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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 16, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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May 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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RECREATION LEAGUE STARTS MONDAY The five-team Barnstable Recre- ation Commission Twilight League, made up of boys 18 years of age and younger, will open its first half race Monday afternoon with two games , one at Cotult and the other at Hyannls. The flrst half schedule, as re- leased by league officials , calls for games up to and including June 21. At that time a schedule for the second half pennant race will be released. Members of the board of team managers are urged to attend a meeting Friday night at the Hyan- nis Community Center. Youths 18 years of age and young- er in the Town of Barnstable In- terested in playing on a league team are requested to contact either Dominic Welch at Hyannls Community Center, Sidney C. Chase of Hyannls» , Graham Scud- der of Hyannis, Henry Levlnson of Hyannis, Tom Milne of Ostervllle or Udell Perry . of Cotult. Mr. Welch, commission director, announced this week that three baseball Alms will be shown at dates to be announced. The show- ' ings will be held on separate nights in Ostervllle and Hyannls. One film will show action of the 1945 World Series, and the other will be an In- struction movie on the "Art of Playing Baseball." A third film, yet to obtained, also will be shown. No admission will be charged, Mr. Welch said, but donations, which will be used to sponsor a banquet at the end of the season, will be ac- cepted, First half schedule follows: Monday Hyannii at Cotult Ostervllle open Barnstable at West Hyannis Wednesday, May 22 Hyannis at Barnstable Cotult at Ostervllle West Hyannis open Monday, May 27 Ostervllle at Hyannis West Hyannii at Cotult Barnstable open Wednesday, May 29 Ostervllle at Barnstable Hyannls at West Hyannis Cotult open Monday, June 3 West Hyannls at Ostervllle Barnstable at Cotult Hyannis open Wednesday, June 6 West Hyannls at Barnstable Cotult at Hyannls Ostervllle open Monday, June 10 Cotult at West Hyannla Barnstable at Oatervllle Hyannis open Wednesday, June 12 Barnstable at Hyannla Oatervllle at Cotult West Hyannls open Monday, June 17 Cotult at Barnatable Hyannis at Ostervllle Wednesday, June 19 Oatervllle at West Hyannls Barnstable open Cotult open Hyannis open Friday, June 21 West Hyannis at Hyannis Barnstable open Cotult open Ostervllle open HARWICH DEFEATS BARNSTABLE CLUB The Harwich Town Team, through the excellent pitching of Curtis and Bloom, trounced the Barnstable Townies 10 to 2 Sun- day afternoon in Brooks Park. The game was called after the eighth inning because of rain. BARN8TABLE LOSES AGAIN Bill McCray and Grafton Meads scattered 11 Barnstable hits as their teammates smashed out 14 to give Orleans a 17-5 win over the Hyannis team Tuesday afternoon. The victory was the fifth in a row for Orleans. A wild fourth frame when seven runs charged across the plate clinched the game for Coach Brem- ner's charges. Stan Wilcox 's triple was the heaviest blow of the fray. Barnstable ab r h Besse, 3b 5 0 1 Bearse, c , 5 0 1 Keavy, ct „ 5 0 2 Wannle, p 5 0 0 Williams, 2b, p „ 5 2 2 Sullivan , rf „ 3 1 0 Poclus, lb 4 1 1 Coggeshall , ss 4 ^1 3 Burman, If 2 0 1 Gagne, p 1 0 0 Totals 39 5 11 Orleans ab r h A. Wilcox, 2b „ 6 2 3 Clark, c 6 0 1 Meads, lb, p 3 3 2 S. Wilcox, ss 6 2 2 McCray, p 5 3 3 Gage, 3b 2 4 1 Latham, cf 3 2 0 Hurley, rf „ 3 0 2 Royer, If 3 1 0 Totals 37 17 14 Score by Innings: Orleans „ 020 703 320—17 Barnstable ...... 