May 11, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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Phot! aflJie South. —Th e New ()¦•-
li-nn s Bre Mntrs that on tlte ni».}it of the
13th , New Orlc nns was visited with n
most violent storm ; the rain pourin g
down in torrents. The mainmast of
the ship Bell «ns struc k with light ning,
ii nd shiver ed nearl y its whole length; but
providcnl ial y no person wns inj ured. Tile
sam e paper of (lie 1G1I1 snys—•
The rai n, w hich fell on Wednesday
nnd I hursdiiy List , was so very abundant
that (hat llic greatest pnrt of the lowlands
lii'twern the city nnd Lake I
'onchartrnin ,
is totall y inundated. In Tirm e street ,
the water was n foot deep yesterday Hfier-
j ioon. Along the left bank of Maricny *
canal w« saw divers old cronk -s fisliin ^
tor crawfishr s, on the very sp .-t , whic h
on .Sunday last witnessed the dis p lay nuilc
l>y our volunteer cor ps.
Savannah , Arnn. Ifi.— Abduction. —
We learn that on on Wednesda y last , a
youn g man, in the employ of a Mr. It.
AV. residin g with his famil y nboiil thr ee
miles from town on one of our most pub-
lic rond ?, had a mi sunders ta nding \w ili
hi s emp lover , and ver y iincerenioneo .usl y
tlirnHenrd to perform upon . I!a$»Tit ,
*md \a an elega nt tt ' is.^ i'1 of nbno t JwO tons.
In Uast hnin , .Mr. \\ illiaui Smith lo Mi-»Rulh
A \N i.IKi i .
Air Kikn cnh P.line to ,Mi*i. Mi hilalilr Kunu lc*
III BoSl OII , Ml J ullll J'lllll III Mh> KllU 'lllle ,
In UVm IJ iiiii st.d.le , Mis. Ulive , wile ol .M.ij
Aii iiun (jm Hit , up d 10.
In S'uidw icli , on l-' iid ay last , Miilitrn l v , Mi s
Nuii o , w il'c ol Mr At 'i'iiiiiii ii N) '" , age d ¦'•"
' .' ' ¦"'
— H e ling li ft r. brim 4il Im; Ii.i.iiI and 'i Inuiilv
ol small child ren lu mourn Ill •'11 irrt -painb lc lux.
In Wcllfiecl , Mr*. Ruth , will- of Mr. I'ele r
Snow , nge d nlio tit 40— Mm. Ik-thi.ih , w itVr of Mi.
i ho mns l!n |*:h , ii^i'il
In BohIoii , v i:ry sudd enl y, I
Mward Warr en ,
onl y child of Josep h \V. Cross , nl Chatham.
In Chiirl «' »li>\ vn , Mr. I'liiurn s L. duk -rwood ,
furiiiiMl y nl ll nrwich , ,
Oi PUuioulii , ver y su ddenl y, Mr*. Murv , con-
to rt ill ' Mr. liarnnba . Olis , aged " •'
lu S'TcuiiU , I'. K'i M. It.mi , i:.i| iin «'>l :«H
In Wr \ iiiiuiili , Ilil in>l . l.ii'iil. A Nil , D.vcr , u-
giMl '
Jl , mi ulliciT in (lie u-v «t li.c '.-ii:i i v wnr.
Fui.i. oea —Tins Dj » v ,(\Vr«lurt 'y> ll o'tl k 'JHm
At! R!VI.I).
filli—filoo |
i Ciiiii. lliill/riKii lic r , Unt lon.
Kill — l
i et^ ey, li ulil i:r , ltu »l,
<>i)i —J at . I..i» rf n< <• , f inoiU j ieit l, ISonl on.
'Ill — Vuliinl , llu clkiiik , <)u.
t itoj i vii n ci)Hui ;sr |ioiI. It ii
kuie d lliiil all on board «f lott.
