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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Patriot Ads For Results!! 4 lines: 40^ w p e e e r k LEGAL NOTICES Case NO 26033 Misc. Seal The Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To nil whom ii may concern, and to Axel Lindskng, of Round Lake, In the State of Illinois; Mrs. I.lnd- gkOg, wile uf Axel Llndskoc, it any, or Round Lake, in said stain of Illinois; August A. Lindskog, decoHSPd , his heirs, devisees or legal representatives; Whereas , n petition has lieen presented to said Courl by Helen J, AUhee ol Yarmouth) In the County of Barnstable and said Common- wealth to establish her title under a low value died , under Ihe pro- visions of o.L, (Ter. Kd.) Chap- ter BO, Section N IL . running to Town ot Yarmouth , by Instrument dated Aug. 23, in 11 and recorded In the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, iii Book C17 , page 190; that the petitioner now holds her title under deed from Town of Yar- mouth dated March 88, I960, and duly recorded with said Registry of Deeds, in Book Tin , Page 419, and to require you to show cause why you should not bring action to try any claim or claims which you may have adverse to the peti- tioner's title arising onl of the tax proceedings under whloh the petitioner title is based: Said petition covers a parcel of land In saul Town of Yarmouth, bounded and described as follows; Lol "( "' as shown on a plan of saiil llyannis Park, which plan is duly Bled iii Barnstable County Registry of (Deeds, if you desire to make any ob- lection or defense to said petition you or your attorney must file a written appearance and an answer under oath, setting forth clearly and specifically your objections or defense to each pan of said peti- tion, In the office of the Recorder of said Courl in Boston, fat Ihe i lourl i louse I or in Ihe 'Office of ihe Assistant Recorder of said Courl at Ihe Reglsl rj of Deeds at Barnstable on or before the ninth day of .Mine next Unless an appearance Is so Hied hy or for you , your default wilt lie recorded, ihe said petition will he taken as confessed ami you will he forever barred from contesting said petition or from having or en- forcing any claim or claims ad- \en e Ip ihe pel Itloner, her heirs |or assigns, lu the above described land. And in addition lo Ihe usual SOT vice or this notice as required by law . it is ordered that the fore- going citation he published forth- with once each week, tor three successive weeks, in the Barn- BtnblQ Patriot, a newspa per puli llshed iu saiil Hyannis. Witness , ./ (MIX S, PBJNTON, Rsnnlre, Judge of said Court, this iweiilv-nialh day of April, 1058, SVIIII , II HOLM ES, Recorder May X, 15, 22 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Barnstable Patriot will charge Ja Classified Ad to anyone listed in the Cape Cod telephone di- latory under the following ex- changes: Hyannis Barnstable (FOrest) Dennis (EXeter) Osterville (GArden) RATES „ minimum of 4 lines ot space will be used at 10c per line for one insertion; 9c per line for two or more Insertions. REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY The publisher PONTIAC G.M.C. VAUXHALL AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Factory Trained Mechanics Now is the time for your spring Tune up. Avoid the rush. ROBERTSON AUTO-SERVICE Inc. Pontine - G.M.C. -Vauxhall Barnstable Road , Hyannis Telephone 826 Established 1926 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MURRAY'S FUEL OIL SERVICE, INC. Heating Oils Service - Quality - Satisfaction Dennis Port, Mass. Phone EXeter 8-240S Metered Ticket Printers ROBERT F. HA Yimti GENERAL CONTRACTING Building Moving and Flaking Complete line of building parts Falmouth Avenue, Cotuit , Mass. GArden 8-6380 MODELS ¦ HOBBIES CRAFTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS Capeway Hobby Center 538 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. 