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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 25, 1831     Barnstable Patriot
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May 25, 1831
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jj* Sailed on Mon day noon last from flvnn- nis har bor , Schr Pngv, partl y owned , and com- manded by Capt. Zenas D. Basset. This is her first visit to New York city, from whence the i< to run to Boston as one of the New Yotk &. Bos- ton Pockets. The lociely who wor shi p in the Baptist church in this town , nl Ilynitnis , have furnished their house with n bell. Forests , hill mid dale non- reecho lo the cheering sound of the church- goinf bell , which have been silent for ages , even from Creation , nor has die music of the Sabbath ever ftwnkcHcd the slumbering echo , or startled Ihe birds of the air from their n?«ts on the neigh- boring tr ees. With truth may it be said of our country Chu rch Bells , Its it wns formerl y of our of the bells of the city-, " J <« the church (he living cnll , mid to the grave , I summon nil. " An ntlcmpt was made by two mm last Thurs- day night to enter the stores of Messrs Bri ngs & Bocirnsio , of Wtirchm n, but having been discor - erd by a person passing, they decamped , out has been taken, There it a widow woman in Wnrrhnin , who has lost the use of her arm by sickness , not- withstanding this , she supports herself and fnm- ily by picking onkuin , her teeth answer a* a sub- kl ilutc , fur hrr lost nrm. Fro m llu Saii U j indrtwif.V Ii.) Herald. About twent y yours ago, Mr. Biuii- dii;<>, who ilicn i csiclod at tin: mouth of the llivrr I'liili p, N. S. lust n promisin g son , np ril four years. The child had Left) piny ing near ihc liver and it was nu ttirull y supposed hiitl fallen in. Nu- merous parl ifs ol' tli e inhabitants wer e on imiiK'clinlt' pu rsuit —throe ilnys wi'ie spent in searchin g (he river for miles in extent. It was then conj ectured that the child li ad heen lost in the adj oinin g wood and althoug h all hope of his being yet alive wa s in a manner pone , (lie cri es of the ag- onized parents spurred them on. Week after week pa ssed awa y in fr uitless en- deavours—no tract * of the lost one appe ar- ed , and lie wns giv en up forever. In J anuar y lust , n part y of Indi ans en- tered the village , and amon g them there was a young man who bore a stron g re- sembl ance to the Brundige famil y. A nei ghb our first noticed this and communi- ca ted his susp icions to them. They hastened to the cam p—found the mysterious stranger—a mark on his face could not be mistaken — it was he—the lonj; lost child of their a ffections ! lie. inh eri t s all the sava ge manner and restless disposition of the children of the wilderness , speaks tolerab le En g lish , and is now placed at school at the Hay Yette. By tin : information he has gi ven of him- self, it seems he was made :i perfect slave to the whims and caprice of the red ty- rants. He