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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
May 8, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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May 8, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ten year old Jeffrey Greenwood, Mm € if Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Greenwood, CentfirvlUe, suffered an unusual accident while Ashing last Thursday. Jeff had ju«t gotten 10 Sums Pond , all set to II HII , when a playmate caught lilin at the top of his ear with a halted fish hook. 11 was a sight to behold , for In front nf his car hung the spinner and light on lop was a live worm. Jon* was asked if it hurt and lie replied "No, lint I wish that worm would stop wiggling, it tickles '" I look , worm and spinner wore removed al Cape Cod Hospital and one Btlteh was required to Close the wound. il Don't Hurl. The Worm Tickles" Al a recent QUBhog nipper and meeting of the Ontervllle l"iro- 1 men 's Association , EJverett Whit- man was presented n rift of a pen and pencil set in appreciation al his work In tho department and In recognition of ids i imy appoint- ment as the postmast er of the Cen- lerville office. Harold Kenzi aud William llalh tt were In charge, of tho affair . NEW CENTERVILLE POSTMASTER HONORED BY FIREMEN Along with all military, naval and Air Force establishment!! throughout the Country, Otis Air Force I June will make offli Jul ob- servance to Al'med Forces l)ny 00 May 17. The day was recently set by proclamation of the President of Ihe United States Tho program as in years past will emphasize the slogan of the dny "Powo ' 'y "< '; . - \<- iii<- flay, litis will display aerial demonstrations, flyovers ami static displays of aircraft and equipment All gates will he open at nine ' o'clock to the expected 15,000 visiters to Iho Camp, who will come from mile , around, to view tho latest gadgets prepared by the military to Insure pence by pron- ation for win . A special setup win lie equipment by MARS (Milil.iiy Affiliate Radio System) by which visitors to the Camp may bo enabled to send mes- sages to friends or relatives any* where in the world. One of the features of the day will lie tho crowning of Miss Armed Forces Day, chosen from u number ot beautiful candidates from the ureu. Concluding events on Hie |ii ii gram will be 0 Series of dances for officers and enlisted men. both on and off post. Special religiOUS services will lie lield at the various chapels on the Post at which visillng clergy from towns surrounding the camp w,ui preach. Otis Sets Armed Forces Day Program The Catholic Charities Drive was islu red in with Hie second annual Catholic Charities Appeal bait held Saturday nlglit at American l.e jion hall. Tho affair wan attended by about 1100 persons. Music for ilanclng was by Ralph Stuart' s or- chestra ot Providence . The dance was Jointly sponsored by Fattier McSwIney Council , K. of (' .; Daughters of Isabella and st. Pram is Xovisr (iulld. Grand march w«s led by Rene jf'oyuio , 1 ,111,1111:1 1 ¦ -. . Fran els Xavler Church appeal and Mrs. Poyant. The march was reviewed by Rev Leonard .1. Daley and Rev. Ambrose Mowers . On the committee In charge were Mrs . Henry F. Hums , Kdwnrd J. Bennett, Daniel Slavln, James Ho- bail , John .McConnell, Mrs. Robert l.oiig, Mrs. Marion Collins Mrs . !,cn (,'regolre, Mrs. V'almore Uiiertln , Mrs. Thomas Moore ami Mrs . [Trunk. Simmons. Catholic Charities Appeal Drive Opens Elliott MacSwan Resigns As Barnstable Football Coach The request of Klliott II. Mac- Swan to be relieved us bead foot- ball coach at Barnstable High School was announced today. Mr. MaoSwan was appointed head couch last year when Cordon Pendleton left llarnslable Hi^li School to accept a position nt Deer- lug High School in Portland" , Me. Principal Uriah K. Connor prais- ed Mr . MacSwan highly and Issued the following statement: "The request of Mr. MacSwan to be relieved of ills duties as head football coach is receive d with deep personal regret. Except for the years during World War 11. when be was in the Navy, Mac has been associated Willi Barnstable High School football since 1936. "Last Jllllo when be was asked to take over again as head conch , It was his request thai it be for ono year. Only those close to the situation havo any true apprecia- tion or understanding of the prob- lems this year caused by the lack of a practice Held at Ihe new hig h School, the Asian intluen/.a. and the loss of key personnel. "Those who have played for him, bis associates, and nil those