May 29, 1958 Barnstable Patriot | |
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May 29, 1958 |
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Patriot Columnist Honored Bv Club
M:,J i,enter ) is Clara Jane Hallett , life-time resilient of Hyannis, 99 year old columnisl ol the Barn-
table Patriot as she received the coveted Nike, for l>ein K adjudged the outstanding woman in Barnstable
'ounly this year . Presenting the award is Mrs. Ralph Barr, president of the Capo Cod Business and
dfessional Women. Standing at the left and clasping the hand of Miss Hallett is Mrs. Pauline Taylor ,
Mie relations director of the club. Picture was tak >n at Heslhaven Homo on School Street , Ilynnnla!
its Hallett who has been a reader of the Patriot since girlhood days has been a writer for the paper for
Last 35 years. Miss Hallett who will be 100 years old on September 10th, this year, is especially spry
[gets around very well. She remains cheerful despite iter advanced years and has a wonderful memory
events of the past as well as keeping up an active interest in mutters of this day and age.
iPatriot photo.)
The end of an era will come lo
Cotuil with the close or the com-
ing Bummer season. Wh en the cut
tain is finally rung down on the
summer of 1958, the reign o[ "The
Pines" as a leading Cape Cod
summer resort toi BB > -s will
come to a close.
The resort Which started busi-
ness iii 1893, was one of the
earliest resel l hotels oil Hie Cape
and lias for 66 years followed
changing trends which were de-
manded by an ever changing pub-
lic , improvements bad to be made
to keep abreast of the changing!
times , new services bad to bo pro
vlded , new means of entertainin g
bad to be devised and a thousand
and one tilings incidental to oper
ailng a first rate hostelry demand-
ed the time energy and resource
fulness of the genial Calvin D.
Crawford , or to quote- the letter-
head of The Pines, "The Crawford
The popularity ol "The 1'lnos" 1B
attested by the largo number of
persons who came back year after
year lo spend at least a part of
their summer vacation at this na-
tionally known summer hotel
With the close of the Hummer
season of 1058 the old hotel will be
taken down and the propert y con-
verted into private residences, The
property on the Das) side of Ocean
Avenue will lie acquired by a new
owner; tile cottages on tin- W' esl
side will he sold lo those who love
an old house , either for solium l
living or as a year round home
for retirement The remainder ol
the properiv win provide locations
oi gt'jod BIZB tot discriminating pur-
cha ers who prefer new buildings.
Mr. and Mrs I !rav< lord . « I
planning lo make Nils 111,111 season
(In- very best ever will continue
to make their home In the Culler
Iti e. where they ¦><# be near
the scene ', w tiii h bave pi ovided
them n lifetime of pleasure Here
they win in- able i.i remain dose
to the sea they love and among the
friends theviliave made over the
year s .mil the IW-SOellltlOhS Which
have grown around them with
"The Tines "
The passing of so famous an in-
stllnllon as "The I'lnes " carries
wilh it a lingering flavor of th e
salt sea and the fragrant smell of
the pines of Cain- Coil Colnlt Hi gh
Ground will contli to face tho
restless sea at lis door , the Tines
win sing to ocean ureases, but the
buildings there will take on a dif-
ferent aspecl ami serve another
Since 1891, when Capl David
Nickerson 's (laughter, Kllziibeth ,
Willi her husband John Morse , took
over the property from other hell's
of her father , Hie resort known IH
"The Tines " has mainlal I a dis-
tinctive charm as a place of com
tollable and gracious living for
those who enjoy the environment
of an old seaport village on Cape
Capl David Niokerson (grand-
father of Mrs. Calvin D, Crawford,
current proprieto r of "The Tlnen "i
was born ai Harwich, Cape Ood,
(Continued on page 2)
Famous Coliiit Hotel To Close
Doors At End Of This Season
in their constant battle to halt
needless holiday a. , ideal deaths,
the Massachusetts state Police
have distributed thousands of place
mats to restaurants along busy
highways, to be used over the tlrst
big holiday weekend o( the sum-
mer season , Memorial Hay.
The mats bear a special message
from the State Police, wishing the
dining motorist an enjoyable safe
trip and offering sonic safe dr iving
suggestions .
