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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 16, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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May 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MRS. FRANCES ANDERSON Correspondent PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Mortimer and daughter , Nancy, of Fall River spent the week end with his par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Mortimer . Mr. and Mrs. John Crocker and children of Fall River spent Moth- er's Day with his parentB , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Crocker. Miss Mary Neves of Providence spent Mother 's Day with her par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neves. Pvt. Arnold C. Nickerson of Fort Devens spent the week end with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickerson. Mrs. Ethel Daggett and daugh- ter, Prlscllla , spent Monday In Boston. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Handy of Wollesley were at their home here for the week end. Mrs. Edmund Jones and son, David , of New Bedford spent the Week end with Mr, and Mrs. Ches- ter S. Jones. Mrs . Ethel L. Mnglll Is having a week's vacation from her duties at the telephone office and Is spend- ing n few days In Boston with friends. Mrs. B. K. Connor visited her daughter , Patricia , at the North- field Seminary for the week end. Arthur Beale of Cambridge was In town for a few days. Radford Coyle of Bethlehem, Penn., and William and grandson, Billy, of New York City are nt their home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols of Wolluston wore at their home over the week end. Miss Grace A. Crosby Is spending a few weeks In Pennsylvania and Virginia with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young and Mrs. Addie Nickerson of Orleans spent Mother 's Dny with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickerson. Miss Maude Baker spent the week end in Providence with friends and nlso visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKai g nt Whiten- ville. Mrs. William E. Stone and son , William , Jr., have returned fro m the Cnpe Cod Hospital and nre at home with her parents , Mr . and Mrs. Lynn Footo. Chatham KIWANIS NOTES Twenty-five members nttended the Inter-Club meeting at Middle- boro, observing the fifth anniver- sary of that club. The Central Cape Club wus awarded the prize for longest distance traveled. The members enjoyed greeting an old friend and pnst president , Carl Anderson of Plymouth , who entertained at the piano. The speaker at this week's meet- ing was Victor F. Adams , select- man of Burnstable , mid candidate for the office of Registrar of Deeds, who spoke on Issues of Government. C. H. S. JUNIORS PLAN PROM Friday evening, June 7, Is the date on which the annual Chatham High School Junior Prom ,will be held at the Chatham Bars Inn. Carl Bngrentbor 's orchestra of New Bedford will furnish the mu- sic. Tickets may be obtained from any member of tho Junior class. The committee In charge of the Prom Includes Charles Forgeron, j chairman, Shirley Proudfoot and ' Gloria Buckley, with Harry Hard- ing In charge of posters. The class of 11147 hopes that this Prom will give their "Trip to Washington" fund u big financial boost. BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY GIVEN On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Churles Hopkins gave u dinner party In honor of Mrs. Aggnos Kll- hefner who was observing her birthday. She WHS surprised to receive a ltirge