May 25, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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At:COMM '>IMT'o"fl
Pack fth —\V« in«erre<» i" »'" " •«»« P»Pcr> * fcw
Mirtt , mped!..*"
)C rn ^ Improvement *
which hnre hi *tt mnAe\\M «(>rlng, on bonrd Hie
»lo«m !>»««• 1" th* *°"n<> i •»«•«*«!« Providence
iinrl New f"rk , enabling them In burn coftl In
preference to wood , give* R Mill greater ndvan-
Inge to lienin , over »nH». The expense is by redu ced , nnrl tVie fear * of tlioie who nnti e.i-
pnt ed n totiU tind complete destruction of tin
pine foro*l» in n grciU degree nllnycd. Pr eju-
dice , nnd a rigid adherence to old nnd anci ent
lungen niiil cinlom*, Imi been a bur nnd itiinib-
ling block to improv ement In every pn rt of our
Stnte nnd Country. Wo alinott wonder wh y the
Georgian! And Cnr otininn* dip the gold which
Nfituro lint imbedded in their toil* ; their ginnd-
fiillicri did not , nnd ngrecnhle to the doetrlne of
mnny, they ihontd never dcvlnto from the old
nnd nnclcnt eustomi of their grnnr lfiillierj . Tin1
reaion thnt ther e never lint born ft sleiiin
bout in our wntcr *, on the north side , In no ren-
iion nt nil wliy there never (hotild be. W»«
there nn lidditionnl public home erected here ,nnd
well Mtended to , we hnve not the leiiM doub t ,
that n grent incre ase of compa ny would frequent
our town durin g Ilie summer demon , nnd fur-
nish JMrtploymen l nnd pr ofit to the owners of a
nnmll Slcnrn Boat , ns well in to the house. Snd-
den srpwIU of wind , mid heavy blow* would not
be more severel y felt, nnd could be more cnnily
¦voided by n bont of 80 or 100 loin , limn by
packcliln our Bay. Mnny , who are not at till
opposed to ileuui navi gation , and the intr oduc-
tion of steam power , observe tha t no one here
is at pr esent acquainted with the man agement
nnd control of itleain power. That objectio n in
of no weight. The mariner * here , can bo in-
structed nnd informed a» well n» thon« elsewhere ,
nnd unlcsi other rcnion i of more substance can
be adduced , we Khali hope to hear the subject
talke d , If not acted upon.
We are informed by our fi iendly correspond-
ent in VViirchnm , that the (mall pox cxihIh there ,
brouj jbt home by one Cap l. Burgess , from New
York , who i* nlio very'lick. lie fart her slnleii
that all necessary precautions hnvc been taken ,
to prevent llic sjiroml of this horrid nnd dreaded
disease. Hope/* arc cntorlniiied , fnyft our infor-
ma nt , that it will not be communi cated. Vacci-
nntiun has been performed , on almott all, both
i>ld nnd young. W»iil«J it not be well if prop er ,
measures were nJso tnUcn in our towns , Fnl-
moulh, Sandwich and Itainst nble , to prevent the
communic ation of this infection. Scarcel y h
neck passes , but there is Rome one tra velling to
or from New Bedford and Wnrcham and uho up
«nd down Ihn Cape. Tho wand niing pedlar s,
if no. other pcrsoi u, may leave the disease in
their rags and trumpery, and it would be wise
nliould the proper auth orities give a little iitlrii-
lion to this all ahirmiiig subject mid do w hat lies
in human power to ward off the evil.
Since the above wus in typo our friend hit s
fiiriiixhcd Ilio following-particular * :—
The Selectmen , David N yc, and Thoma s Ha.
very Ksq«. hnvo exerted themselves, with prai se,
worth y diligence in providing every thing neceg.
anry and requisite to prevent the spread of the
peal. A hospital has been prepare d, in a house
recentl y occup ied by Cnpt B. Lincoln of Agawam
nock, about 2 1-2 miles from the centr e of the
town, on this dide ; and all who wish to have
the small pox by inoculation are direct ed to re-
pair to it ; n physician is in attendance ; ami
us it was considered imprudent to remove dipt
Burgess , red flags have been disp layed at prop-
er distances around the infected house ; mul
none are permitted to approac h but those in im-
mediate attendance on the sick. The smoke
house is conti guous to the dwelling, nnd all who
enter are obliged to be well smoked previous to
departure. Capt Uur gcos, is comfortable , and
not considered in danger.
