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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 16, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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May 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PERSONALS Mrs. Marjorle Haven attended the wedding of Donald Bentley at Needham Heights on Saturday. Mr. Bentley was among the first group of young men to be stationed at the RCA Station during tho war. Shirley McNeer of Boston was a week end guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Crosbie. Ruth Long of Boston, accompan- ied by n friond , Keith Klttrodgo, spent Mother 's Day with her par- ents, Mr. and MrB. Leon Long. Mrs. William Kendrick , president of the West Chatham Circle, Is in charge of the rummage Balo to be held on Thursday at the Circle Hall. Mrs. George Howard recently ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sperling on a short trip to Boston and Lexington. SAGAMORE Work has been started this week on the installation of a new water system for the South Sagamore Water District. A trench digger has been at work along Main Street on Route 6 from the Sagamore Inn working toward the Sagamore busi- ness district. Tho project was ap- proved at a meeting last January nnd a total of $9B,000 was voted to complete tho work . Chatham PASS BOOKS SHOULD BE VERIFIED Depositors in tho Gape ' ;<»J Mutual HHV 'IH K H Hunks named below should present tlioir pass books for verification. During Month of May 1946 In compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Books sent by mail should ho accompanied by tho oor> i reel address of I he sender and I bey will he promptly returned. Don't Delay Present 5Tour Book Promptly A0 ****. Bass River Savings Bank %£tr£ ff $ Mail i": Vcril'cr ^**fa*»^ P.O. Box (i'J, South Yarmouth Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Mail to: Verifcr P.O. Box 537, Harwich I USTIN6S I IN THE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A HE new telephone directory is about to close. Customers who wish to make changes in their pres- ent listings, or who wish additional listings, should notify their local Telephone Business Office now. Owing to uncertainty under present condi- tions as to available facilities, the Telephone Company regrets that it will be impossible to include applicants' names ia the new directory before their telephones are in service. As telephones arc installed , however, their num- bers will become available immediately, as usual, through Information Operators. Telephones for applicants whose names are on our waiting lists are being installed as rapidly as conditions permit. MEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. fjtf h -—•-jj Q A L N O T I C E S -r"J«onwe«lth of M««MOhuMtU f ^smble ' sB. Probate Court. B TS all persons interested In the Jate of MARION R. WHITE late of Barnstable, In said County, de- ce i Se De 'tition has been presented to ii court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the ,t will , codicil of said deceased ,v J Louis White, of Barnstable, Hyannis). In said County praying that he be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on \.u bond. If you desire to object thereto, u 0r your attorney should file ¦ written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before en o'clock In he forenoon on the 11th day of June, 1946, the return day of this citation. Witness, COLLEN C. CAMP- BELL., Esquire, Judgge of said Court, this 8th day of May , in the vear one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. CHARLES S. MORRILL. Register. May 9, 16, 23. PASSBOOK LOST Notice is hereby given that Pass- hook, No. 12018, issued by the Hy- annls Trust Company, has been lost or destroyed and that applica- tion lias been made to the said Hyannls Trust Company to iBsue a duplicate book In accordance with Section 40, Chapter 590, Acts of 1908. May 9, 16, 23. Commonwealth of M assachusetts Barnstable, SB. Probate Court. Tq all persons Interested In the estate of EDWARD CHARLES PFEIFPER late of Barnstable (Os- tervill e), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by Lil- lian Alma Pfeiffer, of Boston (Ros- ltndale), in the County of Suffolk , praying that she be appointed exe- cutrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court al Barnstable before ten o'clock in I lie forenoon on the 28th day of May, 1946 , the return day of this citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- quire , Judge of said Court, this 15ili day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. May 2, 9, 16 L E G A L N O T I C E 8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts BarnBtable, as. Probate Court. To all persons Interested In the estate of THOMAS G. STEVEN- SON ot Barnstable, In said County, an Incapacitated person, and to Hester W. Smith. A petition has been presented to said Court by State Street Trust Company, of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, conservator