More than 800 largely patron-
ized restaurants In the state have
agreed lo use about 225,000 Of those
place mats which wen- designed
by Corpor al Thomas 1) . Itollrke of
the state Police and printed with
assistance from the Massachusetts
Safely Council and other groups,
Stale Police Use
Novel Safely Appeal
Milestone In Priest's
Work To Be Marked
Recognition of Rev. Howard A
|Walilriin 's "Mb annivci a:\ ol his
ordination Into the holy prlestl d
is I,(dug planned by the members
of our Ladj of Victory Parish In
liev. Waldron wa bprn In Taun
ton, Mass , tin- second oldest of
seven children, itf attended pub-
lic grammar school In Taunton and
was graduated from St. Mary 's
High School . Taunton , in 1926 II "
is a graduate of Providence Col-
lege, class of 1929, and completed
bis studies al St Bernard's Bemln
ary in Rochester, N. V. He was
ordained la the priesthood bj the
i Bishop Cassldy Juno 10, 1033.
Previous to his assignment to
Our Lady of Victory Chinch in
Centerville, Rev, Waldron served
as curate tor the summer season ol
1033 al si Patrick's Church In
Warchiiiii in November he was
assigned to St Kranc-is Xavler,
Hyannis , as assistant to the late
iii v Mortimer Downing,
i Continued on page G)
A petition for a .special permit
which would allow the bui lding of
structure on property of the Fed-
erated Church, Cotuit . to be used
is a post-o ffice will be heard by
the Hoard of Appeals . Town of
Barnstable, al the town office
lullding on Thursday, June 12 at
four o'clock. Site of the building is
in a residence D-2 district.
Coluit Church Group
Seeks Zoning Variance
"Denied without prejud ice " way
the verdict of the Harnslable 'Board
of Appeals on the petition ' oi
Thomas T. Coogan, to allow Aim to
rase the buildin gs known usW)slor-
Vllle Manor , on Wesi llak Ttoinl ,
and replace them 1¦> a ahj tp UM)
unit motel i\ pe hold .linun room
ami appurtenances.
The verdict whh l| WHS dated
M i\ ..'(I. followed n healed heuilng
held on May 15, al which time the
majority of those attending oh
n i ted io Ho- granting of such a
spei iai perm11 in addition to the
objecti rs attending the hearing,
tin- Board llo j
tired letters from residents and
property owners of the area si
oi whom wen- against granting oi
the permit, \t the conclusion ol
the In ai iic Me - Hoard took the
matter under B<1N li emenl
in their annoum nnenl ol Ihi
. i rdlcl on He- hearing the Board
. Appeals sai.l
'Tie location of the proposed
con i action occa loio-d widespread
nil. :i i in the Osterville area , and
a large number of letter-writing,
petition , ami telegram campaigns
were evoked; many attended Ibe
hearing and wen- heard or re. 01 d
id in favor or iii opposition
(Continued on page 8)
Appeals Board Turns Down
Osterville Motel Petition
Barnstable fair Grounds, over in
Hin Ions Mills , wan a busy place
over the last weekend, almost as
busy as it will be Intel tills season
when the annual fair gels undol
Tile Kali - giannuls was the I1 " H
lion of the annual l' ;nn| nl
the Hoy Scouts of the Cape and
i lands. There wen- 580 boys In
various Stages Of Scouting uni
forms, rambling ovei the at arty :tu
a, re trad which had been plac ed
at their disposal
Some ' were bus) al sporting
. .. eiiis , BO!iiiaii , mo I, rapes and
baseball others wen- busy boning
mi on various Scoiiilng require
ineiiis and others were Just plain
loafing in the shadow ol a friend-
ly tent,
A small clly ol t enls had been
• eclei l, there mast have been over
,u ol them, plus lenls and sbol-
• iii tor kitchen equipment, a first
I, I ii a a ml a public uddl *
tiun'Iquurti I
Tin usual In:.pci lino of (amp-
sites was a feature of the Satur-
day program, and some ,,t the sites
u ni. beauties, i how Ing plenty of
work no the part el (In- Scouts.
Scenic bikes wen- a pail of th ¦
program as were competitive
athletic events and the almost con
si.i ill < all I in chow and more
The principal observance was the
candlelight ceremony on Saturday
night which was open lo the public .
In general ( barge of the Camp-
nree was Sprai-ue Spiinner of
Tm a HOI w tin w at an h ted by wn
lied Costs and Arthur Miller , dlH-
trie I i ommisslo n. John If. Toll
and Mrs. M lldl • id dart an , Truro .