often attem pted to escape, but •was overtaken by the dogs and almost de- voured by th em. He has been man y times off Quebec , but was never permitted to land , and it was here he first recollects seeing a white man. Man y white chil- dr en were captured by the Indians du ring Iii s f tuy with them ; gill s were consider- ed the greatest ptize, and were intende d as wives for the risin g genera tion. He has been also at the river Phi li p, but had no prior reccolleclion of that place. I may safel y vouch for the veracity of the nbove, havin g conversed with sever- al gentlemen of known integrity, who have seen the young man , since his return to the bosom of his large circle of friends and connexions. —f ikcdiuc llth A pril 1831. Accident.—The Ev enin g Gazette states , that on Saturda y mornin g, in Ch arles- town , Mr. Ch arles Bowers , while return- ing to his Iiohsi ' with a loaded wau'on was thrown from his sent , and the wheel of the wagon passed directl y over his chest (o (hose who came to lii* assistance he ex- claimed , 'my vi tals are crushed ,' and ex- pire d immedia tel y afterwards. It is a little singular that an acciden t of a similar na- ture occured near the same place ubuu t 3 weeks since, when uy ouug man who was that day fre e, nn onl y child , returnin g lo his par ents with his fredoin suit in his wag- on was thrown from it , the wheel passed over him , and he lingered twent y-four hours. The Newburyport Advertiser speak- ing of the affray at Lihiu« in , of Wiu dham M A R l N K INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF U A I I N S T A H L K . Kui.i . oka —Tins D.w.iAVedniii 'y; Ili o'cl'k 50m AKRIVK1 ) . Ifilh — Betsey, Bourne , ltj »l, S VII.HI ) , lfll h—Srlii - Terrapin , Eldnd se , Cnpe Sshlrs. Welcome It iinrii , It.i ki'i , lloslnn. 221— . 'a* Latvrei uu , (.iiio. lkpeed , du . Tin- sloops Vidiiul , Betse y, and Com. Hull , all foi l!o»lon , s.i il this (- .cu ing, Tuesday, wind mid weather pei mining. The bri g Siill ann , which ha * l>»-«-it nthore nl Ca pe C»d , had been got ofl* and mrived at Bos- ton. The schr Gen Stark was got off the rocks nl Hurl lialc , on morning of li*lh insl. and taken lo the screw dock for repair *. [One accoun t says she was toned on shore at Brookl yn J The Rochester , Iloslo n , was in Tiirp nulin Ctive -1*1—Ochr Page *, (new) '/.. 1). liaaselt , for N. Yor k. srOKKN , 22d , hit 20 &0S Ion HI W. tli lp Augusta , of ii , 10 diiyn Ii i>mi Si. Salvador for India. . 'til , Int 60, Ion y, Testa , Liverpool for New Or- leans. 12( h , lM 37 '.">, Ion 70 6d , ship A gnes , 30 ill from New Vork. May 11, hit 2'.), Io n 7*> 1-2 , schr CSrnmpiu , Lieut '1 all n.ill , fio'ii Pe niacfila , in search of u ¦suppos- ed pirate in Sail Ruck Passage. Off Chbicntrngii p., bri g Pocket , of Motion. 2d , hit 31 , Ion 76, Columbia , Foste r, 12 ilavs from ,\ Oi l. 6th , on (I . Bank , Amanda , of Wrllfieel , I KK) full. 6lh , Vint * , for Biillhnoie for New Oi l. full , In! 26 1-2 , lon g 01) 1-2 , T»o Friends , Gray hrnre. 