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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
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rJLibbie6 u j arn Shop GIFTS Knitting Instructions Open Evenings 'Til 8 P. M. Main Street Opposite Pond 8t. Osterville GA. 8-6278 JEANN1E VanLEEUWEN i Tel. GArden 8-4605 ACCEPT NEW MEMBERS The Athletic and Civic Club of Marstons Mills voted in two new members at their meeting Monday, May 20: Crawford H. Hollidge and Howard Silra. On June 15th they plan to hold a Chicken barbeque at tho clubhouse. Co-chairmen for the bnrbeque are James Callahan and Robert Els- kamp. The club also raised $100 In donations for the Irving Jones fund , whose home was destroyed by tiro. A considerable portion of the evening was devoted to a discus- sion on the proposed State land taking in tho Mystic Lake area. Members of the club were shown copies of a brochure and map Louise Newklrk will ho at tho races in Indianapolis this weekend. Ilanna Hord Is preparing to sail for Sweden in June nnd of course Frances P. Fuller will be nt the National Convention in San Fran- cisco In July. Last Saturday Miss Fuller, Mrs. Smith . Mrs. Frederick Hatch and Mrs. Robert White attended a Citation dinner In Providence. TO GRADUATE FROM BUSINESS SCHOOL Robert C. Bonna of Cranberry Lane. West Hyannisport , will be graduated from Bentley School of Accounting and Finance In Boston on Friday, June o. Commencement exercises will lie held at tho Shu- bert Theatre, Boston and I Wayne Keller , of Armstrong Cork Co., will deliver the Commencement ad- dress. HYANNIS WOMEN ELECTED PRESIDENT, FLORIDA CLUB Mrs. Thomas .1. Selby, tho former Judith Walker of Hyannis , haw re- centl y been elected president of the N. (' . O. Wives Club at the Homestead Air Force Base in Flor- 1 ida. On the same day. May 20, she was graduated ia a class of 17 from the Red Cross Nurses Aid Course at the base hospital and was elect- ed to the board of directors of the base Nursery. Sgt . Thomas .1. Selby. formerly attached >» OI IH A.F.B., is now con- nected with ihe 19th Field Main- tenance Squadron Instrument Di- vision at Homestead. GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH .lane 1. "Sunday of Pentecost ". Sunday, School, 9:30 a.m.; Ma- tins service, 10:80 a.m . Divine Liturgy, 11:00 a.m. wnich are to be sent to members of the Massachusetts legislature. After some discussion It was de- cided to continue to attempt to combat the proposal that land and houses be taken by eminent domain proceedings, to set up a State rec- reation area In the Ilystlc Lakes section. CAMPFIRE GIRLS Saturday, May 21, the Camptlre girls took a trip to Nickerson State Park in Brewster. Adults In charge who made the trip were Mrs . Philip Stcere, Mrs. Stewart Chllds, Mrs. William Thew and Mrs . Joseph l,n Fnrr . The girls who went wero Mar- da La Farr, Karen Setter , Sharon Kalwelt , Maria Salaza . Beverly Lapham, Barbara Kearney, Emily Thew , Mary Van 1.ecu wen , Judy Steere and Carol Thlfault, They learned to make bed rolls , build tiros , and tlo knots. They also wont i'ii a hike and enjoyed a picnic. The Caiuplir e girls plan to bold a l'et Show Saturday June 7 at the Marstons Mills schoolgroiimls at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Judging starts at 1:110 P.M. and prizes will be award- ed. Entry blanks may ho obtained from Mrs. Philip Steere or Mrs Stewart Chllds. The public Is in- vited; there will be a small charge for adults ' admission but children will bo admitted free of charge Refreshments will be sold. The proceeds of tho show will go to- ward a three-day camping trip to Camp Greenough In Yarmouthport. MARSTONS MILLS SCHOOL The elementary school <>r Mai stona Mills distinguished Itself l» winning both the hoys ' and the girls ' baseball games at Osterville Tuesday. The girls ' Softball game score was 32-18. Barbara Kearney was tliolr pitcher. Tho Marstons Mills boys won over Ostervillo 7 to 1 with Carl Wiseman and William Nobrc on the mound. CHURCH NEWS Tho Marstons Mills Mi thodist Church School put on a church pro- gram Sunday May 2B. Under the direction of the superintendent, Mrs. Wilbur Cushlng, tho ontlro church school participated by giv- ing recitations and singing. Carl Wiseman played a trumpet solo and Tholina Pond played a violin solo. Mrs. Cushlng presented Virginia Cushlng and Joffroy Con- ditio with Bibles and acknowledged the perfect attendance of Jill Childs , Frank l.aphnm and Susan Lapham. The canvassing of every member and friend in the villago for pledges for the following year was under- taken by Mrs Until Olfford, Mrs. Marion Maeomber , Leonard Flsh, Robert Parker , Arthur Williams , Oeorgo Lapham, Mrs. Beatrice Lap- ham and Mrs. Vivian Cushlng. Rev- erend Mr. John W. Cartor was in charge of the appeal. After the town tour, canvassers met at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lorlng (I. .lones .Ir. to give reports and have a Bocial hour. Coffee and cake wore served by Mrs . Jones. GO-GETTERS CLUB The Oa-Qet ten hi hi a business meeting followed by a social hour at the schoolhouse Monday night. Tweuty-tlve members attended the meeting, At tho social hour n pro- gram was prest nteil by Mrs. Alta I.a Farr , Mrs . Marion Maeomber and Mrs. Hetty Rauta , entitled "Fun Night. " Games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Dorothy