Camporee Nut •
dags ni the Camporee were
llnwu ill hall Stall In uicinni v of
Raymond tfamblln, Sandwich
Scoutmaster who drowned Iii Capo
Cod Bay two Week* II U
Boy Scouts Hold Camporee
At Barnstable Fair Grounds
Mai nslable Selectmen have so
June HI as the date for Inaugura-
tion or one way traffic through the
business sis Hon <>r Hyannis vii
luge Under the regulations to be
put into effect cnslhniiml traffic will
use Siuiii i Btroe) wiih Turk Square
being used for rotary traffic. Wesl
hound traffic will use Main Street
II .III Center Street to Sherman
Square The use ol Turk Square as
u rotary circle in new tills year.
One-Way Traffic Sei
For Hyannis June 16
I * " • Luther H. Howes
(her the past two years th e issue which litis caused mosl
tbate at Barnstable town meetings and in private discussions
boughoul the villages lias been this . . . should the town
nest $60,000 its its share towards construction of a boal
tehorage and bulkhead on town-owned property off Lewis
iy Road in Hyannis.
An article asking funds for t h e project was defeated most
fdsively at Miiniinl town meeting in '57, turned down by a
¦ margin at a special town meeting later thai year,
". ici l down again last March , bui by a narrow margin.
I ttiere were straws in the wind to indicate thai sponsors
Hit 1 n-ticlc would bring it in again next year, and ther<
Hp"is||ns to believe that this next tim e it would be approved
I His week we wandered upon an item of i m p or t a n t news.
is.v.. believe , good news to the economy of Barnstable and,
¦pdcntally, news whi
ch changes the complexion of t his Lewis
I it basin situation.
I Under construction right now within a stone 's throw of
f Mb- of the proposed Lewis Bay boat anchorage is what
Bon will be JI full-scale marina with all facilities to service
Bting yachtsmen, regardless .ol' w h e t h e r t h e y arrive in Ly n n
I ll.ii -l»,i- aboard a 100-foot yacht or a 2fi-l' oot cruiser,
I This in-w facility will be located on the former Alexander
¦"Hi property. The docks, float s and actual on-the-water
^ of th ,. op eration tire in the Town of Barnstable. The
I"'"' '' railway and the big storage slu-.l already for use arc
I1'""I in Wesl Y armouth, while some of the new storage sheds
I other m-w buildings will be in Barnstable. The site is on
B» eas1 sal,, of Lewis Bay off Arl ington Street , West Ynr-
l"'"h AH of the property involved adjoins the town-owned
"1 which was proposed as the site for the Lewis Bay Road
I The entrenproneurs of this new v e n t ur e , which will bo
"IV |1 as the Hyannis Marine .Service
, are Malcolm and Arnold
,!~ Providence financiers and long-time owners of most of
n ,!l Maud in West, Yarmout h. Exactly what the total in-
"""1 will run to has not been disclosed , lint it wi ll amount
"• ' ¦"'¦al hundred
, t h o u s a n d dollars, possibly a half-million.
I "'I 1" of the owners is t h a t at least part of the big new
¦"f'Hii win i„. Cflft(jy j.()1. (jUSUie8a this coining season. During
I "
" of in -tivit y aliu ut 30 men will be emp loyed there.
' yin-'htimen will be afforded a range of services all
I ' h'"l » a quick stop for gasoline to off-season storage
I overhaul and repair job. There will I"' dockage
I "
• upwa -dg of 50 craft ranging up to the largest yachts.
I ''"^iiin- in ,,ij,| ls )•„,. t |u, pfojed and arranging for the
ri»K is T. u. Whitehead , who had designed similar
' '« I'l'iriih i. Mr. Whitehead has surveyed the South
""' ' apa a "(i
V' Barnstable \^
Thomas Milne , (BS ) Veteran
Agent for [hi Town of BarnBtatU
ilied suddenly Tuesdaj afternoon
Mr. Milne who was a native of Soot
land had lived In Barnstable to
about 36 years.
Funeral Bervlces will be belt
front tlie Funeral Home of Doane
Il( nl and Ames, llyunnis on Hat
unlay at two o'clock with Rey
MacKinnon White officiating, in
tennent will be In Hillside Ceme
Icry, Osterville Visiting hours al
the funeral Home will be Thurs
day and Friday, two to four am
seven to nine o'clock,
(Continued on page 2}
Barnstable Veterans
Agent Dies Suddenl y
Representatlvi Allan I-' Jone ol
Barnstable lias announced Dial lie
«ill Bees re-i lei Hon to the House
this year, tor his sixth two-year
term as representative 61 tin- Ural
Barnstable District.