1924 USED BUILDING MATERIALS m Cape Lumber and Salvage Co. Rte. 2S Hyannis 2266 WANTED TO BUY WANTED — WILL PAY CASH Oblong wooden chopping bowls, water pitchers and bowl Hets, odd dishes, statues, brass, glass, chairs, tables, old coins, bric-a-brac. Call EXeter 8-3343. Jack Rogers, Rogers Antique Mart , Center and Route 134, South Dennis , Muss. SERVICES WILLIAM OGDEN Your Paperhanging Expert FOrest 2-3361 Free Estimates The Patriot Press PRINTING Hyannis, Mass. Telephone 24 II. M. MHSBRVE CO. The Finest In OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 368 Main Street , Hyannis Tel. Hy. 2077 R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies lyanough Road, Hyannis Tetepuone 181& If It's REAL TILE you want use CERAMIC TILE cull LOUIS SERPICO 32 years experience. Hyannis 738 HERBERT F. PENDLETON "Your Village Plumber" Modern Plumbing and Heating Quality at a Fair Price Courteous Service Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Barnstable Hyannis 759 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS Vivian Holmes 80 Winter Street , Hyannis ISlfi HAROLD A. BOYNE Tractor Repair Hydraulics - Ignition Falmouth Rd., Centerville , Mass. Tel. Hyannis 636-W O. W. Hallett & Son PLUMBING & HEATING OIL BURNERS Myers & Burks Pumps Tel. GArden 8 ^ 6940 _ O«erville_ M A S S A G E Given by Henry Askeli , register- ed physiotherapist, former y at Cape Cod Health Center and Har- vard Club of Boston, at OLA STEWART'S home. South Mam Street. Centerville Mass. tor ap- pointment call 2881-JK. ^ , FOB HKN T Typewriters - Adding Machine* Day-Week-Montb Cape Cod Office Equipment and Supply Co. Inc. AUTHORIZED UNDERWOOD AGEN 1 Yarmouth Road »y»«">Ji 1582 SERVICES | j^% | NICKERSON Jj Mj] FUNERAL and vlX!/ MONUMENT \ J? SERVICES BOURNE • SANDWICH. MASS Serving CAPE COD and Surrounding Communities CAPE COD SECRETARIA I T SCHOOL Typewriting Mimeographing All Public Stenographic Services Call Day and Evening llyannis 1372 242 Ocean Street , llyannis MOVING TRANSPORTING CLOTJGH & HIGGINS GENERAL TRUCKING Gravel - Cinders - Rubbish Hauled Excavating and Cesspool ('leaning Hyannis 1 .7B-W 302 Main Street HyannU, Mass. BAXTER TRANSPORT . INC. Boston - South Shore Cape Cod Hyannis 2H2 or 441 I REAL ESTATE WANT TO 3ELL7T List your properly with Barnstable County Real Estate Exchange 256 Main Street Ilyannla 277 BEN GRASSI R E A L E S T AT E Specializing In gb*6d building lots us low as $25(1 in West Yarmouth; $700 in Bass River; Phlnney's Lane , $800; Centerville , $1200 m>. $25 dawn with convenient monthly payments. Call SPring 5-1930 or Evenings Spring 5-4976 REALTORS - WALTER I. FULLER, REALTOR Main Sire I , Osterville Call GArden .s-21c>5 REAL ESTATE Of Every Description Bought, Sold and Exchanged JAMES A. WOODWAIID Real Estate Agency Tel. 302-1217 Hyannis See Me First CAPE COD REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CENTER SALES AND RENTALS Route 28 lyanough Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylmer Evelyn Crosby Hyannm GArden 2G45 -1685 8-2489 LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons Interested in the estate of DOROTHY K . LEWIS, late of Barnstable, in said County, dpceased. A petition hns been presented to said Court for license to soil at private sale certain real estate of said deceased . if you ' desire to object thereto you or your attorney should lllc a written appearance in snfd Court ut Barnstable before ten o'clock In tile forenoon on the Kith day of June, 1;tr>s . the return day of ibis citation, Witness , KENRK'K A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, judge of said Court, this 24th day of April . 1958, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Register. May 1, 8, 15 28197 Reg. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To the Town of Yarmouth, a niunlci corporation located In the County of Barnstable and Bald Commonwealth| Warren A. Scholl, Ada A. Scholl and Alice 1, Brooks, all of •said Yarmouili ; A. D. Make- peace Co., a duly existing cor- poration, having an usual place of business In Wnroham, in the County or Plymouth and said Commonwealth; and to all whom it may concern : Whereas , a petition has been presented lo said Court, by Wil- liam \v. Brooks , of said Yarmouth, Trustee under a declaration of irust dated August 6, 1950 recorded wiih Barnstable Deeds In Hook D61, Page 434, to register and confirm his lltlc lu the following described land : A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situate in thai pan of said Yarmouth called w'esi Yarmouth, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Southeasterly by Wesi Yar- mouth Road 1093.31) feet; South- westerly and Westerl y by land now or formerly Of Warren A. and Ada A. Scholl 1078.1:; reel and about 570 feci respectively; Northwester- ly and Northerly by EDasi Sandy Pond about 755 feel , North erl y and Northeasterly by land now Or formerly of A. h. Makepeace CQ, about 90 feet and IUI2.NI feel re • | eelholy. The above described laud Iii shown on a plan fthd with said petition and all boundary lines are olaltned to lie located on the ground us shown on said plan . ir ypu desire to make any objec- tion or defer B to said petition you or your attorney must file a writ- ten appearance and an answer un- der oath, setting forth clearly and specifically your objections or de- fense to each part of said petition, in the office ol iho Recorder of said Court in Boston (at the Court Housoi, or in Hie office of the Assistant Recorded of said Courl al the Registry or Deeds at Barnstable in the County bl Barnstable whore a copy of the plan filed with i aid petition is deposited, on or befor e the nineteenth day of May next, Unless an appearance Is BO died by or for you, you* default will be recorded, the said petition will !»• taken as confessi d ami you will be forever barred from contesting said petition or any decree entered I hereon. Witness , JOHN E. KENTON , Ks quire, Judge of said Court, UI IM twenty-firs! day of April ill Ilio year nineteen hundr ed and fifty- eight. Allesl with Seal of said Court . (Seal) SYBIL H. HOLMES , Recorder William W. Brooks, Esq. Wesi Yarmouth, Mass. April 24; Ma) I . 8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate court To all persons Interested in the estate of ELIZABETH QBUBNE WADSWORTH, late of Geneseo, In tho County ot Livingston, and state of New York , deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court , with certain papers purporting to be copies of the last will of said deceased, and of the probate thereof in said State of ,Vew Y'/rk. dul y authenticated , by F. Mi.'RRAY K O R B E S , .nt , of Bos- ton, In the County of Suffolk, pray- ing thai the copy of said will may be filed and recorded in the Regis- try of Probata of said County of Barnstable/ and lhat he be appoint- ed administrator wiih the will annexed without givin g a surety on bis bond, the executors named In said will having declined to serve in Massachusetts, if you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should tile a written appearance In said Court ui Barnstable before icn o'clock in ihe forenoon on iho 27th day of .May. 1958, the return day of this citation. Witness, KKMRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court , thl • Zlsl day of April , 1958. ALFRED 0. KNIGHT, Re "i tin April 21; May L f NO I ICC is hereby i Ivon thai Pa I Idc 1918 and DR-2076 I M '' by the Sandwich Co-opi Bank have bi en lost or da troyed ana thai application has been made lo said Bank to It-sue duplicate books ia a i urdaiies wi'h the re tlon 20, Cbaptef 167 of the General