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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Patriot Ads For Results!! 4 lines: 4t# w p e e e r k Charge Your Ad! CaTl Hy. 24 For Action! LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts llarnstable , ss. Probate Court 'I'D all persons interested in tho estate of WENDLA K. PYYNY , also known as WENDLA ERIKA PYYNY and WENDLA RltlKA (JAUKKURI) PYYNY , late of Barnstable (West), In Bald County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for license to sell—at private sale certain real estate of said deceased- and that tho peti- tioner may become tho purchaser of snid real estate. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file n written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 10th day ol June , 11)58, the return day of this citation. Witness, KENKICK A. SPAR- ROW Esquire, .Indue of said Court , this l!)th day of May, 1958. ALFRED C. KNIOHT . Register. May 22, 29; June 6 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME The undersigned officers of Tho Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church of West llarnstable . a cor- poration organized under the laws of Massachusetts , located In Wost Barnstable, County of Barnstable, hereby give notice that the cor- poration by an affirmative vote of at least two-thinis of tho mem- bers legally entitled to vote at n meeting called for the purpose and by articles of amendment executed according to law by the proper officers of the corporation, ap- proved by the Commissioner of Corporations and Taxation and de- posited In tho office of the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth Febru- ary 5, LOBS, pursuant to the pro- visions of section III of Chapter ir>5 of the fleneral Laws as amended voted to change Its name to Flrsl Lutheran Church of West llarn- stable. Rev. Douglas J. Olllla, President Frank \ Malii . Treasurer Tnuno Knriiialii Blno V. Pyy f-TinfI ii. Davidson Carl Wnhlstedl Henry Halo will him Hautanen Majority of Directors (May 29; June 5) NOTICE Cape Holdings, Inc ., by Newell Snow, of Sandwich, Mass., having made application for approval of a plan entitled "Plan of Sandy Neck Village Inc In Sandwich and Barnstable" for land subdivision showing private ways for publli use located on Cape Cod Hay at sandy Neck in the Town of Barn- stable , bounded as follows: north- westerly by I ho Sandwich Barn- stable Town Line about S50 feet, northeasterly bj other land of Cape Holdings, Inc. about 204,70 feet , southeasterly and northerly by land of the Town of llnrnsluhle a distance of 211 feel , easterly by land of Lindsay It. Armstrong a distance of 108.46 feel and south- easterly by Sandy Nook Road about non fast, we the undersigned Board of Survey for Hie Town of liiiiiislable will hold a public bear Ing al the Selectmen 's Office nil Monday, June D, Pir.s at 10:80 A.M. VICTOR F. AliAMS GEORGE L. CROSS K. THOMAS MURPHY Board of Survey fur tin Town of Barnstable. May 20; June G LOST PASSBOOK Notice Is hereby given that Passbook, No. 7I171 , Issued by 11 y- nnniM Trust Company, bus been lost or destroyed and that application has linen made lo llyanuiii Trust Ciiinpnny to issue a duplicate book In accordance with Sec 40, chap BOO, Acts of 1908. May 15, 22, 20 LEGAL NOTICES I - , . . . -_ Commonwealth of Massachusetts * v„. In tho forenoon on the 21th dav ''•''I'1"'''" Where ho depicted Uar- of Juno , 1058, the return day of varlan scenes on tho walls ami tills citation. executed a mural of a modloval Witness KENRICK A S PAR- J(mK „ng contest. HOW Esquire, Judge of said Court , . . . , .. „ „„„„t.