023 000 000— 5 A MIGHTY BIG OMELETTE The United States egg produc- tion of 4,214,000,000 In January was two percent more than in January of 1945. SPORTS Classi f ied Advertising Two cents a word first Insertion; 1 cent a word each subsequent In- sertion; minimum charge for each Insertion 25c. Display rate on ap- plication. To order a Classified , telephone 1216 and ask for Ad-taker. • For Sale TWO pints of Berlou sprayed on your 9x12 rug protects It from moth damage for 5-years or Ber- lou pays the damage. Average cost only 50c per year. The Wall- paper Shoppe, 302 Main Street, Hyannis, Mass. FOR SALE I HAVE THREE FINE BUYS OF Real Estate in Harwich Port. Mr. F. E. Joseph, Box 683, Tel. Har- wich 40. FOR SALE SMALL WASHING MACHINE— $5.00; neds some repairing. Box W., Patriot Office. H I G H BACK HAND-CARVED Hall Chair. Will sell cheap. Box 12, Patriot Office. FOR SALE SEARS ROEBUCK OIL HOT Water Heater and 30 gal. storage tank. Call Barn. 352-3. • For Rent GARAGE near Main Street Write Box 1, HyannlB. 7/12 tf. • Situation Wanted WANTED Season's position by July. Ex- change for home (companion or tutor) Spanish, French, English, Sewing, Piano, Painting. Good Ref. . Box 1, Patriot. , • Wanted WANTED j GUESTS FOR JULY and AUGUST . —Sunny Acres, West Harwich. Tel. j Harwich 38. • WANTED | Quiet , not yet middle-age , Catholic couple would like to rent small camp or cottage I doesn't have to be heated ) for two weeks, middle of August. Prefer near warm water , anywhere from Osterville to Har- wichport. Or board and room, twin beds cool quiet location. Very light' breakfast , lunch and some dinners. Could furnish sheets , sugar and oleo. Write K. L. J., ' c/o Patriot. ! L E G A L N O T I C E S Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested in the estate of LYDIA H. BOWEN, late of Barnstable (Hyannla), In said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by Virginia Bowen, of Barnstable (Hy- annis), in said County praying that she be appointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 11th day of June 1946 , the return day of this citation. i Witness, Collen C. Campbell , Es- quire , Judge of said Court , this 1st day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. May 16, 23, 30 RAMS WIN A long triple by Renzi plus some brilliant mound work by him en- abled the Centerville Rams to get off to a fast start in the Center- ville-Osterville League by beating Kenney's of Hyannis, 19 to 7. Road Distances (From Hyannis) Barnstable 6. Brewster 17. Brockton 61.5 So!»ton 81.5 Bourne 24. Buzzards Bay 25. Cataumet _ _ 18. "hatham ~ 19. rotuit _ 12. 3ohasset 77. Falmouth 24. East Brewster , 20. 3ennls ' 10. 5-all River 63.5 aarwich Port 12. Monument Beach 21. tfiddleboro 46. Vew Bedford 48.5 Newport 78. Vorth Truro 39. Orleans , „ 19. °lymouth 40. 3rovldence 75.5 3rovincetown 49. 'ocasset 20.6 Sagamore 18.5 Sandwich 15. | South Wellfleet 29. South Yarmouth 5.5 raunton 67.5 rruro 37. Vellfleet 32. Vorcester 111.5 Vest Barnstable 7. Voods Hole 30. Henry W. Howes ELECTROLUX Authorized Representative Sales and Service Dennis Mass. General Contracting Carpentry - Painting Landscap ing Hamblen - Rogean, Inc. Hyannls Box 506 , Mass. Telephone 766W Depot Square Tailors 253 Main Street, Hyannls Special Announcement ' We are pleased to announce a new, prompt and efficient clean- sing and pressing service. Ex- tra fine QUALITY work at new below O. P. A. ceiling prices. Work fully guaranteed to your satisfaction. Try us once and you will continue our service. OPEN from 7 A.M. , to 7 P.M. llHIHMMIH IHHIH imnm 'Mr" ¦ iiaiwP'"— mmII— i..j.; Tel. Osterville 4942 i CLARENCE M. MacLEOD ' PIANO TUNING I Repairing Refelting ( (20 years experience) Marstons Mills Mass. =, www w w w wwwwwwmw w mw Dr. John L. Terry, Jr. \j Veterinarian 74 Camp St. Hyannis Mass. Phone 377 or 674 = q L^iw^>& /-A . j wrc <» " ^jjifj j . SKo.dl«S ^ M JIMM. UttieVr^ &1M~ ll•IIC3HI111IIMlICJ11III11111Mdf M ? DANCE andDINE is*.ThePilgrimCafe W jfcM °Pen 9 A-M- t0 12 Midnight • yi W Tel. Hyannis 624 : . | DEPOT SQUARE HYANNIS ; »» ¦» ¦» » »— 1i » i » i i — , » ii . ii.ii .n.m . -y»ii « iii »i mm — —' ' ^^ y> * r tMK%Z^Cr / I f*^ \V f \Xmm\\ -M UarJ m\W Wm\\ I grtn ft^WSfl >sf7 ' s. We have the / Jj /f U ^ Proper Tools, also I " Seed, Fertilizer See Our Selection of Ladders without which no home is complete. Lumber Paint Hardware JOHN HINCKLEY & SON CO. 2 YARDS TO SERVE YOU Hyannis Yarmouthport Tel. Hyannls TOO Ta(i BiPnita b,e 16-2 1^