Tlio rlr^anl rlii p Bnioklinc , loit go inp into
]lHvauiiii , ulrtn k nl 1 o'clock , I*. M. iib'xil '.ill
».-ird* from llic «c.iilici klion1, ilie wind blowin g
tx 0 knol tirr i'ZC liincll y ofT kliore. '1lir bonU ol
tlic Ku^likli Inij ; of war II.inl y ucnl to her n-»i»-
tnncc iinin cdiiili 'ly, fiit d luo Inunrlir ii were with-
out tidi ly (lrs|)iit( lied by Adiinml Lnboid e fiom
•lie ar«cn»l, but all i fiViU provi -il fruiilr »». Ilie
0 w a » mid lo Miners , lled pe , Plymouth , n (vw
ilay» previous to licr leaving liimini), fur #21),-
000, hi)(I iiiMin il l>v Unrnabnt Hetlgc , C»q. lu
the amount of , ihi p Flat I
n, of Bus-
ton, 34 davi fin Matanzut.
30tii , off Cane tltillcrat , Waldo , Snow
10day• from BoMoo fur Norfolk— hail lo.l lui
fore and maintaili.
May 3, Ul 40, Ion 74,»chr Good Intent , from
Grargeiaw n'for B
2A —sailed , ship l
r rciilt1
*, Goodln ir , for ? cntur , l'" i.»ton.
Norfolk , April 2')--The Cill ao, Noni< , for
Itoslou , fm Kichinnnil , wus oil' iNc»[)nrr« .News
llii* niornln jj .—Tin- bri/» lirilli .int, boinul to l,iv-
prpfoi , i« on her nay donn Janus Hirer.
At sl oop Hi's rnldtor , tcr , ,
\ cw Bedford —
«ihr Kli' /.»lietli , II uM« t ll-.i-
ll aviiu .i , Mill nil. in. *
|ij |i I'liliin rf , Tit|ip nn ,
Bi x lun , 2 1 ; «rh rs .
NYI«in , Sava nna Ii , l,">; I'roli l,
Hull , do. ClM , «lii p Vn n,( , Turner , Cuw. -* -,—
bri e« Sally fc K«. tlu-r , Alkiu i , Boston ; <}| nlir ,
Kni »lit , do. — lliili nr shi p I'liano l, Wood , H"«-
t in , nr. l'»lh , for New Oili -am . nex t day ; bri jc
I'licbe , Daulii ir , Boston , nc*l «oi -k.
ClM nt 1Vt rr«lili '2«iih, Snrnh , Ilmilin R,
I/i v 1 1 |imil '. Inl ^ I'ik mIkiiiIii * , Siui lh , d'l.
Ar nl Ali \ nidi ia illMli . m l
u Bvr ou , I
i li li-
fit ld , Itii ston ; Mniiner , AWit nl, do.
Ar n l Satanu.ili i
i .
'l'l , >lii |i Hull , Crntv ell , Am-
•lenlani , Man h P.
». Cnpt. (' . ifj ioil ^ 1h.1 t tin 1
ma rket lor Itirv hud impiotcd , but sales nnt
linii led.
Sailed fr om llnr nnn l lth , l>i i
Tra l'a!;;nr ,
l l n i i k l f v , fm nr.ii' , to for Cli.i i li'- Ion
Ba lliiume, .
'l Olh—ar. slii|> T.urilln, Noi inau
-3d-i I'm \m>le ivl.Mi> ; lirij Cain , l' cr« , Hot-
ton. I' .lmv , Ini g I1I1, I'm liiislmi.
In llaiilpl on Itoails , I
'i . run elte I
.a Diano ,
fni ' liu v illo. I.rli , In i
I' aiili , Nil kiM su n, I'm
Onion , in I' 1 >ls lin « henec %hv would sail nliotn
Jdili \;>i il lor Boston
Al Feii well ' n I'oiiil , Ini
Maohal Ney, C!rnw -
ell , B—ton —2S:h , nr m lir Pliaramoiid , Slarr ,
Ali 'Xn ndi in , bound to It.xl<>ii — jml in >\illi ln-s
iil' nni Iioi' k niiil miili 's—is nsliore on Washin g ,
loo l'oioi — nls u , :ii s< In 1)iainoiid , R'uh, Bust.
Ar nl I'riivi deiiee , .
'II , ne hrs O.d|iliin , Brown ,
in y, Varni ' itil h ; l.ilii .-ny, Dyer , Su-ube.ii ; sloo p
lid Inide , I'.rou ill . Hix lon
Ar nl I'dil I .11 , sthr , Tivoinbl y, fm
Boslon ; Keli o , K.-cd , do.
\r at li.j '.liui ii .• .1 Mil , l»r ijj Iiir.n'l , Nve , fro 111
Bi »lon.
