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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BUCKLER'S AUTO BODY M O V E D to new location 100 Ridgewood Avenue Tel. SPring 5-2803 TOOT'S AMOCO SERVICE S Minor Repairs On All Makes of Cars | « Ford A Matics Drained and Adjusted | | WHITE GAS OUTBOARD OIL | (0 lyanough Road Hyannis | 8j Route 28 — Tel. SPring 5-9603 i8SS8SSSSS8SS«S g8SSSSS8SSS8SSS8S8SSS8 ggS88S8®3»J / AJ| V Every FRIDAY night is J ( ^ ^ ^ ^ m^ b^ f i ^ ^i at Mi'dred's Chowder House I ) Kosher Corned Beef Sandwiches ) ) The Home o f Clam Chowder! ) ) Mildred's Chowder House \ $ ROUTE 28 Near the Airport SPring 5-1045 )\ j j f f ^ ^r * TIME TO CHANGE | \-^tl^flST I ¦ ¦ | • ¦ '" ^ m^mm^r, \ liutpoutt _*@-«-J , ELECTRIC RANGE Jp^ s^^ /" | J NOW ONLY $j£g95 i| ISIAfjRB* I I FAST! Super Cairod surface units have L^MJ " '' ^#^ M P ^3M r | *^'n coi 's ' '°+s °* Seating surface ^ ^^^^P ^ ^P i S^' -Z 1 J' Model RT-I8r^****^^-^C_^J/ | FAST! Big oven has hi-speed, sheath-type I . . | | bake and broil units with fast pre- Electric Cooking is » heat. Rotissene is speedy, too! Clean EASY! Easy to use with pushbutton and au- Cool " | tomatic temperature control. Easy 1 / . *-. | to clean with "Stay-Up" hinges! | Thrifty . . . CAPE & (fiS) ELECTRIC VINEYARD K^7 COMPANY | " " " " "¦ »»M»WWt. ™ v»« ,o»». o»l«A„. V.N.y.Ro „AV»M Ummn-iOTTmr^^ _,ln|| „ , T _T|..<(| ^ 11 .j r^J rejuvenate fine furniture. At your merchant's. Product of Your Local Hardware Store or Barnard Polish Co. South Yarmouth EXeter 8-2012 \(^ .entervute f -^ astru \ \ and \ f /?// Ql \ \ Coff ee ~- j no0p e \ \ SPECIALS \ \ COFFEE ROLLS ? } BEEF STEW h \ Monument Avenue, Centerville \ K^5JVOLKSWAGEN Mitchell Motors , Inc. YOUR LOCAL VOLKSWAGEN DEALER Route 132 SPrfng 5-3049 WIMPY 'S rE= Announce Spring Hours 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday and Saturday BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON 99c DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY and SUNDAY C^td redg e C f tf Sourne IVloving . C f Storag e Comoanu (Agent for Allied Van Lines) DIRECT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND STORAGE DIRECT AIR FREIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES . SPring 5-1050 Kimball 8-1188 (Falmouth) Columbia 5-4400 (Boston) THE REC i m pRD ROOM ) > Announces Its New I ) TEENAGE RECORD CLUB j \ (Give your name to the clerk) \ 4 Every time you purchase a single record your number of \ \ purchases will be kept on a File Card and after you buy \ \ your tenth record, the eleventh record you choose will be \ l F R E E ( t 505 Main Street Tel. SPring 5-4631 Hyannis } y^^yJjfII-I M ^g;r— r-^i stv ,, ,( " besl ^flfff|^S3p8l ^ 9tElB assortmenl of ^E pP^YP/aimm L!M¦,, c"rs / /^ T VS/nllni\ S> on Cape Cod j Bernard C. MacQuade USED CARS j IYANOTJQJH ROAD tOUT E 2J TEL. SPring 5-8111 P ! [ DIAGONALLY UPl'UsJITJ-; THE BL7./.AHUJ HAY UA3 ID. .)1 1:. N EVERY EVENING UNTIL a I'. Jl. « " ¦ '— i ' ' S- I > OSTERVI LLE G A R D E N V I L L A G E T A X I Tel. - GA - 8-6530 Bus - Train & Plane Service CATON' S Friendly Service COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Ruute 28 SPring 5-9350 WELDIN G REPAIR - SUPPLIES - STEEL I iWilliWELDING S liny View Street, M.,,,,,,l » Tei. M'I-I IIK n-osTn I ^Bmm ^m ^^mm ^^^m ^^mm ^^^m^^^^^^m Yea, picked up in passing, o Sometimes things conn1 to yi of your own. I used to toll tortus do expect, what you don 't expo This was with a regular pack of i 52 cards. 1 ilo not look into the I future that way. but even here life : seems to he divided into three sec- tions and some of them , are sure to come true. As a "shut-in " one would think 1 would stay put , but somehow the outer world and old Cape Cod Is always "calling me" as Mr. John Bodflsh so beautifull y expressed it in his poem. "The Call of Old Cape Cod." On Ocean Street , Hyannis, where I was born .