Excess ok Rei-iiesi'.mtation. —It Is evident
to all impartial persons , thnt the House of Rep-
resentatives of this Stale , is crowded to excess,
nnd unless some measures ore speedily adopt ed ,
to thin it , it will become so crowded and clog-
ged us to prevent those who arc so disposed , do-
ing the business for which they assembled to-
gether. We would not make any invidious dis-
tinctions , for or ngnin ut any individual , but
would hope that each member would disp lay so
much pretended , (if not real patriotism) ns to
propose and advocate a reform , ami diminution
at the actual number of the house. The State
is burthened with a heavy tax , on account of (he
excessive number of Legislators , far grentcr
than auy other Slate in the Union. Is it possi-
ble that the talents of the Representa tives of
old Bay-State are in any degree diminish ed , so
ns to render it requisite to maku up the deficien-
cy in quality by a surp lus in quantity or num-
bers. The grent Stntci of New York , Pcnnsy l-
vania and Virg inia , arc ns ably and faithfully
represented as Massachusetts , nnd by less than
one half thu number of men ; nnd each of those
8lntes contains a population almost equal to the
whole of the New England States. The Hul l
itself mutt necessaril y be crowded to overflo w-
ing, it cannot be otlu-iwUe, nnd we sincerel y
hope that some who cannot be convenientl y nc.
eominnd aled to seats , will make serious and
strenuous efforts to bring nbont an amendment
of the Constitution providing for the election of
Represen tatives. Each town in the Common-
wealth will probabl y continue to ciowd in their
full quota , until nn amendment is made , or it
law patted , compelling each town to pnv in rc.
•peciire member *. That would be only n tem-
porary remedy to the ©*#} but could an altera -
tion to the Constitution be effected , it would be
preferred , at somethi ng perm anent , nnd to be
relwd upon. At pretaot the contest if, to tend
ull allowed by law and plunder every dollar
from the publiccjkett
, that can legallybe done.
FwK'ifut that when it }» emptied it roust again
be fttkd, an* hy a tax upon the properly and
persons of ttiQus lotijyidjiuU who are acceuory
to the empty ing it.
By the arrival of the ship Canada at New
York , since our last , London papers of April 15
and Ifl have been received. From the Boston
Patri ^, we nha'l delect the most interes tin g ar-
ticles of intelli gence.
We learn with pleasure and surprise the fad
that the PoU s have defeated the Russian *. It
is the cnuse in which Ibey are engaged , which
enables them thus to tr iump h over the hor des of
Russian barhaftan n , which tin; Autocrat Nicho-
iftii I. is endeavouring to overrun the king dom
of Poland with. The cruel spirit of extermi na-
tion with which he wages war , is a pr oof of his
cowardice and fear of the inhabi tants of his
mighty emp ire , becoming more enli ghtened than
the beasts of the field, nnd as a nece«»nry conse-
quence , hurling him from hi* blood-stain ed
Ihron e. Were he possessed of n thousandth
pnrt of the noble spirit of generosity which dis-
tinguish ed Alexnnder , the war would soon bent
nn end , nnd the watte of human life, become
The Russian * hnve been si gnall y defeated by
die Poles.—the Provinces in the renrof the in-
vade r* are rising to second the effort * of their
lirelhren ,—nnd insurrecti on has taken place in
the dominion * of (In: Hullan.
Thfi Government , nay * the Pari * Nation al ,
have just received lit npntrhen from Marshal
Mamo n, our Ambassador at Vienna , Mating llml
the Cabin et of Austria , after having received the
new* of the capture of Ancomi , and the defeat
of the iuMirj,'enls , still per sisted in sending it *
Hoop * upon Home , in order to occupy the rest
of the Slnlc* of the Churc h, leaving the evacu-
at ion of tliem; prov ince * lo future negolintinn *.
It is said llml tin ; ex-royal family of France
will shortl y lenvo Kng lnnd , in conscquncn of
rerluin disclosur e* of the plans of some of their
agents. Spain in mentione d lo be their destina-
tion. — Courier.
The reports from Spain were unfavorable , but
nothing definite wni yet known.
Tin: (iovrrnmeiit of Don Mi guel coniiuiic d its
usual mid insulting course.
