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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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* LOOKING FOR A WONDERFULLY NEW, THRIFTIER WAY TO BUY GASOLINE? Takea good look at Sunoco's new miraclecustom-blending pump- which fills your gas tank with the only fuel exactly blended for YOUR car! i —— ¦ i „ i i .. ¦ - I I I ¦ | I "sssssssssiM ¦ m ¦¦ M M - ¦ ¦ ¦ — » ^ — " " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ™ " ^ ^ ^ " l I T™ ^ s s s ^ s s s s i ^ s s^ ^ ^s s s s s s s s ^ ^H s a s s s s a s s s s s ^i s s s s i s s s s H B S B PREMIUM OCTANE QUALITY * SIX EXACT OCTANE GRADES SAVINGS UP TO $1.00 A TANKFUL AT "REGULAR" GAS PRICE - FROM THIS ONE GREAT PUMP OVER OTHER "PREMIUMS"- FOR THOSE PRECISELY FITS MANY ENGINES TO FIT EVERY CAR RUNNING! HIGH COMPRESSION ENGINES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^__^__^_^^^_^_^^-^ ^ jtfjgSjjjp^Jjhb. ,l i i l H I * «! fmltf 'Including the hi ghest octane sold — f j gS & r a P^^^^ anywhere . . . ot any price! ^W $>& ,^w.F highfst o c l^o^e^gaso ' V BLUE SUNOCO "200" / ] A , i f \ SUNOCO « ( rSi)l U unocr i octa n n t e I FAMOUS I I Ht v \ OCTANE CONCENTRATE II Accurate proportions are fl REGULAR-PRICED I ¦ M / ULTRA-HIGH OCTANE J| ^ • S ^ © 1958 SUN OIL COMPANY ^¦ftll ¦ l »^ Today's Big Difference...In Finer Performance... ^ ^fSlL S l l^ ^ Lower Gasoline Bills...Or Both ! ;{ Out Of 5 ^ ~~^ K* H U f l f l ll S ^ ^ ^ Car-Owners Don't Even Know It Exists...Up To Now. ^ -< ^ " ^ Cars ' • • from oldest to newest BlenchK2RwfSTO CUSt°m" CUSTOM - B L L N D E D VS. ^^ KX T H E PUMP £>»uias. bee this worft/ In money-and in performance...AMERICA' S GREATEST-VALUE GASOLINE FOR YOUR CAR! ARROW OIL COMPANY S. D. Kesten - President #» CHARCOAL BROILED * PRIME STEER STEAKS EVERY SUNDAY ROAST PRIME RIBS BEEF, Au Jus CAPE COD'S FINEST $3.95 BAKED STUFFED LOBSTERS ^ ! The Famous "Double-Double" Cocktails with | Music Every Night at the Piano Lounge Hy annis Steak House Open 4 P.M. Daily Route 28 Sunday at 11:30 A.M. ' SPring 5-2532 RAINBOW COFFEE SHOP I i Specializing in CHARCOAL STEAKS and Hamburgers - Hot Dogs Route 132 Hyannis BAXTER'S FISH MARKET Th? Foot of Pleasant Street, Hyannis FRESH NATIVE FISH LIVE LOBSTERS NATIVE SHELL FISH WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL BAXTE R'S FISH FRY OPEN NOW - THUR. - FRI. - SAT. SURVEYING ED KELLOG G OSTI;KVII.I,|- si'rhiB . '-ouim GArden s-usui ES33 Tel. SPring 5-1010 TIME SCHEDULE Note Each Playdate for Correct Times THURSDA Y - FRIDAY In Cinemascope anil Technicolor Paris Holiday Bob Hope - Femandel Anita Ekberg Shows Thursday: Mat, 2:15. Eve. 7:00-9:00 Friday (Holiday) Shows cont. from 2:30. SATURDAY Darby's Rangers James Garner - Etchika Choreau Mat. 2:00. Eve. 11: 15 - 'i • on SUN. - MON. - TUES. June 1-2-3 Hot Spell Shirley Booth - Anthony Quinn Shows Sunday cont. from 2:30 Monday and Tuesday Mais. 2: 15. Eves. 7:Oil - 0 :00 WEDNESDAY June 4 Lafayette Escadrille Tab Hunter - Etchika Choreau Mai. 2:1 )1) . Eve. 6:45 - !):00 BARBARA W. WYMAN GArden 8-2145 GARDEN CLUB TOUR T1K> Osterville Garden Club an- nual tour "i' members gardens will be Ir Id on Mondfl.5 June 2 from 1 30 tn 4:00 I'M- This year the tour will feature Seaside Plant ing Mi mbers and guests will have the privilege "f visiting the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. David . Main Street; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mauro. Eel River Road; Mrs. Jean Scharln, SIM View Avenue; Mr. and Mrs Raymond A. Bond , Oyster Harbors; Mr. and Mrs. James E. Maher. Oyster Harbors , and Mr nnd Mrs. Andrew McClary, East Hay Road. At tho McClary home there will be a sale of seedlings and plants as well as refreshments for the members and guests. In case of rain a program will be given at the Community Center at 2:00 P.M. This will include the plant sale, tea and showing of slides of members gardens, as well as many exhibits and arrangements from Club Flower Shows. MOTHERS' TEA A ND FLY-UP CEREMONY Brownie Troop 69 of this village < losed its year with a Mothers ' Tea and Fly-up Ceremony last Tuesday afternoon at Veterans Hall. Dianne Bowes read the welcome, which was followed by Salute to the Flag lead by Valerie Cloud, with Nancy Sonsa and Mary Wannop as flag bearers and Catherine Wright and Clayle Nickulas as color guards. Membership stars were presented to all 39 Brownies by their respec- tive leaders. Mrs . Arnold D. Burch , Patrol 2a; Mrs. Phillip Whiteley, Patrol 2b; Mrs . James Bropby. I Patrol 3; and Mrs. Louis Bowes and Mrs. James Colegrove for