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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I ^ **Wts ^^^^^. I I I */rpur-ll»a t I Mrmbrr Keilrml RutfVf H>a|«n, / E SEAPUIT , INC. Nurseries ( TERVILIE MASSACHUSETTS ) Choice Line of ) Evergreen Trees and Shrubs ) -leas Rhododendrons Flowering Shrubs \ Pin Oaks Norway Maples ) PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL DEALERS WELDI NG REPAIR . SUPPLIES - NTKKI , BAXTER WELDING N iiu) vim Street, I I M >„ III „ Tel, «ij. :nn m^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv if—-i Metered Delivery tfWtfk 25_^ °^ /*W ^fcj FUEL OIL gf PHINNEY COAL & OIL INC. COAL - WOOD - ICE - FUEL OILS Telephone Hyannis 233-W2 _ _ . « HYANNIS 145 1YANOUGH ROAD I ^ -————— _——— ——. RAYMOND'S T. V. SERVICE PHILCO ¦ ZENITH RADIOS - TV ¦ HI-FI Fast Dependable Service on all makes Route 28 West Yarmouth Tel. Hy. 3190 — I CHAIRS RECANED and REPAIRED Called For and Delivered TED HOLMES , 445 South St. Hyannis 300 NON-PEELIKC BUSTgWOOF HOUSE PAINT tGOARANIfEO YOUM MONEY BACK" quai- antt* thai pro. IKII your la* »««!m«nl la coiily tabor. • ILISTI. MrOOF Will not bllstar tnm a —otmtui* on pi«>U>u_r - j | __-W uipolnt*. turtont f^\^. • «ii «oo» •o" TV Mat* bli*l« tMiilanl _ n •¦•_> moisluia o_ p,»- W>*1 _ »io uily polul.d «ut* . t\ lOCM.- i t-6* »• ai-uruiD I „. n Mod* lo N.w Eaata-d U»>1> * H '" '•¦'" ">• bail- .» 1 __r*A "•"»•» o< N.w esalaad n-jfjS--**" ^ »»au_»i. LLOYD'S NORFOLK PAINT STORE c°Pe Cod Color Center 382 Main Street Hyannis Tel. 1091 1 » ¦ \ SPECIAL ! NEW LOW PRICE! r^St ^uftEitft I| p^ ":$AQ?$ 1 ^ g0 g & 0**\ i^ y OBIGINAl WAS $79.95 VAIUEI ¦ N«» B_taty • Llfht • Quiet • Clip- On Tool* • Buy B Gild* Ruf NuziU • Ll|ht Vinyl HOM • Paper Dual H»« N_____BB__--0______-_-_---B-^^ DYER ELECTRICAL CO., INC. Electrical Contractors APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE Pole Line Construction — G. E. Dealer 332 Main Tel. Hy. 308 Hyannis mrr Wheel Bearing Packing i K-Lb With Every Tune-Up $3.75 up less parts BODY AND FENDER WORK and GENERAL REPAIRS BRITOVS AUTO SERVICE Yarmouth Road Hyannis 2974 R_tftl B0B GARDNER 'S ^ ^ ^ RESTAURANT HOME BAKERY Serving Fine Foods Carrying a complete line of Quality Home Bakery Products O S T E R V I L L E | ' | Harbor Light Wayside Furniture PINE AND MAPLE DINING ROOM and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Rte. 6A. East Sandwkh Mrs Martha Schultz Thoma s Tel Hyannis 2407-W MlSS SUSAN TURNER Jo OBSERVE 91st BIRTHDAY M1«s Susan M. Turner , formerly -i.h 'the S.P.C.C., in Hyannis , but g living in Amherst , N. H., will Merv8 her nist birthday on Sun- ! v May It Cards may be sent to ^ Turner, c/o Conrad' s, P. O. j,„v 263, Amherst , N. H. CAPE COD QUOTA CLUB Tl„. Quota Club of Capp Cod i I,) its Installation of officers at ih innis Inn April 24. Miss Mary BagB0 past president of the Provl- , m.„ club and Governor of the •5th Distric t of Quota Inter- yional, was installing officer for Die ceremony. Hlsg Sally Henderson of Provl- .,,„, , a past president of the Qoottt International , was fittest beaksr. \-,w officers installed were Miss Prances Fuller , president; Mrs. Marion C. Locke, 1st vice-presi- jent; Mrs. Louise Newkirk , 2nd ,ice-president; Mrs. Marie Mc- ^' ell, troasurer; Mrs. Louise C. rtli itc . secretary. Directors are Jlmes, Marion C. Smith , Helen C. itwood, Alice Lochhead and Miss jlladya Bond. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Masonic Building Preble Cobb, Pastor Sunday school , 10 a.m., Study 'opic: "Miracles ot Provision." 11 ii.m., Sermon topic: "A Life n the Lord "; 7:30 p.m., topic is The Love of God—How Great". Raj- Leavitt, Jr., will be guest peaker. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., prayer meet- lg and Hible Study with Laurence TOllams as speaker, to be held at he home of Miss Marjorie Ham- |lln, 284A Ocean Street , Hyannis. TALENT SHOW REHEARSAL A rehearsal for the P-TA Talent Show will be held Saturday morn- ing, May 10 at 9 o'clock at the Hyannis Elementary School. All acts are required to be in attend- ee. Those wishing further in- formation about the rehearsal are asked to call Mrs. Robert Starck , lly. 2S3 or Mrs. Stephen Bates, fly 3931. FEDERATED CHURCH UNITY GUILD MEET The covered dish luncheon meet- ing lust Monday was well attended. Chairman of the luncheon was Mrs. DiiRlit Killan assisted by Mrs. Carl Schultz , Mrs. Hatrold C. Anderson, Mrs Josie Fergeson and Mrs. Alexander Lightfoot. Utt, Edward F. Nicholson led ihe devotions and reported on the meeting of the Cape Cod Council of Chorea Women. The president, art, Henry C. Morris, conducted "e business session after which Harolii Jackson of Yarmouthport save a hook review on Any a Sey- m'i new book , "The "Wlnthrop Woman ." Two sewing sessions are sched- jlled : one on Monday, May 12 at JO am., at the home of Mrs. Law- I* " 8, Carlton , Strawberry Hill lliiud , Centerville . The other will he hei,| Wednesday, May 14 at 1:30 W at the home of Mrs. George Whitnny . Silver Liat Lane, West Yarmouth. (in Friday evening, May 10, at 8 a talent project will he held in Memorial Building ot the Hyannis Federalnl Church. The subject will |be "Highlights Through Yellow- stone , Alaskan Peninsula and Can- adian Rockies." Admission GOc. HYANNIS WOMAN'S CLUB The Evening Division of the Hyannis Woman 's Club will hold I heir annual meeting, and inci- dentall y their final meeting, as a separate group from that of the regular Woman 's Club, tonight at Coonamessett Inn. The executive hoard of the Evening Division held their last meeting last Thursday anil enjoyed a dinner at Wimpy 's in Osterville. MASS. HEART ASS'N, FILM PREVIEW The Barnstable chapter nt the Massachusetts Heart Association lias announced plans for a preview luncheon to be held at the Hyannis Inn, May 23rd at 12 noon. Program chairmen of any Cape organization are being invited to this showing of films and slides which the association is mailing available to organizations who might wish to view them. Should your program chairman bo Interested call Hyannis 2570 for a reservation. IT'S A SMALL WORLD Last week was vacation week for many Hyannis residents but it was the merest coincidence which brought three Hyannis families to- gether in the Capitol Building at Washington , D. C. Mr. and Mrs. James Cannon and their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Askew and their daughter and Mr. und Mrs. Judson Clayton and their sons quite unexpectedly happened upon each other while sightseeing in the Capitol! PERSONALS Mrs. Robert Baxter of Harvard Street and her daughter-in-law , Mrs . Peter H. Baxter, of Hunting- ton , Long Island have returned from a one week trip during which they flew to San Francisco. Friends of Mrs. Florence Fay of North Street , In Hyannis, will be sorry to hear that she will he at Pocasset for about the next week. Mrs. Fay would bo cheered by n word or card from her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Folsom spent last weekend here with Mrs. Folsom's parents , Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Slddall. Mr. and Mrs . Hugh Findlay have returned from a two weeks vaca- tion in Rhode Island and Massa- chusetts. HYANNIS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "The Virgin Birth" , is the ser- mon Stthjecl at the Hyannis First Baptist Church nt the morning worship MI n u m . Mother 's Day | program will he reutiucl oil the !l:30 Junior church service. Adult Bible class will be held in the sanctuary at 9:30 and Junior Fel- lowship will meet in the Nye room at 6:00. On Monday there will be a meet- ing of the Men 's Brotherhood In the Parish Hall. Boy Scouts will meet in thi Finish hall Tuesday nt 7:00 and al 7:30 the Executive board will raeel in the Nye room. Sew and Serve will meet in