Sailed from (7eor^elo\vn , DC. 2!5:h , sell Con-
rot, Cioweli , llulil.u
(.'I'd n( I' n ilci ii ks liui ^ , 3Ulh , nclir Kasli rn
Slur , Berry, for ll»lifii\.
I, ilh , I' ll ins| ar. si - lir William , Bo slun ;—
Oliii ' , nn d Olivr Biaurli , IVovj ,lcuce .
I' oi'i l ind -lib insl. ar bi ij; Mriliauie , from .Ma-
t.\n za« , v ia P01'ts mon lli .
Ar nl Kiehniuiiil —tilit . sch r Ki 1^', Cm Boston.
.Vuifolk , S'.li li—ar. xlir Hisin^ .^.in, Stan-
uooj , I' io ilaod.
Al nl C iaile .lo n 2Slli , Br vhip d'en. Ci nniii c,
I lo line s , I'm I
.ond. 111 , mi d iniled lui IIk- Diiivu .
iHili Man li in 1
0 nilli klii ji Miuei v a , llils s cv ,
lor Nr » Yin k.
'Ji'lh — arr slii j i O.ivei , 7 ill fm Hostoii ; bi'i j ;
( ' \ 11,1 61111' , 11 111II l l . ) .
A l I' m I an I' liii re l ltli , lji i
Ailani an t ,Tliav-
er , lor Bos lon , w ailin g ini ^ o.
Kali nii , r.l»ell, b ulled from B.ihia l'-Mh Ii , 1.11 Brei ur'u.
A l Mainii/..u A pril l.'
.ili , nlir Hi lly i'oiu , fm
I'li arle htm i . iu^ l nr.
l' im>e.l l'.i l>;nrto« ii |il,J ,,i j . Pilot , fin I
I ist un
lor I'hihul el j ihi.i.
Neubui vp orl !iil , (I' ll , In iu Fair Trailer , Hokii
for N. OiIitii i s —ihe si lir Adiir I'm Buni on , is a-
¦li nir on S.ill .Inn y I'oiut .ic »i!l ha ve lo li j; li len
I'oilland , 4th , 11r. *clii r. Reaper , fin Dennis ;—
Freedom , do. 61I1, nr. (' .
'illao , IN'ori is , Pelers-
I11117; oriiri ("inn 01 il , IJ. ^ Idii ; .Sally Ann , An-
eiKlii fo r ll.11.K111 ; hlouj i So|ihiuniii . Iliit lu u.
' ro\ ide m e 4lh , n lir Mirror , Balliuioi i in
ti n' K'de 'Jl 'ili , nns si ¦ tick Milh li
liliii o^, uliirli
sliiteied Ilie head of uiai uinasl , pnbM 'd in to the
t .itiiii , uiiii kno i'k ed iliiiv u tin: ru |ituin.
S.lilrd Ii 11:11 Si Croix pt ev. lo '
-!(llh , Rodericli ,
Si ll " , Bohloil.
Al Mn«ii '>l ia 7lh , In iy .Mount H.ip c , foi I'rov-
id.-nre , 'illl li .
I' lil ladrl iiliia -llh — iir mIii Hopff k. Iliunuli ,
IS'eiv Vmk ; Mary, N'n kn »mi , Baltii noic— il' d ,
bi ii; Moki- iiw , Fiil pf , .
\ rv» ()i|eau« .
.Noi folk , li'
.llh— ar. n lir Sall y Win klo w ,f;eoj j,T-
lon n f ir IVotidcii i e, with losn of uncliur und
nl her flii niii^ p.
In I|.iiii |iliio Bonds May 1, »rhr« J nmes , Fiili-
i-r , llos lou ; liai' hel ic l.> di ;' , Bii knell , do.
Cliai le«lnii , 7lh — kail ed , klii p Mnrmio n , for
I' .iliil milli.
A l P.ri f;» Coideli n , O-
ti« , Binlon , ni-il Hay ; Ward , Iluklou , and i
tonr - , do uurei lain.
Pro vidence 4th , nr i>chr Boi lou , Baxter , fiom
Baltimore .
Baltimor e, 4ih , nr. »l-.i p Ainelh ytt , Bos ton ;—
s Win Ilcnrv
Mais hnl Ncy , do ; Clatt ic ,
Bok inu.
