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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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WITH BOD AND GUN As Seen By Hartley R. Davis They say it is an ill wind that blows no one good, so this rainy weather has helped the angler in wetting down the woodlands. It has lessened the forest fire danger and we shouldn 't be barred from the woodlands because of a fresh fire hazard. Before this rain the leaves and such were wet and soggy. Don't neglect Fido, Lucious or Ranger just because the hunting season is over. Ticks are around so give your dog a good bath to rid him of these things. He will thank you tor it in his way. According to reports only the smaller trout are hitting at Mars- tons Mills river. Earlier some good sized trout were being taken. "Plenty of excellent trout were being taken at Lovell's Pond. 1;__ M ; = ^ = ^ = > = ^ ^ ^ 7 fte / , f or Mother 's Day f lowers by CARREIRO 306 Main Street Hyannis — Hyannis 1215 Joan K. Garreiro and Frederick C. Carreiro, Jr. VISIT COLBY PHOTO SUPPLY 317 MAIN STREET HYANNIS Cape Cod's Photographic Center Telephone 345 RAINBOW COFFEE SHOP Specializing in CHARCOAL STEAKS and Hamburgers - Hot Dog- Route 132 Hyannl» Cigar store Indians such as this wooden Pocahontas, were familiar figures in front of the establish- j ment of any reputable tobaccolst back around the turn of the cen- tury. This particular Indian , carved fro m a solid block of wood, holds an improsing arra y of packaged tobacco and wrapped and banded cigars (no cigarettes please.) Its sister, an exact likeness, now re- poses in the archives ot the famed Smithsonian Institution in Wash- ington , D. C, -where it is viewed by thousands of persons each year. The Pocahontas shown here is now on display at the new location of the century old Odence Cigar Company nt 101 lyanough Road, Hyannis. The Indian shown in Hy- annis is about 200 years old and has probably been repainted a num- ber of times since it was first carved. It has been the property of the Odence family for nearly 100 years. M. J. Odence, proprietor ot the new Hyannis venture, hopes to have his factory open about May 15, when he will Invite the public to see Pocahontas. (Patriot photo.) plenty of work to do on the Sea King, but expects to have things ship-shape before long. High Standard is offering a new hand gun called the Double Nino. It is a single action .22 oallbro weapon and has a movable square notched rear sight. All three lengths of cartridge may be used In this western type revolver. Ralph Kimball and I fished Scar- go Lake for a few short minutes the other morning. Neither of us experienced a strike using lures. We Journeyed over to Long Pond in South Yarmouth to try for some bass. Bass were jumping all over. Some were jumpin g well in shore but they wouldn 't take lures. Ralph had no luck using worms. I hooked a piskerel using a Baker's Tab Wobbler, While going down to Scargo on Route 6A shortly before sunrise , we saw several rabbits cross the road and skip to cover In the brush. We saw quite a few on Station Avenue. Some had been hit by cars and ki!!ed. Along Route 28 to West Yarmouth I spotted as many as two or three dead rabbits in the road within the space of a few yards. Rabbits are pretty numerous . right, now. They appear to be I leaving the heavy brush and are living close by the houses and highways. In some places they are becoming einito a nuisance . Gardens and shrubbery arc being chewed up and they can find where the tender shrubs and plants are. Lawrence Brooks is going to leave his favorite calibre .25(5 Rob- erts and have a 25 - 0G made up. This shell is made from a HO • 06 brass necked down to a 25 calibre slug. This Is one of the latest and hottest of wildcat loads and is a fine vnrmit load. Chet Conway says It Is a .222 calibre for him ami Harold lirooks likes a ,844 Remington. Take your choice. Francis J. Walozak has entered a pair of fine flsh in Ketmey 's fish | contest. One fish went one pound ; six ounces, while the other was a four pound , four ouncer , and had a lmgth ot 20Vi Inches. The latter fish had Its left front fin clipped. He was using a Super Dupe r. From the lure used I'd say he used a stiititting outfit. These fish were Brown and came from John's Pond. The Pat and Don has a new color scheme and according to Charley Hinckley's, it's the latest. Pacific Croon is the color and Charley says he was told its ' a color that will lend to make the flsh bite bettor. Well, suppose you run into a school of color blind fish, Charley. "Tboso new regulations won 't affect _UJ small party bunt owner; onl y those carrying over si* to a boa t n ill have to change somewhat," said ho. An old saying Is that when tho dandelions appear the striper can't be (ar away. Stuart Coggoshall of the Alison Jane says that the sound of the Whip-poor-will heralds the coming of stripers. Well , folks , dandelions are out and Mr. and Mrs . Md Hurley tells me that the same whip-poor-will has returned to their yard , so fol- lows, let's get going. Saw Herbert Chahala getting ready for fishing I 'other day. Says Herbert , "I'm goiiiR over to Craig- ville and try for some tautog. I hear that they are off there." Have you been experiencing poor trout fishing lately '.' Well , why not try some black hnss fishing. The Capo area has some fine bass pbnds. Then there are many ponds thai offer .some excellent pickerel, perch and horn-pout fishing. Don't (orget those scrappy , little blue gills and snntlsh. Perhnps they inck the glamour of trout fishing, but they tight. Dso light equipment such as a llj i od or a spinning rod I wilh four or six pound lino. 1 Joe Amarnl was lolling me that he finds that the fishing has been below par so far this season. The tlsh are running much Smaller and are not hilling too well . I low many ot you anglers are finding that the trout are hitting your lure with a slapping motion and don 't seem to mouth tho hook? I have experienced thai and many anglers have told me tho same thing. Kind of bass fashion Is tho best way to explain it. SORie worm fishormon find that the trout merely suck nt tho worm and don 't take the hook. AVoll, one I way to stop thnt Is to use two very small hooks, at No. 12's, and ' hook a part of tho worm to one and tho other part of tho worm on tho other hook , then don 't try to reel In or set tho hook nt tho first Indication of a bile. Let the trout tako tho bait away and then set your hook. Remember trout suck the bait from tho hook. Ed Chase hooked a couple of pickerel over at Long Pond. 1 drew u blank Irving for buss but perch and sunfish were hitting. This pond Is very high , In fact about tho highest I have over soon It. Pocahontas On Display COMING MAY 18th TO HYANNIS I * l _^____^-_^-^^^ ^___^__B -_-_^_-w ^_____^__- WHAT IT WILL MEAN TO YOU: r fftp Speedy, reliable, modern communication with friends \! ^ and neighbors — available 24 hours each day. 4* PH % By dialing 2 letters and 5figures, all Hyannis customers