Mr. Jones has been a member
of the Ways ami Means coiiiiuillee
for three terms and is minority
linn e floor lender. His district
comprises Barnstable, Sandwich,
Mashpi B, Bourne and Falmouth.
Allan Jones Will
Seek Re-Election
Senator I. even n Saltonstall will
... prim Ipal speaker al the dedica-
i be new administration
building of the Town or Barnstable
Municipal Alt-port on Saturday
afternoon, starting at 2 30 Also
Hated as a speaker will be (' -iloncl
Richard W DeVania, t ommai daul
oi oiis Air Force Base.
The airport will be upt II 10 the
general public during the cere
monies. On display will be a DC-6,
;1ls.i Kno wn as a Sunlimi * ilich
-h, publli may inspect. Also on
H wii] he lie- M--.V crnsh truck
,,i the airport, recently delivered
in ii ,i. town by Maxim Motors in
MIddli borg The truck will be t< m
ixjrarlly manned by Fire Chlal
Olenn ClQUgh and a crew rrom the
Hyannli Bre d.
w i, open for In pei tlon at the
rporl will be an BC 181 COB-
atellatlon plane.
in connection with the showing
,,, ,|„. new crash truck , a large
,,,,. wui be Ignited during the
the program and will be
pUl 01' by the crew of the track,
bow Just v. Jui prol ction I
, : ii ,. . ajrp irl to proteel
,,!:,„,.. and passengers from pos-
sible Are •
-,-],,. committee In - Ijarga has In
.: , , genera] public tp attend
pert monies, to heaj
,, saltbnstall speak ami to
b ,:, ili.i es of the town
D ,table olrporl
Airport Will Dedicate
Administrat ion Buildin g
Lieutenant ' olonel Carl A Kra
ei- will delivei the principal mi-
ni Ml n.i lal Oiiy i \ei _. i .
io be held •'' ''' ntervWe on Pi I
day. Also featured will be a two
eotlon parade whh )i win stop at
Centerville Square for brief ejtei
cisea ami then to Beechwood Ceme-
tery for the remainder of tin-
Co-marshals of the parade will
be Earl B. Mossey, commander ol
Post 806, Amcii can tiBglon, ami
Clarence F. Chrlstenaen, command
ei- ol VI- 'W POSI -.
At <' i ni-11ill ' - Square the "0 I
tysburg Address" will be recited
by i-:. Thomas Murphy, Barnstable
Selei luian Ceremonies at Beech-
wood <" '¦ ni.-t«-r >- win include wel-
, nine hy t'hailes !•> . Mar . I
i.ii- ni of Barnstable Boldlei
rial Association; Invo cation .
Rev. Warren Johnson, pai lot of the
Ci nt'-rviiie Congregational Church;
aiidrosses , Commander Ma i
tcontiiiu i-ii on page 5)
Memorial Day Exercises
Set For (lenlerville
rn ¦i nid i plaques in i. .. ognlilon
of theii services ill the ei ecllon Ol
the Joseph P Kennedy, Jr. Memo
rial su.itiuu Kink , at ceremonli
hold ai the Red Coat b Drill were
i.i. John F, Dempsey, Howard W.
Sears and Roberl I-'. O'Neill. I're-
sell tlltiolie were luni'o hy Vii tOI I
Aii.iiic , ' ball man of iin- ii.n ni table
Board of Selectmen.
Private Arthur Marney, BOO
of Mrs . i-'raser Marney, Tower
imi Road, Osterville is home
on a 11 day furlough after
completing basic training at
Fort Hood, Texas,
During liasic Arthur was in
(he same out lit as \'.\\ is I' res-
ley or Rock 'N Roll fame. Art
Bays Elvis is a regular guy,
served bis apprenticeship the
Bnmo as the others in his
group, asked no special favors
and got none.
Marney will return to Port
Hood, where he has been
nsslgned to n tank battalion.
i. Fan grounds l! populated p '" : 1'- 1"" "¦• '¦" "' lnWa«
lantuckei and Dukes Countlt b Id their annual I - There were r,ho hoys at tin C»mp-
i-.-e living iii a small tent citj n bart Ii a i iroup ol ho Kotherod ground the communlcatlot
,, „, v.hi, ), we el up al tin - imp Hyannis and 0 tarvllle bod troopg representing the town or II .H U
table (Patriot oboia)