Laws. May I, .18 WALTER I. FULLER REALTOR Summer Rentals Wlanno - Oyster Harbors Centerville Open Sundays Tel. GArden 8-2165 - 8-2087 Main Street , Osterville CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings given Prompt nail Personal Attention by James F. Kenney, Realtor 18 Ocean Street, Hyannis , Mass. Telephone 907 SCHUMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. Specializing In Cape Cod .Properties since 1929 Member of Multiple Listing Service Tel. Hy. 277 Tel. Hy. I486 evenings Genieve C. Bearse REALTOR Centerville , Cralgvllle and West Hyannisport Main Street, Centerville Hyannis 865 LEGAL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given taftl Passbook, No- SS-929, Issued by Sandwich Co-operativ e Rank , has I ,,. , , |g I or di ami thai ap- plication bis hen made to sand- „i i. Co-operative Hank to issue a ,', ' . ¦ I m accordance with Bee. 40, Chap. 590, Acts of 1908. ...J a, • - • -- '¦>¦>» I CAPE COD AOTO f RADIATOR WORKS, INC. Established 1929 Body and Fender Wora Complete Auto Painting Radiator Repairs Telephone Hyannis 858 West Main Street, Hyannis HEIP WANTED FEMALE Immediate placement with Avon Cosmetics for energetic lad y over thirty Jive. Can work 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 40% commission. Write: Irene M. Davey, 100 Tyler Street , Mtleboro , Mass. HOMEMAKER'S NEEDS OSBORNE'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized Westlnghouse Dealer Domestice and Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service "2 Main St., Hyannis Tel. 213-W LAUNDRY AND CLEANING RUG CLEANING STORAGE CaBh and Carry at Plant Office CAPE COD LAUNDR f , INC. Telephone Hyannis 78 THE WALLPAPER SHOPPB Home of Fine Wallpapers Window Shades, Curtains, Drapery Materials *02 Main Street, Hyannis Hyannis 1755 ¦ ¦ —j —— MART»N'S Cakes . pHsterles • Cookies Breads Rolls Special Pastertes For All Occasions 276 Mtt'n Street Hyannis 820 WaBl IJemilg - EXeter 8-2621 B'cycle b Repaired - For Hire 18 R- JAf 'K 'S B, KB SHOP 8 Ba'»stable Road. Hyannis your Evlnrude Dealer FOR THE BEST DEAL IN A NEW OR USED CAR, SEE BRAGLE CHEVROLET CO., INC. NORTH STREET I HYANNIS 1843 or 1844 SEE THE 1958 OPEL WARREN BUICK INC. 100 BarnBtable Road HYANNIS 720 'Prescrip tions Our Sp ecialty Diunont 's Pharrn iicy J Depot Square Id 210 Hyaoals i Mass. i * , .,,,. - ¦—. r --z= ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " . ' . ¦¦ ¦ , - ;; , , -^, Our 1 li gh Quality Milk is delivered fresh to your door MYS TIC LAKE FARM M A R Sf O N b MILLS CALL GARDI- N I I Mb* Our Dairy •« Inieeetrd hy Statu und L r.»l Hoard of H«»ii>' ¦¦ ¦¦*¦ = = - -= *1 ¦ ^S^^^SsBBMn^PTri < C B mtmMk W k * r 1 BB TTJMI ' l H J ,M T i i fl A \^ mmWi j ikW f Ismmf L 1 a jBB ^HH * I. HH^H E^*k> *^^» *<1HKe* Cotnmonwenlth of Massachusetts fltfiie No. 27028 Misc. LAND COU«T i . :i:.\L) I u Equity To i.crov .1 Webster and Cecelia L. Wobster of Barn table In tho County ol Barn Itablo ami said Commonwealth, and tu all whom n ¦11.t v concern; HI, Vernon Cooperative iianii , n dnly existing corporation , ItaVlng II usual place of business In lies ion in ihe County of Suffolk ami aid Commonwealth, claiming to in the bolder ui 11 mortgage cover- me teal property In thu South ',... mouth District of Yarmouth . County of Barnstable, aforesaid , altuato on the State Highway, given by Leroy J. Webi ter and ivr, |in L. Webster tn the plaintiff by insl i iini eni dated Mar ch 8, 1954, duly recorded with Barnstable Heeds, Book 887; Page 510, bus (lied wiih said courl n hill iu equity IMI authority lo foreclose said morl- Huge iu the manner following; by ontrj ami possession and exercise of power of Kale. ii you are entitled to the benefits Of the Soldiers' and Sailors ' Civil Relief Ael or llll i l us a ndeil and you object to such foreclosure you or your attorney should IIle a writ* ten