.h—ar. bri g Bep ratcr , from .Vl Tho rn im, 2(lll
nil — F.rfl , Deipali h, llai 'd y, for I'orlo Rico , .
'J ;
n In Hoiii e , Vi1nin out. , fur Boston , (i.
Fn-ileiii kibii r^', Mav -Irli , cl'd , *cUn Betic-y Ji
Dehoi all , I
l owei , New- Volk; Hero , CVowt -ll,
Bos ton.
i Oilenix , 1/j iIi oi l—or » ri oii ^ hb-iv ,
Mon i* , St .IrtK" —I'illi , «fhr Jimrp h k. Mniy,
Know lion , fr om I
'or Hmouth—, Ion G-'J- l
i , l" ijf Potomac , fiom ""myriM ,
and .
'{5 day * fm Gibralt ar for New Vork.
Bri 'i Alfred , Soul.f , New Orleans 24, Balize ,
2'i day*—tailed in CO with »''ij' Sout h Button ,
(or Bokton.
i;i.lern Slar,fm Malanzat , 15lh ult.
Lvili a l
l Margarrl , Gardiner , Trinidad de
Cuba, 8«li ull. Left , ship l-ou i»a , for N. York
111 ds ; biig Sarah Willi aim, Oibb« , ditch g ;—
•c lir .Nrptune, Ay res, Bo*U>u, 16 d»y». Bri g
Home , Fnoie , of Bmlon wen t ashore about A-
piil Ut , 1
0 milet *eit of Ca|>c Crur, ve»«el had
not l,ilged and w«* sold wit h her cargo for
Bi i"» Sal»ra, Wim'.ow , Si. Croix , XV-. Fw lOtb
ull- Ltft , brig Cyg nM, Eudlcol t , Bo.toii , unc.
; " Foili im: ,Coffin '
, Malaneai, Iftlh ult. Left ,
»hip (Jen. Juckson ,Bo*ton , unc ; Hybert Morri s,
St . Peterslntr g, do ; bri jr Diomede , Porl lnml ,
Inailinjf ; I'iiim , »«r York , noon.
Margaret , Frcem.i n, Tiinid iid de Cuba , Sih
ultima .
Triumph , Eldiid gr , fm Chur lrston.
Crcilia , Ryder, fm Baltim ore .
Palm , I.tnVnlo , Philadel phia.
Barclay, ( lurk, do.
Ocm , Foster , do,
Pchr * Henp.'r , Berr y, Bn llimorc.
l.ucy & Abi ^ nll , llonm , do.
Arrn x .tu.i , Hardin g, Norfolk.
l.iiiv Aimer , llskrr , I'hiladet phin.
Tur k , IIihm s, fm .
New Vork .
Piprr , (nr\ « ) Si'Krs , l!ainslablo.
V.rhn, J;c. o;l<|ier (l, llnrtl 'md.
lleroinr . NorrU , New Vork .
I'l 'il , ».'lir » CoiKfi n , Hall , St .lolni« , N B ;—
Ac hsnii Paiki -r, Druuu , Falnioiu li ; S,i||y Hope ,
Hakrr , Prix i.ii me ; Sniiin e , Lew is , IImiHhhI,
•lib—m. In ic ?late .
ester , I'm New Inn > poi t
l.y dia , Small, tin Proi idem e.
Sloop Oj itir , njj s , New York .
Cl'd , lu is; t)iik , Sear» , ('owi 's nnd n niaikel —
si lus l.uiiel ii , Hums , Si I'Iioiuiis nod a mark
el—l ilide , (imhaiii . \ ew Vmk — (t reri .iu , Mill
son , AIIi.iim —I'osl II iv , Hillm ;; s , Casli m Ma
rv. S|uiii "er , An " ii, I, ,11 (W , was 1 based lit a
bri .i, siip pii .ied a pirate , nm l nudin: ; il impo .M.
blu lo rsi -u pe , ho ve to ; Ilie In ijj ho\e In nenr
in , ami nlir r nbusiii); nt lor half 1111 hour nilh
1I0 in-isi blasp liemou. . lan -ua^ e , nnd tli reiUfti -
i«« I" board and iut the in pinin 's lln.ial , mid
holdin g, ii ppaieiit l y a coosiiltation on board ,
fil led away and left us . .
