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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK T pufint i 2& .TjukrT f aiitaiU ,* ^- MjS^AijJ- Modern colors that RESIST FADING! Du Pont "Tiutinl" Colors coma In 18 smart new shades. Be- cause Ihuir beauty lasts lonrjor, you don'l Have to palnl as olloi). Thoy aro scientifically mado to rosist fudino . . . lo stay bright . . . last for yoars. $-735 Most colors I SAL . CENTRAL HARDWARE 248 Main Street , Hyannis, Mats. Telephono: SPring 5-0880 Robert E. Tobin, Prop. Tho beauty lasls when you paint with the finest . . . (fjjp j)PAINTS J Diabetic SV< , . - K,-: ,, v £&L f Imported V f CoV \ L ;;l , \ KOOK - E - LAND (-j 1 \ ^ . ^ I.I I Main JMnjfl ^- J\ * * Hyannis Phono SPring 5-0763 ^^ss^ss^ig^^^^^^^^^^^^ . ^^^^.^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ j EATON'S | FINE UETTEB PAFEBS t Open Stock or Boxed \ I i I ( H. M. MESERYE j COMPANY j ; 368 Main 5tfl I • Hyannis ! Tel. SPring 5-0433 j w „ _^ _ i ' ¦-''**>^*(*iasc!~i '* ~ -' ~' " - ~~'•atJatflcSriraiMsatirttaiiti irtWr i/Sfif«/9S9Sa 9»% ir^—n Metered Delivery j i mm. I ir^ljB FUE L OIL J^ ] PHINNEY COAL & OIL INC. | COAL - WOOD - ICE - FUEL OILS j Telep hone SPring 5-0050 113 IYANOUCH ROAD HYAMMh j fN E W LOW PRICE! OlfAriV IMMOVfOI rowfurun tewm'im ™ $AQ?s r ^ ORIGINAl WAS J79.95 VALUE! N.v. Bwuty « Llfht • Quiet • Clip-On Tool. • Euy- Olld* Ruf Nor,}. . Uflil Vinyl llo» • P»P" Butt l)»ir )j ^¦¦¦¦¦EaHHBBHnHHnBHH H^^ i DYER ELECTRICAL CO., INC. Electrical Contractors APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE Pole Line Construction - G. E. Dealer 332 Main Street Tel. SPring 5-9126 Hyannis I U - AUTO - BUY NOW ! j o r , 8 |Our Government Says, Buy ! | § So, let's all get out and Buy 8 ^ Buy something x $ A New Suit - New Furniture § New House or New Car | | Regardless how small—BUY! j EVERETT H. CORSON & Your Cadillac - Olds Dealer | § Barnslable Road k & Hyannis SPring 5-3600 {{ I BILL PERRY'S I Westing ho use \ Appliances and Television R C A ! Phone Kl 8-2605 Main Road, Wesl Falmouth f (^-ap e L^od Secretariat School All Business Subjects Day or Evening Classen Enroll at any time Co-Educational 242 Ocean Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1372 -—J i =n ROTO TILLING Gardens & Lawns Prepared for Spring Planting Telephone Sl'rhifj 5-0131 CHAIRS RECANED and REPAIRED Called For and Delivered I TED HOLMES ' , 445 South St. SPring 5-0300 RAYMOND 'S T. V. j SERVICE PHILCO - ZENITH RADIOS - TV • HI-FI Fast Dependable Service J on all makes ! Route 28 West Yarmouth | Tel. SPring 5-3190 I j Father's Day | GIFTS i Sunday, June 15th Whether he's TALL . . . or short , Indoor type . . . outdoor sport, We've the gifts he'll adore Ready at his favorite store. TI • . , . ; 1nis is the time . . . so come in soon , Don't forget the fifteenth of June! i ff f tfy a * MODKRN STl 'HLS H jOB MI N AND BOV1 | JB ^^ HV ANNIS JCHATMAM ? , THE LOLLYPOP PLAY YARD j I PHINNEY'S LANE BARNSTABLE 9 I Monday through Friday | 1 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 2 I Ages 6 to 10 | RATE S by Hour, Day or Week | f FOR INFORMATION PHONE 5 MRS. L. E. SMI TH ^ FOresr 2-3245 , | Licensed by Town of Barnstable f J h e S a c h em Sp e a k s THE BEND IN THE ROAD i pot in .„,y years now we have looked forward to the time in „l, school graduation. Graduation is a time for hap- \r lirin"s a sense of achievement ; hut it also carries a mgSSj Ik 1**C5 „f sadness at leaving old friends and pood limes. \ nnring the past twelve years, our lives, for the most part, . followed a rath er narrow path. With graduation we shall ,,. ., hend in the road whether this be college, work, or Irriage, To be sure, we cannot tell what lies around the bend, hut , nnforseen makes life more interesting. Each of us will L, 01ir share of happiness. When our new way of life he- 1( , a straight, narrow path , we shall do well to remember • t there is always the next hend in the road. SUMER IS ICUMEN IN" .And Everyone Is Working Everywhere A recent survey ol the Senior iaSs has shown that the seniors ,n be working in many different Uces, doinp many different things lis summer. Ite New England Telephone and elepraph Compan y is employing iany seniors as telephone opera- m They are: Carol Clough , Bar- ara neMoranville , Dottle Dolan , .eslie Hasklns , Patricia Houle , blrley Jackson , Maryellen Jones, W0lhj- MacDonald , and Betty foodland. Leonard Rogers will Iso lie working for the Telephone ompany this summer. Many seniors will be working i lood stores this summer. Alice aumont. Linda Roderick , Albert he and David Rudden will be (A & P; Sally Daniels, Jessica IcEvoy, Corrlne Montcalm , and Lee Childs will be at the First National Store; Mary Alkens, jlidge Converse, Pat Johnson, Jnndolyn Phillips , and Charles jtorgales will be employed at the Slop & Shop; James Terpos will « working at his father's market In Dennis. Restaurants will employ mans krciors this summer. Irene Boykin My Carlson, Maija Robblns and Walter Hundertmark will be work- in! at Howard Johnson's;- Joar Haisberry will be working as a naltrcss at Wimpy 's in Osterville is will Jayne Hayden at the Crack er Barrel in Cotuit; Theresa Shiv erirk will be at the Stageway Ir jDentls; Ross Anderson will b< working at the Coonnmessett Inn in Falmouth . Gail Phillips , Adrianne Skinner , Robert Lebel and Cordon Llbbey will bo on the beach all summer as lifeguards: Lee Shields will be working with her father on the concession at Sea Street Beach ; Maureen Woodruff and Nancy Hull will operate the concession ut Dowse's Point. Seniors in the Business Course are getting jobs that will give them a chance to use what they have learned. Ann Lovell will be a book- keeper in Wool worth's; Barbara Lane will be working in the Boy Scouts office; Marcia Vleira at Myers' Furniture; Charleen John- son at Hood's Milk Comnny; Judy Soares at the Bell Shop. Helen Hlgglns and Elsie Anuulo will be working at the Cape Cod Hospital; Paul White and Donald Richards will be working on the platform at Whiting 's Milk Com- pany, while Peter Field will be working at Hood's Milk Company. Helen Ryder will be at the Cape Cod Natural Gas Company; Anno i Cross at the Cape Cod Bakery and . the Melody Tent; Karen Hill at . the Sport's Port; Linda Cotell at Cape Cod Laundry ; Carolyn Hallett • will be a teller in the Barnstable , County National Bank. I Earle Chase will be selling ice ¦ cream at K. H. Turner 's; Peter i Byers will be playing in the band l at the Silver Sea Horse; Robert , Peterson will be your Northeast ¦ Airline Agent at the airport; Peter - Kennoally will bo working at Story- i land; Michael McDonough at Oys- i ter Harbors; Donald Wyman, a mechanic for the Tri-Cily Concrete Company: Cwge Thew for the Bono Farm Agricultural Service; Robert Crosa will be landscape gardening with his futher . Judy McClusky and Louise Mi- chelBO!) will be working at Butt- ner's; Carole Kearney nnd Velma Robinson at Hasckel's; and Kdu.i Dewey at Filene's. Pal Crosby will be working at Jean Peck's; Beverly Skende at Cane Cod Candles ; Carolyn Murphy at the Handcraft House: Susan Leach at II. M. Meserve Co.; Lois Mandelstmn at Charlhet' s; William Ilamblin will be working at B. C. Hull's; Dennis Bisbce at Puritan Clothing Company; Duncan Smith at C. Crawford Hollidge. And ir you are ever in Zayre s say hello to Brcnda McCulloch, Geraldine Lopes or me. we'll all be there. Note : Next weefc there will be the results of survey of the seniors as to the colleges, universities , and other school they will bo attending next fall. —Irwin Rovner. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTS NEW MEMBERS Twelve new members were in- ducted Into the Barnstable chap- ter of the National Honor Society at an assembly held during X period Tuesday, May 27. The new members are Roberta Cohen from Grade 12; Marjorle Montgomery, Mlrja Perkk o and Susan Stein from Grade 11; Ther- esa Bowes, Beverly Byers, Susnn Francis, Janet Greene , Regina Lab. - teine, Susan Nye, Richard Scnra- melli and Marcia Trimble from Grade 10. Patricia Johnson was mistress of ceremonies at the Induction. Four members of the Society spoke on the four qualifications for mem- bership. Charleen Johnson spoke on Scholarship, Barbara DoMoran- ville spoke on Service, Barbara Harnard spoke on Character , and Irwin Rovner spoke on Leadership. Frederick M. Hodge, Director of Curriculum , distribute d pins and certificates to the new members. John J. Kilcoyne , facult y advisor of the Honor Society, then nd- dressed the assembly. Other members of the National Honor Society Include Beverly Skende, Marcia Vleira , Leslie Has- klns, ltrendn Atwood , and Gordon Nelson. —Leslie c Hasklns. Barnstable High R A I D - I U S The entrance to the John Jen- kins Reservation ill West liarn- stable was the scone of the dedica- tion of two dogwood trees nnd a bronze plnijue to the memory of Miss Elizabeth O. Jenkins who purchased and gave tho six acre plot to the Town of Barnstable for a wildlife preserve. ' Participating IB the memorial service were more than 100 mem- bers ami guests at the five garden clubs in the town. Mrs. Hattle Blossom Fritze of this village, longtime friend of Miss Jenkins, made the dedication speech and the plaque was un- veiled by John Jenkins . 