appearance and answer in said i mill al BOStOI) on or helm c Ihe second day of June 1968 , or you may he forever burr ed from claim IliK thai SUch foreclosure i | in valid under siild ad. Witness, JOHN E. FBINTON, E»- qulre, Judge of said Court this twenty-ninth day of April , i!ir,n. SYBIL II HOLME S , Recorder. May 8, 1958 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate ( iourl To all persons Interested In the estate of MARGARBT FANKAUCKAS, late of Barnstable (Osterville), In said County, deceased, A petition has been presented to ¦aid Courl for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be ihe laHt will of said deeca ed by VIN- CENT P. V A N K I 'S, of Barnstable (Osterville), in the County of Barnstable, praying thai be be up pointed executo r thereof without gtring a surety on his hand ii vou desire m object thereto you or your attorney should die a written appearance In said Courl at Barnstable before tun o'clock ii i the forenoon on the 27ih da) ol .May. ).%K, Iho rel urn day of Ibis citation, KBNRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Usqulre, Judge ol said < uurt , Ibis 29lh day of April . I!l.r.8. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , RUK I UI May - , 15. 22. 1958 LOST PASSBOOKS Notice is hen by given thai ¦ .o 18875, I ¦ 211:43 ¦ ">:• :. 38085, 2:ti22 , Issued by Hy- annis Trusi Company, have been io i oi destroyed and thai appli* i p a. i/e.-n made lo ' I Tru i Company ha i us dupll ate boohs in accordance with get 10, Chaic 500, Acts of 1908. I . 8, 16 NYLLI'j G. BEHR Tel. FOrest 2-3133 Mrs. Harry I.oesser formerly of East Orange arrived last week emi and Is Staying With her sou and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs . Jaok Jordan, until her house is ready for occupancy. Mrs. Robert Samuels has relum- ed to her home in EIIRI Ornftge after spending tbe week end ill her home on Church Street, Guests al I lie homo of Mr. and Mrs. 10. II . Turner on Main Street last week-end were Mrs . John Ql ordiino and her son, Earl , of New Haven, Conn., Mrs. Lotlta Lumsdon of Brockton und Miss Kathleen Turner of Soulh Portland, Maine. 1' vt. Robert it. Blank, Jr., visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs . Roll erl Ii Black, Main Sheet , lael weekend, lie returned to his duller. Ql Fori lilx on Sunday , John Owen , son of Mr , and Mrs. Francis Owen, was homo for thi week-end from his studies al Kim ball Union, Meredith, N. II. John will be graduated the end ot Ihla month. Happy birthday lo Mrs, Louis A, Woodland who will observe her natal day on Saturday, Also be lated greetings to Francis Lam herl . young son , of Mr, and Mrs Francis Lambert of Wllnlknlno Road who celebrated his blrthda) on Saturday last. Another birthday celebration will be observed by \h , i larolj a ,\i wood on Friday when uhe will bi 15, Vtlss Joyce Adiei , young daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ailler . Main Streel has been a patient lit Children's Hospital, Brookllno. Among the youngsters confined to their homes wllb ebb Ken pox an Misses Melissa and Meredith Man- til , Karl Sllkala. and Hilly An- drews. A group of ten young people from the l.iilberan-We st Parish Youth Leagues spent n day last w eek iii Boston totlrlng several churches and the Science Museum. They were accoinpanleil hy 'tho Rev. Douglas Ollila and the Rev. Waller It. lloehrlng. On May 13 the Harden Clubs or Barnstable win participate In a John Jenkins Reservat ion Da.V program, There will he a lour of the Jenkins Wildlife reservation. dedication of two dogWOOd tree in memory Of Miss EClisftbeth Jen- kins , and la llt s by Mrs. I.Helen It. Taylor ami Mrs . BlgelOW (In cue of tho New Bnglnnd Wild Flower Conservation Socloty. The program a III be preceded by a catered lun- cheon in the West ParUh hall, Those Interested in making ri ler