7lh , on firand Hank , Bi-ltey , of I'll moulli , 30<)(t full, mid (Jodlrey Pinvinc ' eluwn HIMK ).—The male of Ihe bri g Agcnorn , ly- ing (it I' c)I Po int , fell f'rui n alofl lust week , and shuck upon tIn* railing. Hi * sp ine was l;nilu-n am i it is expi-i'li'd Ilie unfoi luniitc man (.annul survi»c. — I ' roriilcnee .'liner. The n reck ofthe Wuii liiiiglnn lies in ten fatli - oins , »'ifl hottoln—fit rut ('•>» ii Li g h t lirarin fi from i t U'rst bv Not ill , hall North , ilipli uil iihout (ivi- inili ' n Tr i' fs on (' haili' t Ulund to llii: »i' kti\ iiril of Milford N. \V. by N. « li llle noilherl y. 'I he hlaihoiird cj uar ler mid iwo klern windows on the starboa rd side arc a lilile out of water. Nassau , N. P. Apri l 23 —Ar. ..loop Hed at Alexandria , on boar d of the Fra nklin. —No further information of the imisler , Haines , alias Copperthwaile , has yet been rece ived. ARiUVlLS , & CLEARANCES , Aral Marblehea d , on Friday week , schr G«n. Miller , Cole, 14 ds from Grand Bank , with 10,- 000fish. Spoke on the Bunks 8th tilt Regula- tor Collyer , 1400—Po»t Boy, Round y, 3000— 12th , Echo, lresoo , 35OO—K agle, Ba»sett , 2200 10i h, Essex, Stanley , 1500—25th , Franklin , Bowden, 4000—Recover1, Powe rs , 7000—28lh, Fr iends , Thompso n , 2700—Favprite , IngaU , "700. Provi dence , May 15—firr. schri Samuel , Bo(. ton—Bo ser , Yarn»o uth—»loop Mentor , Send* wich. A r at N. Bedford l lth , sloop Rosrttn , Boston Na nturket , llth—nrr. ship * Fame , Rnni sdell , from P.irific O.-enn, with 2900 hbls oil—Baltic , Chadwirk , with A full car gt) of oil. Baltimore , 18th—arr. schr Henr y Clay, Bos- ton—ri d, bri ? Spark , Kenn ed y, Gi bralta r. Alexand ria 19th—arr icht Forna *, Boitdrt— sailed , sehr Pameli a , SmMI, Barb ndoesi Rirhm oud , 10th—arr tehr Rising Sun , from Portland. Nor folk , 10th—arr schr Pomona , Boston— In llain plon K.>atl « , brig Neptune , Hoston . Frederick. —tl'd , »chrt Elirn lieth ,Ho wes, nnd Diamond , Ri< h , Huston. At Ne w Oi lcan s 2l>(h tilt ship Homer , Wil- lia m*, But ton. At Periiambiiru 2d nil bri g Ceres , Snow , Cos- ton and pro reeded for Bahin. Providence , lti th—nrr. srhrs F.lir.a >V tlrt« ey. V nii it otli—sl (Mi |> (icoiee & Mnry do—IM m iiii, Sop hia , Pi iemMii p, Fair Ame rican, nnd l.j velv froiuS n ndnich —Otli ght ,Freetown—t ieo Wusli . insion , T.iuntun. Portlnnd , It iih—d il , bri g Champion , IVi nk- water , bt Hi nts and a market ; sih Milled gc\ille , Bosto n. Nuf fnlk 12th—nrr srhr King, *Bos ton . Billl iinore , IH t h—cl ' d , schrs Sarah i; Pi i«» i|. In , F.riclKon , St. Thomas and a market ; Ka g le , Liu ke , llotion. Alrxniiiliin , l:hh— arr. Srhr llaxnll , Pio vi- denre. Snded , »rhr» Pioneer , Atkins , Tiiniilml nnd n miMkcl ; Leo , New bury port ; CAledo nia , Bo«ton . Sailed from Wilmin gton , NC. Stilli , schr Ori- on , Cuttt , Rt>sto n. Chnrl estou , 8lh—ar. bri g Trn fnlgnr, Hinrk - ley, M i lanras—21»lh nil. s. hr Ann Khr. a 1., Lla - ley, Bnstuii , l;i for Sav.iu nah—put iu on iiccounl of head windc. 