The Fri'iich Mini stry are persevering in n vi g-
orous opposition against the pr ess. In a few in-
stat ues they have succeeded ; but if the peop le
read they must ultimatel y fall for neatl y all the
press I* at war with them.
The news of the Polish victory wn* received
nt Paris with iih much eiillni siamn ns if it had
been n domestic triump h.
The impor ts of (lour from America , into Liv-
erpoo l, for the. week ending on the lliiti, were
27,77!< barrel *—of wheat 30,1)08 quarter *.
The Aii'lriau s have taken unobstructed pns-
ncixiou of Dulogna mid some neighboring towns
nnd Ilie dinnffecled at Aucona have submitted
(o I ho Cardinal father , mid besoug ht forg ivcucsa .
Thit following is fro m tho Lond on Herald of
the Jfilh nil :—
' It is reported on 'Change (hat Gen. Dieliilsch
linn been tak en pri noner by die Poles. This c-
veut is not nl all improbabl e, but we Mmpcet that
il rest * on no oilier authorit y. Tlie Russian I£in-
pirc it , lo use a homely plinue, in a very licMi nh
situation ; anil mnny me of opinion thnt a few
months will Iniii R lorth events with regard lo
lliin ' barbar ic Power ' which will both at'tonish
nnd deli ght the civilized world.
Tim British Pitrlinmeul lUsemliled on the lltlii
bu t no decisive gener al measures hail been adop-
ted. There were great appr ehensions in London
t hat the. in -lull would not aft it nil lie car-
ri.'d. 'I'h i! London Herald of the Iftlh expresses
however , a hope ' llml all will yet go ri ght. '—
The rotten bin oug liH nrt lo hi! disfi aiu.hisei.1 nnd
the privilege to be transferred to large towns.
The Liverpool pnper of the lrtth snys—The
alT.iiiK on llic continent may be snid lo contin-
ue stationa ry. Austria hn* not rep lied lo the
last leriiiH of I lie I'icnc li Minitlers , and Mcl giinn
and Holland have not had recourse lo more dan
trerotis weapons t han bi g words. In the iNelh -
liiuils , triin (|ii ilily hits been routined , and t he
hopes if the Orange faction havo hceii destroyed
Prince Leopold is rather a favorite , nnd ns I In:
peop le nre weary of suspense , they would mi
doubt , accept him , or some one cqunll y uuobjec -
tioimble , for soverei gn. IDs Royal Hi ghness ,
however , has hardl y nmbilion enoug h lo prrci p-
itnte himself on a throne , unless its pi:ruianuncy
is well secured. With the friendshi p of Kng luiul
nud France , he mi ght be an eligible monarch
for Belgium.
Glorious victory of the Poles over the Russians.
The new* fi«m (he north is of the hi ghest in-
te rest .— The war has rc-couinicnccd upon tho
Vistula , nnd the Poles are rouquorers ! The
corps of Gen. fieisinar mid CJen. Rosen nre in
full retreat : GOOD killed or wounded , 6000 pris-
oners , 15 cannon , standards , in uskcU , lie, nre
the results of the memorable day of the 31st of
All tho Russian positions were cftricd by storm.
On the Ut of April the Poles oKtt ihrcw again
the remains of the division* of Roffn nnd Ucis-
mar. An Officer , uhn set out from tin- camp on
the 1st o( April , nt hnlf-pusi one o'clock , and ar-
rived at five o'clock nt Warsaw , nnnnimce t thnt
upon his departure they had made , even duri ng
that morning, two thousand prisoners , among
whom were mnny General Officers. They ha •
We have been politel y favoured with a pnper
from a friend in Pr ovidence , R. I. containing the
letter of Ilie Hon. Rich ard Riuh , giving his
view * upon free masonry. It doe* well for Mr.
Rush lo *peak for or ngninst Mutonry , in il
seemeth unto him good, Iwt *uch nre the feelings
of (he community ii. which we nre plnced , with
regard lo (hi* institu tion , that we deem it pru-
dent not to expr ess our sentiment *. The length
of thi * letter i» an objection lo the admit ,
ting of it into our Columns'—ns neit her Masonic
or Anli-Mn jonic , we shall , undoubtedl y, be ex-
cused for to doing.