Pa- trol 4. Patrol 2a presented a Norwegian Mountain Dance with each of the seven Brownies wearing the peas ant aprons they had hemmed. Brownies included in the dance were Dorothy Burch. Nancy Carl- son, Dale Hall, Janice Marney Gayle Nickulas . and Catherine Wright. Patrol 21), including Jill Farrington , Mary Hinckley. Beth Mar-Donald, Mary Anne M< Bvoy Dianne McLane and Karen Wil- liams presented a skit , "A Mexican Holiday ", with Karen as the nar- l rator. Patrol 3 sang "Allouetta " in French with Joan Ames. Karen Aylmer. Marilyn Bearse, Adriennc Howes, Nancy Rrophy Lois Burnett, Melissa Fuller, Mary Jane MacDon- ald, Nancy Whiteley and Christine Wilkinson. The girls in Patrol 1 who received their wings during the Fly-up Cere- mony were, Beth Allen. Di mne Rowes, Judith Bowman, Elizabeth Cleary, Valerie Cloud, Arlene Cros- by, Joan Evans, Laurelyn Good , Catherine Kilborne , Lauri Leonard , Betsy McLane , Mary Milne, Jane Niles , Nancy Jean Sousa , and Ma- ry Wannop. Tlies t girls were wel- comed into Intermediate (iirl Scouting by the scouts in Mrs. Paul Williams Troop. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Bowes, assisted by Mrs. Willia inKilbourne and .Mrs. John Wannop. .Mrs. Burch , troop leader, was presented with a gift and the assistant leaders were given cor sages by the Fly-up Brownies Brownie meetings will he resumed in the fall. STORK REPORTS -Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham (Eleanor Pierce) of Wellsvllle, N Y. became the proud parents ol identical twin girls on May IS Their names are Kathleen Ann and Karen Louise and they weighed in at « lb. 3 oz. and 6 lb. 6 oz. The happy grandparents are Mrs. Ruth Pierce, Sunset Lane and Mrs. Cunningham ol Port Lauderdale The twins also have great grand- parents who are .Mr. A. Raymond Pierce of Cotult and Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Q. Spooner o( Brockton. Mr. and Mrs. John Perry of Old Mill Road became the happy par- ( cuts Of a son . born May 21 at Cape Co,l Hospital. He is named Stephen W ayne. Grandparent honors go to John J. Rose of Hnrwlch nnd Mrs. Benjamin Perry, Sr. of Marstons ^ Mills . Mr. Perry is still at Cape Cod Hos- ' pital where he has been a patient ( Since May 22 when he and their f daughter Norma were In an auto- fl mobile accident In Hyannis . Norma [8 al home and feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Boudreau, C Blanid Road , became the parent of a son. May 22 at Cape Cod Hn- pital. They have named him Robert t Paul. * His happy grandparents are Mr. - and Mrs. Robert Newcomer of Ber- keley Springs. West Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. Custave Boudreau of [Milton Little Robert has a great grandfather, Mr. Keller .1. New- comer of Elkton. Md. BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Claire Harmon , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Harmon, Main Street , was guest of honor nt a surprise bridal shower held in the home of Mrs. Rober t Harmon, Main Street. Decorations were pro- vided by Mrs. Lester O'Neil , who decorated a miniature ear with streamers, old shoes and a sign which said "Getting Married". Due to Mrs. Harmon 's recent illness she was also aided by Miss Barbara Coleman, Mrs. Alcott N. Hallett. Mrs. John Harmon and Mrs. Donald Chisholm. The guests who attended from Rhode Island. Bridgewater, Carlisle and Cape towns showered Claire with many lovely gifts. ELECTED V.P. Dr. Katharine C. Cotter , daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter , Main Street, was recently elected vice president of the Boston Col- lege Lay Faculty Club. The organi- zation has over 200 members and has as its dual purpose the fur- herlng of the intellectual aim rui- urai life ol the membership IOSPITAL PATIENTS Bill McNe ill has returned to bis nine on Pine Lane after being a atlent al .Massachusetts Eye and !ar Infirmary for ten days where e had surgery performed on his ' yes. Mrs. Robert Harmon has leturn- d to her Main Street home after F ieing under observation at Cape !od Hospital for several days, e Mi ss Margaret Cotter , ni ght su- ervlsor at Cape Cod Hospital , is r patient there. 4 Word has been rci ' Ived from I liss Gertrudi Nanaen In Lewlston, j faino that Bhe bad been in the hos- j iltal there, under observation. ! lowever, she is out now and re- ently celebrated her S2n e.\r . -Miii wii .v , iii ' , .» v. ,..,,,,,,„,,,,,,, , * * » Community - Methodist Rev. E. MacKinnon White The Executive committee win leet Tuesday at 7 IO P.M. In the estry. June is the Annual New England louthern Conference will be held