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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 16, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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May 16, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May 13, a daughter to Mra. Dave Rourke, Brewster. Elsewhere In Wareham , May 12, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry, Bourne. At Cape Cod Hospital May 9, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Crowell, Harwich- port. May 10, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman G. Thatcher, South Dennis. May 11, a daughter to the Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Brock, Center- vllle. May 2, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Foster Baker, Jr., Dennlsport. Elsewhere In Wareham, May 3, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Caron, Sand- wich. In Lowell, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Klngwell , Lowell. Dr. and Mrs. George Glgger of Woods Hole are the maternal grandparents. In Boston, May 5, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alden Baker, Buz- zards Bay. Mr. and Mra. James Bak- er of Buzzard s Bay are the pater- nal grandparents. In Wareham, May 9, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Ellis, Buz- zards Bay. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Morris, Saga- more, and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Ellis, Sandwich. In Minneapolis, Minn., a son to Lt. and Mrs. David W. Chase. Ma- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Herman S. J. Loud, Dennis, Elsewhere In Wareham, May 12, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jarvls, Sandwich. tn Fort MeAde, Md., May 12, a son to Lieut, and Mrs. W. E. Dack- son. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. P. Davis Dackson, Fal- mouth Heights. mMfnimiffffffftNf.ffifHiffif BIRTHS EMBLEM CLUB DANCE A public dance will be sponsored . by the Emblem Club at 8 p.m. ' Wednesday at the Elks Fraternal i Center. Fellows orchestra will play. ! Tickets may be obtained from i members and at the door, The i committee Includes Mmes. L. Ed- i win Schrlever, Emily Hinckley, Warren G. Jennings and Armand » C. Drouln. GUILD BANQUET A turkey banquet will be served members and guests of St. Francis Xavier Guild at 7 p.m. Monday at the Hyannls Woman's Club house. Mrs. William L. Fitzgerald and Miss Marion Martin will arrange the entertainment. The banquet Is In charge of Mrs. Henry O. Ben- jamin, Mrs. Genpvleve A. O'Brien and Mrs. Alfred A. Dumont. ANNIVERSARIES The 29th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic F. Scudder occurs Sunday; and the 52nd of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cobb next Thursday. On that date Mrs. John D. Maher will be 83. PERSONALS Mrs. Thomas Otis is recovering from a major operation at the Cape Cod Hospital. Miss Grayce Colton of Hartford, Conn., former resident, is here for the summer and is with her sister, Mrs. Jack Dion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaugh- lin of West Hyannis Port have re- turned from spending the winter in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. William V. Quirk is in the Truesdale Hospital , Fall River re- covering from an operation. Wesley Demoranville and family spent a month at Pittsburgh, Pa„ with relatives. Mrs. Kendrlck F. Marchant and baby, Dana , born May 2nd at the Cape Cod Hospital , returned home Sunday. Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley has return- ed home with her son, Michael , horn May 3 at the Cape Cod Hospital. Miss Helen Snow attended the commissioning Saturday of the U.S.S. Philippines Sea at Fore River Shipyard. Miss Beverly Alexander, who spent four weeks at her home in Provincetown , has returned. Lois Olivia , born April 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Starr, and who has been cared for In au incubator, has been taken home. Miss Lola Fondini has returned home from Boston, where she was graduated from the Mansfield Acad- emy of Beauty Culture. Percy C. Hutchins, veteran of i World II, is at the Brighton Marine Hospital for observation. Mrs. Walter D. Baker will go to Tolland, Conn., this week end to be the guest of Mrs. Henry H. Baker, who has spent two weeks with her. The Lorrett cottage on Winter street is occupied by Adrian Lah- teine, veteran of World War II, formerly of West Barnstable. Harvey o. Phillips and family have moved from the Lorrett house to the Walker house on Bay View house. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The election of officers for the 1946-47 season, Fr. McSwiney Coun- cil, Knights of Columbus, will be held June 13 in the Hyannls Woman's Clubhouse. The new officers are: George McGoff , Grand Knight; Anthony George, Deputy Grand Knight; Jos- eph J. Barry, Chancellor; John J. Levlne, recording secretary ; Thom- as Montague , financial secretary; Bernard Alkens, advocate; Claud- io Alexander, warden; Dr. Joseph T. Boyle, inside guard ; Patrick Kelley, outside guard ; John H. Madden, trustee for three years. CHURCH TO PLAN PROGRAM A parish covered-dish supper at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow In the Baptist parlBh hall will precede a meeting when the discussion groups of the Christian Life Crusade, which have completed their conferences, will present suggestions for a defi- nite Church program. Members are requested to bring a main dish or, salad. Dessert and coffee will be served by the committee of which Mrs. Leslie R. Rohers Is chairman. GARDEN CLUB The Garden Club of Hyannis will meet at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Frank C. Sargent of South Yarmouth. Plans for the revival of the annual summer flow- er shows will be discussed. Mrs. George A. Smith of Hyannis Port and Wellesley Hills has been ap- pointed general chairman. Hos- tesses at Tuesday's meeting will be Mrs. George F. Clements and Mrs. Paul P. Henson. SHOWER GIVEN Mrs. Ann H. Bearse and Mrs. William J. Burch were hostesses Tuesday evening in the Bearse home for a shower for Mrs. Robert R. Duel, who Is leaving this week end with Mr. Duel to make her home in Montrose, Pa. Her mother, Mrs. William S. Murray, Jr., will accompany them for a visit. Gifts were placed around a may- pole and May day decorations of flowers and lighted tapers were used in the dining room where a buffet lunch was served. Those present were Mrs. Murray, and Mesdames John S. Bearse, Vernon B. Bearse, Gordon Fuller, William Delano and the Misses Norma Du- quette and Rita Corrlgan. HYANNIS CHURCH NEWS THE FEDERATED CHURCH Carl F. Sehultz , Minister Sunday Services At 11, a Service of Worship for all faiths. Sermon by the Minister. Veterans, service members and new folk welcome; also at 11, Kin- dergarten, church school, ages 3 to grade 1, Mrs. Robert C. Benton, Supt. Primary Depts., grades 1-3, Mrs. Melvln C. Knight, Supt. At 12 -10, Older Dept. of the Church School, grades 4-12. Henry C. Lev- inson, Supt. At 3 p.m., Victory Ves- pers broadcast from the church by the minister, Miss Saunie Whitney, soloist; Mrs. Warren W; Cook, organist. At 5 p.m., Baldwin Club for young people above high school age. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Catholic Church The Rev. Thomas J. McLean, pas- tor the Rev. George C. Lewln, cu- rate. Sunday masses, 7, 9 and 11 a.m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m. Dally mass, 7 a.m. Confessions Sat- urday, 4 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Sunday mass at the Sacred Heart Church (mission), Yarmouth, 9:00 a.m., preceded by confessions, tor; Rev. Oscar W. Olsen of Bos- ton guest preacher. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. Frances B. Clarke, organ- ist, Frank B. Mehaffey, choir dlrec- Sunday services: 10:45 a.m., or- gan miditation; 11, morning wor- ship; prelude, "Andante" by Caesar Franck; offertory, "Largo" by Bach ; anthem by the vested choir, "Incline Thine Ear" by Himmel; solo, Frank B. Mehafley "TI,„ „ Rent" by Van de Water. Pen' Church school, 9:45 am • <„.., Junior high and high school & ments; 11, nursery, kinder*,*"' and primary departments- A ," adult Bible class led by M 'I«» D ¦ tha M. Arey. ' M m B«N 6 p.m., Youth Fellowship Thursday, 7:30 p.m., senior chot, rehearsal In the sanctuary t™2" row, Friday. May 17, a * & £ ** per at 6:30 p.m. in the parish h„,i after which the discussion gro, '• of the Christian Life Crusade », 1 present suggestions for a dafJi church program. Members are ^ quested to bring « main dish «" salad, dessert and coffee will S served by the committee of whu Mrs. Leslie F. Rogers Is chairman CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Services held in Masonic Build ing Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Testimonial Wednesday evening at 8:00. Sunday school convenes a the hour of the Sunday mornlnc service. All welcome. 