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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GRIFFIN GREENHOUSES Route 28 Falmouth Road Centerville Tel. Hy. 1199 POTTED PLANTS $&kW ANNUALS PERENNIALS ^^^ & TOMATO PLANTS flSj jgj ro EVERGREENS - SHRUBS ^Pj jKuKsJPvKIMl d55 1""'*1"^ see "H 'usl ^^ jjff Cy^ j^^iyj S)IC=: | D| assortment of y Mf F ^^^C /Si[3% on Cape Cod Bernard C. MacQuade USED CARS ITANOUOH ROAD HOUTE 24 HTANNIS 4"85 U1AUONALL T OPPOSITE THE BUZZARDS BAY GAS CO. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 1 P. M. While Danny Hostetter and Prankie Buckler were- holding the Dennis Junior High School liitless Francis Souza came through with a winning btngle in the sixth in- ning, storing Danny McEvoy with the winning run and the local Jun- ior High School team, coached by Dight Coggeshall came through with a 3 to 2 victory In the opening of the Cape Cod Junior High School Baseb&ll League on Junior High School Field Tuesday afternoon. It was a pitchers ' battle all the way. Frances and Hansen did well for the visitors, allowing but three hits. Both of the Dennis runs were scored on a wild throw to firsl base, being completely unearned Pitcher Frank Buckler hit the jack pot in the last inning when he bore down and fanned two of the three men to face him from Dennis in the last inning. Other players from Barnstable were : Dana Hinckley, Bob Jones John La rkln, John Doives, Al phonee Montugna , John Trocchi Ned Weaver, E. Lebel. Junior High Wins League Opener i Dave Tellegen of Hyannisport de- feated Dick Coggeshall 3 to 2 in the first round match of the Town of Barnstable tournament at Hyannis- port Golf Club on Sunday. Nuggy Williamson of llyannis defeated Joe Hallett of Cotuit on the 20th hole. Quarter finals in title play will be held at Hyannisport next Sat- urday. Williamson defeated Hallett , 20th hole, llurlingame defeated Moore , 2-up. Michaelson, default from Tellegen. Doane defeated Cross, 3 and 2. JVelson defeated Cook, 3 and 1. Dowling defeated Chase, S and 6. Mott defeated Lynch. 1-up. Tellegen defeated Coggeshall, 3 and 2. Souza , default from Besse. Lewis defeated (liangreco , s and G . Bond defeated Andrews , 3 and 2. Archer defeated Doane, Jr.. f and 3. Dow defeated Bond , I and 3. Lewis Jr., defeated Coyle , 1 and 3. Barnstable Golf Tourney Underway Despite 12 strike-outs and the allowance of 1 hit the Barnstable Junior Varsity baseball team lost n heart breaking, 1 to 0 game to Sandwich Varsity at Cotuit Field Tuesday afternoon. Paul O'Neill was on the. mound for Barnstable and pitched a superb game. The winning run came over for Sand- wich , when on a throw to nail a man on third the base was left un- covered and this unearned run spelled defeat for Coach Jack Don- ahue 's charges. The locals lined up as follows: Frank Roderick, catch- er; Paul O'Neill , pitcher; Bobby Delano, first base; Roger Williams , second base; Ray Stackhouse , short stop; Bruce Woodruff , third base. Albert Hunley, left field; Al Faria , center field and RusS Jacobson, right field. Paul O'Neill Loses Heartbreaker Lee Foster of Dennis-Yarmouth combined a two hitter with excel- lent stick work by teammates to hang a 7 to 0 win on Barnstable High Monday afternoon at the Dennis-Yarmouth field . In a game originally set for Hyannis but trans- ferred at the last minute owing to a wet field . Field and O'Neil were the only Barnstable players who were able to touch the offerings of Foster. In addition to the two hits, Foster passed one and uncorked a wild