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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 29, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 29, 1958
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I LI • W • / f t f Ii ^ rrij anms 11 tentorial K ^nap el jillji SERVING HYANNIS AND SURROUNDING j | COMMUNITIES. j| I COMPLETE NON - SECTARIAN FUNERAL SERVICE. jj jji ' Earl A. Hunt Falmouth Road (Rte. 28) Funeral Director Hyannis | ill Telephone SPring 5-0155 ! l"dL|| B0B GARDNER'S l ^4rak RESTAURANT HOME BAKE RY Carrying a complete line of Quality Home Bakery Products Baked on the premises Fresh Dail y O S T E R V I L L E _ _ _ _ _ | Pick N Chick N ; DRIVE IN | CHICKEN IN A BASKET 85c | HOT BOILED LIVE LOBSTER $1 25 FISH AND CHIPS 75c FRIED CLAMS Route 28 - Next Door To Steak Houie - Hyannis • jy **Cr*Jir... ! Americans remember in humble >> t -j^ ^ 'TT " prayer those other Americans who > S . -. 9 ik I have died that America might live. ? ¦ ^B -*i» ~*> * v ! -§ ; S ¦¦'• '*T| j " ' IN OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL DAY, | ; J3 .J j lrJ4 OUR BANK WILL NOT BE OPEN FOR $ 1 S^ —l ^a BUSINESS ON FRIDAY , MAY 30. ^ j HYANNIS TRUST COMPANY § 307 Main Street, Hyannis, Mail. Z NIGHT DEPOSITORY DRIVE-IN TELLER SERVICE | * § BANKING HOURS § Monday Through Friday 9:00 A.M. — 2:00 P.M. § Friday Evenings: 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Branch Office: Main 8treet, Ostervlll* f Hrmlirr Knlrml Hrtfuall limuiauue < urpuratlua v KsMbcf Knlrral n.»rr.r iraiaa* BOB S SPORT SHOP |j I OSTERVIL LE 1 I Announces The Opening j \ i OF A I\ ! MARINE and SPORTS \ \ 1 GIFT DEPARTMENT ij Ii § Featuring Many Unusual \ { Lamps - Pictures | , 1 j Decorated China Cups I Plates - Bowls - Tumblers « And many other Decorative and Useful Accessories I ! Schools. Mr. Grover is a native of Mansfield , attended schools there and Comers' Business College in Boston. He was employed as an ac- countant for Holltagsworth and Whitney Company In Boston for 32 years. After marriage they made their home In Everett and then built a homo in Ilralntree where they lived for nearl y 50 years. Summer residents of Ocean Street , Hyannis, for 25 years, they came tr make their home In Centerville imost two years ago. They hav e one son, Carroll Grover of Raynham Cen- ter. Other friends including their pastor and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. Schultz of Hyannis, drop- ped In to bring their greetings dur- ing the afternoon and evening. CENTERVILLE KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION As has been customary other years, the Centerville Kindergarten Association completes the school year with "graduation " exercises held the last week In May. Gradua- tion this year was held this morn- ing, Thursday, May 29th , In the Kindergarten room in tho base- ment of the Community Center Building—with six little graduates scheduled to go on to g. -ndj one In ike fall Th ;. graduates are Se- rena Davis , Duncan Campbell. Richard Cannon , Ann Denningo.-. Karla Barnard, and Marguerite Rohblns. Mrs. Howard Smith , who with Mrs. Stanley Buckler , has been teaching the sroup announced the program which included "Wel- come" by Karla Barnard ; A Pro- cessional of graduates and under- graduates; a rhythm band selec- tion ; Flag Salute led by Mar- guerite Rohblns; Good Morning Song; "Five Little Puppies", a lin- ger play presented by the graduat- ing group; "Apple on a Stick" by the members of the school ; "The Farmers Sows His Seed" by the younger group; "Kindergarten Farewell" written by Mr. Howard Smith and presented by members at tlie graduating group and re- marks and presentation of diplo- mas by Mrs. Joel H. Davis, presi- dent of the association. Girl graduates wore pink cor- sages and boy graduates white boutonnierc s on party clothes. Re- freshments were served to the chil- dren and a social hour wus en- foyed by tho parents. Anyone wishing to register chil- lren in next year 's Kindergarten iroup should contact the new pres- ident Mrs. Charles J. Meyer a I SPring 5-5760. CUB SCOUT PACK MEETING AND CIRCUS Members of Ccntervjlle 's Cub Ucout Pack, No. 51, met in the /estry of the Village Church on Friday evening, May 23rd. The Jieeting was opened with the flag leremony, including pledges, led by 'ulimaster Richard B, Hinckley vitli Leighton Besse and James tValsh serving as color bearers. Cubmaster Hinckley presented twards as follows: Edward Buck- or, a Wolf badge, 1 gold arrow, a Bear book and denner's stripes ; iVayne Wood , assistant donners stripes; Derek Russell , Wolf badge and Hear book; Gerald Smith, 1 gold arrow for Bear rank and den- ner's Btrlpes; Marcus White, assis- tant denners' stripe; Roy Kurra, Bear badge, a gold nnd silver ar- row and a Lion hook ; James Walsh, a Bear badge, a gold arrow and a Lion book; Robert Burke and Louts Drake , a Lion badge and 1 gold arrow each; David Baker, John La- bel and Jon Whitman , their Lion badges and to Robort Smith a sil- ver arrow for Lion rauk. A class of ten boys which Includ- ed Stuart Hinckley, Gerald Pease, Michael Smith, Charles