Moo n . Mrs. Philip Steere, Mrs. Lena Chllds , Mrs. Dora Maslnnkit , ami Mrs. Kay Dick . PERSONALS Mrs . Olive Kearns nnd Mrs. Jo- sephlne Bwlft of Martha 's Vineyard visited residents of Marstons Mills over tho weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William F. (llfford and their daughter Linda of Wor- cester wore guests of Mrs. Nora (¦ifforil Sunday. Also a nephew , Dwtgh) (llfford Perkins , and anoth- er n latlve , Mrs. Joan Olfford, Mrs (llfford will romniu with Mrs. Nro Olfford for a two weeks' visit. Miss Judy McClusky, a llnallsl for tho Miss Cnpo Cod contest , won a place In the queen's court of four, She will appear at tho Capo Cod Boat Sbmv In Falmouth on May 30. Four students at Marstons Mills elementary school are members of Mr. (leslu 's elementary school baud . Carl Wiseman, Mark Tribe, Mary Van Leeuwen and Larry Dick play ed in the Music Festival at Barn- Stable High School Friday May 88 M^STONS '%»• I MHis#$l*i* MRS. M IRIA M BLAIR Tel. SPring 5-5919 BAPTIST WOMEN'S UNION EL ECT8 OFFICERS At the last meeting of the Bap- list Women's Union the following -leers Were installed at a candle- light ceremony: President, Mrs. Shirley Mercer ; vice-president , yra. Ethel Lahteine; secretary, yrs. Jean Simmonds; treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Whltbeck . Miss Mary Murray was Installed as vice-presi- dent in charge of Missions; Mrs. Madeline Young, vice-president, in Iharge of Christian Service; Mrs. Doris Boutwell, vice-president, in charge of Christian Training. Mrs. ! ,0js Sherman was the installing officer and Mrs. Elaine Edward s, accompanied by William Zeuch at th,, piano, sang the Lord's Prayer m part of the Installation cere- mony. During the meeting volunteers were requested for t several pro- jects. Those who care to help tho Publications Committee mimeo eraph chuhch calendars are asked to contact Mrs. Alice Bailey. Those who would volunteer to work either afternoon or evening on the sum- mer weokly bean suppers are asked to call Mrs. Doris Boutwell. Volun- teers for the Summer Sale on July jln are to call Mrs. Marjorl e Randall. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Corner Hearse's Way and Stevens Street Sunday worship. 11 a.m. The Sunday school Is held at the same hour . Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. The Christian Science Reading Room is located in the Masonic Building, Main Street. Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Sundays and legal holidays. EPAC GROTTO The F.pacGrotto ladies had their dinner business at Coonamessett Inn , Falmouth , which brought their season's activities to a close till October, The money earned by tho Rpac firotto from projects planned in August and September will be turned over to the Cerebral Palsy Fund. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Masonic Building Rev. Preble Cobb, Pastor Sunday School , 10 a.m. Study topic: Tabernacle Part I. Exodus, Chap. 24 through 31. Key verse: Kxodus 25:8. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon topic: "Why Love God?" Sunday evening, 7:30. Topic: ' What is Baptist Faith and Prac- tice?" ! Thursday evening. Continuation of the study of Ephesians, chap. 2, followed by a short constitution committee meeting. AUXILIARY OF BARNSTABLE POST , NO. 206 At the last business meeting of Hie Auxiliary, conducted by the president, Mary Santos, in the Legion Home, plans were made for Hie women to join the Post for the " am . Memorial Sunday service in he held by the Federated Church of Hyannis In the Memorial Build- 'ng. This group also made plans t« attend the Memorial Day exer- cises in Beechwood Cemetery in Centerville. It was announced that over $80 was realized fro m the "Mak e Your I'ollar Grow" project. JEWISH WOMEN'C CLUB Monday evening the Jewish Women 's Club had their annual in- sulation and celebrated their -5th anniversary at the Priscllla A1*ad m. Report on AmericanPefrofln*. H*m*_^ 1 — liESS SH Su«tf__ City ***• I ' ^^^ ^ ^ ^ .^^i^M | V^ ^S SSS JP -^T^ ¥?"; ? BARNSTABLE COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Rte. 6-A Yarmouthporl j K^/ffer ing . . . J \\ New Advantages I and I Old Fashioned Integrity j During the We of the company It him never paid 1«HM than | I . '111 i» •-*- « -•- J i I dividends. I I Applications, for Insurance should he made to any of i [ the following: ! [ I j Robert G. Dowling Cecil I. Goodspeed ;, I Hyannis Osterville I Edward L. Harris Howard J. Carlson I I Barnstable Sandwich 1 '_ '-^.-^,-_ '.-^.--,-_ ¦ _—¦ _J __^__y__,_-_._-_^ _i_^ '_J,_il_,^_.-^il_i^'_il-iLJ,l_>. | INS URANCE and ANN UITIES Frank G. Thacher Insurance Agency ROBERT O. COWLING Hyannis, Mass. Tel. SPrlnq 6-1620 Masonic Temple Hyann ~ aatf!ogggfl ?^ ^^ >^^^^^ WILLIAM G. BRYDE N | REALTOR and INSUROR I Route 6A Call Sagamore 279 Sandwich | » * ^ ^ ^ ^ M^ & &> & i^ ^ GEORGE H. MELLEN, Jr. ^J^^k DEPENDABLE 1NSUBANCK jaggfe 561 Main Street, Hyannis O Tel. SPring 5-0569 William L WAHTOLA Registered Master Plumber Plumbing & Heating Water HeaterH Kadiant Heating Oil Burner Sales and Service SPring5-1617 p^^aototiMtrceatatataww?, \M Ui2>.&*ct\ Qif a j Wide Selection of I I HOME ACCESSORIES j GIFTS FOR THE | BRIDE AND HOSTESS I I 667 Main Street T f c t e J yi JM na 5-1471 I L^z^- 1 JEWELER 349 Main Street "vannls . Mass.