mnybiisket filled with gifts. A social evening WftB enjoyed by the group consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond [Cllltof- ner, Mr. mid Mrs . Charles Hard- ing, Mr . nnd Mrs. Sheldon Thayer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Pinker Uontkey, Mrs. Grace Gilchrist , Walter Hopkins nnd Mrs . Grace Donne. TEENAGERS FETED Janice Hamilton , daughter of Mr . uml Mrs. Richard Hamilton, was pleasantly surprised recently when many of her schoolmates gathered nt her home hanging it miiybnsliel to celobrnte her 18th birthday. An evening of fun followed. Refresh- ments of lee cream and u largo decorated birthday cuke were served. Tboso present included Shirley Gould , Kuthcrlnc ICnos, Patsy Pet- ers, Norma Dassett, Joan Nicker- son, Helen Worthing, Katharine Sylvan, Charles Goodwin, Bobble Emm , Nell Young, Ralph MnoDon- aid, Franklin Johnson, ltniph Bourse nnd Allen Anderson. PERSONALS Mrs. Jack Summers nnd children lire out-of-town tills week. Mr. and Mrs . Gilbert Howard ami son, Bl'Uce, of Poensset wero week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Howard. Jane Walsh Of New York Is spending her vacation with her sis- ters , Mary Walsh nnd Mrs . Wini- fred Shopard, .MIN . Richard Uphmn nnd two children of itosilnduie were at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs . Tleiney, over the weolt end. Dr. nnd Mrs. N . Browder of HON - lon worn recent guests of Mr . nnd Mrs. George Harding. Mrs. Robert lnsley nnd children have' gone to New York where Mr. IllBloy I H employed. Mrs. Chester Hnckotl of West ciiiitliinn attended (he annual ses- sion of the Grand Chapter of O.E.S, nt Springfield. lsndore Kcntlrleh IH malting her home with the Allen Ktlbtirns. Sidney Cottrtnoll has returned from tho Cnpe Cod Hospital. BARNSTABLE NEWS OEMS OF THOUGHT TOMORROW Every tomorrow hns two handles. We can take hold of It with the handle of anxiety or the bundle of faith.—H. W. needier. * * * * The best preparation for the fu- ture , Is Hie present well seen to, and the last duty done. —G. Mncdonuld. * ? * » Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be. —Browning. » • t * With each returning year , higher Joys, holier alms, a purer pence and diviner energy, should freshen the fragrance of being. —Mary Baker Eddy. *,-* * * He Is only anxious about the fu- ture to whom the present Is un- profitable,—Seneca. * » * * Remember this also, and be well persuaded of its truth: the future is not In the hands of Fate, but ' in ours.—Jules Jussernnd. "Save Bread for Europe'' MRS- LAURENCE BEARSE Correspondent CE RSONALS Mr and Mrs. Waldemar Nichols Vewton spent Saturday night at ". ' Log Cabin and visited friends n the village on Saturday and Sunday- Mrs. William Rose and Miss Henrietta Koebel, who have been visiting their sister,- Mrs. Samuel m stewart , left on Friday morning for their home in Cleveland , Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster with tll eir three little daughters, Sally, Lvnii . and Sharon , of Northeast Harbor, Maine, visited friends here iast Thursday. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Foster's mother, Mrs. Frank E. Crocker of Newton anc] Centervllle. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crocker of Xewton are spending a*week's va- cation here at their Bister's cottage 0n Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Hamilton, jr., have arrived at "The Play- house" for the season. Their moth- er, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton, who spent the week end here, has gone back to New York but will return shortly to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrst*Robert Larihn and' family, who have^llve ^ d in the By- ron Snyder house lor almost two years, moved to Ostervllle this week whore they have bought the H. M. Meserve house. Miss Thelma Johnson of Worces- ter spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel John- son. FLOWER FESTIVAL On Friday afternoon , May 24 , from 3 until 5 o'clock, there will be an exhibit of flower arrangements at the Centerville Library. All in- terested people are urged to con- tribute bouquets to beautify the Library on that day. Please plan to come. VILLAGE CHURCH The ladles of the Sewing Circle held their annual Spring rummage sale on Wednesday afternoon In the vestry. The Friendship Guild met with Mrs. Edward White on Monday evening for a work meeting. SEARCH ENDED Dan Hamilton , while serving with the 82nd Armored Division in Holland , spent a good deal of time looking for Carl Ryberg, another Centervllle man serving in that area. However the search was doomed for failure as Carl would always have moved elBewhere by the time Dan got to where he had but recently been. We are glad to ; report that the boys met one an-! other on the road here In Center- ville the other day and had a good visit. In March 1946 there were 26,992 veterans awaiting admission to government hospitals as compared with 21,432 in February, according to the Veterans Administration. ^ CENTERVILLE NEWS USE OUR _> V—-^ / ^ ) MAIL NEW & f* ~ ff J j tO^^ ORDER S PARKING LOT ^ JX V* / FILLED * ~ S NEW BEDFORD 1 MASSACHUSETTS n I yf charge account at rr$x The Star Store F/-'r ;;~^ \\ makes it easy ¦ ! . \ | to shop hff mail f^'^ T'// or telep hone mllwiiStWfiL Vr ,/~~ 7 l/p ou'll llnd a charge account /£mJ&Mtt&$ '^ \ttm&&z u in our ntore \\ JlEWP^fe * ''! ^ £ . " sf l eupcelnllu convenient uhen a l Mrnf ir^r*^-¦-.A mhopp lny trip I * Inconvenient... \ JM$S f ^i ^ & >^ ^ f \ u hen you ure anxlou * to have W ff lSi *w& ^^ V '"' I n:f' ' \ '"*««'•'«"¦"*«''' item, mlM ' lL (I 1 //jfc#/ h\i K " 1 I or need aomvthlng In a hurry. / / M i n MVHWm ' / IJ W ¦ I "'""' p icU up uour '' lUM W k's umLw' I V .1 I telephone («»r drop una note ,, Wm:t\\ W fk w^ m if \ nay "1'harye It,"and your order U i : wmh ' mil ' - wLWi IIM ) Immediately routed lor prompt ! f H I Hi ' tmWJi Lmi and prior attention. \ ' %* m W mmlJMl ^C4, - ••* You avoid explanation* and \ * 4Ai Wm m ! V * don"t ha"e to waU ai *•"¦• <• i»«» lor \\ r.i . |'; V , your pur chute u hen It arrive*, ^-" ~~T sTOpe \ \ *i*«", "" A- \ \ s .. •«" \ \ ,. sen" » - » \ '\ ^ ' Nccou^ - \ CM** \ \ \ FILL OUT . KS* V j '** \ \ nUTSSft - ^-—' AND MAIL \ &» ** ^ THIS \ ' ""^ COUPON \^_^ 0^ 0" ""'" . RUGS Cotton Cotton and Rayon All Wool Hooked — Floral Shag — Floral Linoleum Hall Runners Masking Tape 1 in. widths FLOOR SANDERS and POLISHERS WALLPAPER REMOVER Leonard Kefri geralors Keystone Paint and Varnishes Floor Sanding Machine for Hire TheWallpaper Shoppe 302 Main St. Hyannls, Mats _fcXJfc_fc_fc_fc3fe-Wyfi:jyfc T mmmm ^BaaamBaaaaam * imi ' mmamBaaamwmmm ' mm,mm * m9mmmm * s* ' im ^M\ If vJftfy*^ - 1 7 mp ALL WORK Guaranteed FOR | ONE YEAR Hyannis Jewelry Shop 376 Main St. H ynnn is _____——_—.—————— BILLY MADDEN'S GARAGE Barnstable Rd. Tel. 1230 Hyannis Bear Wheel Alignment and Balancing "IIOVT CJKT W \ n —OBT »l»r»MH>'" iiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiimmttiitiiimmiiiimimiHi Op tometrist 11.BROWN, OPT. 0. 18 North Sixth Street NEW BEDFORD. MASS. examinations by appointment 5-742i lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll ! JAMES F. KENNEY REALTOR ; 18 Ocean St., Hyannis, Mass Telephone 907 1 ' w4^ ' - ^HJaBiU BARBARA GOULD JJ?