She was n t liar p built
v.'SmI , and I.;ul a Inn- 1:1111 .mi a pivol uiuid 'hi ps
--rea d on her " tern " Si-iap him , ol Balti more. "
Yeshiday, Dfl' Chntham , spo ke , bi iy Ballimoie ,
Bosl on
Una t' lirib , Nil Ueisn n, fut Omna , lSlh ul t.
(•lobe , Kiii -ht , lin lla vnuii .
Si lirs R ii'hesler , •Silli uinii , Ne w Ymk.
().< a r, Baker , I'm do .
<:i ' il , lui ;
; Swan , Aik in* , Phil adel phi a ; »loii|i
1' i ii'iii l of Peace , (,'ius ln , II1111I011I.
I'm 11—an . lu ig Sall y K. Khl hrr , Alki oi, from
Havana , L'Olli nil. On t he i
i and i!Hih , r x p r.
rii d 11 seven 1 gnli- irniii IV \V. losl sleru boat ,
hail liulumks move , Uc .
Sr liis Deli a UuMiei , (Jaidiier , fro m Auriih ln,
Ai'ifn, Weeks , fm Rl John , KF.
'J *il*ri« , (new ) Seuddei , fiom Barnsi nlde.
Cl' il , ihip Amei ii .1 , I'.ldi id ^ i' i Mntnniras nnd
ICur ope. ; l»ri ^ Norua , ^ . Bilker , Si. Jag o de C11-
Iri ; Victor , ('b ase , I
I ibi uioie ; T' uiU , llowei ,,
New York , Piniuol , llaker , do .
Swn n >un| A l e x a n d r i a — s c h m
l.ucreii i , and M¦irion , s. ul, ,| on Tliuihila y .
T ill—nr bii
NepoiiM .-t , I m (' .¦ti. it 11 ¦•.
l' ii ,
; Andes , Well It , Itio ,l,i ui il o ll lh Miiuh
l , hhi p Tatiiia , Smil e , lin. io n, for I'
.inn pr
I .iidl -ig -. Bug I' nTi oiier , ol ' Boston fm Bull . 1111
ll llli .
Coidelin , I'.lli s , fm Tiinidad ; Hebe , Howe* ,
St I).linin g .1 < iiy , |7ili nil . Left , schi' Alb.iuv ,
Rid er , li\ 1 , Williams , Trinid ad , Cubii
—sloop Fla>.h , Hodg kini ., Dover— brig < 'IhiI Iiiiiii
J a i l o r , Balli nioie — (jein , l' a , Im I'ro viii i elow u.
Maiia , Hlin>)i»on , Nuv Yolk.
NHW-Y DRK , April Hl>.—Cl'd , sc lir O«car
B.iker , B moo.
o—be low , bri g Niivmino Weeks , New-Or
len na—nrlir I'loiighbo y.
;( ,,, Ij ii g I' otmna c , Kunpp, fm Sinvrna.
Bi ig Aiiliiom , •>•"< days I'm .\)e nio.i Li ft , liri f
Mar s , lor .Souill America , soon , Cyp rus , Bus
Ion , do .
Bug Pegaum , fm Si (' roi* ; kt lu HeliTl , fro n
"-iii , N'' . 7 d.-iy n fiiuii the Bar — kiiilrd ii
co wil li S' lir I' 1/ Kenned y, foi Ii islon.
hc h Ad'-laide Juii ri , liiow 11, of Pro viui clown ,
1 I dats lioin I),uli 11.
S|>Uni l"l , Norwood , H duy t fi om Philadel phia
bound to I
I ..ton.
Cl'd , si In Cu;i «;n;i! ( , Young , Buslon ; Roches-
ter , hil'niiiiin , do.
•Ill, ur. bii ^ Huron , .Skinner , of Now Y oik ,
15 da \ s from Si limlx. J' anseii ^cr u , Capl Hani-
tiel IJ K ci iui y, Monk Rots , (" id K t eiimcii , of
shi p Snrat o gM , >il »ii«l lor Snvaiinali , fin l,i*er-
poid , winch vessel fouiiih red lit bi-n, ill lai o\>
'ii , lo ng 47 '
—ihe crew , ( IU in nonibcr ) look
to the ioii| » and jo ll y boats , oul U\ ilii yn , und
Vfi -n
l liJ'W mili k belore nnivini; ntKt Marts—all
kiivi -d. LkIi , schr B" rl»ey , of Bof loii , coiideinii-
til , Hold und rcfl liiu K-
Moni inK Star , How r-n , Havana , 10.
llopi : k Sinan , Nick erson , of Denn is, from
KredeiK k.lj nrg, .