Rk pr eukktat ivus Kmectku. — In nddition lo
those not iced in our last , the following genlle-
men hnve been chosen :—Fahnoulh , Thomas
Fish , nnd Klijah Swift. — Denni s, Orrcn Howes ,
John Bik er. —Chat ham , Jose ph Atwootl , Josh-
ua Nickerson. — Har wich , Isninh Chase , .lames
Long —Orleans , John Kenrick , Sparrow Horton
— rCiifltlinin , Samuel Knowlex. — Wellflcel , Ben-
jam in H. Welherell , Thomas llolbrook , Jr.
Time. —Time , by loo ninny, Is considered ns
nn nrtic le that is forced upon them , nnd which
they must dispose of, nnd which may he idled
or (lung nwny , hut which is nut to be preserved ,
or used lo piofit or advantage , n* men do mini-
ey, nnd w hat ever they hi ghly prir.e nnd value.
What cnu can he obtained without the use nnd
benefit of Time ?—In it money can he made ,
fnme acquired , health enjoyed , the friendshi p
nnd society of our friends prized and dul y up-
precin led. It is nUo true that we could not ex-
ist without th is portion of eternity, wh ich we
measure hy clock* and watches and which we
term time, II is a duration in truth , upon nn d
in which all thi ngs aoimali ; and inanimate exi«t.
Duration mid space must exiit , despite of ull
created powers lo any the least We inrnsuri
bot h, or a siuull portion of both , one, by clocks
nnd watch es ; the other by building our dwel-
ling*, sto re*, on the Innd ; on the wnler , n cer
Inin portion of ipncc it occupied by uliipi, steam
boat *, &ic. 'i lie remnant of both is infinite , be-
yond even our comprehension. Rut nt we nre
broug ht into being, without our consent or per-
mission , ever being consulted or yielded , we ex-
ist pnssivcl y. Wou ld not wisdom be shown , did
we know how lo priz e nnd estimate lime. By
nntiy it is vicwctl as an incumbrancc thnt should
be gotten l id of, t he easiest mnnner possible —
Lnbour is the menus employed by the prudent
nud wise , business , by the avaricious nnd tluif-
ly, who seek wealth nn the onl y object worth
living for. The student saves his time to im-
prove his mind and ndd to the stuck nud amount
of information nud learning , fame is the throne
or emp ire , which some sacrifice time to ob-
tain , hc lieving that if they attain lo a great
name , happiness will follow of necessity. In
t ime can nil tilings , (possible with ni.iii) ho nc
conip lislied. The numerous examp les, enn at-
test to t he attainment of those who hnvc mnde
use of (he time which wns nt their command and
which constituted (heir natural lite.
An adjourned meeting of the Bnrnitnble Ly-
ceum , will be held on the third Tuesday of June
next , when the following question will be dis-
cussed— " Is the good arising from a revenue
from the Post Office Department , equal to the
evil ?"
Il is stated in the papers of tiic day, thnt a
lad y wns bitten last week , by a mad dog. We
do not learn whether it was nn old lad y, or n
young lad y, or n colored l.idy ; hope we shall
hnvc the news soon. l>>gs, even in their best
estate nre altogether vanit y nnd vexation ofspir -
it , especiall y between 12 an d 2 o'clock nt ni ght ,
when we wish it still , if nt any time. Would
not our Leg islature do well to app oint a commit -
tee to nssos a fine upon every individual krep -
ing a dog running nt large without a collar ?
II might assist in pay ing the extra expense of
000 members , and prevent the incurable and
horrid disease produced by the bite of a mad
dog, termed Hydrophobia .
An awful thunder storm occurred at Kings
(on , U. C. about (he 22d tilt. The peals of thun
der shook the houses to their foundati ons.
The Hon. Lcvi Woodbury arri ved in Provi
denre on Wednesday Inst , on his *ny to Wash
ington city, to enter on the duties of the IS'
Depa rtment.
