April 15, 1971 Barnstable Patriot | |
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April 15, 1971 |
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Centerville 02632
Tel. 775-2714
The Rev. Robert Sisson of Co-
tuit will be the preacher at South
Congregational Church on April
18 at the 10 o'clock service on the
topic See, Go, and Tell! The Rev.
Royden Richardson and children
will serve as greeters and Lloyd
Miller and James White as ushers.
For the next two Sundays there
will be no coffee hour following
the worship service, nor will there
be church school sessions.
The adult study class has been
postponed to April 27 at 1:30 and
8 p.m.
The monthly church supper , sch-
eduled for April 24 at 6:30 in the
parish hall , will be a New Eng-
land boiled dinner , sponsored by
the senior high youth fellowship
of the church. Community folk
singing will be conducted after
The public is cordially invited
to attend . Reservations may be
made with Mrs. Fred Klay at 775-
3814 or Mrs. James Dunnett at
775-8432, at the church office Tues-
day through Friday mornings next
week, or tickets may .be obtained
at the door that night , Donation
is $2.50.
The Women's Fellowship April
meeting has been postponed to
April 26, at 8 p.m. Guests includ-
ing men, are welcome, with spe-
cial guests the ladies from the
Guild of Our Lady of Victory
Church. The speaker , Mrs. Torbin
F. Yates, will present a program
entitled Symbolic Movement in
the Church, a brief history of Sa-
cred Dance and its use in chur-
ches and organizations around the
country. Mrs. Yates will do some
Mrs. Yates is a member of Sa-
cred Dance Guild of America,
and a former member of Sacred
Dance Guild Board and editor of
its Newsletter. At present she is
associate director of development
at Cape Cod Hospital.
Refreshments will be served.
Devotions will be led by Mrs. Ray
Babbitt and Mrs. John Monroe
will be hostess for the evening.
Clothing for the Church World
Service Drive may be left in the
parish hall closet up to April 21.
Donors are asked to deposit 10
cents for each pound to help to-
ward shipping expenses.
The senior high fellowship is
sponsoring a lecture by Edward
Howe Snow, noted sea historian.
The lecture will be on Atlantic
Adventures- Boston to Bermuda-
and will be illusti*ated with mo-
vies and slides. Mr. Snow 's fa-
mous traveling museum will be
on exhibition.
Mr. Snow will be heard on April
18, at 8 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Tickets may be purchased for $2
from the church office or at 1248
Craigville Beach Road.
A beef stew lunch is to be serv-
ed to those attending the April
Villagers' meeting Wednesday, the
21st, in the parish hall of the Con-
gregational Church. Time Is 12:30
and the donation $1.50. Robert
Brooks, who has his studio in Hy-
annis, will show his paintings of
Cape Cod scenes, and will answer
questions on art.
Reservations may be made with
Mrs. Timothy McCarthy at 775- I
4158 or Mrs, John Weston at 775-
7011 and must be made no later
than Monday.
Services were held Monday at
Doane, Beal and Ames Funeral
Home in Hyannis for Stuart E.
Baker of Phinney's Lane, Center-
ville , who died suddenly in West
Yarmouth April 8.
Mr. Baker was born and grew
up in West Yarmouth, moving to
Centerville some 40 years or more
ago. He was educated In the Yar-
mouth schools. He was employed
by the cemetery department of
the Town of Yarmouth.
He was the son of the late Fer-
nandus Baker and- Mrs. Inez Grey
Baker , who survives him. Also
surviving are his widow, Jean
Holway Baker; four sons, Stuart
R. and John R., both of Tuckahoc ,
N.Y., Donald of Eastchester, N.Y.,
Alan of Marstons Mills; two dau-
ghters , Mary Lou , Mrs. Fred
Johnson of Orlando, Fla., and
Barbara , Mrs. Howard McGahan
of Longwood , Fla.; and seven
Next week through Saturday,
April 24, is National Library Week.
Except for Monday, the 19th,
which is a holiday, Centerville
will observe this period by keep-
ing the coffee pot on- for visitors
who may drop in and by showing
a children 's film for the pre-school
story hour on Wednesday from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The theme for
Library Week is You've Got A
Right To Read.