—I am the only person living of that generation. Up to a few years ago 1 was still living in the same home that my grand- father Edmund Hallett built. It is hard to realize that you are like the last leaf on a tree. What keep9 the last leaf fastened there ? Why did it not follow its companions to the ground? I have been told that I am the oldest woman in Massachusetts who is writing a regular weekly- column in a newspaper , some say I am the oldest in the Vnited States. It sounds wonderful and I wish I could believe it. I would try to make it more interesting and in- formative each week. There are other old people good work but they are not all Native born. There is reason to believe that there were Indians here long be- fore it was named Cape Cod. I shall always think it had a roman- tic name. Do we have Indian blood in our veins from some ancestor way back in the unknown past? —could be. A real Cape fodder loves this bit of earth more than anything else in this world. We know "time and tide wait for no man" and changes come regardless of our feelings, but when they are too sudden and strange they take a bit of our hearts with them as they pass from our sight. I have been fortune in making many Dew friends as my old ones passed to the great beyond. They have often sent me clippings of new and interesting things that are taking place in the world today that I do not know anything about . Here Is one. Lancaster, PH ., is in the Amish Country. They are people who still follow many of the habits and ways of life that their ancestors loved nnd practiced. They are thrifty peo- ple, very honest and reliable. They raise and prepare many kinds of food products and take them to market in wagons drawn hy horses as in the old days when they went to market with their parents. They have great storehouses of all kinds of tempting things to eat. A friend of mine sent me an item about u new kind of shopping A ¦ r anywhere else. n without any apparent effort i's mice upon a time—what you ct, sure to come true. j enter that Is just too modern for the Amish people . It Is a modern IS icre shopping center in Lancaster. The designers thought they had provided everything for the con- venience of their customers, but they had not. They had neglected to provide hitching posts. The Amish people travel to market in horse and wagon. No posts, no place to hitch the horses. Now the dirt is flying, peopl e dig post holes and are also putting in watering troughs. They mean to be remit- tor everyone. I had an illustrated hook about the Amish people, I gave it to the Hyannis Library with my other books, it was very interesting to me for one of younger friends mar- ried a girl whose ancestors belong- ed to the Amish people of Lancas- ter, Pa. She is a lovely woman and they are happy with children and grandchildren. They are very dear friends of mine. I like to hear her tell about the Amish people, but she became just like all of us. If she was different it must have been before I knew her. She in- herits one trait that I admire, she is so dependable. I have had some surprises lately. My friends who started the Secre- tarial School in Hyannis , Mrs. Mir- iam Darrow and Miss Constance Cumner. worked very hard tc establish it and when they had an opportunity to sell it to a person who wished to carry it on in the same way, they decided to do sc and rest for a while. They are now in Miami, Florida with a homt there. They write me life is very exciting there now . The Episcopa Convention from many parts of th( country will meet there in Octobei and great preparations are beinf made to make it successful. Twi unusual buildings have been erect ed and over 2,000 people have ap plied for reservations already People have been working foi I MY BEAMS I "Picked Up In Passing" By CLARA JANE HALLETT ggr^^i sssssil NYLLIS G. BEHR ( . Tel. FOrest 2-3133 PERSONALS Arthur Bergstron) and his two j daughters , Pianne and Donna, cf j West Concord were the guests 8 over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. I Henry Manni. B Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mntthewson Q of ('pilar Street entertained their t son-ln-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and d Mrs. Theron Duchaine, of Kast Darre , Vt., last weekend . p Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Railcy r were the weekend guests of Miss v Alberta Skeans at her home In Aliington. A joint birthday celebra- , 1 months. The ladies are Episco- r palians. They attend the church In Barnstable village when they are t here. Mrs. Darrow is doing some e kind of clerical work. Miss Cumner ( is paintng pictures on the many i numbered Nautilus shells. I think ( many people will want to take { some home as souvenirs of their visit to Miami. . I have also had a pleasant thing , happen to me, on the evening of ] May 20, a broadcast came over , WOOB paying a great tribute to me. I was of course surprised and . pleased. A nurse came tor me to , go to Mrs. Bradford' s room to hear i it over the radio as I do not hav e one in my room. I