Since the publication of our last number , the
pedlar who hag been wiitten into infamous no-
toriety, by the editors and publishers of newspa-
per *, has " personall y appeared ," and answered
to the charges alleged against him , uttering a
most dolorous ditty , in the form and shape of a
manuscri pt , attempting to vindicate hi* lame
cause . He has by that and " reason 's mighty
engine," the printing press , become , in an cm-
phatical degree " (he herald of his own infamy. '1
H is piteous comp laint nnd descriptions of his
wrongs, lias been printed at hi* request in order
to be circulated. He stated his name to be W—d
of Tatimou. We sincerely hope our friends of
Bri stol Count y will m>t permit any more of their
travelling trader s to visit Piovincelown , as he
complains that his pelting raised the price of
eggs in thnt place. Should he again visit us, he
he may find somethin g more coercive nnd strong
in power , than eggshells, awaiting him. It is
high time for our inhabitants to awuke , nnd drive
far fro m them , these wandering vagrants , which
infest our Cape towns , pilfering fro m the females
in theguise of preachers , nnd pedlars , come ped -
dle tin ware , some reli gion , tome one thing and
tome another , but ilio vagrant act is iu full force
and thull be applied.
The Newfoundler s sny there is n title of wealth
flowing into that island ; it is supposed thnt the
net profits of the seal fishery for one month , will
nmoiiut to £000,000 sterling.
' " ' '
It i* stated in the Taunton Sun that an eccen-
tric man aged 00, lately borro wed a wheel bar-
row in Millon , agreeing to return il in « few
day* ; went to Alba ny, loaded with ehe»nuts , re-
turned and delivered the barrow to the owner .
A new post office hat been established at Sand-
wich , called the Buzzard 's Bay post-office '. Be-
ihuel Bourne , P. M.
In Portsmouth , N. II. a young woman being
disturbed in mind , took two ounces of laud anum.
The fntt being discovered , and n powerf ul em-
etic found useless , the stomach pump was used
by Dr. Chauucey, with comp lete success.
f ir
.hr . f Jen. Stark .—The deck load (of the Gen
Slatk) of molnstc* hn* been »avcd witho ut dam-
age , a few packages of dry goods wns taken out
of the hold all wet—he r enrgo con sisted of
wine , dry good*,tobacco, whiskey, leathe r , iron ,
ten nnd coffee, princi pall y owned by Knst ern
mer chant *. The vessel , it i* supposed , will be-
totall y lost as she lies entirely under wntcr , at
high tide some more of the cargo may be saved
iu a damaged stale.
Mii» Scline Parker , of Filr.william , N. II. who
received a silver medal from the Ncw-Kng l;ind
Society for two »penr grass bonnet *, whi- h af-
te rwnrd * sold for $50, has exhibited two more at
Dutiabl e, N. 11. surp aising the fiueit Leg-
Jno. Groves nnd Jno. Sharp hnve been senten-
ced for highway robbery nt New Ydrk to 10
year * imprisonment each , for having knocked
down a Mr. Calliouu , on ¦> Sunday night , and
stealing bis watc h.
David Cours en nnd Kliibn Purvis ¦dug out ' of
Klizuhclhto wu jail , night of-lib inst. The wal l
i* 20 inches thick , cased with heavy onk plank.
A worth y colored man on boar d a sloop nt
Wen Chester , N. Y. bad his foot nnd the flesh
from his leg torn olfby being caug ht in the coil
of a ro pe, a (law of wind having stru ck the ves-
sel while milking fast nt the wharf. His leg wan
amputated , hut hi; lurvived onl y two hours.
Iu n villa ge in the W. Pnr 'ndi of Glouc ester
continu ing 130 iuhahil iiuU , there are 18 aged 70
year * and upwa rds , 1'2 of whom a vera je 80 —
There is not u grog shop w ithin a mile of this
vil lage.
The Southern mare ' Bonnets of Blue ,' hat
beaten t he New York horse , ' Goliuh ,' ove r tilt
Long Inlan d Course—20 ,000 dol lars went Inti i
t he pockets of n Pliiladel phinn on thi.< nice. I be
Blue Bonnet linn nlno beaten ' Black Maria. '
Mr. Mills, whose lour ' twi n' children latel y
snug ' old King Cole' nt t he Cliesnut «licrl The.
(idf , Philadel phia , keeps n Hotel near Fair-
The first convict sent in the Washington city
Penitentiary is named William s. He stole a
bnrre l of flower. The peison from whom he
stole il, nnd lo w hom be sold it , the jnjlor wlm
bud him in custod y, t he foreman oflhejury , a nil
the keeper of the Penitentiary are ull named Wil-
Mr. CD. Arodie , Norfolk , Vn. ha* invented
n ' iMarine Box,'by wh ich nu injury iu n shi p*
bottom enn be repa ired , unde r water , and wit h
little more expense nnd despatch than il il were
in her upper woiks.