'{ da ys fm Ihe Capt-s.
l'erlecl , Jenkins from Aux Cav es J F-a^
lp, fm
Ba ltim ore ; N.ipolt oii , Fred
; WmsIiiii kioii , fin
A lexandria ; Telegrap h, fm Ui»loii ; Frances ,
fm Ilioinaston ; Al bany, Clitilliam ;—cl'tl, sclir
Bokion , I
tos loo.
C'l'd , brig Julia, Crow ell , Si. John , M
6lh sir. biig Nip lune , fm Havana.
fl lh—ar scl ir I'nlr iol , Freeman , of Boslon , 21
days fin Maracaibo ; m;Iii- Nuncy, Drink waller ,
of No, ill Yarm outh , C, dayn from Cti hrieHon—
eld ,»hi p York , Bii r.h ), l.ivtrp ool
7th—ar. brig Texas , W illiai un, Urasso i,fin St.
AiiibHd , 26 ds fm Tamp ico. I^eft , • l
l h ull
brig Lud v Hoim;, Kelley, for Mobile in H days.
rite 6rif Oruii , I>euncy , of Boston for W. York
•ailedTih ult.. .
Also ar »chr *Gen Lafa/elif, OsWn, «t CroU
10 ds. Left , bri g William , for l$<,»ton ; scbr
All Chance, for >
'«w York Ut May .
The fisliiii|r »• lir . So phia li.'oko mti ift nt <*nnd y
Buy, in Ilip late qalr. »"d s unk tlio Fi»«n nnd
liov . Kii siis : Inner al'toi wards went to pieces.
Sch r Splendid , nf«or t " •" biiAidr ' 1st
1 miles iiuMidr of (.'ape Co d, bv n I'1'1" fr. 'ui
Wi'llflrvt , no )>i vm>ii on boaril , musts wri. " R"i>f
i\ lil l lo i\l>M was fou nd in
n loekpr «n ll\« qunvt rr ilrt 'k , by whii h it np-
pent ed tlmt ihecnptnin 's nnme was Jnmcs N,
Maw iaul , »nd thai she nailed from Portln nd '
l '
t \\\
ull for CuaiUlnii pc. In the nnrti ioon » small
Rshin fr sdvr mu
t n iilmi i; si ilc . Several nrli -
i-li'S of children 's clothin g writ 1 found on deck.
No boat to be seen. [She hns since been lowed
into Provincrlow n. Our account mirs she was
n lie rm In is of nbu'ti l 1-0 Ion*. A quniilitv ol
rlothiii " , Ido cli S , ft r. from h:irr landed nt Well-
lic et. On Sundn y n l«i')je long was found
itp scl 011 the back ol Rnce. Point ,supposed lo have
heloii ged lo Ihe S.
Bri gs (Hi) r.leanoia , fr Bermiid.i , mniiim.i sl
nil n«n\ ; Ult lup in , N. Yoik for (S ri ir^ riown :
schs At' gunniit , I'.ldilile , ft- Fvedericksl 'iivp, w i
have 10 dij clinr cc ; .Mnyflowcr , Wnllacr; nnd
I'hiln , Bre wer , Snl rin fur lVu liuion d , loss of en-
Me 11i
nI unvli wr , were itiivcn ii»1h>i o n
l Cinnr y
Island , in lll p latr Rale .
Srln Leviathan , from Bnstnn In got off sclir
Meiidinii , ashore at Cape Henry , wns di iveu al
that place in the late pnle . but not much inj ured .
HVTEL L ltttt NC i:
ron sai.b.
jH R'lIA IMlViul« few
l^lMr\? ~U
> " .'"j iHWr-f T/ "1
*-" 01'"" *" **'''' *"
f^ ^
^ l'
"— '^ Jt nnd. liorsr
» Al il lJi, 'Mill n l
l oiVKss nenilv lien , and
«i< r,client f,,,,,!!, UORSM , be ing n (list
InU' lin vellei —„ ,„ ,.„„, ,.,! kim| n)1(| ,otl| ,,|
Any nl lhe nbin e wil l be sold a Imrguiii , If
nppllcd for immc dinielv m F.imvaru LouiNO.nt
llnrn slable , m to the suhsri liter.
l yn nnis , May 2, lsill.