who know litin respect and admire Mr . Mac. we of the school , deeply ap- preciate what lie has done for lliirn- Mable High School athletics ." Superintendent Harvard n Broadben l was also high in II IH praise of Mr. MacSwan. "Mac ," he said, "helped us out last year when we were in diie need of a head football coach. We all appreciate bis cooperation ill helping m. nut ol a difficult situa- tion. "The boys Who have played un- der Mac are indeed fort una I e, as I know of no liner gentleman on or off the football Held than Elliott MacSwan. " llyannis call tireinen will no longer depend upon bearing tho lire whistle to call tlieni to the station in case of a blaze. A new system Inaugurated this week will automatically issue a call to each of the call fi remen by means or n short wave radio set installed in their homes , ami OjOnnected lo the llyannis central tire station. Fire Chief (Monti ('lough , has said this will mean a great saving in lime In getting Hie men to Hie sta- tion in the least possible time and will also insure the department that each of the men will hour the alarm wherever they may be In their home. Mr . t'lougb said. "In the pnst when we were dependent upon the li re Whistle, many limes our men failed to hear Ihe whistle If there was undue noise in the hf mm> or it the wind was blowing the wrong way. There have been I - when as few us ten men responded to an alarm, owing to some factor beyond their control. " Chief ('lough explained the new system In Ibis way. There Is a con- trol, sending and receiving set in the central station. When an alarm COmes Into the station , a button Is pressed which sounds an alarm from the sets In the 110 homes , loud enough to wake a call fireman it' ho is Bleeping and of about 10 sec- ond duration. After a brief Inter- val , the location of the lire is broadcast Into each home , so the call fireman may know where to report, whether directly to the Htu- tion or to the location of the blaze . Chier OlOUgb believes that tho now wrinkle in Informing call lire- men will be of great help to tho department, by making possible o" Informing the cull-men quickly. Hyannis Firemen Will Be Called By Short-wave Radio Following a recent hearing at the Office of Ihe Hoard of Appeals , Barnstable, a special permit wus issued Krod /,. and Ruth R. Wll- lliiimi to erect and ope.ruto a ton run kennel on premises owned by them on Wukeby Road , Miirwtoiiii Mills. The area in question Is resi- dence limited. It was pointed out at tho hearing that the petitioners weje experienced dog handlers and that they had excellent reputations for their previous operations in the OslervilUi area. They plan In erect a 80 by 20 wooden Insulated structure , with ten well boarded runs. An attend- ant will bo In charge al all timet, Nearest bouse Is located JtOO feet away and Newtown Road is half mile distant APPEALS BOARD GRANTS KENNEL LICENSE Will Conduct Salt; For Blind Mrs. Mulcoliu ChOIS, R-N„ public ity chairman , Mrs. Merrill Muy- nard , director of Sales , MuKH.i cliimutt ti Division of the llllnd , in-pan Blent of ICdUCatlon , and Mrs. I'uUl lim e , president of the Cape Cod Registered Nurses , and chairman of I In, sale which will lie held May ID und 16 al the Hyannis Woman 's Club. Mrs. Merrill is shown with her seelng-eye dou, a constuiit companion. (Patriot photo.) William A Jones, inc., Hyannis has been awarded a contract, for construction of u northeast-south- east runway extension Including Us lighting al Municipal Airport, Nan- tucket The bid submitted by Jones wm for 180,489.97. HYANNIS CONCERN GETS NANTUCKET AIRPORT CONTRACT With five weeks loft before Mat- tery D, 6S6tb AAA (iun Iluttallon beads tor Welllleet for the annual summer encampment, the Hyannis Mattery is making rapid Strides to- wards reaching full strength. This lust week the llyannis buttery re- ported 13 mora onlttttmaiitti to bring the total 12 men abort of the listed strength. Sworn in for service In the (luard on Monday night were James it . Brewer, Bostham; Harold w. Kew , Jr., Orleans; Daniel w. Spar- row, Jr., Kasthum; John J. KOH - ario, llyannis; William A. Aalto , Marsloj is Mills; John H. Kills, JJy- unnls , William J. Ilearsn, Hyannis , Richard M. Herrio, Truro , Howard J. t't illds , West liarnstablo; Paul 0. Hooper , Jr., ifrewster; William A. Johnson , Centervllle; N'orinand ('• Nuult , Jr., llyunnls , und Hurry W. Aalto , MurHtoriH Mills. New enlistments will be accept- ed for the next few weeks Tho. e who sign up now will have Blurted fiiJIIIilng their obligation to ths Armed Forces and will