2(iih nil. hit , '<.'< -Ill , Ion 7(1, , N . perie nced a severe gale from N\V wliich la»ted 48 hours , diiii ne which lost stern boat , split »niU and lost pail ol deck load. AUo , nr sihr Two Sis ters , Snu thiM ii ih , Boston , II A1 Halif »\ 5th inst. hiit; l".inil\ , Ki-lh'v , from R.kIoii , :i ilu vs—schr Kl ir.R 'ieth , Baltim ore , 17 - - 1 > I , sclir Hope Jc Susan , Snnll ev , Pliiladrl - phia !>—Milo , Bro wn , Kmlon , -I ; bri g C'ord i'li.i , Lane , d o (VO hours ; sihr Moiuiu g Star , Mere- dit h, New Y ork. Ne w Haven l.'llh , ar. sihr (lood Hope , Flovd , 6:< da ys IVoin ,Messin.\. Phi h idrl p hia I lilh—nr bri g M a rv , (\ih.i , 17 I.efi , mIii - Agaunm , West , lli.- lnii ' , the onlv Am. — hii g While Oak , Rob erts , kiiil ed 2 davs ' pr evi- oiih for Si. Ja »o de Cnbu . (" I d , brig Ci ' t-ouj lan - on , Thai li er, Busl on. Ale miudiiu 13ih—sailed , srhr Pionee r , Atkins Trinidad ' Washi ngton NC. -Il li—ar. kIi John S: Cem- ge , Dighio n—5lh , Hele n, Smith , lioslon —Cxh , Lot e, fro m do . At St. Jago de Cuba , 2!»lh till, bri gs Atlantic , H alhawav , for F.urope , soon. At St Thomas , lsl insl. bri g Juno , 1'iiinocis , of noston , uncer ; l)espalrh , Hardy, fin Ncwb urv - port. Live rpool , April -I— rid , Liberator , for Bos- to n— F.nt'd, Sappho , New Orleans. Philadet phin , 17lh—a r hriij (inn , Fosler , fin Boston ; »c hr Rnp id , Ha le, NYwhnrypoii —^cl'd , Ini ^' I' ilol , Fisher , Botlo n ; New 1/iipe , Wheel- er , Xiliara. linllimore l.illi—cl' d, ship Ameth yst , Kui g lil , Bremen . Chiirleston , Illlh—nr. hri n Ca rioll , Fosler , I'hi ladi -lphiii , Cape *, IM du vv New Orleans , 2".tih oil — cl' d , bii g Pro gre ii s, llot ves , Pr uvideuce ; 3(lih , (' nmi nis sai y, ^j , It oslon. A t Lisbon . April 1, Margare t , Coop er , Host. At lit ieh' , f>d , Hi ilit nnin . Itu -loli. Sailed fr om I.iveipool Tlh , M ount Vernon , for Bosl nii. New Bi'dfnrd , It lth —nr. shi p Ru ssell , Wor th , Pai -ific Ocenii , lull rnrgo oil ; sloop H enr y, Uos- |nn. Cl'd , ship Ciid mus , I iihrr , Parifir . A r a l Sum , lS| Jo hn , l O i h — K a i l t . 'd , srlir I '.li/n , DoH lnn. Pro viiieiiri- I'.MIi—s n ileil , m I i i k Olive Hmncli , and .Lion » , liiiugoi ; Siisnn , lluili. Newport , Irtili — arr »:-hr .Mary , Aickr.rfu n, Providenre for Keiini 'biiiik. A t Polio Cahello , 1Hi Ii oil bri g Cli.-i lham , Bn- ker , fr om Botlou , \ia La gui ia , for Boato n Olh inslmil. Ar ni Sngliarbor Mill , ship s Nep ione , (tanks , willi 12(10 bids whale and .'K ill kpi'i m--Henr y , (I - . Ill on , Po rto Rii o, do do. Schr Bala nce, Hod ges , fm Bamslablc. Cl'd, brigs Sabra , Wiuslow , New Orleans ;— «ehrs Reaper , Smiih , Alexandria ; Lydia, Small, Pro vidence. 