\^ ""V •I
y'R ^ffttit Steam
Ti> ^l^n"ii
7 RtSMLioin .
f ¥
^ B
^ m
fc*of litebr«ima^rlnls,
cut por fnst pn«l nnrt cnnwrctl , liMl HJilrnrtW flc -
rn:i, .-iudnl loni for hfT fJWfcf, hns ron onl y Iwo
W l '
i llm undersi mied ( onnnillee , chosen
on the 'iSth of A pril last , nt it Propi i-
1 lots Meeling , to ryM lnte , uuinii er , n.nern nuil
lake rule of snii Tj'\ |irietiirll "Mei'tin p -bnuse ,
nnd I.nml , si iu/leiT * Hin w ii h, in behnlf of
said I' ropi irt .nv ^^rfii W lake posse ssion of t i e
>hiiu ' ou tlie sev ctilb ^ lny*
May it lsdi
t , luitl
pr oi ceil a»ri ' iiblir l^mHTilhin ily inve sted ill us .
'U'.riU'.N C .MIOON , ') CowiUMa for
A MAS A NICKIKSON , [ sniil '
JA.MKS I.O.Mi , ) Proprietor ) .
llaiwi i h, May 'Jd, iH't l.
rBlIM ' un dersigned , 11 Committee chos en on
M. t he -lili insl. lo Inku lln' possession mid
care of the Hi ai h yjnl Upland on Sand y nec k , in
be half of the lo^^Aiol in
possession of any
iudii nloiil , hd^tUMdnv Inken posNession of tin-
Miioe , nml lierebt ^uibid all prisons liespiis siug
on t he mime , hunting nway nny of iheg iowtli
or produce lliel enl'Ji is all pertons so oll'eiuling
w ill be pioseciiled j Xml unv person who wilt give
sii i.b inloimulioiyfrwill lead to Ihe convi ition ol
nuy person so trespass ing lo either of th e com-
mune , shall bi- Ulierull y icnuiileil ami ull char y-
es paid.
AHA Y(»t lN (J , N
1IIU.MAS PKUCIVAI. , / Committee
BUtNABAS C1IIP.MAN, > fur thai
CIIAIU.I'.S MAUSTON , \ pu r/mit.
Bumsiui iie , Api il 2Ut , ih:h .
M V. S A. K i\| Ijy i , havin/j taken Mr.
W H-I.IA.M C. ^n
' .H, inn. Copnit-
neislii p w ith liiilH Ihe ¦usine sH will be con-
dueled in future nailer tm * Qt 'it t it f
nl 1licit - Store , Kt/ l , iN'oillT Market sheet ,
— H'/ir rt lln i) linvr. nn hit nil —
A ceneuil iisnoi Imeiil of II'I'.SV LYDM
(JOOIJ S $¦ ti UOCillt l liS , for Ilii! supp ly nl
Tiiidei n , and fiirni sliing of Fiimil y, Ship, ami
Fis hing Stores.
Boslo n, 1' i'b. 2-llh , lH.'t l. e|ii« '2ui
f .
\'l'Olt MH hit coiiitlniil K1. nllenl ive cuslomeis
nml ihe public , lliul he hns on bund , a full
•op ;ilv of fiOODS , in his line , (omi Uliiig of
Kug lioh and Freni-h , liind -enninerd , seconds
niid pliiin nnd I'ATD N' l' I.KVIOH
W A T C H E S ,
<; lv r r , nilvei pluled , nnd Bi i liinin tnlile , ten ,
l)ese. t iiuiin llll( | luustnrd Spiions — silver pl
l l-
i-d and biV ii,,, ;.:, *-i-j., 1, |,adle s—silver and silver
plnted , mid k,,, | !i , •., lacles—S pe.-lncle s , wit h
sides , and eniient . l!liis... «_fi |,r ,.|,,,.|,! Classes
si' l to mil all iijf irs—steel nun i,,,,ror M, Cnses —
(io^ les—im p i-u or s ilvci -sl i'it l 111.1 ,;Om,,,,m |
n .