pitch. Duchesney, pitching for Barnsta- ble, was nicked for 11 singles and issued three passes. All of the Den- nis-Yarmouth runs came in the first four innings of the seven inning contest. ^ ———————— ¦ ™"7——^ Dennis-Yarmouth Belts Barnstable KENNEY'S SPORT SHOP 1 Trout Fishing Contest Everyone Eligible f \ i' Children Included j j jj • All Fish Entries Will, ^ / Receive a Prize iftHw / - FIR ST PRI ZE / *5jt f ? [ SOUTH BEND SPINCAST OUTFIT $40.00 Value SECON D P RIZE South Bend Lazy Day Telescopic Pole j ^ ^ (Fibre G)ass > J&ggf e $10,95 Value If ^T ^ m Oilier Valuable Prizes j JT ^dS Come in for your Free j _JVr- -**».. ^f i L J j | H> Measuring Device 16 Ocean Street Hyannis 2200 Established 1900 WILLIAM A. JONES Inc. Paving Contractor — HOT MIX — Screen Stone - Blue Stone - Native Stone Gravel - Screened Sand Grading • Excavating • Landing Clearing Parking Areas • Gas Stations Office and Asphalt Plant — Tel. Hyannis 1921 Evenings: Call Charles W. Jones — FOrest 2-3506 \ 11 GIFTS DINNERWARE - GLASSWARE 433 Main Street , llyannis LARRY T1LLCHEN Painting and Decorating Tel. Hy. 131 STUDENTS ! vjfl H BA -^ H H SV^REMTNGTON Qtd&t-Sut&L (faiMeti. 337 Main Street, Hy. 2810 Open Every Friday Evening till 9:00 P.M. Economy, p <*ower, speed to fS&k*. t' ¦*• A*tf ^?*% MkBi^bfiMAuiiiiikciTi&En^''y ¦ '*"*?Bk^BMHH ^^ B F ^BH ^^^^^I ^^FHH ^H ^ ^M &^ ^p0s^^^^HBP|&BJ ^Bi^e^^Sfl^HHR3^S^'^> it ? T^ff on w r a n U B H ^^H^ wMESlStt ^w ^^vf ' '«* pwSiEHp^vT-v^^P^^BBraSSJK^^^K " ¦ * WEB?2nHs^v -s L {'* ,, m* »-¦ w^^^EtMMt^^^Bm ^^Bftffi?S8c^KBv.j$& ¦n>". ; ** - ^W .4 B J H S w v ^ t^ ^B S » £ j l f t p 5 3 * t;--- .v Pr ' ^-^ W B M M E d t e S M P B tt.:. wc l/*T" , vF * t^- ^i '* JK ?9SM ¦ 3 r BHFlilM^Kj^r ft^ **¦ *" *^'.r '.'-'''t>^ f^rTSflT^^^R^ f^^O^^^^^^^^^^'y^M^^ff/ . m * * HeHWifc^B By ¦ ' J^B i^Sfciv '* ^tm B W/WM ^ M BH ?~ with a W^cCORMICK* FARMALL CUB" l lT BLANCHARD AVIATION h* fc^i 2 Tel. Hyannis 3147 IKTIBMATIOMAt. V H *"*"*" Mary Dunn Road Next to Airport __ ^ 1 I^XZCHSBBI t ~?t iuc&tey ' i.. Has the Answer to M OTHER 'S DAY SHOPPING PROBLEMS FOR DAD OR THE CHILDREN # VISIT OLR MODERN STORE AND GET THE BEST FOR MOTHER SUNBEABf RETERE WARE ECKO-FLINT RUBBERMAID UNIVERSAL Anczl many more useful appliances and items Mother will enjoy every day- in the year. JOHNT HINCKLEY & SON CO HYA^NNIS AND YARMOUTHPORT AMPLE FREE PARKING HYANNIS 7°° By The Woodpecker The Sandpiper has stopped his solitary flitting along the shore and has metamorp hosized into one of those pileated drillers known as a woodpecker. It is altogether fitting and proper that this benign tapper should have a two-column spread and not be bound by the mundane limits of a circumambient one-col- umner. These are sesquipedalian words, even for a woodpecker , but don't mind him. He's just trying his beak. * * * As you very well know "On 'I'll Pole" has a double entendre. In racing terms both foot and equine, it designates "the Inside" and the __ terminology also denot «s that the Woodpecker has a hi «li vantage ; point from which to survey the various "goings on " of tlie commun- ity. « * » Choosing a heading -for the col- umn was quite a problesm. Our tor- , tured mind came up irith many, ! which were promptl>>- discarded. Here are some of therr^.. If you like them better we'll clisca_rril this mast head and substitute ar^j of 'em. If you can suggest a bet -fcer one we'll use it. Just write it in . Those that didn 't "take" were: "Sound Off" hy One, Two-Threes —Four. "The Crow's Nest" by tl». e Old Salt. "Strike Up The Ban_ 1i,»«.