of the prop- erty of said Thomas G. Stevenson, praying that it may be authorized to adjust by comprise certain claims of Hester W. Smith, de- scribed as follows: Claim in the amount of $19*79. for money claimed to have been expended by the said Hester W. Smith for repairs and Improvements on property in Cen- tervllle owned by the said Thomas G. Stevenson; and claim of the said Hester W. Smith based on an alleged agreement of the said Stev- enson to convey to her all of his real estate located in the town of Barnstable, as set forth in a bill of complaint numbered 56693 in the Superior Court for Suffolk County, or that it be submitted to arbitra- tion. It yon desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at BarnBtable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 28th day of May, 1946 , the return day of UIIB citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- quire, Judge of said Court, this 29th day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL , Register. May 9, 16, 23 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested in the estate of CELIA E. HAMBLIN late of Barnstable (Hyannis), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain Instrument purporting to be tho laBt will of said deceased by Lila M. Hamblin, of Barnstable (Hyan- nls ), in said County praying that she be appointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In ilie forenoon on the 28th day of May, 1946, the return day of this citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- quire, Judge of said Court, this 15th day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. May 2, 9, 16 Commonwealth of Massachusetts narnstable, ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested In the estate of MANUEL PRATERS late «f Barnstable (Marstons Mills), In said Count, deceased: The public administrator of said estate has presented to said Court for allowance his flrst and final ac- count. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a writte n appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 28th day of May, 1946 , the return day of this citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- tuire, Judge of said Court, this 25th day of April, In the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. May 2, 9, 16 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To the Town ot Barnstable , a municipal corporation located in the County of Barnstable, William Dexter Lovell of Boston, (Auburn- dale) in the County of Suffolk , Charles L. Matthew s of Boxboro, In the County of Middlesex , and to the Attorney General ot said Com- monwealth. A petition has been presented to said Court by John P. Sylvia , Jr., of Falmouth, Barnstable Coun- ty, and George E. Eaton of Mel- roBe, Middlesex County, UH they are the Executors under (he will of Ellda W. Lovell, late of Barn- Btable (llyannis), praying tlial the Court determine what action should be taken by the executors under Clause Sixteen of Bald will because of hurricane destruction In relation to the land and furniture , furnish- ings and equipment , and for such further Instructions , orders and di- rections as is deemed meet and just. If you desire to be heard thereon, you or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Court ut Barnstable within twenty-one days from the 11th day of Juno , 1946 , the return day of this cita- tion , and also file an answer or other pleading within twenty-one days thereafter. Witness, Collen C. Campbell , EH- quire, Judge of said Court, this 9th day of May, in the year one thou- sand nine hundred and forty-six. CHARLES S. MORRILL , Register. May 16, 23, 30 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court. To Robert Wesselhoeft, Jr., of Hot Springs , in the State of Arkansas. A libel has been presented to said Court by your wife , Nancy S. Wes- selhoeft, sometimes known as Nancy Dean Wesselhoeft, of Chat- ham, in the County of Barnstable, praying that a divorc e from the bond of matrimony between herself nnd you. be decreed for the cause of cruel and abusive treatment and praying for alimony and for cus- tody of and allowance for minor children. Blood will tell—so say the old folks—meaning of course that chil- dren are good or bad because of what they inherited. And the same certainly holds for vegetables. To be sure of good vegetables you have to Btart with the right varie- ties. But beyond the point ot per- formance, "dead end kid" isn't a great deal different from one who lives among the four hundred. What I'm heading toward is this. A garden which has plenty of fer- tilizer in it will produce vegetables which are rapid growing, larger in size, more tasty, but the blood stream isn't a great deal different than where the vegetables are pro- duced on a poorer soil. But since we want those tasty tempting tid- bits, we had better supply the plant food. Occasionally we hear people comment that the nutritive value of a crop is dependent upon the