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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(Continued from Page 6) |ike the pitcher Charley has been looking for to take Barry Craw- ford' s place. * • • Up against one of Red Wilson 's veterans on Monday the Scarlet Knights lost out, 7 to 0. Coach Red Wilson of the "Greenies" has six veterans back. They were just too much for the local boys. It was a cold raw, day, unsuited for base- ball. Len Duchesny was hit freely by the Yarmouth team and it seemed that every ball hit by the [tod Raiders went straight to an opposing fielder. The Raiders are o peppy group this year and It will |l0 interesting to see them develop as the season progresses. With- out question , and we haven 't seen Provincetown , Yarmouth is the tcani to beat for the championship and it looks now that Charley will jrroo mthe great "Pedro" for tho return game at Hyannis. Our es- teemed contemporary. The ¦Stan- dard-Times, had "Young Norman Hayes" taming Bourne last week so Pete now has a ghost that he can use if he loses. « * * If you want to see a fast game of soft ball - played hy boys who know how to play the game - wend your way over to Centerville at 6:30 next Monday night end sec Jack Buckler 's peppy Centerville A.A. team, last year's champions , take on Bragles, who are, them- selves, some pumpkins when it comes to playing the large ball same. Centerville pranced off with the championship last year losing only one game, and that to tho Marstons Mill team. The champs line-up, and it will be the same thi s year, with one addition wil 1 he: Hill Fish and Bud Brown , catchers John Monroe, first base; Jerry Mon- roe, second base; Oeorge Coughlin , third base; Dight Coggeshall, short stop; Dick Law, left field ; Julio Renzi, center field , and Jay O'Brien , right field. Bill Hallett pitched on this team and will con- tinue to be the flinging main stay. Oilier players were Jack Buckler , H'/io managed and played all posi- tions; Carlo Renzi , Mickey Renzi and Bob Stone. Mickey Belle Isle, former rink manager, will seek a berth as pitcher. In the other game that night Margaret & Al's will lake on Marstons Mills at Osterville. * « * Coach Jack Donahue 's Junior Varsity gave the Sandwich Hig h Varsity a run for Its money last week , losing out in the ninth in- ning by the score of 12 to 1 1 . The local boys were behind S to 1 in Ihe fourth but fought a gallant uphill battle. Ray Stackhouso with i double and single, Paul O'Neill »ith two singles, Frank Roderick nitli two doubles and a single and Al Faria with two singles led the locals in hitting. * * * * Good News for the Babe Ruth League ! Everett Bisbee, who man- aged the Vets team in the Recrea- tion Basketball League, has agreed to take over the management of the V.F.W. In the babe Ruth League. He will take Dan Flynn's place , who resigned. Everett has acquired some good players from the Little League, notably Steve Jones, John Trocchi, Norman Hayes , Jim Burlingame, and Charles Flanagan , as well as Bill Phillips from the Puritans In a trade , fop Paul O'Neill. Those of you who are fistic mind- ed should trip up to the Rainbow ^asai-n-o—o—o—n—o-o—(MHMMHC Arena In Yarmouth next Wednesday evening at 7:30 and see three Barnstable boys in the finals of the Cape PAL tournament. For the small sum of 50 cents, a donation , by the Way, to pay expenses you will see some lively bouts. Franny Walls, our heavyweight , Is expected to be "up" for the championship fray In this division. In the welter- wei ght bracket Nat Tobey Is ex- pected to excel and then Larry Mc- Intyre should do well in the light- wei ght division. George Maddox , the Hyannis boy who has won four Golden Gloves tournaments, has been training the boys the last two weeks in the absence of Tom Grant, who has been away. See you at ringside! * * * * One of the reasons why Cookie Lavagetto's Washington Senators are second in the American League Is because Cookie is throwing the book , learned in the National League, at the staid , "play-R-safe", percentage managers In the Am- erican League such as our Red Sox Manager, "Easy" Mike Higglns. That is also why Casey Stengel's Yanks are leading the league be- cause Casey not only throws the book at the opposing teams but throws stuff that Isn't in the book at his hapless foes. Witness his new bunting game. He had Show- ron, his prize mauler , lay down a two-strike hunt, of all things , in New York against the floundering Red Sox and Skowron not only scored Oill McDougald from third but beat out the throw from Con- solo at second who handled the bunt. It's a long time since 1946 when the Sox last won a pennant and we would like to see Michael snap out of it and give us a winner this year but he's got to change his tactics. He had Bauman on third Sunday with one out and didn 'l even attempt to squeeze him home. ? ? * DOWN MEMORY LANE If Carry Moore ever calls on us for his panel show "I' ve Cot a Se- cret ", strange to relate . i| would he this: We saw