be enabled to Join the lurge group of young men who will spend an uuforget- ablo two weeks at Camp Wellfleet ' .en.,- on June 14. Hyannis Nailery Enlists New Guardsmen Cubs of Pack r,(i, WeHt Iiarnstuble and iiarnstuble , are going to see the circus in Providence on May 24 if present plans are carried throu gh to completion. The 16 boys of the puck representing the two villages have been working on the circus theme at their meetings mid hope to realize a dreum of their young lifetime , by having a real circus unfold before their eyes. To flounce Ihe trip, food sales will be held at Hob Jones' TV Store, Rarnstublo, and the Old Country Store, West Barnstable on Saturday, May 10, starting at 10 o'clock. FOOD SALES WILL BENEFIT CUB SCOUT CIRCUS TRIP Mrs. Waller Kenwlck . who with tier husband, was one of the sets of chaperones accompanying the Voiith Fellowship on their New York nip, appeared on Mill Cul- leu 's "The Price Is Right " show on Monday night , when In the Intro- duction Of the contestants Hill (' alien told Wendy that lie knew Cotuit and asked her If she knew one particular person there , all Co- tuit viewers and thut was the whole population , held their breath wondering which one it could bo. Hill Cullen asked if Wendy knew Miss Mary Olive Wight . S teacher now living in Cotuit, and "The best teacher I ever bad." Of course , almost everyone knows Miss Mary (Hive Wight Who lives in tier little Cape Coil house on High Street , and even I hough she has retired from teaching still teaches Cotuit youngsters In her home as well as being S substitute Sunday School teacher. Miss Wight is currently In Pittsburgh , I'u., and will make a trip to Ohio before she returns to Cotuit sometime in mid-Juno. Wendy bid correctly und won an ice barrel with a lazy-Busun inside it (something she's always wanted) and bottles and bottles of cham- pagne as a bonus as well as an g.plece trapeze chemise - HallneBe ¦vardrohe , nil valued at nearly $1000. Mr . and Mrs Doiils Pe:ni ol lly- annia Invited the entire Youth Fellowship to watch "The Pri c e Is night " program featuring Mrs. Fen wick as one of the contestants. Mrs. Fenwlck looked young and pretty on bteck ami white TV , hut on colored TV she was a sensa- tion. The Deans set up extra chairs In their living room to accommo- date the Fellowship group and invite d (hem back ngain when there was something special they wanted to see. Mrs. Fenwlck is iho third Cape (' odder to win on "The Price IB Itigbi " in recent Weeks. Other win- ners were ,Mlss Kerin O'Brien of Sandwich and Amityville , N. v.. who was a live week winner on the night show. Mrs. Florence Slants of Sandwich was winner of the jack-pot on a day-time show. Mrs. Wendy Feiwick Wins Prizes;MissWightAnAccolade F. Chase Savage , 11 Mnsil'shiro EtOad, llyannis owes Ins life to two men who saw him floating in the water In llyannis Harbor on Sat- urday and ki pt him alloat and his head above water until help ar- rived. Mr. Savage , a bout engineer. I who was unable to swim, fell into » the water from a craft on which he was workin g. He was noticed in the water by Herbert Richardson and Thomas Armour, also of lly- annis , who called for help and then went to the assistance of Mr. Sav- age. Rescue was made by members of the Fire Department and Mr. Savage was taken to Cape Cod Hospital in u dazed condition . Hyannis Man Owes I Life To Rescuers Thomas P. Coogun of New York has applied to the Barnstable Hoard of Appeals for a special per- mit to raze buildings known as Osterville Manor, on West Hay Head. Osterville and replace them with n 50 or loo unit motel-type hotel , dining room ami nppurtnn- ancos. A public hearing will be held on the petition at 4:16 p. m. on Thursday May 15 at the Town Office Building, Area is in a resi- dence I) district. Also set for n hearing on the same day nt 4 j „ p. m. is Iho pe- tition of Robert A. and Thomas J. Carroll of Somerville for a variance to erect two auniintr cottages on s lot containing 89,800 square feet on land on Santuit Road. Aren la u residence D2 district. Hearing Slated On Motel Application Annual Lutheran Conference Of Churches Conducting' the annual Eastern Conference meeting of Lutheran Churches a| the West Harnstable Lutheran Church are (left to right) Pastor Wllbert Tormala, vice-president of Quincy; Pastor Wiljo Hel- Imar , president of Worcester, and Pastor Tolvo Rosenberg, secretary of Fltchbitrg. (Patriot photo.) Three pieces of apparatus from the Central Fire Station, Hyannis responded early Monday morning for a minor fire at Cape Cod Hos- pital. Fire