May 29, 1969 Barnstable Patriot | |
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May 29, 1969 |
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Ethnic Dance Festival June 12-14
La Meri has been called 20 wo-
men in one. She also has been ac-
claimed as the world's foremost
authority on the ethnic dance.
Dancer , teacher , lecturer and
author , Russell Mcriw e a t h e r
Hughes for the past several years
has devoted the tremendous skill
and enthusiasm that is La Meri to
instructing here on Cape Cod. As
a result the Cape Cod Ethnic
Dance Group came into being in
1966 and is now registered with
I he Association of American Dance
Last June this group presented
its first dance festival sponsored
by Barnstable Comedy Club. Au-
dience response was immediate ,
enthusiastic , demanding more .
On June 12, 13 and 14 at 8:30
p.m. La Meri and the Cape Cod
Ethnic Dance Group will offer a
second festival at the Village Hall.
Here the rich gold and silver of
Benares saris, Spanish laces and
the lava-lavas , kikepas and muu-
muus of the Islands will furnish
colorful complement to the dances
of East India , Hawaii and Spain.
A special Capo feature of this
year 's festival will be the group 's
interpretation of two tales from
Elizabeth Reynard's " N a r r o w
Land" , with Ann Williams of Oster-
ville doing the narration.
Among dancers appearing will
be New York professionals Renato
aud Ricci , who plan to settle on
Cape Cod largely because of the
activities of the dance group.
Those who saw last year's festival
will remember well the fine per-
formance of Barbara Dodge, La
Mori's student for the past year
and a half , who leaves shortly
after the festival for Spain and
further study.
As delightful a dancer as she Is
a skater, Sheryl Handler will join
her mother for an Hawaiian duet ,
and Melody Hall , who last June
had the title role of Coppelia in
the Spanish work , will dance The
Bolero and team with Cynthia
Small and Renato in The Pandan-
guillo this year.
No curtain ever rises without the
unseen hands at work backstagc-
Joan Condit dualing as production
and stage manager , Jack Vetorino
on lights and Robert Rusher taking
care of sound effects.
Isobcl Grassie is in charge of
the playbill and hospitality is being
handled by Innes Rode and Jane
The 1969 festival of Cape Cod
Ethnic Dance Group promises an
evening of varied and intriguing
entertainment. Tickets may be re-
served by calling 362-6333 between
7 and 9 weekday evenings or from
2 to 4 Saturday afternoons.
Conservatory To Purchase 4-Acre Site
For New Building Near College Campus
An agreement under which the
Cape Cod Conservatory of Music
and Arts will purchase nearly
four acres of land on which to
erect a new building within easy
reach of the new campus of the
Cape Cod Comunity College has
bcien disc'osed.
The announcement was made on
behalf of the Conservatory 's board
of governors by the Conservatory
Director Leslie Moore at th