET CAR WASH g ig§ North Street, Hyannis at Bassett Lane fe '&mmmmmmmmmM i — — — ¦iMnvraniTi mir r i mi —a———— ¦_ui____^_ jjf, ^M Ik^NttvV' ^O " ^¦ «v ^^ Bw Hfiulrf?#.' " M 'sM-' ¦••^ ¦; 'i^SP-v- -•• '- j;»fJSA^H^B b-mA "r^'S^k ^QPSHI VHKV "'*''' '- " »'/ ?.%& '' i'<4PBi^ fea ^M^sfe^BWiTn Bk\ ! - *' sy|^>SK!t)*m l B i I f $*LS S&^^^^^^BHfc^BBBBaA - T^ '.•;; * awM^ * UTH I V ¦ *r*^. ^5 £ ^Rli\Jtf ^wHlir ^^^^^iB P^Hw\ V V . '','V?*^fl Bffi^^^^r **»!«» . MiiJ.Tr1 Mi?!* *,Jir fi i *3i ^B F ^T ^ ^ m ' ' - ' .' . -• ¦MnWgi^lWUfeSt 'j ^P lid f c • ' ,ii^^B v^V '4& BS.> .-^t oWritf1 ^' ¦¦ -'¦V-~"'l^HKaMH I r^ t - i l Y\*wM^Bk-V I'iJBBlPlS.^T.a^Br rataer > *? .' **Zl* L *i$ ¦ -J'lBff ^^^W? ^.^MBlMJLf ¦ •MBMreffiv. ^Or Ja^BF**w-'«* *?" «- ' j ^, ^« *\ * ¦ ^^' JF! / * **&f - 31^** . *^*r3BSB^^^^^ ' * SM WSS kim ** '' i ' JtBWk " '"'¦ * ^M n B &^H B M L - 'A. :™ J W **^ V-* it . ¦¦ * '¦ ' .-_. . '• '¦¦ '^KF'*^ ^ ¥-%£pSl^)yitvf^' ¦": ¦J£^K\»- . *' ..'-*.'.;' *£-,SE See It Today! ANCHOR OUTBOARD YOUR FRIENDLY EVINRUDE OUTBOARD DEALER 135 South Street Tel. 775-3454 Hyannis j-">C~—*=an' X n jC~-"" ==3fc JC~~~~=?C~~~] BOYLSTON TEA ROOM j TEA CUP and CARD READINGS - > Direct From Bombay, India (No Appointment Necessary) ! ! 543 Boylston Street — Room 32 — Copley Square Boston, Mass. Tel. 262-6928 J I L M _»r ar se ar ae ae &t—ssA TRY OUR Hyannis Pharmacy ¦ ¦ James M. Hoborl, Reg. Pharnv C 5 TvUAAfCC QttJVEJt/ ^f t « P ^C A N D I E S 362 Main Street Hyannis MM Free parking in rear Oto»- :*&w&&^i^£Mfmii mwM NOW © SHEU FURMACI join* MP" ATW00D OIL COMPANY Kerosene Fuel OK Metered Ticket Printers Tel. 779-0081 i M O O O B C-a OgO O O O O O C M O O O O C 'B O O Q Q O O C C il 1 9 0 DAY NOTICE ACCOUNTS ¦ ] Q y I! EARN H2f° !! DIVIDENDS PAID FOUR TIMES PER YEAR. " ALL EPOSITS INSURED IN FULL. \\ EARNINGS TAX FREE ON MASS. INCOME TAX 11 BA&a R I V B R V javingrf ScwA jj IRT GOUDY MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK jj OFFICE • SOUTH YARMOUTH - 398-2266 jj 75-0602 illM,__ J1 ya p p ing Plaxa - 398-8910 J^A^ , Jj 398-2203 ^SsEsfi ^ H 428-6737 ItfSBggtgj 0 Largest Bank - Assets over 95 Million 0 i wsoooooo c'seoQQoe e-scooopif ¦ COME TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture 8:00 P.M. Saturday May 31 Christian Science Church Bearse't Way & Stevens St., Hyannii Ava sauvzzna IIXflOMI'IVJ " SINNVAII Xuoduioj 80Q Xoff spuozznff aji Avusia I f MON fltfUlll 'wntNid IfflMjl 8UII(OOD ioopino |t|0| J«HL JOj sp»»u Aut | l | 01 ^B 1 U sanbaquq t i l to udUUIt|3 ^ > -Itru '•» I.UOM Xain •uinuiuinn |M3 UIOJJ p«l)U3 'Iu| •AH joopino snopul u| aiiuimn am Itei aA|8 oi i»i||t8oi OS tinbaqjiq p*i|t-*il put *duil| MS M0|Suuiq3 SNWS30 1S3NIJ '^ ^j j i ^ ^l svo hwpSu WM/ c f o DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY GIFTS HYANNIS JEWELRY SHOP 376 Main St. Hyannis Mast COTUIT NEWS GIRLS' SOFTBALL In third place in the standing of the Playground-Recreation soft- ball teams, Cotuit girls last Satur- day coached by Mrs. Ann Burlin- game defeated Osterville coached by Eileen Santry by a score of 17 - 10 at Centerville School Field. Saturday, May 31, will see Cotuit girls meet Marstons Mills coached by Claire Meli at 10:30 a.m. on the Centerville Field. CHURCH NEWS The Rev. John Smith has chosen as his sermon Sunday, June 1, at 11 a.m. Christian Education—Is it Worth It? Children's Day service at 9:30 a.m. The all church picnic will be held on Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in the park in the middle of the vil- lage. In case of inclement weather, the affair will be held following Sunday, June 8. All families are urged to come and join in the fun and games. BOAT DAMAGED Register of Probate Fred Claus- sen's feelings ran the gamut April 23 when his beautiful 32' cruiser, Schipperke, sank at her dock in Mattapoisett as the result of a storm during the night, but Gov- ernor Francis Sargent perked him up the same day by naming him to the much sought after county post. Claussen reports the Schipperke should be reflnished and back in Cotuit waters sometime in August. BABY GIRL ARRIVES Announcement has been made of the arrival of a baby girl , Jen- nifer Gayle, to Mr. and Mrs. David C. Crawford , Jr. of Detroit, Mich. An event that Barnstable Junior High School has to look forward to is an exchange concert with North Reading Junior High School Band, William Wygert, director On June 6, the BJHS Band will journey to North Reading where they will play at an assembly at the junior high school, with the local group. In the last portion of the program, both bands will com- bine in several stirring selections under the direction of both Mr. Wygert and Ronald Brown, dir- ector of BJHS Band. , On June 11 Barnstable Junior High School will host the North Reading group, and the same pro- cedure will be followed. Biologists estimate that there are 25,000 species of fish. Junior High Plans Exchange Concert