^^ e^f" y ;iia wonderful new make-up that gives your complexion a colorful,naturalskin tone. Use itwithor without powder to achieve an exquisitely groomed appearance that holdsitsevencolortonefor twelve whole hours, FOUR SHADES jf/fO Buttner' s Harwichport - Hynnnis - Falmouth - Sandwich Plymouth - Nantucket - North Falmouth SAMUEL GOFFIN Centervllle , Mass. Tel. Hyannis 683-J Furniture and Piano Moving Covered Padded Van GOODS INSURED IN TRANSIT ^'•^• •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦-¦ t B O B O H B B H B i B i i B B B B B ^ J ALEXANDER PATE | j PLUMBING and ??? S ; T I U A T I \.T/^ 520 Main St., Hyannis }f i { tihA l JNG TELEPHONE HV. 1«4 & [ V^ /^^^^JJJJJJJJ^j^^ FRESH FISH From Cape Cod Waters Free Household Delivery in Hyannis Daily Except Monday Orders taken up to 10 AM. Delivered Same Day. Baxter's Fish Market 177 Pleasant St., Hyannls Phone My. HISMV or 14NT Located next to new Town Wharf __-. THE WEA THER « _ t,4> ¦ . MODCRAT tlY ' , \ Q p ' £ WARM wirN / I \ \ /0^£° WINDS WISH. (C"/ \ W* l"~i ¦ cM& I eo«kln| lot h»lp« f-^fljfc/ J- m«k» vital muni- ^^^ af^ ^^ -^ f X tloni_m«di BIIIII» HOK- H |[ *»»»« » * ¦• < ||r t t j.j rjjjf ITf IJi»JtHJ)jii
  • < > f . . . . » » » » » » » . ^ DORIS H. NEWCOMB J Cape Cod Fire Insurance Agency G E N E R A L I N S U R A N C E —_—— — ^^^^Ommmm wmmUmmmm ™* ——* " * _ _ _ _ ^ ¦ 354 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. ***** * *' IUIIII-- ¦ ¦ ¦« ¦« -¦« . « PEARL MARNEY Correspondent COMMUNITY CHURCH Tho Rev. J. h. Butler, Minister . 10 Church School. MIBH (lenlovo Leonard, superintendent; 11 Morn- ing woiHlilp. Sermon , "Do You Cure?" Anthem by the choir under direction of MI BK Virginia Fuller . 5 p.m., Youth Fellowsnlp Willi David Hinckley. Monday, 8, Married Couples Group; Wednesday, Woman 's Alli- ance annual banquet at Connames- se:t Inn. BAPTIST CHURCH Rov. Cleveland I. WIlHon , pastor. 9:45 a.m., Church School , Mrs. Charles Lovoll and IiOulB Williams, superintendents ; 11, Morning Wor- ship, Special music with Miss Dor- othy Colomun, organist; 7:30 Ves- per Service. OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION , Calhollc Church R<»v. Walter J. Buckley, pastor Massos at 8 and 10 a.m., with special music by the choir . Eve- ning worship from 7:!I0 to 8 p.m. Ilully mass as 7 a.m. Confessions will be heard Saturdays and Bvo of the First Fridays and Holy Days from 4 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL AIRPORT The Shelby Counly School of Aeronautics, Whitehaven HlKh School , Memphis, Teim., Is tho first high school in the nation to own its own airport. The landing field and parking space Is next to tho school grounds. Osterville Below is a schedule of when fish may be taken legally, as Well as bag limits and minimum size : Legal Daily Length SpecleB Open Season Bag (Inches) Black Bass July 1 to Feb. If, 5 10 Blue tiills A pril 15 to Feb. 16 20 — Calico Bass April 15 to Feb. 15 20 — Crappio April 15 to Feb. 15 20 — Great Northern Pike April 15 to Feb. 15 6 20 Horned Pout April 15 to Feb. 15 20 — Pickerel April 15 to Feb. 15 10 12 Pike Porch April 15 to Feb. 15 5 12 Salmon April 15 to Fob. 16 6 12 Nluiil April 15 to .July 31 (i — Smil'isli A pril 15 to Feb. 1,r> 20 — Trout April 15 to July 111 12 6 White Perch A pril 15 to Feb. 1ii 15 7 Yellow Perch April 15 lo Fob. 15 20 — .' mi don 't Forget a copy of tho inland lish laws may be obtained from your town clerk . Freshwater Fishing Schedule