1^ year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pineo Jenkins of West Barnstable, and a direct descendant and name-sake of the John Jenkins who received tin- land as a granf in 1651'. Members of the Jenkins commit- tee, comprised of members from each of the live garden clubs , acted as guides in a tour of the reser- vation. Mrs. Arnold II. Okuro was gen- eral chairman of the event, which was sponsored by the Osterville Garden Club, working with the Jen- kins Committee , to promote knowl- edge and create interest In the local nature spot. Hail arrange- ments wero made by Mrs Norman Cahoon and the flower arrange- ments were by Mrs. Donald Ilig- gins. Mr. and Mrs. John Vallls col- lected the lunchoon tickets. Dedicate Trees And Reservation Plaque Raymond J. Retl, fireman appren- tice, I'sx . .sun of Mr. and Mrs, Clemeni Q, Itel of 248 lyanough Road, Hyannis . Visited the Spanish City of I'alina Majorca in the lllerl c Islands May 8, while aboard tho heavy cruiser BSS Des Moines , flagship for the Commander of the U. S. Sixth Fleot , in the moditer- ternnonn Sen, After her eight day visit , the Des Moines returned to her operating; schedule of Heel exei < ises. in mid-April, the flagship also visited Marseille, France. i'vt. I) . I'ena, son of Mrs. Susan B. Morln. L'ilfl Main Street , Hyan- nis . recently was assigned to the in 1st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell , Kentucky. I'ena , u rifleman In Company B of the division 's 506th Infantry, en- tered the Army in December 1057 and received basic training at Fort Jackson, s. 0, The 17 year old soldier attended Barnstable High School . In The Service Cape Cod Democrats had a chance to meet Edward McCor- niaek , candidate for attorney gen- eral of the State , at Hyannis Inn on Tuesday night. There was a cocktail hour followed by a buffet supper, State Senator John Powers of Boston spoke in behalf of Mr. MacCormack, The program was un- der the auspices of the Warebam Democratic Town committee. Mr. McCormack said "The Demo- cratic party can be built Into a powerful voice of and for tho peo- ple, only If It Is strongly Organ- ized." Other speakers were Charles Frazler of Wolllloot and Thomas Callahan of Plymouth, Jerome 1laird of Warehnni was muster of ceremonies iluest at the gathering was William Madden of Hyannis CAPE COD DEMOCRATS MEET EDWARD McCORMACK The 1Kb annual Flower Show of the llarnstable Woman's Club will lake place mi Tuesday . July 1 at the Clubhouse on Main Street , Barnstable Village from :i to s p.m. Co-chairmen o( the event are Mrs. William IV Swill and Mrs . Herbert M. Lovell with the following com- mittee: Mesdames Frank Chase , Laughlan M. Crocker. Jr., Kmesl Drott, Richard Gallagher , Edward o. Handy, Conrad Wesselhoeft, Otto Hoffman, Allen Bwensou, non- aid Trayser nnd Misses Helen Greenwood, Margarilta Hniway, Dora Klttredge and Ellen Osgood. All entries In the various classes must be iii place by 1L> noon and to remain until after 8:00, As many entries as desired may bo entered by any exhibitor , bill only one entry In each class. Classes are! 1 "On the Terrace," an arran gement in wheelbarrow , garden car . vendor wagon , step- ladder or any large container; 2. "Open to All". Exhibitor's choice; :i. "Roses on Parade ". Arrange- ment of roses; I . "Sand In my Shoes". Arrangement using shells, driftwood or other beach material; 5. "Tom Thumb", Arrangement in red, white and blue; 7. "Spirit of '7i>. " Arrangement In red , white and blue; 7. "Sunday Night Sup- per ". Arran gement with place set- ting (no silver) ; 8, "Little League ". Arrangement by children under 12; !•. "From Grandfather's Lot". Arrangement of wlldflowera; io. "itnuquoi Garni". Arrangement of herbs, All are welcome lo enter the ex- hibit. The Clubhouse will be open at III on the exhibition day for receiving the entries. Barnslable Club Plans Annual Flower Show ( Continued from Page 1) Commander Chrlstensen , Lt. Col. Fraser; selections by Barnstable Hand , benediction , Rev. Alien Trav- ers. Osterville Baptist Church. In the line of march will be massed colors , marshals and staff , tiring squad , National Guard, Hani- stable Band , American Legion and auxiliary, VFW and Auxiliary and lied Cross. In the second section of the parade will be Barnstable High School Hand , Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts , Camp Fire Girls and alli ed organizations. The parade will return to Center- ville Square where it will bo re- viewed by the marshals and staff at the Community Bulldin.g Memorial Day Exercises