valloiis for the luiiclieon may eon tad Mrs . Peter Plneo Jenkins or Mrs. Norman Caboon, Members of the Youth League have been paiiilln ir the rooms of the Community BnllOtng as a proj- ect, Any young people of ihe vli- luge Interested in lending a band will be more than well ome An ffixlelll ion Service Conilnlllee meeting will be held al the homo Of Mrs. Kennet h llailey on Cedar street nexl Tuesday i vetoing al 7:30 pin Al Mils time plans will be made for Ihe ISxtension service programs tor nexl Fall and win ter. Miss Myrlls lleeehei' and Mrs Mary Thomas win be present for discussions ami lo help wltl* pro- gramming, sixty delegates and ton pn itor i from the nineteen oburdhi s of the fflastern Conference of the Luther* an church Suoilll Synod attended ihe business meeting on Saturday Insl held al tho Flrsl Lutheran Church In re The conferem e voted to proceed more slowly In the com pletlon of the principal agreements of Iho merger > f Lhq Suoml Then logli nl Semlnai ) and another Lu- theran Seminary, LIIW renc John on was OleCtOI as ihe dfOogu'io io attend iha Dai I em Conference Synod Ital Convon tlon In Be held III l)clio|| In June. Approximately 850 guests ware pro: onl ai em li ¦ Ion ot I ventlon. The Altar Guild o| ihe Flrsl Lu theran Church win bold their monthly meeting on M lay even Ing al V 'lu al die home of ,',li and \ii John Him ¦ "A People U II llolll FeUI " w. i I ll I title of II liliu shown to Ihe no no ii . i i.i the Wesi Pari II Cfirlld bn Tuesday evening al their monthly meeting The nim is releus d bv the National Council oj Churches, Following ihe nim a business meet- ing was li i-lil and lllial ai i air- oiiio ul u were made for the I'uniih'&ge Nal« 0, be held on Wednesday nl the pari a hall und er the c^tfjnansblp of Mrs, Joseph Ollielinus and Mra. Mali ¦ii in Adams. Anyone having article i lo donate lo tlie sale Inv been requested to ttavB the artli le at Ihe parish bouse on Tuomluy evening, Coffee and doughnuts win bi erved during the sol*, There W ill he a Sunday Soli ,ol teachers meeting on Monday at ten o'obieii at the Wesi parish ball iii which time plans win he form- ulated for tliS children 's Day pro- gram to be In Id In tbe church M m^'^^^ S^^S^—^^^^S^ SS&I TME Charge Your Ad! Call Hy. 24 For Action! LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of MsSSaohUSSttS Barnstable, SN . probate Court. To ail i arsons Interested lu ihe si tale of W U .T K I I M STIFF, late of Barnstable (Hyannis), lu said I ' mi ni \ iloeon ed. A pel ill ou has been presented lo sold Courl for license lo sell ill pi ivalc i ale cUl'talU leal Ol laic of aid ilbceased K you desne IO objeol thereto you or sour attoi nej should lib' a written appearance In said Courl ai Barnstable before ten o'clottk In the forenoon on the WlOx day of May, iidi S, the return day of tbjs illation. Witness, KKNRICK A. SPAR ROW, ICaquIre, Judge o| said Court , I,, Rilt day of May, i;ir,s. ALFRED 0, KNIGHT, Register. May S, If ,, 22. Illli.X I i, . I I ASF.ROOK Notice la hereby Klvon thai I ' :,; book . No 13876, I i ¦ i lo minis Turd Co., baa been lost or destroyed und Unit application haa boon made i lo Issue n duplicate book In accord- ance wllb Sec. in ,Cha| l. .'in . VctS Of 190S. Unv 8, Ho 33, 1058 LOST PASSBOOK NotlCO Is hereby given ttfal Passbook, No. I.U2D, issued by Hy (inula Tin: i Company, has been lost or destroyed and thai applies Hon has been made to Hyannl Trust Company to l| I Ufl a duplicat e book In accordance wllb Sec. 40, i'bap. 500, Acts of 1908, April 21; May 1, K LOST PASSBOOK Nut ire is hereby given thai Passbook , No . DR2405, Issued Hy Hyannis Oooperatlva Bank, has been iimi. or destroyed and thai an- pill a I ion - /las been ni/iile tn llyan- nis Cooperative Bank to Issue a duplicate hook iu accordance wiih Sec in , Chap. r,;io, Aci» of 1908. April 21; May 1, 8