1011,—arr «chr Samui-1 Henry, fr oin.Emt- liam , C. Cod, having in tow the wrrk of K' hr 8pUndid ;of Bii ngnr. Sloops Amey & "<'t'yi H«ltc» i New York via Portsmouth. Flash, tl nd ektiM , Plymoo tl*. CPU, brig Thorn , f.uce, Philndelphin—sW. r Roderi ck , Sears, Port an Prince ; K litnbeth Howe *, Hnlifax. Tehgrap h XoHtt fo .^t>Matltrt. —The tltr ^e te legra ph station * are located upon Gem-pests . Inn t l, npon Point Aldetton Hill , Na uta< ,kei , and nt Quarantine , (Rni nsford Island ) Shi pinMten arc icqursted on passin g the outer station , to shew tlr eir vessel"* telegraph number , inwar d or outward bound , tha t they may be re pott ed iu cither en*e> to the undersi gned , nl the Observa - tory, 28 Centra! wharf , where sets of telegraph flags are furnished , and subscribers supp lied wtl h the new Marine Register of desi gnating numbers. JOHN R. PARKK.R . 20th— .ir. schr Bound ar y, Shuck lord , Km t- poi I. Cl'd , brig Margare t , Freemnn , tln vmm ; Hen- rv , Atvt ood , Al ban y. Sailed, schr R eaper , Alexandria ; Sun , New- Yoi k ; Henry, nnd others. 21st—n r. bri g Perseverance , Apthmp, Mon te- vide o. ' Brigs Gem siann , Timelier , and Pilot , Fi sher , fm Philadel phia . Solus Ueo Washin gton , Whi tney , Nau tuckct — a & Nancy, Fal moulh, Itanpie Argo , I'm Matau/ .as, -ItIi in st. Left , bri g Ag ilo , Boston , ne\t day ; l>ido , do . londin g. ('I'd , ln iit VVstn , Mnrslon , B»lliiunre ; Mvra , Criuvell , I'hiladel ; nhr Bonloii , (lould , N . York . •I'id—ar. bri g Hope , Otis , Soiininn , lilth nil. Brig Aurora , Hoi well , Aux Cnye« , 1st insl. C'Jd- nrr bri g Cordelia , Lnne , ll.ililu v l!Mli insl. Lei) , bri g Loire , llnioi ng, and Cn ntoy, I'rowell , for New York , next dnv ; Hope Jii Sii- sao , P hiladel. do ; Jose phine, Ci owell , not he- gan to dis< harge. The K Star , Berry , for Fied- erick sbu tg, sniled 18(li— .Mexican , Pep per , for P hiladel on I'.Uh. Bri g M nislial Ney, Ci owell , fm Baltimo re. Orbit , Rinncv , Ncw York. Sc lir Caledonia , El dt id ge, Alexandria. Peip tot , Bnkei ; Minor , Bnssett ; Leaper , Nicke t so n ; and Vesper , Wake mnn, fm N York ; Spy, Wells , Alban y. Sall y Ho pe , Bak er , Providence ; sloop Jas- per , Si-udder , Norwich. NF.W.Y ORK , May I I—ai r. bri g Ageuoiiit , Wehher , Irom Moliile. ('I'd , hii g l'.tablrm , lli ggins , for Amsterd am. Hlh —nr. schm Exchange , Bartlell , I ubec— cl'd , sch rs l'lili iot , I' lei-oino , l 'oilo It ico. 1tit It—ar sclns Mohican , (!enlile , Mirror , Franklin and Turk from Bosion. Alao , ar. Two llrolhers Machias ; Hiitdah &. .liida h , Ciilais ; Live O.iU , Salem ; nloops Hero- ine , and Para gon , Boston. Cl'd , M-h r Li'iiper , lloslun . 