/.or »— Kiiiim son 's Hid Ki ller 's Rai,,r Hlrups—
IIou< s—Shaving S./it p und Brushes.
A good iitNorli ni nt of
Bi'ilnniii nnd block ti n Tea I'oln—- CofTee do—
Briliin ia , Imrd inelled , byasu , mid glass Lamps—
silver plated , mi d bran/ Ciiudlu nlickK—Knives
and Fni kit—common , aid g ill edged Wiiilci s—
SimlTers , and 'i'rays — Bn-iiri Trays—press 'd and
cut glass Castors—Halll— .
Nursu BollleM—Brcnsl
Pipes , Sir ,
Wurnuilvd lUght \
) .L
ri\K flKCKS.
.v er 1'iiiiile I iinlLdali I'iiik il (l ; t»r * —superior
1,1'inl Pencils— ),il\r linl st ei l Pen*—U' alch
liiiii rds—P ocket , «n\fen k nlve n—Lndies ' trav-
elli ng and fanc y U
'mM/j.i .hcU—f iiuc y wire ein-
luoi ' l ered do— plain ^L,—stee l mid
doub le gill waist bJckles —Low «l»—gold and
silver gill Pin let — vllvel and rdVocco do—({ ill
and slee l pur ii! topsl—< ;oni PlasleV—Hooks mid
Ky «k bv tin? groKsX-ft good nssoi\i> ''ril of lh«
best i|u'aliiy silv er <>y«il NeiMlles—tailor 's Shears
—S<;i»»or«, mill Si' iM'ir hheulhs—si lver Hide.
Tliiinbles— 'I'oot li BrmlK s—work Bo*cs—Cray
oils— black Tim— SuutT Boxes , k<: tt r. wil h a
goo d assortment of Gold and Gill Watch Funii-
Shell COMBS—plane and ornamented imila -
lion do. —Coliin I'lutes.
Cloeki , ll' nUhri , awl Mutual Hoztt , repair ed
nnd wa rranted lo perform well or no pay requif '
I'd. Thos e who may please lo f ivour him with
t heir custom , mav depend on every endeavour
lo render an equivalent for Ihtir encouragement.
Burusliib le, June 'id.
FOa SAlE. .
JfiS ^Uicif utt. failing id
r ytl -
Jm/K mil Suk.ANN, bi»ra>efl W Jwnt,
Jfi WUL 14 ycarfbld,bijtli ttck ,(utw Ittul S
saSBoBL* >ca>* f\ wtlt fout
"1 *.'
1^ «*»»*••»
uncbors, sails and r* )rfcr—nos y.lyfci| rIn Clittt-
h»m harbour. FoHterA», apply lo , Mi rtli 0, 1'i3l, li'
n 433JiS& * ni" '!'''
»u')i»:ii lx'r "ffx rs to 1
IWW'>fi!il 'Ha f**l«;W»fc >.n A BN. and out
W^Birii iin ifii , *.-. „,„„, , (ifi<.ei,
limidr ed fi't-i of H
j tlsT \VOIl »»^»i «,MUi»bi
acres of It \NV
/[mto siluuleil for Hi«, Work s .
Said Buildin gs , Hall tl orks and Laud , )y..t Mt
Hyaiiiii s , in Ihe Soutvpurt of Buru stuble ,
Snid Salt WoaJMr are about live years old ,
and in (jnod repair , with tint privilege of a grfo dl
liiiIt ponif for laid winks.
For Io nher parlii iilii is , |ilnnse call on Iho
Mibsciiber , or Messrs. Davii i HiNCKtKr . or Lot
ll y minis , April itf , IU31 If
1 KA II.H. / f
20 M- »l>ruce ind Jbrnlock TIMBF.R and.
00 ")• '''•»• ninM Mur fmiNGI.L'S,
20 M Bowed LA'M)$.
4 M. Cleur CLA#BOAKDS-~by
JUflA ll'HINCjCLKV , or
Marc h IO1I1. It'
Siibc rUieis hiir^ formifd s cmw li
I busuve<«|uivle/ l
« 1
"r **> <- . .'
q^jbi d mQOVMt
, .^ r- i
It v" iwU'«li»' tip ia+
wincb il»