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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ANNOUNCEMENT I | CAPE MAID FARMS I GRAIN DEPARTMENT I Now Open Daily in Yarmouth Port at the Rear of fl John Hinckley & Son Co. 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon - Tel. FOrest 2-6330 %\ POULTRY FARM and RETAIL STORE | in Hyannis will operate as usual . 4 Open 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Tel. Hyannis 3782 j iSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS&gsi iSSgSSSSSS^Se^SS^^^SS^slS^ , I U - 111 • / Pi ( ^rrif anmi 11 /cniorial L^hap cl SERVING HYANNIS AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. COMPLETE NON - SECTARIAN FUNERAL SERVICE. Earl A. Hunt Falmouth Road (Rte. 28) Funeral Director Hyannis Telephone Hyannis 155 C*tdredqe C f ySourne liloving C! f S torage Comp any (Ageot for Allied Van Lines) DIRECT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND STORAGE DIRECT AIR FREIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES Hyannis 1050-2163 Kimball 8-1 188 (Falmouth) Columbia 5-4400 (Boston) • i ~^ _^^ - _ —rr— .—- E$IVOLKSWAGEN Mitchell Motors , Inc. YOUR LOCAL VOLKSWAGEN DEALER Route 132 Hyannis 3049 I Offer Ends May 24th ! $25 INSTALLATION ALLOWANCE \ | on gr-' -'y-i MMi—x. 1 1 ** weuigfrsBo.^ I ni I I ELECTRIC 1 M i I ^ WATER HEATERS I J J f# $1C095 I -1' J : ^«_\ 'if 52-gallon Sepco v \ _*U fi[ As little as $10 down. Only $1.29 a week. i__ 'I Mm (payable monthly) | : i -k____S' ? J ° n i'y +he Sepco Stoneste el electric water heater J * %? S_-^_f i Ti 9 sPec!al IInIn9 that prevents corrosion and ! * S / f l S m l 'S a 2Q ~Y e3r warr anty on the tank , and ycu {¦ « ^_-W f& ^ W can, put a Sepco anywhere in your home. So buy now $ » J&ry i ||. ¦ & / and save! S 5' \%*_5r -_ In order to be el'9ible for +n|s big saving, 1 I \ 8 F ^ A you must: * | \ V I• Purchase the Sepco from us. » 2. Install it on our lines. ft | CONVENIENT TERMS ON INSTALLATION COST. TOO! ^ ( | CAPE &. #7^ ELECTRIC 0^ . \ VINEYARD ^p? COMPANY 9JH*M MUM*! *,FALM OUTH . mOVINCITOWN. OHL.AN* . VIN .yAHO HAVI. ^ miO*^ rtWea9TOa8igiiWiai^^^^ ,^^__ ___. Jj |SPRING SALE DAYS I MAY 8lh — MAY 17th | J Regular Special y I Adjustable Ironing Table *8.95 $5.94 | § Steel Wheelbarrow 10.95 8.27 I I Grass Shears • 1.19 99c I | Super Steel Tool Box 6.96 5.98 I | 16 in. Push Broom 2.90 2.20 f I Yale Night Latch 2.98 2.27 1 I Baseball Glove 8.95 5.95 ! I Screen Door Check 1.98 1.55 | | These are Once a Year Buys , | I Come in and browse around \ f<*_* I j ^CENTRAL HARDWARES § ^^^ ^ . 248 MAIN STREET - HYANNIS , MASS.§ X ^^^ ^ ^ TELEPHONE: HYANNIS 880£ § ROBERT E. TOBIN, PROP § f 5 OSTERVILLE G A R D E N VILLA GE T A X I Tel. • GA - 8-6530 Bus • Train & Plane Service I 4 ^^ K _V0 Mr ^^r rwW I & j * ^Bfi-?_W ,t -_CJy-r_y'• R^^^^V /_Rrl $ ~** '¦^__ft*Sfl^j___r ¦ ¦ S-B-IS^Av ^fl v .¦ k •** j & ^ -j jjj f^ m^wJ^^Kti * - " ;^^- -__-_>i/ _KT^BWH ^ v\ _fei** ___3 5-_i i i r _k _*^~f__¦ _^«^3 I E R-_^^___-I I \ £ Your Daisy Charm spins round 'n round —stops $ on the exact degrees of his affection. True love & | or passing fancy—no matter-spinning the ^ t Daisy is intri guing fun I | ^ Designed by ^O^Cet^OUcfe^ \0° S W JEWELER" I ^ Open 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ^ • CLOSED W EDNESDAYS • | ? Mulberry Corners, Osterville Tel. GArden 8-2872 § ') Centerville J-^ astru { t and / ' ( f M * i l I L^offee ^Jj noppe \ } SPECIALS ) f COFFEE ROLLS ) f BEEF STEW ) J Monument Avenue , Centerville ' JAMES F. MCCA R T H Y Funeral set-vires for James F. McCarthy, 72, of 16 Ocean Street. Hyannis were held this morning from the funeral Home of Doano , Beal and Ames. Burial will be in Hope Cemetery, Worcester. Mr. McCarthy who was a retired maliine tool executive had lived in Hyannis nearly six yearn . He died in Barnstable County Hospital , Po- casset following a short illness. Born in Jamestown , X. Y. tie was the son of the lat-:- Callahan and Mary (Howard) McCarthy. He had been employed for many years by Henry Prentice Company. Worces- ter and the Cincinnati Milling Ma- chine Company. . He leaves his widow Mrs . Marie fliowky) McCarthy, Hyannis; a daughter Mrs. Arthur D. Laidlaw, Keene , N. H.J a brother Michael M, McCarthy, Syracuse, N. Y.; a sister Agnes McCarthy, Hyannis