Counterfoil ,$5 hilN Eagle Bank , Boston ,
well executed ns regards signature s , and red pa-
per , arc in circulation.
The Brooklyn N. York Patriot in nllu ilin; to
the Ing, ing nnd hoblnil gentry of New York
who visit Long Island on llic Snblinth , for sport
sa ys , ' we do not be lieve thnt if ten thous and tons
oft nrtn r pineiic , coul d, by any possib ility be
thrown into the very bowel* of purgator y, it
cou ld vomit out such n set of animali '.'
The Transcri pt snys thnt us t he Slenm -bonl
Connecticut was e-n her way from Portland lei
this city w hen off Gloucester , Tuesda y afternoon
he r Khali broke , ani l she was compelled lo put
into Sand y Buy, w here she landed her pas sen-
Appointmnits by the Governor and
Council.—Tin; following persons have
biMMi iippointcd Shcrifldof tin:seventl Coun-
ties, hereafter mimed , umli;r tit 1!provision
of an act entitled " An act in additio n lo
the several Acts defining the general pow-
ers an J duties and regulating the oflicc of
of Shctifls ," passed March 17, 1831 ;
their appointment to take eflect from and
after the first day of June next.
Charles P. Sunnier , of Boston Sheriff
of Suflolk ; Joseph K. Sprague Salem of
Essex ; Benj . V. Yarnuni Dracut ,of Mid-
d lesex ; Joseph Lyman , Nort hampton of
Ham pshire ; Nathan Hay-ward, Plymouth
of Plymouth ; Horato Leonard , llaynham
of Bristol ; Isiah D. Pease, Kdgartuwn of
Dukes ; Pelep S. Ful ler, Nantuc ket of
Nnntucke t ; Calvin Willnrd , Worcester
of Worcester ;Henry C. Brown,Piltsik-ld
of Berkshire ; Caleb Rice West Spring-
field , of Hamp den.
The Arabia n Horses.—These animal*
were sold at N. York by unction , 14l h
insl. From 2000 to 3000 persons attend-
ed the sale. Thevsold as follows.
No. 1, Stnmboul , (sorrel) $575 ; 2
Cncliliini , (chesnut) 450, 3 Zilkiiudi , (sor-
rel) -130 4 Yemen (prey) 535.
No. 1 will proceed to Kentuck y. No.
3 and 4 will remain in New Jersey. The
destination of the grey (Yemen) is not
known. The purchaser of the grey,(Ye-
men) in less than twenty minutes after the
sale, refused one thousand dollars for
him, which was ofiered by a gentleman
who could not nrrive in time to attend the
sale and orders were in the city advising
the ngent not to lose a chance for the se-
lection from the Arabians at from $2700
to $3000.
Reported Revolution in Spain.—Pre-
vious to the Sailing of the U. S. frigate
Java , from llavannn , a report was then
current there,said to have been brought
by n brig arrived at Princi pe, direct from
Cadiz , stating that the King of Spain had
been deposed,and had fled with his fami-
ly to Gibraltar , and that the constitution
had been proclaimed throughout Spain.
It was then understood at Havanna
that the public authorities had received
official intelli gence of the revolution but
kept it secret ; the people, however,on-
ly waited for the confirmation of the re-
port to revolt. It is nearly two months
since the date of our last advices from
Spain , which allows full time for the re-
ceipt of sHbsequenl intelligence by this cir-
cuiiious route.—Norfolk Paper.
Mysterious Disappearance. —On Tues-
day evening, the 27th of Match last , Mr
Albert IInrd ,a drovier , was lodged at
Mr. Lewis's tavern in Washington street,
in this city. He went to bed about 10
o'clock that night. On Monday morning
(he 2 8th of March ,at about half past 6 o'
clock , he came down from his lodging
room into the bar and left the house.—
He ha« not been heard ofsince—although
dili gent inquiries have been mnde about
him. He had about 18 or $1900 with
him. He had taken and paid fur his pas-
sage to Sand y Hill on Friday, 25th March
at Rice & Baker 's stage office. He over-
slept himself on Saturday and was there-
fore prevented from going with the stage.