MacEach- eron , Robert Smith, Robert Burke, David Baker, John Lebel, Jon Whitman and Louis Drake received their Webelos badges, highest rank in Cub Scouting which signifies graduation from Cub Scouts. They look forward eagerly to j oining the Boy Scout troop if one is organ- ized in the fall. Louis Drake, new- ly arrived member of this group for the paBt season, received a one year service star while the other boys received three year service stars and all received their Boy Scout kerchiefs and handbooks as gifts from Pack 54. S, Benjamin Thomas of Center- ville and of (he Civilian Safety Ser- vice (it Otis Air Force Base gave an interesting talk on bicycle safe- ty and issued bicycle licenses to the hoys present. Thome of the month was "Circus Days". Accordingly, the boys and their den mother loaders scheduled a Cub Scout circus for Saturday afternoon, from 2 to •! o'oolck, on tin- grounds at the rear of tho Com mil ni ty and Post Office Building, This was a success and earned over I $30. tor the Pack. Features Included a circus pa- rade, tiurt and ring toss games, com- ical peep shows , nnd a refreshment Counter where soft drinks , cooklos and pop corn wore on sale. All sizes and shapes of clowns , a "gollovvoy ", and organ grinder with monkey and tin cup, nnd many other things nnd people were clev- erly portrayed by the boys. As part of their Cub Scout Sor- vlce, a group of the Webelos, ac- companied by den mothers , Mrs. Drake nnd Mrs. Illncltley aldod In planting geraniums On tho graves of tho war dead , In St. Francis and Boechwood cemeteries under the direction of the Barnstablo Sol- dier 's Memorial Association . Members of Pack 54 will report < In uniform at 10 A.M. Friday morn- I Ing at the church and library park- ' Ing lot preparatory for marching ' In the Memorial Day parade. ! i * MISS ANNI S M. STURGIS MI SB Annls Miller Sturgis, 88, of Pine Street, Centerville, died on Wednesday morning May 21st, at Capo Cod Hospital after a long Ill- ness. She had lived hero most of her life and was active In civic affairs. Born in Middleboro, tho daugh- ter of the late Horace W. and Ma- ry Annls (Parrlal Sturgis, she was a former school teacher. Retiring 16 years ago, she had taught In Tlsbury, Lancaster State School for Girls and as a psychologist in the Newton School Department. At- tending Barnstable schools, she was graduated from Middlebury College In Vermont in 1000 and was a life member of the Newton Grado Teachers Club and had beon an ac- tive member, of South Congrega- tional Church—the Village Church of Centerville and Its organiza- tions. Survivors Include two sisters . Mrs. Nancy M. Kemp of Dorchester and Mrs. Imogcno Small of Center- ville , five nieces, and several other relatives . ' funeral services wore held at I inane , Boal and Ames Chapel In Hyannis on Friday afternoon, May L':tnl with tho Rev. Warren H. John- son of the Centerville Church and tho Rev. Walter R. Goeliring of the West Parish Church the offlot- . ating clergyman, Burial was in Boechwood Cemetery, Centerville. PERSONALS Jonathan White , son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. White of Mnln 3treet , entertained nine little friends and bis brother Thomns at a party in honor of his 7th birth- Jay Wednesday afternoon Marc White and Stephen Fuller, Jr. wero masters of ceremonies — In charge :if games and activities which were enjoyed by Jeffrey Fuller, Arnold Johnson, Luke Kimball , Knrl Hoff- man , Bruce Watt, Billy Packer, Hill y Hinckley, Scott Stewart and James Smith. Party games and par- ty faro were the order of the day. Miss Marlon Hinckley of Mai- den In spending two weeks at tho home of her brother In law and sister Mr . and Mrs . Merton V. Dot- trldgo. Congratulation s go to Miss Judith Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Perry of Crocker Street who received a scholarship award of one week at -III Camp Farley this summer. Judy Is ono of the two chosen from tho Homo Economics Division of 111 clubs on tho Capo. Two other young people wero also chosen from the agricultural div- ision. ¦ ' """ — " == Eileen Mello , Junior loader of tht 411 Singing Needles Group present e,| the ribbons to the girls at tin l-II Dress llovtt o hold recently In Sandwich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Scotl of Greenwich , Conn., spent tho past weekend at their apartment "Aloft'1 on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis of Centra l Falls and Mrs. Richard I Woods of Provincetown have been guests at the North Main Street homo of Mrs. Harold 3. Jacobs . Mrs. Sumner A. Dolo of Storrs, Conn., tins been a visitor at the homo of her sister Mrs. Roscoe H. Goddard of Bumps River Road. Mrs. Georgo Howe, formerly ol Contervlllo nnd now of Weston, has been spending several days In the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Burton and family of Boston wero visitors In Contervlllo last weekend. Mrs. Elizabeth Scnrmolli has boon nt her Park Avonuo home, Cen- terville Estates and left for St, Petersburg, Florida , on Wednes- day of tills week with plans to tour Mexico this summer. • ..i ^^UMTERVILLE