Nye room starting at 10:00, on Wednes- day. Election of officers «r the Bap- tist Union will be held in the par- ish hall at 6:30 on Thursday. Choir rehearsal in the sanctuary will he held at 7:30. SPECIAL JUNIOR PhOGRAM Mrs. Doroth y n. Moore, Sunday school superintendent , has Issued a special invitatio n lo all mothers to attend n special program and Junior Church service to lie held in the parish hall of the First Bap- tist Church on 'Sunday May 18 at 0:30 a.m. The children are prepar- ing a special program mid the Jun- ior Choir will sing special musti for the occasion . GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH May 10, Saturday, Sacrament ol Confession ror all Sunday School pupils , 11 to noon; 2 to S. May 11, Sunday, "Sunday of thr Samaritan Woman ". Sunday school at 9:30; Holy Communion ami breakfast , 10; Matin 's sorvice at 10:30; Divine Liturgy, at 11:00, Mother 's Day serivee and sermon in English and Greek. I HY ^HHIS ENGAGEMENT OF SHIRLEY IGO TOLD Mr . and Mrs. George T,. lgo . Greenwood Vvenuo, Hyannlsport, have announced Ihe engagement of Shirley A. Igo, to Second Lieuten- ant James S. Kramer, U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer , Main Street , Walpolo. An August wedding Is plnnnod . Miss igo and Kramer were grad- uated from Northeastern Univer- sity College of Business Adminis- tration lust June , after which Klamer was commrssimieil in the V. S. Army and Miss Igo became a teaching fellow In accounting at Northeastern. Miss Igo Is a graduate of Barn- Btable nigh Sc hool and as an un- dergraduate at Northeastern was active in the Accounting Society and served as treasurer of her class board for three years. Kramer, now stationed at tho Pentagon, Washlntgon, D. C, was graduated from Walpolo High School and was a member of Phi Beta Alph a Fraternity at North- eastern. He was office manager of tiie Northeastern NCWH . Thomas Otis of Centerville Is one of 53 student , or the Univer- sity of Virginia to be named to the Haven Society, honor soclely of the college. To become eligible for membership a student must have proven academic achieve* inc ut , and distinction in other fields as well. Mr. Otis is studyin g In the school oc law ol the university. CENTERVILLE STUDENT NAMED TO HONOR GROUP With the completion of the beau- tiful sanctuary of Our Lady of Vic- tory Church Cente rville last week, parishioners attended masses in the upper church last Sunday Mny t. Blessed at a priv ate ceremony, the edifice will be offic ially dedi- cated at a later dale A beautiful white altar with spe- cial wall shelves for fioWerS; pews finished in natural wood ; choir and organ loft at the rear of the chinch ; windows of colored glass each containing a scene Of an im- por tant incident in the life of the Virgin Mary; Stations of the Cross in appropriate wall plaques and tin overall simplicity and beau ty to make for a worshipful atmos- phere, The lower church which has been used for church services while work progressed will be used as n par- ish hall. Cenlcrville Church Open For Services Students ot the University of Massachusetts, Amherst who have achieved Honor List ratings for the first semester are .lames ('. Sethares, 13 Rldgewood Avenue , llyannis , second honors , class of ; Adelbert S. Wonvor, Cnm- mett Road, Marstons Mills , third honors , class of 1058. BARNSTABLE STUDENTS LISTED ON HONOR ROLL The regular meetin g Of the H y- annis Hoard of Trade will be held Tuesday, Mny 18, al the Prisclllii Alden Room, Dinner will be •erved ;K B:3fJ, An exceptionally good pro- gram Is being arranged, Business will Include ninny summer projects. I HYANNIS BOARD OF TRADE WILL PLAN SUMMER PROJECTS CAPE COD SPORTING CENTER selling u complete line of Sporting Goods and Sports Books • See us in relation to all your sporting goods and apparel. State Road South Yarmouth Tel. EXeter 8-2668 PATRIOT ADS PAY