„ Ibis llth day of May, 1058. "" lM " Ktu cluato of Massachu- ALFRKI) C. KNIOHT, Hot Is College of Art and spoilt tlmu Register, before enlistment as art lUttruotor May 22, 21) ; June 5 hl M1|fol.(1 amI AmherBt , N. H. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court IS '.I, lf_ _ | Cnna To all persons Interested in tho IVLllIl ITICCIS luIlM estate of HELEN J. DIOLANEY , ,-, late of Barnstable (Centerville ). in Supporters said County, deceased. r r A petition has been presented to Representatives and town chair- said Court for prob ate of a certain men of the Keith for Congress coin- [nstrui 11 purporting to bo the mlttee fro m twelvo Capo towns M^T ^Am vSnSxKY. 1 :?, '""L "' ">''""1,f< "-•",,,y "' <"" Weyinoiith , in tho County of Nor- Imme of Mrs. Charles W. Mogatblln , folk , praying that he be appointed Sr. to discuss the candidacy for executor thereof without giving a Congress of former state Senator surely on his bond. .. ,. ,,, ,. ,., , ,, , , ,. ' . . , . , .. Hastings Keith ol W est llrldge- If you desire to oblect thereto "". V you 01 your attorney should nio a wm "' |,|ium wwa formulated for written appearance In said Court a Cape-wide Keith for Congress oon- at Barnstable before ten o'clock clave to be held for his supporters '" ""• 1 l i"r ,', ,"".', "n "". " , " V'"' 'l,ly ,'. ,r »l Brooks Park h. Harwich late hi June 1058, the return day of Ibis . ,„ , ,,, „ .... Oltatlon. Juno. Charles W. Mogiithlln , Jr. Witness, KENRICK A . HPAH - was named chairman ot tho com- r>ow Esquire, Judge of snid court , mlttee to make arrangements for this llth day of May, 1058, H>,> affair ALFRED C KNIGHT, ' , ,, . . . . . Organisational progress reports May 22 , 20; Juno 5 wero given from ouch Keith town committee represented and it was Commonwealth of Massachusetts announced that the Cape commit Barnstablo, ss. Probate Court tee now numbered morn than 350 To all persoiiM Interested In the 'ftotlve workers. Coffee hours ami V S^^^S i S a ^ i ^ ^ ""'¦"»"" stings .0 bo aWd on County, deceased, ''"' Cape during the HI of June A petition has been presented to Were planned. said Courl for probate or a certain Among those present wore: Mr. nstrumenl Purporting to be the and Mrg, .,„„„ ,,,„,,, „r vermouth. I UH I will ot said deceased by FLORENCE 0. FOX of Barnstable 1""1 Mr' i""1 Mr* l< "1""'11' |,; wn- (Ostervlile), In the County of Hum- son ami Robert Jones of Hnru- stable, and HELEN M. ItYAN , H IHO gtable known as HELEN F, RYAN, or llrookllne. in Iho Counlv of Nor- „._ .._„._ rolk-. -praylag thai th«v be appoint- BARNSTABLE GROUP SPENDS sd executrixes thereof wlthoul giv- WEEKEND IN NEW YORK ing a surety on their 1 d, A group of is members of tllo If you desire to object thereto you, n mlQV/aMf) ,„¦ Hl M . „ you or your attorney should nio a _, , ,, , ' / written appearance In said court ' auron-, Barnstable are in Now at Barnstable before ten o'clock in York until Bim' day. The teen-age the forenoon on the 10th day of group of young men'and Indies will June, \m, the return day of this ,„,„. Nl , w Y ork , visit the Statue of Witness, KENRICK \. SPAlt- Liberty, United Nations and other ROW, EH(|uiro , Judge of said points ol Interest, They are ac- Onurt , tbls llth day of May, I1I5S. lompunh il be trip by Sheriff ALFRED 0, KNKIIIT . „„,, M |H ,„ Tulloon „,„, Iteglster. May 15, 22, 20 olbeiH. O J A L A F A R M Home Cooking - Roast Chicken and Chicken Pios Lunch 8erved from 11:00 A.M. Dinners on Reservation Houte 6A Tel. FOrest 2-3814 West Barnstable r ; . . . ....—; j 'Prescri ptions Our Sp ecialty \ Dumont 's Pharmacy I I Depol Square Tel . SPring 5-0210' Hyannis *« „.