waH confined to special apparatus known us a technicon , used to dehydrate body tissue. Ac- cording to Fire Chief Glenn Clougb , the apparatus was not seriously damaged. MINOR BLAZE CALLS FIREMEN TO CAPE COO HOSPITAL A tour of gardens will high-light the meeting of Hyannis Harden Club to be held May 14 at Coonu- nifssett Inn. Among the gardens to be visited will be those of the Cape Cod Nurseries , which may be visited on the way to the Inn; the gardens of Lewis H. Lawrence, 132 Siders Pond road , Falmouth; gar- den of the Falmouth Historical So- ciety, Palmer Ave., Falmouth; the garden Chapel of the new Method- ist Church, Glfford St., and one other to be announced later. Those wishing to make reservu- tions niay contact Mmts. Arthur Flint, Walter N. Gaffney, Leo G. Qoulet, Hurry Generoux , Kdward Kelley and Miss Madeline Humblin. Garden Club Will Tour Falmouth Gardens V* Barnstable \f Under-Currents _______________._____,_______________________ CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DWELLINGS BOOMS BUT COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IS STRANGELY QUIET Luther H. Howes Building Inspector Herbert 1) . Stringer informs us thai residential building is booming in Barnstable but thai there is loss new commercial construction now than normally during this pre-tourist season. Mr. Stringer had expected that as the result of the fact that virtually all motels did a thriving busi- ness last summer there would be more new motor courts erected for the coming season, particularl y out on Route'132. This is not the fact. Last month the estimated value of the dwellings for which permits were issued totaled $346,000. In this respect Barnstable was exceeded by only five other cities or towns in the State , namely, Brockton , Boston, Framiugham , Quincy and Falmouth. Mr. Stringer said that during April he continued to issue permits for new dwellings at a high rate. Most new homes being Will HIT in the $15,000 to $20,000 price range and they are general ly scattered on large lots throughout the town , he said. The rumor , and it is strictly a rumor , is that the next major bi g commercial move in Hyannis will involve tho Holm property, the parcel on Main Street west of the new (.rant's Rtora and bounded by Main , Bassetl Lane and North street. «e rumor is that a big food chain store would like to locate there and that, some other businesses now located downtown are mterested in going along. —Lou II. Howes • * * * * PB0P0SED OSTERVILLE MOTEL WOULD REPRESENT A MAJOR INVESTMENT Building-wise and otherwise, the hearing before tlie Board of Appeals next Thursday on the application of Thomas 1'. l'oogan of New York for a special permit which would allow 'urn to tear down the famed old Osterville Manor on West Bay ""ad and replace it with a stiper-duper motel type hotel is «tremely important for that village and for the town. Very fragmentary reports which we have received indicate "»at there will be no massed opposition to the request -and we don't believe there should be. Harry Jenkins, who has long been affiliated with highly desirable properties in Oyster Harbors , is familiar with Mr. poogan's plans and informs us that, a most attractive structure ls Proposed. Ho was unable to give an estimated cost but a good Bless is that the 50 to 100-unit project will represent an overall "Watmeat of somewhere between $250,000 and $600,000. 'Hie Manor which the motel would replace is one of Oster- Wlle'g oldest commercial landmarks. It was erected back about lMI '" ' by _he jute Horace S, Crosby and first was operated by • Ir- Crosby and Grandma Lucy Crosby as a rooming house Fnr Summer boarders. The Manor remained in the Crosby family until sometime '" foe 1920?s and in recent years has had a succession of owner.-. Time of the hearing next Thursday on Mr. Coogan 's appli- ' a,,"» is 4:1 5. Presently the Manor is owned by a corporation ™d the understanding * is that the sale to Mr. Googan is eon- m8ent nj,,,,, granting of the permit. —Luther H. Howes • • • • * BARNSTABLE SHOULD BENEFIT FROM THIS Along commercial lines, the decision to hold that Sttmmcr- ng lutsli-hush conference of scientists working on an Army •""Joel at the new Barnstable - West Barnstable School should '^'"'l-ia-tlie-arm economically for those villages parti cular ly *'n(1 the town generally. Beports are that between 25 and 30 scientists, mostly col- 2? I)roi'essors, and their families, will be here throughout July ( ia A|igust. Local real estate agents are scurrying around lo- "¦ 'ne suitable housing. (Continued on p*C- 8)