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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By The Woodpecker The Babe Ruth League has had live games rained out and it will probably be necessary to play some Sunday games to catch up. At present Manager Everett Bisbee's V.F.W. nine Is leading the league, thanks to a lone victory over the Cape Cod Movers on opening day. Puritans and Movers tied for sec- ond and Jerry Bowes' Elks are fourth with one defeat and no vic- tories. Tonight (Thursday) the Movers will take on the Elks and if Kalweit is in shape it will be toug h going. As soon as the high school varsity season is over Frank Roderick of the Elks. Paul O'Neill of the Puritans and Bruce Wood- ruff of the Movers will be eligible to play and these three should add fire works to the league. ««« Rain has caused postponement of Dwight Coggeshall's fifth and sixth grade inter-school play this Spring. However , he did manage to get in a game Tuesday morning between the Osterville and Mar- stons Mills Schools at Osterville. Hilly Nobre and Carl Wiseman pitched the Mills uine to a victory over Mrs. O'Neill' s boys ' team by the score of 7 to 1 and Mrs. Moore 's girls swept to victory over the Osterville girl s, 32 to y IS. Barbara Kearney pitched for the winners and did a good job. Edwina Pina pitched a fine game for Osterville but extremely weak support led to her downfall . The Osterville girls appeared nervous and dropped easy dies and threw to the wrong bases repeatedly. Sandra Perry 's batting leatured for Marstons Mills. As soon as weather permits the Barn- stable boys and girls will meet Hy- annis and Cotuit will vie with Cen- terville. ••* The Junior High School team is second In Cape Cod Junior High School League despite a set-back by Yarmouth last week, with four victories and 2 defeats. Yarmouth is second with 3 and 3. The locals have defeated the following this Spring: Dennis , 3 to 2; Yarmouth 21 to IS; Falmouth , 6 to 5, Den- nis 15 to 3 and Brewster, IS to 1. They have lost to Falmouth , 4 to 2 and Yarmouth 1 1 to 6. Jimmy Prada has been added to the pitch- ing staff and it has relieved the lo- cal's star pitcher, Frank Buckler. Danny Hostetter has been banging the ball for Coach Coggeshall and Buckler has also been getting his share of hit s . Danny McEvoy has proved a very able catcher and should go places in the Babe Ruth League this summer . Bob Jones, at third , is a very improved play- er, as is also Francis Souza in left field. **• Centerville is leading the Soft Ball League with four wins and no defeats. Bragles , on the war-path , however, is right after them with 3 and 1. Centerville had a hard time defeating Osterville Monday night but managed to eke out an 11 to 3 victory, despite 15 passes by Mickey Belle Isle, who is doing mound duty for the Centerville group. Osterville is improving and Sunday nigh t took a very strong Yarmouth Police team by the score of 23 to IS, Frank Oakley besting Ed Taylor of the Police team. but not to fly. They are still in the brown feather stage. "Been having some fine fishing during the early evening. My best fishing has been up at Schubels. I think it's the best there. Also pretty good up at Lovell's Pond and in some streams", remarked Doc Dunne. "There's a few bass around these parts " said Bill Cook , in regards to my question , "What's the news." Howard Nickerson says that the white perch are hitting up around Cotuit way. Ralph Kimball and his son Steve were fishing up at Hathaway 's and Steve hooked on to a good sized trout , but it shook loose. Bob Steve was rather peeved as he has been trying to beat out bis dad . A super duper lure was used with a spinning rig. Oil Ward says that he has been having some fine black bass fishing. Using popping bugs and surface lures he has taken several small- mouths. "You have to hit fast if you use surface lures ", said Gil. "I don 't think that spraying has helped our wild life. It upsets the balance of nature. When man takes over, the balance is lost . Nature takes care of such things . All kinds of wildlife comes into contact with spray materials " was his comment. Ed Chase and I fished Hatha- way's and each of us came up with a fair sized rainbow. Trout were jumping on the east side of the pond lint wouldn 't hit the hardware that we were tossing at them . A trio of other anglers hadn 't experi- enced a strike while fishing the West side. Ed caught his using a red and white Fiord spoon while I had my success on a midget red and white Dardevle. Our ponds are still very high with the shore line covered and the water up into the bushes. In- sects drop off the bushes Into the water and provide the trout with good fishing. Our streams are also high and flooded. Jerry Scheerin says that he hasn 't fished for several weeks be- cause of the cool weather and the flooded condition of the streams. "Have you had any luck over at Lon K Pond in Centerville " queried Andy Anderson. "I used to have some fine fishing thero several years ago. naven 't though for the last couple of seasons. The pond is very high and the water is cool" he continued. Drop into Kenney 's Sport Shop and look over that petition to ask for a better duck shooting season. If you want to help, sign it. Every name helps to set the ball rolling. Steve Bates has been waiting for some warm weather before trying for stripers. "A Tony Acetto spoon is my pet lure " says Steve. "Water has been too rough" says Nelson Marchant , skipper of the Sea Hawk. "Been catching some scup and tautog though" he continued. Ed Chase says he caught a total of 12 trout averaging six inches in length floating dead in the water on the east side of the Hathaways. ON THE POLE- as seen by HARTLEY R. DAVIS — r Scattered news of .striper.-; being eaught lias come to lighl and the prophecy of many veteran anglers that eome warmer weather the bass will he in , is being fulfilled. No real lunkers have been reported as yet hut it is my prophecy that some fishermen will come up with n dandy over the .Memorial Day weekend. Saw a couple of MBA buggies in town over the past weekend. One was trom New York and the other from Rhode Island. One angler told me that he had taken several live pound stripers from the Cotuit waters. Charles Hinckley. Walter Pol- lock , Ray Taylor and Walter Hal- lett went out on a fishing trip for most anything that swims. A total of six scup were taken by Walter Hallett , the only successful angler. Ray Taylor drew a good deal of kidding over the trip. Ray, how did that rhubarb pie taste? A total of four stripers , one flounder and one tautog were taken by Ernest B. Norris and Bill Cook on a recent fishing trip. The Emma M, II captained by Homer Phinney, and the Sea King with a crew of Carl Sollows, Joe Santry and Carl Sollows , Jr., took a fishing trip over to Nautucket. Pete Schaeffer and Dolph Rich- ards were trying their hand at perch fishing down at Flat Pond and had need for some floats but had none. Looking around an old duck blind , they found some old shotgun shells. They put one shell Inside of another and tied them to their line, I'eter says they worked line. Qnlte an idea Pete. Every few spare moment are taken up by Lefty Chandler in either fishing or hunting and dur- ing every chat with me, he has some very Interesting news. Seems us though he was fishing for trout up at Mashpee-Wukeby using a streamer fly and he caught a her- ring. A few minutes later , using a red and white Fiord spoou he caught another herring. "They gave me some fun on my iiyrod. Kind of surprised to catch herring though. I'm not a meat fisherman; I just flsh for the sport and the fun. Don't like tro lling 0r heavy equipment. I like to feel tho fish hit. Perhups I don 't catch so many big flsh , but I have the fun ," re- marked Lefty. Just a sidelight folks, it iB very buldom that a herring is taken while Ashing, but it does happen once in a while. AI Schleicher took a total of six fine trout up at Mashpee-Wakeby with the largest going la Inches. Bernard Deveau took a couple of fine smallmouth bass while fishing at Brewster. "Tried Cliff Pond and caught some dandy pickerel and perch. They were good sized fish and hit hard ," remarked Ed Walker. Quail are beginning