—, r . . . *. . : !, READY TO WORK PRICED TO SELL 1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon V-8 Fully Equipped 1955 Chevrolet Station Wagon 6 Cyl. Powerglido 1955 Chevrolet % Ton Stake Truck ?3,000 Miles 1949 Dodgo Vi Ton Panel See these and many more at BRAGLE CHEVROLET CO., Inc. North Slr«el "• Sherman Square ll yunniH Tel. SI'riri K $.1848 1 " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ — ' ¦ . I I . - 1 , — - „ , ¦ , „ ,. .¦ BIT OF HOME RESTAURANT Serving Fine Foods I DAILY SPECIAL - - 99^ I COMPLBTi UINNEK 7:00 A. M. to 7:30 I\ M. 295 MAIN SlHi ;i ;i HYANNI S TRADEPORT Route 6A East Sandwich ••• Roses - Peonies Shrubs - Annuals Memorial Day Potted Plants House Plants GEORGE'S UARUER SHOP Main Street Oslervilla Fresh Garden Asparagus ALL TIPS — Cut Fresh Daily — QUAIL HOLLOW FARM ROUTE 130 SANDWICH , MASS. Oppoailc the School CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING «*« Barnstable Patriot will charge Le eiaaalned Ad to anyone Hated tT the Cape Cod telephone di- rectory under the following ex- ehangea: Hyannla BarnsUble (FOrest) Dennis (EXeter) Osterville (GArden) RATES „ minimum of 4 lines of space will t used at 10c per line for one insertion: 9c per line for two or Bore Insertions. REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY The publisher ffill be responsible lor only one incorrect insertion. The Patriot reserves the right to «dit or reject any copy received (or publication. REALTORS WALTER I. FULLER REALTOR Summer Rentals Wlanno - Oyster Harbors Centerville Open Sundays Tel. GArden 8-2165 - 8-2087 Main Street, Osterville CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings given Prompt and Personal Attention by James F. Kenney, Realtor 18 Ocean Street, Hyannis, MasB. Tel. SPring 5-0907 SCHDMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. Specializing in Cape Cod Properties since 1929 Member of M U IM PIR I.I«Hne Service Tel. SPring 5-0277 I CAPE COD REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CENTER SALES AND RENTALS Route 28 Iyruiough Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylinor Evelyn Crosby SPriiiK GArden 5-2045 or 5-1685 8-240!) LEGAL NOTICE i Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Courl To nil persona Interested In th«' psliite ot WILLIAM C, HABBRBJR, late of (Hyannis) Barnstable, i« c Bald County, deceased. A petition IIUH lici'ii presented to , sold Court , praying that JESSIE M, IIAHERKR , or (Hyannis) liarn Htiihln , In the County of llnriistahlo , I)L« appointed administratrix of said , estate without K I V IIIK a miroty on hor bond. ir you desire to object thoretn you or your attorney should lllo 0 al BartUltable before ton o'clock in tho forenoon on tho loth day of Juno , 1115S, tllo return day of thin citation. Witness, KBNRIOK A, KIWI !- 1 written appearance In said Court ROW, Esquire , Judge Of snlil Court , UIIH 9th day of May, l!»r.s. ALFRED (' ¦ KNIGHT, Iteglater. May 15, 22, 29 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, as. Probate Court To all persons Interested in Hio estate of JAMES P. MCCARTHY, late or Barnstable (Hyannis), in said county, deceased. A petition has been presented ti> said Court for probate of a certain Instrument purporting to bo ihu last will of Hald deceased by JOSEPH II . BEBOHER, Of Marii- Btable (Hyannis), In the County of Barnstable, inuynlg thai be be uu- polnted executor thereof without giving a surety on bin bond. If you desire to objec t (hereto you or your attorney should file ¦ written appearance in said Courl at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on th e luth day