8 "Henceforth know we no ffitH, after the flesh: yea, though wehav» known Christ after the flesh, y6, now henceforth know we him no more." This passage from the Blbi« (II Corinthians 5:16) comprises the Golden Text to be used in the Les son-Sermon will be read In Th« Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Mass., and In all of Its branches on Sunday, May 19. ¦j HYANNIS NEWS In West Barnstable by the Rev. Jackson L. Butler, Miss Esther Da- vidson and Winslow F. Chllds, Jr. In Hyannls, May 12, by the Rev. Oscar W. Olsen, Miss Aurelia Perry of Centervllle and Richard B. Hinckley of Hyannis. In Hyannis, May 5, by tho Rev. Carl F. Sehultz , Miss Louise Nerl of Reading, England, and Richard H. Caswell of Dennlsport. In Hyannls, May 8, by the Rev. Carl F. Sehultz, Miss Charlotte L. Wakefield of McKeesport , Pa., and Frank B. Newton of Milton. In Hyannis, May 12, by the Rev. Carl F. Sehultz , Mrs. Louise G. Wil- lard and Charles E. Llnnell , both of Hyannls. In Falmouth , May 11, by the Rev. Leslie F. Wallace, Miss Marjorle Perlot of Falmouth and Lieut. Howard H. Good of Los Angeles, California. MARRIAGES j j t f k ) Dr- J0*10 L. Terry, Jr. f f t ^ > \ VETERINARIAN Bjf | ((j Wi shes to announce the opening of his JUMW Vl»j» w °fflce aUd ll0SPital on M(lin Street (Route •^ ^^ L a ^ " 134) West Dennis, Mass. Office Hours: 1-2 and ' 6-7 P.M. Telephone Except Sundays and Wednesday Evening and by appointment. Harwich 530M , , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 'l IF YOU WANT TO SAVE— IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME— IF YOU WANT TO INVEST FUNDS— You will find this bank the right place to do business. Hyannis Co-operative Bank West Main St. & Scudder Ave. Hyannls l "11 """""11 "111 """ lml11111 " IIIU 34 South St. Hyannis 1721R E A R L E R. GRE EN E ; PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TAX CONSULTANT Formerly associated with E. L. Pride & Co., Cert. Public Accountants of Boston I \ WW for 1 j L June I -GIRL I I -BOY J I -PREACHER 1 COLBY PHOTOS Phone Hyannis 345 317 Main Street Hyannis Am M Keen-minded property own- Mj m ¦ era look to us to plan their jfljjV LW M insurance needs. Call on us GEORGE H. MELLEN, JR. (formerly H. NeUou Kmninna Co,) • ' ¦»»• Main St., HynuniH * -" "' - - Te). H>- «"> "I See That Elmer's Father Is Well Enough to Go Home from the Hospital" ^ ¦ n th.i>»«f Ma* * I I WP thtlWt * j ^ ^ r OUR COMMUMTV I ^ WMONM wrwnowj in Your Local Newspaper SERVICE CARS AND TRUCKS REPAIRS MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION We Service All MakeB Hyannis Garage (Off Pleasant St.) Hyannla Mass. WANT TO LEARN 1 AVIATION JMk ^ AND EARN WHILE YOU LEARN? rlifc l Hl!l Yours is the opportunity for a fine /jHrVjflK j^flL education in the fast-growing field fepffg^^y &f« ° *av>at*on ' f y°u *nlist in the U. S. CS M^/TJ H f f Army Air Forces. Important new Tf^VvliW 4 I Good pay. Family allowances. rOJM m\\ W Furloughs. Overseas service with \V| JfW m extra pay. The finest retirement plan ~ f l f l IIm **•• *•» in the world. Get the facts. No ^ ^1¦ ¦ **" obligation. Apply ""^AI "" U.S. ARMY ^* J j v RECRUITING STATION ¦ g nS jii5i| JiiS£ 10 T0WN HALL- HYANNIS Used Fat Makes Soap ' One 1 pouhd'Jf salvaged fat makes 6 bars of laundry soap. Turn used fats In for 4< per pound. Free Instructions — On — Tying a Bow Tie ^ s H^ ^^* '*" ^!b rVait^B^Hra^^^L^L^Lm SMART Bow Ties $1.00 Rend}- tied cli p-on styles Adjustable ties to be tied. P URITATV Clothing Co. J_ ^| 408 Main Street Hyannis *¦ Irving Sears of Hyannls, wht held the rating of sergeant In th« Infantry, has returned to civilian lite after his honorable discharge at Fort Devens. After seven months In the Philippine Islands, he ar rived at Camp Stoneham, Cal. He was In the service 13 months. Captain Edward Teran, formet Cape newspaperman, visited friends here last week while on terminal leave. He Berved six months In the ETO of his 45 months' service. His duties were Combat Intelligence Officer of the 100th Reconnaissance Group. h Chief Machinist's Mate Elmer M. Bell of Florence, Kansas, who