fertility of the soil. The best auth- orities that I can find say that this is true only to a very limited ex- tent. You may change the amount of ioaTne or calcium or some of the other elements a bit , by having a plentiful supply In the soil . The increase, however, is BO small that we shouldn 't go haywire In think- ing that we can increase the vita- min content or the mineral content of our vegetables by simply putting on more fertilizer. Naturally the more products we get from a given acre the more food value we get. But be that as it may, a home garden certainly does need plenty of fertility. Too often folks have the idea that any soil will produce vegetables. Barnyard manure of course is the ideal way of applying plant food , for you not only plant food, but you apply organic matter which Is essential for good garden production. If you can get it, ma- nure should he applied at tho rate of 25 bushels to 1000 square feet. Most of us, however , have lo de- pend upon compost or green ma- nures or leaf mold or something of that sort to supply the organic matter , and for fertilizer we do- pend upon the mixed or complete fertilizers . A 5-10-5 Is the most common mix- ture right now. And that you can apply ut the rate of 40 to 45 pounds per 1000 square feet. That' s 4 to 5 pounds to 100 square feet , or a pint is a pound. Of course there are any number of ways of applying this fertilizer, hut here's one suggestion. Apply half of it after Hie garden is plowed but before lt is harrowed. Har- row it or rake It into the top 3 or 4 Inches. Then apply the other half as a side dressing. One sldo dress- ing can be made when you plant, another one 2 or 3 weeks later , and another one mill later If you think your vegetables are not up to pur. Three Inches away from the seed row is a safe distance when first planting. If you apply your second half in one application , you 'd use It at the rate of about 2M> pounds per 100 square feet which would amount to about 1 cup per 10 feet of row, If rows are spaced two feet apart , or Ms cup if they aro spaced one foot apart. That is for dry fertilizer. If you prefer the liquid method , use % cup to u full sized sprinkling can , let stand over- night, sllr well , and upply ono can to 100 feet of row. Lime is essential for the good health of a home garden, hut don 't make tho mlstuke of believing that lime Is n fertilizer. Lime of course should be plowed or harrowed into the ground at the beginning of the season and tho usual rate is 5 lbs. of ground limestone per 100 square feet. If you're trying to apply wood ashes to give tho lime , you want about three times thut amount. THE BACK YARD GARDENER The Court has allowed the flrst and second accounts of Sidney B. Moody, conservator of the prop- erty of Jennte T. Moody, of Har- wich, Incapacitated . The will of Reubln P, Hamblin , late of Falmouth, was also allowed and administration granted In the estates of Ernest S. Nickerson , late of Chatham , and Laurie Green , late of Mashpee. • • • • Thekla M. Hedlund , late of Fal- mouth, leaves to her sister, Prida Starck, by her will filed for pro- bate, $200; to Eltse and Boda Hed- lund , each $26; to her daughter , Marie, all furniture, Including rugs, lamps, bed clothes, linen , china and table silver ; $100 to Center- vllle Cemetery for the care of graves; to grandchildren, Polly, Marianna , Lincoln and Trestor, $50 each; all rest and residue to her children , Marie, Arnold and Greta . She named her son, Arnold , executor. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q- My husband was drafted Jan. 9, 1945 , nnd will have served 18 months July 1946. I have two chil- dren. Has a law been passed yet saying fathers do gel out after 18 months? A. Tho following point system applies to Army personnel: All en- listed men (except volunteers) with 40 points ns of Sept. 2, 1915 , or with 2-1 months' service as of June so, 19-i ti, will be eligible for discharge by June 80, 1B46. All officers (except Regular Army, vol- unteers, scarce categories. Medical Department officers, and officers with linguisti c ability in a foreign language and who are being utiliz- ed lri such category ) with 24 months ' service us of A UK . 31, 1916 , are immediately eligible for separa- tion. These officers will be separ- ated IIR soon as possible consistent with the mission of the command to which assigned , but in no case Inter than Aug. 31 , 1946. There Is no Informal ion available al this office In regard to fathers being discharged after 18 months' service. On April 1, 1946 , hero wore 15,- 296 ,000 veteran s of all wars in the United States, according to tho Veterans Administration. NAVY RECRUITING An opportunity to enjoy tho ad- vantage of continuing their Naval careers and remaining on duty within the vicinity of their homes is offered honorably discharged Navy men from 17 to 35 years old by re-enlisting in Class V-6 under the Naval Air Reserve program, it was announced this week by the Commanding