Marine Pvt. Philip S. French,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J.
French of 34 Main St., Center-
ville, was graduated from recruit
training at the Marine Corps Re-
cruit Depot , Parris Island, S.C.
Mrs. Philip Baker of this vil-
lage is scheduled to preside on
Saturday at the spring conference
of the Massachusetts State Fed-
eration of Women's Clubs, Junior
Membership. The conference will
be held at Kennedy Junior High
School in Waltham.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. King of
Needham and Conners Road , Cen-
terville announce the engagement
of their daughter , Glenna Louise,
to Christopher Maxwell Outwin ,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edson S. Out-
win of Summit , N.J. and Millway,
Barnstable. Miss King is a stu-
dent at Colby Junior College, New
London , N.H. Mr. Outwin is a
graduate of Washington Univer -
sity, St. Louis and is working at
the Boston Veterans Hospital. A
wedding is planned for June.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Fuller of
Yacht Club Road , this village ,
announce the marriage of their
daughter , Priscilla , to James R.
Bean , son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Bean of Farmington , New
Mexico. Carol Ann Fuller, sister
of the bride , was maid of honor ,
and best man was William Bean ,
brother of the groom.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Robinson (Caroline
Souza) of Fox Hill Road on Mar-
ch 31.
When awards were presented to
members of the dean's list at Com-
munity College, several of the re-
cipients were noted as from Cen-
terville: Pamela Brown , Anne M.
Nelson , Linda Donnelly, Margaret
Miss Deborah Cowan of Plea-
sant Pines Avenue was graduated
from Rittners School in Boston
after a six-month training pro -
gram in floral designing and flow-
er shop management. Exercises
were held at the Sheraton Plaza
Hotel in Boston.
Mark Law , son of Mr . and Mrs.
Richard Law of Bacon Lane, gave
an Easter party to his friends on
Saturday. Mark is seven years
Mrs. Gorham Crosby of South
Main Street entertained over the
Easter weekend her son and fa-
mily, Edward Danforth Crosby of
Wilton , Conn.; and her daughter ,
Miss S. Elizabeth Crosby of Cam-
bridge. Her son, G. Kingman
Crosby and family of Southport,
Conn, spent the weekend at their
cottage on Wequaquet Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bearse of
Amsterdam, N.Y. came to Mr.
Bearse 's sister's, Mrs. Dora Ja-
cobs of North Main Street , for an
Easter extended visit. The timing
included also a celebration of his
Mrs . Edward Burke of Phin -
ney 's Lane is home after a stay
at the home of her son and fa -
mily in Wollaston. She went to
help out the household while her
daughter- in- law made a stay in
the hospital . All Is well again with
the Kenneth Burke family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller have
returned to their home on Craig-
ville Beach Road after a two -
month trip to South America. They
drove to Miami, Fla., from where
they flew to South America, cover-
ing the entire continent. They al-
so stopped at Panama. On the
way home, they visited friends in
Police Pay
(Continued from Page 1)
judgment that he should not par-
ticipate in the bargaining at this
"At this point Selectman George
L. Cross refused to negotiate and
to accept the vote of the town
meeting representatives, stating
that it was Mr . O'Neil's opinion
that he should not negotiate until
a full board of selectmen was pre-
"The Association would like to
sign this agreement in accordance
with the town meeting vote.
"Prior to this meeting the Asso-
ciation by unanimous vote direct-
ed the bargaining unit to file an
unfair labor practice charge again-
st Selectman Cross because of his
action at the previous annual
town meeting.
"As in the past the Barnstable
Police Association, Inc. has al -
ways abided by the vote of the
people and wishes to do so at this
Mt. Holyoke Club
To Meet April 24
Mrs. Eunice P. Howe, chair -
man of President Nixon's Consu-
mer Advisory Council, will be the
guest speaker at the sprin g meet-
ing of the Mount Holyoke Club of
Cape Cod on Saturday, April 24,
at the Nimrod Club, Hyannis.
A graduate of Mount Holyoke
and a member of the college's
Board of Trustees, Mrs. Howe is
also a graduate of Boston Univer-
sity School of Law and attended
George Washington School of Law.