to come out of the brush and heavy woods. A couple of days ago, a couple of these birds walked-across the road , stopped to eat in my garden and then crossed the tracks and went into a patch of woods in back of my home. They looked aB if they her fared very well during the winter. A couple of families of Canadian Geese are living in the swamp. At the present time the youngsters are under close watch of the par- ents. They are big enough to swim, SPORTS witli ROD & GUN 16 foot CAT BOAT COMPLETE WITH CRADLE Clement J. Maclsaac West Hyannisport Tel. SPring 5-3078 Call After 3:00 P.M. Established 1900 WILLIAM A. JONES Inc. Paving Contractor — HOT MIX — Screen Stone - Blue Stone - Native Stone Gravel - Screened Sand Grading • Excavating • Landing Clearing Parking Areas • Gas Stations Office and Asphalt Plant — Tel. SPring 5-1921 Evenings: Call Ch irlet W. Jones — FOrest 2-3506 KENNEY'S SPORT SHOP I BASEBALL GLOVES BALLS j BATS SHOES j FISHING RODS ' REELS LINES HOOKS LURES (I FISH NETS I GOLF CLUBS BALLS BAGS I CARTS || TENNIS RACKETS BALLS I NETS ARCHERY ||i BOWS , I ARROWS TARGETS Jj 16 Ocean Street, SPring 5-2200 Hyannis GIFTS DINNERWARE - GLASSWARE 433 Main Street, Hyannis > ¦ STUDENTS ! /}; ¦;¦ ''tv^tt^^ K p ¦' %- -V ¦ •> '¦ #' ¦ ' I ^V^ REM I NGTON QetoMAt (ZAatttfetk, 337 Main St., SPring 5-2810 Open Every Friday Evening till 9:00 P.M. ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ H^Hlk * &C*tc6tety 4~ will make it possible for you . to get . . . THE LATEST THRILL IN FISHING with SOUTH BEND SPIN CAST RODS and REELS Whether you prefer to fish the Bay or the Sound or the many delightful fresh water ponds — you will get maximum performance and enjoyment from SOUTH BEND EQUIPMENT • Visit Our Store Now for the best in fishing and sporting gear. JOHN HINCKLEY & SON CO. HYANNIS AND YARMOUTHPORT AMPLE FREE PARKING SPRING 5-07°° GRIFFIN GREENHOUSES Route 28 Falmouth Road Centerville Tel SPring 5-1199 POTTED PLANTS M%f&L ANNUALS - PERENNIALS ^^^^ " TOMATO PLANTS idtoM$ EVERGREENS - SHRUBS | j I LARRY TILLGREN Painting and Decorating Tel. SPring 5-0131 Barnstable High kept Its hope for the Upper Cape Schoolboy cham- pionship alive by pounding Ilourne pitchers for a rousing 14 to 8 vic- tory The game was the sixth win in nine starts. The game was a slufifest with Laikln of Barnstable toucheii for eight hits, including two singles. He also Issued four passes and fanned eight. Drlscoll and Cihoon of Bourne yielded 1 1 hits including two doubles. Barn- stable had a bis six run second inning, which with another four run rally in the lifth put the game on ice. Barnstable Belts Bourne; Win Sixth Game Hallett hurled four hit ball for Barnstable against tho Wareham JV' s on Friday. Combined with the heavj- clouting of catcher Bennett, Barnstable was able to become the second team to beat Wareham in 15 games. The contest ended In a 0 in l victory tor Barnstable. HALLETT HURLS BARNSTABLE j TO WIN OVER WAREHAM ' Although Rogers of Barnstable bulled a three hitter against Ware- lui m, it just wasn't enough. Wars- ham got the breaks and Bcored a 3 to 1victory. Barnstable drove out seven singles but couldn 't seem to get the runs across tho plate. The three runs scored hy Ware- ham were all of the unearned variety. BARNSTABLE LOSES THREE HITTER TO WAREHAM Municipal Airport News Each day brings more and more activity to tho Airport. This week- end saw the arrival of 22 single engine planes and throe twin en- gine executive planes. The twin- engine plane of General Motors brought Mr. and Mrs. Skinner to the Cape. The one belonging to Continental Can brought General and Mrs. Lucius Clay, who were headed for Chatham. Cape & Island Flight Service had a busy time, making a flight for the Nantucket Police from Nan- tucket to Taunton , back to Nan- tucket and Anally back to Hyannis. Wednesday the new crash truck was delivered and irght now it is being tested out by Glen Clough and his crew and AI Mullens of Falmouth , with the assistance of theglneers from Maxim Motors of Middleboro. Work continues , between the showers, on the grounds. Shoulders on the runway s have been seated