und two grandchildren. Obituaries AT CAPC . COD HOSPITAL To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson (Josephine Brooks), lii5 Sea Street, Hyannis , baby boy, April 21. To Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fratus (Anne Joque), Santuit , baby boy. April 22. To Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thomp- son (Charlotte Mcleod), Lake Street, Cotuit , baby boy, April 22 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan (Elizabeth Payson), Maple road , Centerville, baby giri, April 22. To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanderson I Shirley Dias) , Centerville , babv girl, April 23. To Dr. and Mrs. Robert Watt (Madeline .N' assi), Centerville , baby- boy, April 24. To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kwlat- kowski (Marilyn Jones), 4S Laurel Road , Centerville , baby girl, April 25. (Birtki "Picked Up In Passing" By CLARA JANE HALLETT —"» "- - " " " ¦ " "- - - - - " " " " " " " ' * " " " -" " ' " ¦ - - We say. "Let the dead past , bury the dead", but the Past is never dead. It has only changed and a part of it will meet you face to face as you turn some corner, when you least expect it. We would have no Present and no Future, but for the Past. So men by searching, can find out God. The Bible says . "In the beginning, God said, 'Let there be Light and there was Light.'" God, the Crea- tor, was there then. We in the Christian era have a Saviour to show us all we will ever know or be able to understand of God and j his laws. The beginning and the end we can never know, but with- out his Creation in the past, we would not be here, nothing would be here, no stars, no Heaven , no land , no sea, no evidence of life at all. We must be satisfied with that. Cape Cod was noted for its brave sea captains and before that the Cape Cod Canal was put through J it, going around the Cape in one of the so called coastal vessels was rough and dangerous. I know be- cause I went around once when I | was 11 years old , in the Western Star, Captain George Crowell of Hyannis. just to Boston and was I seasick. I stayed in my berth near- ly all the time. I soon recovered when we landed however , and had a never to be forgotten time. All ships kept log books that con- tained records of what happened on the trip, the weather , the latitude , longitude and what happened to the crew and the ship itself. The mate usually did this work. My mother started to use one of the old log books for a scrapbook and put odd poems and sayings in it . It was the log of the Bark Rest- less. Frederick G. Lathrop, Master. It was started before I was born , some of the articles are dated 1S57. The mate 's name I never knew as it was covered with items. In later years wnen 1 was old enough to read I knew Captain Lathrop and his family very well, in fact his little daughter was my fir3t real chum. Every Saturday as long as she lived after we became friends we met at first one home and then the other for play and once her mother went on a trip [ on the Restless with the Captain and she stayed six weeks at our house. EOte was just my age but she died at the age of 18, although she was the Qicture of health and 1 was a thin little girl and am still a thin Old lady. None of my people were ever tat, that 's one thin g I'll • ( have to worry about , that I mny be overweight. Mr. George W;ilsh , who was kind •• some things from niy home when I sold it and put them Up at his cottage and took . to the Historical Society, came Into see me and broug ht that My. but it brought bach all rears of ray life to me. It is in -nd conditi on now, the bindin g is broken and some of the leaves are We called it the "Sandy v. rgan" book. He seemed to be the most Important person on board ship. "Sandy Morgan sick", dy Morgan still sick and off duty " and finally "Sandy Morgan .it his own request, when we ar- I at N'ew York, was taken Aug. 20, 1S">7 to a hospital and put under a doctor 's care." The next day all his clothing and effects were sent to his home. That' s the last we ever heard of Sandy Mor- gan, as a sailor. It led to a slogan that we used when we were sick. Someone would say, "How do you feel today?" "Oh, I'm just a Sanely Morgan ", which meant miserable. Captain Lathrop, when I knew