was a prisoner of war of the Japanese for 3% years, has been assigned to the Maritime Academy In Hyan- nls. Mrs. Bell will join him Sunday. Chief Bell has served In the Navy 8V6 years and was overseas 6% years, part of the time with the Asiatic Fleet. He was on the USS Pope when lt was sunk In the Java Sea. I* Lieut. ¦William P. Bangs of Hy- annls has recovered from his Illness which confined him to Lovell Gen- eral Hospltl, Fort Devens, an' d has been transferred to Louisville, Ky., where he Is Civilian Personnel Officer. "fe&ft NIWSoToWl M | MMENWWOMCM ffiSffi IM UNIFOHM , USE THE T E-Z BAG PACK H WITH T H R E E 3-POINT PROTECTION E 1, Controlled Fumigation 2. Refrigeration 3, Humidiflcation E-Z Bags are placed in our Temperature ia maintained at Our humiflers stop all danger malum gas chamber for 24 An ,*„,—--, ;„ „„- „„,.u„ ^s+u „ .., hours before storage in our 40 dflgrees in our vault8 ^ of mildjw or moisture in our underground vaults. o1"*modern refrigeration unit. storage vaults. Store your Woolens and miscellaneous garments such as: Sweaters Blankets Dresses Scarfs Snow Suits Curtains Mittens Socks Knit Suits Drapes Scarfs Caps Underwear Skirts Stockings • Hats Pack Your Bag As Tightly As You Please • 10% cleaning1 discount if you order cleaning of entire contents when given to routcman. • Coats and suit require individual care and may not be included in the E-Z Bag. Minimum Charge Maximum Charge Si9 0^\ 30// ° oi your valuation A CME-ROBB I NS Launderers Dry Cleansers Rug Cleansers Storage CAPE COD LAUNDRY For Call and Deliver Service Phone number nearest you Chatham 20 Hyannis 20 Hyannis 78 Falmouth 78 Nantucket Agency—Nantuoket 420 CASH and CAREY SERVICE AT EVERY PLANT OFFICE OR AT Acme Office—Main Street, Chatham and Hyannis Patrick Newstand, Provincetown In Orleans, May 11, Earl G. Youngren , Jr. In West Dennis, May 14, George L. Knowles, aged 73. In Providence, May 11, J. Nelson Alexander, aged 59, summer resi- dent of Centervllle. In East Dennis, May 9, Henry Poole Finley, aged 86. In Pooasset, May 8, Harold '¦ Blackadar, aged 5S of Monument Beach. In Wellfleet , May S, Frederick N. Foster, aged 77. In Dennlsport, May 10, Mrs. Esther A. Jones, aged 79, of Chat- ham. In East Sandwich, May 10, Mrs. Nicholas Makl, aged 63. In Bass River, May 9, Mrs, Datte Brown, aged 94. iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii DEATHS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii WIN8 BRONZE STAR Lt. Cdr. William Franklin Drap- er, whose mother, Mrs. Grace E. Draper, lives at Hyannlsport, has been awarded the Bronze Star medal by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal for the President. Lt. Cdr. Franklin Draper re- ceived the award for meritorious achievement as a Combat Artist tn the Pacific Theater of War from Sept. 29, 1942, to July 27, 1944. PERSONALS Mr. and" Mrs. William C. Sipple, Jr., have arrived from Winter Park , Fla., and opened their home for the season. They stopped in Washington, D. C en route to visit their daughter, Mrs. A. G. Lambert and family. Mrs. George W. J. Bisell of Pitts- burgh has opened her home here after spending the winter at Mi- ami, Florida. Mrs. Clare H. Draper of Boston, who has opened her home, had for week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perry of Boston and Prov- incetown. Mrs. Harry T. Hayward has come from Boston and Is at her house for the season. The former Spurr house has been sold to Mrs. G. C. Kimball of Chi- cago, 111., who was In the house of Mrs. Cabot McMullen last summer. She expects to come about July 1st when remodeling will be completed. A house has been built on the Milliken lot by D. NIckerson of Lexington. Hyannis Port PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John V. O'Neil at- tended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Carrie Moore , Monday in East Weymouth. Mrs. H. S. Bond is spending a week with her brother, Fenwlck Lockerby of Boston. Mrs. Kenneth C. Bond drove up with her. Dr. and Mrs. John I. B. Vail have returned from New Orleans; La., where they spent a month's vaca- tion. Their Bon, Lieut, (j.g.) Wil- liam D, Vail of the USS Barnes, expects to spend a day with them this week. He returned from the Pacific area recently and is in Boston. Indifference will turn aside Darts Intended to deride. Hyannis