17th— ar . shi p Jup iter , Clark , St Croix 17 ds. Schrs Alei l , Cio well , Poill and. Fiances , linker , do. Eliza , Baker , fi om Marhlehe nd. Ti gii« , Scudder , I'm lioslou , hound In Alban y . Geor ge Fox , Baker , I in Yarmouth. Cl'd , slii p M m) I lowland , Akin , Liverpool, IHtli — nrr shi p John J ay, lloldrid ge, I'm Liver- pool , A pril !llh ; si In Lad y oflhe Luke , Bake r , Ror liesier ; I'.li/n Jane , llaknr , Bonlou j sloop Optic , ./culling * , Maihlcliend. IH t h—mi- m In Mirior , lioslou ; China , Ball ; Mo pe ii llan t iali , Tiilon , and Amu/.on , Phila- dt'l p'iia. l'.Mth—Mir. Ra p id , Rider , from Snvntinah . •2p njAing\o eil her of llie com- millei' , sli.ill |je fibeiiul y K.'ininlcd and nil clinr g- ek paid. / \ A SA VOIJN Ai1 , v N TH OMAS I'KltCIVAL , ) Otmniill te B ARNABAS CIIII'MAN , > f ur Hint i.'IIAKI. E S MARSTON , \ pu rpuit. BEN JAMIN I SODI ' ISII , ¦> BA rnSlable , A piil 2IM , JH.'tl , FOR BJLIsB. J$jL Tlio fctst yailing sclir BK» Jffuf l C 'i'HIAII Aa/N, burihcu 00 tons, ^ulKliX. '^ ycii r« utiMiIgh deck , nuw (opt 3 ¦jSbBsHv years ngo^kell found with cabkn , ani.hor *, sai ls nnd rigg ipgXuow lying in Chut- ham harbour. For t£ius ,Vpplv to / JOSEPH YOUNG. Chatha m, Mar ch 0, 1331. If -i OOPARTNBHSH1PNOTI OB. J A Al I'. S A. . S M I T H , MiviiiL' taken Mr WILLIAM C. ImOOW B , into Copart- nershi p with him , ih e^kiiftBc-sii will bo t'ou,* iluctt 'd in future under ||tr\|J(n of SIVTITH & b1dOK0 , nl their Store , No 7, INoiih fiiAket sllevt , — M 'Ur.rr. Ihri / Ini vi oii\(iiii/ — A it eneral nwsoi lon 'oy of nU-S 'l' I.\ 'DI. 1 COODS «V (iltOCHIi lJ p ii , for The mippl y ol Tradri x , mid furul khing' of Family, Ship, mid Fishing Slorc x. lioslou, Feb. 2-llh , iH.'tl. episam OEDAft AND LUMBER FOA SAIsB. 1-^Olt SALE-Sm. tknAll POSTS , nnd 1 RAILH. / \ /¦ 20 M. Spruo6 aLl /llLlock JlMitKK and JOIST , I M g0 M. Pine uii/ CVdH SHINGLES , 20 M - SavKilf.ATHB 4 M . Cl< in CLAPBOARDS— Ily Jo iTAH HIN CKM'3 Y( »r JIIWrtY CR0CKKH. Afnrrh lttlh. ' If i/OORDAK'flUALBAM OF ooLon nA.ju A J.8O — (JOHl >AKi\ ctli.bnited genuine i l l liittoiu I'lLLH-JPA snle , by /w.Vkwih ti sons. March 22d, 1831./ X «c DIED, In North Sand wich , Mrs. Maria , wife of Mr. William Fnllcrloit , aged 00. tu Lexington , Miss Emil y Stearns , ag ed 2:1 Mrs. Mnry , widow of the late Deacon N.iihan Reed , 84. Al Si. Jngo de Cuba, Wil liam II. Nirkols , of Boston , aged 22, 2.1 olliier of brig Atlantic , son of Cnpt. Samuel N. At Havana , Cy rus Record , ID , seaman of bri g Sall y k Esthe r , n nmive of Danville , Me. For further informatio n inquire uf U«nc Clark , 36, Washington slrei -l , Bosto n. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Till IK SuhcrlbeiK have formed a coutiexlon Ji. in liimiue ^!!, unde r |ho firm of RAND &. BROOKS , mid hn vo taken Slo^L i\J . t>7, Lon o iviiAlif , v> lirre llioy will keep C(% j pnnllv mi hand a geil' .•fill iiKM irl meiK of II'M -J' M7J /.7 HOODS , H , tJ Tilch iney will tell on the must rtra soiiiihk1 Icniu, / THOMAS H A N I ), OI1KI ) BROOKS , Jt Boklnn , t-'eh. l-l lli , IH I tl. ep ih.'Iini | NOTICE TO WHOM XT MAY CONOtRlb T. TH E undersi gned \>\\ertt\> nt sea froinl lie wre ck of Uie kchooiuw^'/j/cnr/ir/ , two A n- chors , uilli «uc <'1 1Hi ii CJ«lu It lliiched—ei ^ hl hal f bbU. Beef—nine (Io#nV 'i Mackerel—a qii.intil y of Hhook s, witl fn lo\if Rigging. W if MAM CHIPM AN. Wclllleel, Muy 4, m i .