Officer , U. S. Naval Air Station, Squantum , Mass. Citing the availability of about 400 billets at Squantum , the Com- manding Officer pointed out thut former regular Navy men and Naval Reservists, who are residents of the New England urea , ure eligi- ble for station keeper duty at Squantum. This assignment has always been considered choice duty In the Navy. It is being offered at this time be- cause of the expansion of tho Na- val Air Reserve program , aimed at keeping the air arm of the Navy powerful . It Is anticipated that, when the Naval Air Reserve program starts on July 1, 1946 , a majority of tho personnel attached fo Naval Air Stations will he Naval Reservists on active duty. The Navy pointed out that in ad- dition to duty near homo steady pay was guaranteed, the opportuni- ty fpr regular pay Increases was available , free medical and dental care for self and dependent s was provided , and payment Is made for subsistence and quarters when not living at the huso. The plan provides for retirement pay, thirty days annual leave, a $1500 deduction from Income tax , and privilege of ship 's service and commissary stoves. Ordors to nc- live duly as station keeper at Squantum can now bo will ten. Information as to these billets may be obtained by writing or con- tacting tho Personnel Officer , Naval Air Station , Squantum , Muss. No bitterness should lodgment Hud Within a healthy working mind . Probate Court 4 For Good Printing "| I Send Your Orders to K The Patriot Office JJ / ¦ " " " i C O N T I N U O U S ENROLLMENT Business Subjects Cape Cod Secretarial School Day and : Boarding School Approved for G.I. Training 242 Ocenn Street, Hyannls Telephone , Hyannls 1372 WJSE.BUY! N ¦'• '• Goodrich ¦¦tfSllVERTOW N OfffeM lira l iVMt«r Note these prices 600 x 16—4 Pl y I1B.20 860 x 16—4 Ply 18.45 700 x 18—4 Ply 20.00 560 x 17—4 Pl y 13.95 650 x 18—4 Ply 12.70 not including lux { ft. P. Goodrich Tiros | J. P, MORIN AUTO SUPPLY 262 Main Street . Hyannlt ^1 ^^ s - tf j -^auamm = umamm¦ ^SikmmmummmT w mm i^aa^H mmW**mf s f l k r* " ^ k = \\\\\\\m) w ** $mmT &t ys ¦ HL^- ¦,«y^^^^ / / j SALES BILLS and 1 POSTERS | at The Patriot Office 1 I"""" S P R I N G "" right up and net those Otllce Machines ready for u himy summer, call BRADFORD L. TALLMAN Tol. iiy. n on 10 Sherman Sq. 11 .vanilla REALTOR Personal and confidential serv- ice In tile purchase and sale of Midi' ape Heal klstuto. Listings desired of houses largo and small. SAMUEL T. STEWART Til. >.ms Sundial Village #!> llyannis BARNSTABLE COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY YARMOUTH PORT Warren Q, Smith ProHicimit J OH IIUU IS. Howes Noil. & TruuH. Kuth a. Cllft A HH I. nonrotary Insure In the Barnstable County Muluul Fire Insurance Company II UH IIIOHH conlliiad to llm County and llmltoi l uuourdlnK to hazard, Imrlii K tho llfu of tho company It him uovor i>iii .l IUHH tliim r.o porennt dividend*, Ainiiictvvii >»» t»r lmuranoe HIIOH III bo mado to the Weurotary ut Yar- mouth Port, or to any pf tho follow- ing of tho company's director*: .Ionium 10. II OWOH ,. Yarmouth I'ort Kilwimi I,. Harris liariiHtahln EJVOrett P, Kolloy Wnllflnut Oeoll I. OoudHpoiid ONtervllle Kdwin IT, nidredge Chatham Ralph 11 . Hnow Harwlah I' miiIi (1. Thnoh or IlyaiinlH Tin,mi , II (J* V o m i t - I ' . mil:. I' ort Kllon 11 . J OIIOH Falmouth ilnor xo V. Dunn I* Handwlch Warren O. Smith OrloatiH Itluluird 0. Iliniily .... llii/./.iiri!n Hay Wullor ft. Nloknrson .... Ho. JJiiiinls IJ. Uarlton Clark . . . . KIIH I Urewatnr •Ionium 18. Ili.iv ..>., St-.-r.-tnr > WARNI NG Is your home and other property adequately insured in view of Rising Prices Leonard Insurance Agency The Daniel Blook Tel. OBt. 021 Ostervllle, Mass. ^fpl^i I HYANNIS FISH CO. I 1 PLEASANT STREET Phone Hyannis 1266W 1 On the- Wilier Front I Everything in Season I esd Established 1907 Announces the appointment of MR. JOHN A. HANSON BOX 62 EAST BREWSTER as tin cape Cod representative AUTOMOBILE LEGAL ASSOCIATION Home Ofl'lre , 171! Newbury St. Boston If you desire to object tnereto, you or your attorney should Hie a written appearanco In said Court nt Barnstable within twenty-one days from the 25th day of June, 194G, the return day of thiB citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell , Es- quire, Judge of said Court, this 30th day of April , In the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. May 2, 9, 16 STRIKES AND FERTILIZERS The steel stnlke Is estimated to have reduced tho suppl y of sul- phate of ammonia for fertilizers to the extent of "5,000 Ions. L E G A L N O T I C E S PASSBOOKS LOST Notice IB hereby given that Pass- books , NOB . 14729 and 16614, Is- sued by the HyannlB Trust Com- pany, has been lost or destroyed and that applications have boon made to the said Hyannls Trust Company to issue duplicate books in accordance with Section 40, Chapter 590, Acts of 1908. May 2, 9, 11. ¦ $•* £* i '-^S*^ 8IS m^.m^- : M^ W^Mf mVm ' mf mm E- ¦' M-\ 'mmWMmWmmmtMWM