She is a former assistant Attor-
ney General In Massachusetts.
She is a member of the Massa-
chusetts Consumers Council and
chairman of its Committee on Con-
sumer Education.
The meeting will open with lun-
cheon at 1:00 p.m. All area alum-
nae of Mount Holyoke, with their
guests, will be welcome. Reserva-
tions are being taken by Mrs .
Doris Rainey, RFD 1, Box 269,
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Camp Fire Girls
Registration Now
Getting Under Way
Mrs. Raymond Lantery, group
organization chairman of the Cape
Cod Council Camp Fire Girls, Inc.,
has announced that this is regis-
tration month for new members.
Flyers are being distributed in
all the schools, and interested pa-
rents are urged to fill out the at-
tached slip and return it to the
school as soon as possible. Mo-
thers' meetings will then be sch-
eduled in each community for pur-
poses of interpretation and regis-
Camp Fire Girls, Inc., a non-
profit United Fund organization
founded in 1910, is open to girls
seven through seventeen years of
age without regard to race , creed
or national origin.
Members in the 4th , 5th and 6th
grades are called Camp Fire Girls
and , at this level, they work for
the ranks of Trail Seekers , Wood
Gatherers and Fire Makers. There
are Jr. Hi. Camp Fire Girls, as
well , with their own special re-
quirements and programs suited
to their age level. High School
members belong to Horizon Club
and , at this age the emphasis is
on Community Service.
Although flyers will be distribut-
ed In only the first, second, and
third grades, Mrs. Lantery em-
phasizes the fact that new mem-
bers will be welcome at every
age level.
Those wishing further informa-
tion about the organization are
invited to call the Camp Fire Of-
fice, 674 Main Street, Hyannis
(775- 3176), or to contact the group
organization chairman in their
own community. Mrs. Richard
Norman, Centerville ; Mrs. Robert
Sisson, Cotuit; Mrs. Paul Botello,
Hyannis; Mrs. Charles Larson,
Marstons Mills ; Mrs. David Ham-
bly, Osterville, and Mrs. Wilfred
Taylor in West Barnstable.
National AARP
Head To Address
Mass Rally Here
On April 27, Fred Faassen, na-
tional president of the American
Association of Retired Persons,
which has a membership of about
2,200,000, will address a mass ral-
ly at the Sheraton-Hyannis Inn,
Hyannis, at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. Faassen Is coming to Mas-
sachusetts at the invitation of Vic-
tor A. Lindstrom of Harwichport ,
Area I vice president. The Hyan-
nis meeting will be held under the
sponsorship of the two local AARP
Chapters, Cape Cod 277, and Low-
er Cape Cod 4B6.
Other AARP chapters to be wel-
comed at Hyannis include Fall
River , New Bedford , Middleboro-
Nemasket, Norwood, as well as
the Newport , R.I. Chapter. All
AARP members and other inter-
ested persons are invited to at-
Entertainment will be provided
by the Guild Chorale of Cape Cod
Conservatory of Music. Refresh -
ments will be served.
The committee on arrangements
includes Robert E. Cross, Carl R.
Newman and Mrs. Thomas Milne ,
representing the Cape Cod Chap-
ter, and George E. Hallett, C.
Wendell Moore and Miss Helen
Pearce , representing the Lower
Cape Chapter.
Bonnie Lee Bryant Married
Bonnie Lee Bryant of West Main
Street, Centerville, became the
bride of Steven David Lapier , Spr-
ing Street, Hyannis, at wedding
ceremonies April 3.
The former Miss Bryant is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Raymond Bryant, and is a 1969
graduate of Barnstable High Sch-
o"1 «he also attended Lowell State
Mr . Lapier , son of Mr . and Mrs.
Kenneth F. Lapier , graduated
from Dennis- Yarmouth Regional
High School in 1964 and attended
Bridgewater State College.
The 1 p.m. ceremony at Center-
ville Congregational Church was
followed by a reception at Cum-
maquid Inn, Barnstable. The cou-
ple took a wedding trip to Nia-
gara Falls, and Pennsylvania,
and have now settled in Hyannis.