the family, lived in the house cor- ner of South Street and Pope's Lane. Winnie Hamblin lived there afterwards. In looking over the scrapbook I found many interest- ing items. I had also been allowed to print my name in it and draw some figures of what were sup- posed to be females of the species. Heads with slim waists and no arms, a top knot that was meant for a waterfall . The heads were all alike, evidently I had no great imagination then. One article in the book was in- teresting "Curiosities of the Bible". I am quoting some of it as not many people would have time to do what this man did even if they wanted to. He must have been a great criminal , for he was sen- tenced to solitary imprisonment tor life in a State Prison. Probably there was a Bible in his room as that is put in all rooms. I believe. His name was not given and we will never know about his life but we think that one day when he could stand the deathly silence no longer , he opened the Bible and glanced through it c arefully. May- be some passage touched his heart and at last he made the study of its contents his life work. Maybe .he repented of his sins whntever they were. He musl have had a kind jailer who supplied him with paper and pencils tor it was a long tedious job. Each subjec t he took up, he must go through the whole Bible and the light in a prison cell was very dim and he could work only a few hours at a time, but he called attenti on to many things . We have discovered a few more that he did not have In that article and some may be printed wrong, for printers often make mistakes— as an old man used to say, "I can't read my own writin g after it gets cold." I will add a tew things that he overlooked which I think are worth noting and there may be many more. You can believe almost anything from or by the Bible—but I like to believe that "God is Love " and will I only chastise for our good. The Bible contains 3.5SG.4S9 let- ters, "73,692 words. 31,173 verses, 1,189 chapters , 66 books. The word "and" occurs 46, 279 times, the word "Lord" 1.S55 times. The word "Rev- erend'' only once in the 9th verse of the 111th Psalm. The middle verse is the 8th verse of the 118th Psalm. The 21st verso of the 7th Chapter of Ezra contains all the letters of the alphabet except J. Also the finest chapter to read is the 26th chapter of the Acts. The 19th chapter of II Kings and the 37th chapter of Isaiah are much alike , and the 19th Chapter of He* kiah sends a me-sage to Isaiah. The longest verse is the Sth chap- ter of Esther. The Sth, 15th and 31st verses of the 107th Psalms are alike. There are no names or words longer than six syllables. The shortest verse in the Bible is the verse of the 11th chapter of St. John , "Jesus wept. " The 119th Psalm is the longest. This from the book. "Jesus Wept", are the saddest words in the Bible. After all he had suffere d even to death on the Cross, to think that anybody could so touch his heart as to bring tears to his eyes and cause him to weep must have been too saddened for words. We will add a few other things : we found . There is no mention of Lord or God in the Chapter of Esther and II Kings , verses 12 to 19, are the same as Isaiah 39. There is also the 11th command- ment , John 14-34 . and another two- Word verse in I Thessalonians, 5th chapter , 16th verse, "Rejoice Ever- more", a little more cheerful. The longest Psalm is< the 119th. Probably there are more wonder- ful things to be found. You can prove almost anything by follow- ing the different passages in the Bible, but I like to think that "God is Love" and only punishes us when it is for our good; perhaps when we have paid the penalty for our wrong we shall be cleansed as by fire and go on courageously to seek Divine guidance. The 23rd Pslam is my favorite , "He re- storeth my soul" is the promise I love. MY BEAMS Actually PosesWith Pat Boone w Carol Howes , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Howes, Pine Street. Hyannis . and a member of a Pat Boone fan club, ( right i. ac- tually had a chance to pose with her favorite when she was visiting a cousin Susie Moore deft I in Leonia , X. J , recently. The happy look- ing youngster standing between the two girls is Pat himself , TV star and popular songster with the juvenile set. • ~