also had some exquisite red roses tastefully arranged to show every flower. The Standard-Times takes its "hat . off" to people who have done sorae- ¦ thing special but I never thought they would tak e it off for me, I am tiuite proud. I can stand a little praise to ' cheer me and keep me going, for sometimes I find it very hard. It is i no use to tell me how many people ' are worse off than 1 am, that only I makes it much worse. My father 's i picture has been brought up from • the home and hung up near my ; bed. That is a great comfort. I ) needed to feel that it had not been - sold or left there alone, now I - have a guardian angel to watch . over me. This will be all for now. r Kismet. i on was held in honor of Mr. I ; iailey nnd Jnmes Cooney. ( Belated birthday greetings to , Iruce Carlson, the son of Mr. and Irs. J. Frederick Carlson , who ob- erved his 16th birthday last week. Selated greetings also to Mr. and Irs. Fred D. Conant , both of whom bserved natal days last week, and o George Drinkwater whose birth- ay was May 23. Carl Salo has returned to his iosition at the Barnstable County rational Bank alter a week's acation. Uno Manni nnd his son, Steven , isited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- iam Johnson in New Ipswich , ;. II., recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cahoon and wo daughters of Worcester visit- id with relatives here last week- md. The West Parish Guild will hold heir monthly meeting on Tuesday ivening at the parish hall at 8:00. Mr. and Mrs. R. Donald William- ion and sons. David and Peter , will arrive tonight to spend the toliday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. >rl Behr, III. Edwin Jenkins , the son of Mr. ind Mrs. P. Pineo Jenkins , has re- ceived word of his acceptance at 'Jolby College in Waterville , Maine where he will enter hlsl freshman year in the fall. Anyone interested in furnishing halted goods for the coffee shop at Cape Cod Hospital from June 2 to June 13 are requested to contact Mrs. Peter P. Jenkins at FO 2-6153. Among the children graduating today in ceremonies from the Barnstable - West Barnstable Kin- lergarten are Meredith Manni , Betty Anne Hartwell , Adele Cary, r'lndy Sulkala , Christine Carlson , Hark Emrlch, Brooky Mukl , Bobby 3nlo nnd Billy Andrews. Happy birthday to Kent Hudson who celebrated his eighth birthday in Tuesday last. This Sunday will be theJast day :if Sunday school at the West Par- ish Church , and on June S a Chil- dren's Day service pins, certificates and Bibles will be presented. Mrs. Malcolm Adams, Mrs. Cor- nelius Trowbridge and Mrs. Rich- ard H. D. Haydon held bridge par- ties in their homes last week to benefit the West Parish Guild. PARISH GUILD TO HOLD ROAST BEEF DINNER Mrs. Richard Emrich and Mrs. Elwood Manni are co-chairmen of the- Roast Beef dinner to be held on June 15 from 12:30 to 2:30 in parish hall , under auspices of the West Parish Guild. GIFT SHOPS OPEN Henry Groop 's Copper Pot gift shop on Route 6A has opened for the season with an unsual and beautiful selection of distinctive gifts. Another well known and un- usual shop ready for a busy sea- son Is Bruce Adams' Blue Wheel Leather Shop where one can find the loveliest of leather goods all designed and made by Mr. Adams. FIRSl tUintnmi v,... The Rev . Edwin Kyllonen will supply the pulpit at the First Lutheran Church during the month of June In the absence of the Rev. DouglaS Olllla, Jr., who with Mrs. Ollila , will be away for a vacation. There will be a worship and Hol y Communion in Finnish at the First Lutheran Church on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. Sunday school classes will meet at 9:15 and the English worship and Holy Communion ser- vice will be at 10:30 a.m On next Tuesday evening at 7:30 the Ladles' Aid of the First Luth- eran Church will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moksu on West Barnstable Road in Cen- terville. 1l^^^ j r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^A ^^^Z ' fiSy^J^TABlf: f. W. BASS Funeral services for Frederick W. Bass (78), a resident of Mars. tons Mills since 1930 win ^u Tuesday at the Funeral Home n( Doane, Beal and Ames with the Rev. John W. Carter of Marstons Mills officiating. Burial was In Oak Neck Cemetery, Hyannis . Mr Bag, died Friday in Fall River . He was born in Newark, X j the son of the late George and Caroline (Schienstein) Bass. n« had lived many years in Newark before coming to the Capo. Obituaries