Iron Man Joe Mc- Qlnnity pitch a double header and win both games. No, it wasn 't with the Giants. It was after ho left I here and had gone with Newark, which team he managed for several yoars. McOinnity was a rarity in baseball and pitched league hase- hll even after he reached SO years of age. In 1983 he pitched three double headers for the Giants in one month—August ot 1903, the first, eighth and thirty-first AND WON ALL SIX games. In this day and ago when a pitcher is lucky i to go live innings we wonder if things would bo different if they had heeded the "Iron Man 's" ad- vice. He said tho reason for his ability to pitch double headers and to last so long in the game was that he only warmed Up 1 or ii minutes before the game. We often thought of this sage advice as we watched the Red Sox pitchers warm up for sometimes a half hour be- fore the games at Fenway Pars Whether It was to be on exhibition for the stands filling up or because tho managers don 't do any think - ing we never knew but when it is On The Pole - CA MPANELLA CARDI CONSTRUCTION CO. Asphalt Paving and Estimates on • Driveways Yards • • Sidewalks • • Parking Area* • * Gas Stations • Route 130 Sandwich GArden 8-2433 -ArnoU 2>. Eurck Qifu Come in and examine our new FABULOUS SUMMER JEWELRY Priced inexpensively. 667 Main Street Tel. Hyannis 1476 | BIT oF HOME j RESTAURANT Serving Fine Foods | DAILY SPECIAL - - 99^ COMPLETE DINNER | 7:00 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. | 295 MAIN STREET HYANNIS | ___^__r_ j sa, A INSURAN CE and ANNUITIES Frank G. Thacher Insurance Agency ROBERT O. DOWIING T.mol. Hy.nn* M.M. T.I. 1B20 Or 1681 i Masonlo Temple ..mms** »f *********** r C em m m r m "m m m m m m * *mm* r ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ mm *M *********** ^p^^^^^^S ^- T^ ^ ^M ! BARNSTABLE COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Rle. 6-A Yarmoulhport j i D0 • Jj l^sfferi nej . . . } New Advantage* and Old Fashioned Integrity During the life of the company It has never paid less tbaa 30 percent dividends. Applications for Insurance should lx: made to any of tin- following: I Robert G. Dowling Cecil I . Goodspeed Hyannis Osterville Edward L. Harris Howard J. Carlson I Barnstable Sandwich | Automobile; Liability Law: { The doctrine of contributory negligence: .} * In establishing the element of "who J is at fault" in event of automobile accl- j dents, it must be remembered that often 8 $j both operators are at fault. In order to 9 ft collect for damages, the party claiming { (8 damages from another must be able lo r\ establish that his negligence did not i X materiall y contribute ta the accident. | Otherwise, they may be barred from recovery by operation of Ihe Doctrine of IB Contributory Negligence. This states , es- ^ jfi sentially, that if bolh parties are found I to have been negligent atid contributed ! to an injury ' or caused damages; each i 4/ shall bear his own loss. j , H rJLeonard insurance -stitencu II fij V < f Hj Sj 13 Wianno Avenue t\ 1 Osterville S I GArden 8-6921 % FLOWER OARDEN MINIMUM VAIUI 61.10 FREE wifh a complete oil change or lubrication By special arrangement with tho W. AtleeBurpee Co., tho world's most famous producers of seeds, wo are ablo to offer you tho Amoco Flowor Garden —FREE when you come into our stntion for an oil change or lubrication job. Tho star of this fjnrdon is tho newly created Amoco Astor. This spo- ein1Astor in now nvnilabio o n l y t h r o u g h y o u r Amoco Donlor. Hero is your chance to give your garden an exclusive now flowor—tho Amoco Aster. In addition to the Amoco Aator you will •DIHO receive: • ZINNIAS • SNAPDRAGONS • MARIGOLDS •CORNFLOWER Supply limited. Omt your ol thong* or lubrication today. TOOT'S AMOCO SERVICE Minor Repairs on all mnlr Cotuit and Wellesley, was reelected secretary. COTUIT 'L/. \ \A „/. cJLibbie A U j arn S ^nop GIFTS Knitting Instructions Open Evenings 'Til 8 P. M. Main Street Opposite Pond St. OsUrville GA. 8-6278 GEORGE'S BARBER SHOP Main Street Osterville nfsm ISf I I ' ACME REFRIGERAT ION SALES and SERVICE • KELV1NAT0R HOT POINT • New and Used Refri gerators 612 Yarmouth Road Hyannis j Tel. SPring 5-2 153 SURVEYING ED KELLOG G OVI'KHVII.I.IC llMHiiili. nun < : \ . M-'JNIt WILLIAM G. BRYDEN REALTOR and INSUROR Route 6A Call Sagamore 279 Sandwich | ' * J EWELER 349 Main Street Hyanni.s, Mass. William L. WAHTOLA Registered Master Plumber Plumbing & Heating Water Heaters Itadlanl. Heating Oil Burner Hales and Service HY. 1617 The new May Series of t SERIAL SHARES I H now available! Acquire the system alio saying liaultl StarI now to nave i'i gulorly ouch and every month with our May i d l e s ot Serial Shares, come iii today! current Dividend Rate 4% per Annum! THE FRIENDL Y BANK . . . Q%/ '{tff' jrifn \ k^ ^ I NCORPORATED 1885 MAIN STREET, SANDWICH, MASSACHUSETTS ^#*^#'^*^*^^#**-**^*^*^»***#'**^s»^#'*-#'^**^*-**s##'^*#'##'#'***#^*^**-*^#^#-»*^^ i 1 ' VD\Ui j b&tLrXOACa Qhah^m II / l l < ROBERT M. KELLEY i INSURANCE AGENCY Hyannis 2680