and blaclc top surfacing will be completed for Saturday 's dedica- tion ceremonies. There are a few bits of green grass struggling along and CAA officials were in to tak e soil samples necessary to determine amounts and types of top soil for the new taxiways which will be installed this summer . Of course the big news this week will be the dedication of the new Administration Building and all ac- tivities seem to be centered on this. The public Is invited . . . there will be plenty to see. Come and bring the young ones. Prop Wash The Kirk MacSwan Memorial Fountain was unveiled as part of the opening exercises incident to the season openers in the Barn- stable Little League last Sunday. Sealtest defeated Cape Cod Can- dles 6 to 1 and White Brothers defeated Dtimont's 3 to 1 in the opening game. BARNSTABLE LITTLE LEAGUE HOLDS OPENING SESSION 29. BUS track—triangular meet, Dennis-Yarmouth, Falmouth, llarnstable. 20 BUS girls softball , Bourne at Hyannis. 29. Farm League, Centerville vs. Cotuit , MarBtons Mills . 30. BfIS track , South Shore Meet , Weymouth. 30. Farm League, W. Barnstable vs. Hyannis Giants. June 2. IiHS Golf , Brockton nt Hyan- port. 2. Hoc. Softball , M. M. vs. Oster- ville at Centerville. 2. Rec Softball . Bragles vs. Marg and Al's, Osterville. 3, Farm League, Osterville vs. Cotuit—M. M. I. llarnstable Rec, Marg & Al's vs. Centerville at Osterville. I. Barnstable Rec, Bragles vs. Osterville at Centerville. 5. Farm League , Hyannis Braves vs. Hyannis (Hants. SPORTS CALENDAR Mm- (Continued from Page 1) lit 1931 he served as curate at the Sacred Heart Church in Taun- ton under the present pastor, Rev. Francis McKeon. Late In 1935 he j returned as assistant at St. Fran- cis Xavier, Hyannis, where he re- mained until July 1, 1943. He was then assigned to St. James Church , New Bedford , Mass., where he served aa assistant to the Rt. Rev. Henry J. Noon. In 1951 lle 9Grrrt for ten months as administrat e- St. Thomas More Church , Soitm set , Mass., during the ll ' meai J the pastor, Rev . William Har rington. In 1952 he was assigned to gi Mary 's Church , Nnrth Attlobo ' ro Mass., as assistant to the late it Francis J. Maloney. In July 1, 1957, Rev. Waldon wa, assigned by MoBt Rer. James L. Connolly as pastor of the ne» parish of Our Lady of Victory, Get. terville. Since his arrival here both interiors of the upper and i0Wer church have been completed. Alio a home has been acquired on Part Avenue, Centerville Estates, la serve as a residence for the prleit of this new parish on Cape Cod Rev. Waldron will celebrate , mass of Thanksgiving on the anni. versary of his ordination , June lo at 7 a.m. at Our Lady of Victory Church . To this mass all bis friends and parishioners are Invited to join with him in the commemora- tion of this happy event. Further plans will be announced next week by the Silver Anniversary com- mittee. Milestone To Be Marked — Barnstable Patriot Sp orts News - Tuesday was a had day all round for Barnstable High. The varsity baseball team was on the spot. It was looking for a win to at least get a chance at the Upper Cape baseball title this year. The game which was played at Lowell Field , Cotuit , started off in a drizzle and was continued dur- ing lulls between showers; Bearse of Dennis-Yarmouth held Barn- stable without a single hit , and you just can 't score runs on that kind of pitching Barnstable did get into the game In the third when they scored throe runs on a series of walks by Bearsa and errors by his team- mates, but they couldn 't get the few hits they needed to at least knot up the score. Dennis-Yarmouth loaded up in the first inning with four runs on a single , a double , a couple of errors , stolen liases, a wild throw and a walk. Willi this victory Dennis-Yar- mouth clinched the Upper Cape pennant. No Hitter Throws Barnstable For Loss Steve Bray, Centerville , came up with the first blueflsh catch of the season on Tuesday while troll ing off Hyannisport. The blue weighed In nt eight pounds, two ounces, a real beauty. It was taken on a Tony Acetta spoon , baited I with pork rind. BRAY LANDS FIRST BLUEFISH