On Sunday morning no stage leaves here
for Sandy Hill. On Monday the stage
leaves here for that place at two o'clock
in the morning. He did not go out with
it ; neither has he bee n at Rice & Bakers
to get his money refunded to him. He
is about twenty-eight years of age.—[Al-
bany Argus.
Unpleasant Affair. —A case of very
novel character was broug ht before Al-
derman Binns , on Thursday afternoon j
the particulars of which as far ns we cm
learn them nre these. A little black
boy named Isaacs, had been emp loyed
on Thursday to sweep certain chimneys
in the theatre ; on his descent from one ,
a ma n, named Wilkins , who was rather
intoxicat ed , undertook to fri ghten the lit-
tle fellow ; for which purpose he pt oduc-
ti rope , which lie said was the orve usM
to han g Porter. He exhibited an old
coffin , and shook at the lad some skull
bom:.1;, and com mitted other unbecoming
fooleries, unti l the boy became so fr'
ened that he foil into violent fits. The
master of the boy entered a complaint
before Admiral Binns , who, alter hearing
the case held the accused to bail. O.i
Friday morning, it was made known to
the mag istrate t hat the boy was dead.—
Mr. Binns immediatel y issued a war-
rant , and committed Wi lkins to prison.
—The coroners jury we understand
brought a verdict upon the l.ul—" died
sudden ly by some cause not known.—
Wilkins will probably, have,a re-hearing
today.—Philadelphia U. S. Qaz.
Gold.— We cannot ,it it true astonish
thi .
1 natives , and excite their cupiditv l>v
an account of of a hundred weight of gold
being found in one spot,as was the case
in North Carolina a few days since—yet
a weekly report of the proceedings of
our miners would show that considerable
successcontinues to crown their exertions.
The novelty has worn off, and our gold
diggers continue to find large quantities
of t he precious metal , without setting up
the cry of ' Eureka. ' We understand,
that a large company composed chiefl y of
our own citi zens , who have been work-
ing successfully during the past year, last
week commenced operations at a new
place ,in the county of Or.inge, nea r the
Spottsylvania line , where they found the
first day, two hundred dollars wortli of
(Jold. The amount found during the
week exceeded $700.—Fredericksburg
The lost isfound—Mis s Belinda Curtiss
whosesingular disappearance was noticed
afte r a few of our papers of last week were
struck off,has we are gratifi ed to be able to
state , been again restored lo the bosom of
her parents. She left home on Saturday
morning the 30 ult. about ten o'clock , with
a view of visting some relative about ten o'
clock on ihc Kayadarossoros mountain in
Greenfield. In g"ing to which shv had to
pass a th icket ofabout twenty rods in length
it being cloudy she soon became bewilder-
ed and in this sil nation she wand red thro'
the woods not knowing where to go, from
thetime above mentioned till sunrise Tues-
day morning. On Monday night the moon
rose clear,and this was the first time she
had been able to ascertain the point of the
compass ;shethen followed its coursefrom
this time,and about sunrise on the follow-
ing morning she appeared on the mountain
top to the great satisfaction of her almost
distracted parents and friends— Ballstown
Spa Gaz.
The Yeomans Gazette states that a gen-
tleman latel y left his horse and wagon
standing in the road at Acton , while he
assisted his dog in hunting a wood-chuck
from stone wall. The horse, value $100
took fright, stated into a meadow, and
broke his neck in a ditch. Chuckie es-
Arrival of the Java.—The U. S. Iri-
gate Java , Capt. Kenuedey, an ived at
Ha mpton Roads on Wednes'
day last, from
Ma hon , via Gibraltar , Palma Ferro, St.
Nichols St Jago,Cape Massurado, Santa
Cruz, St,Johns, St. Thomas, Poto Rico,
St. Domingo, and Havanna. All well on
Narrow Ejf ape.—On Sunday last,the
little son of Dr. J. D. Boyd,of this place
was amusing himself in his grandfathers
yard near a well, lately dug, the child fell
in, where the well was several feet deep
the alarm wasgiven and a negro boy be-
longing to Mr Smith , who fortunately hap-
pened to be near by immediately descen-
ded the well by the sides and caught the
little fellow as he rose to the surface of
the water. He was delivered to the arms
of his alarmed parents without any injury
from his his dangerous pluoge.—Char-
htte, N. C. Jour,