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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 15, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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April 15, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BUSINE SS ffiffiffi DIRECTORY LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage of real estate given oy JOSEPH R. CARR and JUNE D. CARR, husband and wife, as ten- ants by the entirety, both of Mar- shfleld , Piymou.h Lounty, Massa- chusetts, to SANDWICH CO-OPER- ATIVE BANK situated hi Sand- wich, Barnstable County, Massa- chusetts, dated April 23rd , 1965, and recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 129s, Page 500, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder , for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, on Wednesday, May 12, 1971, on Parcel 1 of the premises, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, to vrit:- "the land , with the buildings there- on, situated in Barnstable (Oster- ville) , Barnstable County, Massa- chusetts, comprising two parcels bounded as follows : PARCEL 1 NORTHERLY by the State High- way, commonly called M a i n Street, two hundred (200 1 feet; EASTERLY by land of Ruth Arenovski , three hundred tweiiiy- two and 49/ 100 (322.49) feet , more or less; SOUTHERLY by Centerville River so-called , measuring on the up- land , two hundred twelve (212) feet , more or less; and WESTERLY by land formerly of Grace E. Madden , now of Geoffrey D. Roberts, by three courses, a distance of three hundred fifteen and 07/100 (315.07) feet, more or less. PARCEL 2 NORTHERLY by Center v i 1 1 e River , so-called , measuring on the upland fifty (50) feet; EASTERLY by land formerly of G. A. Stackhouse, Trustee , one hundred ninety ( 190) feet, more or less ; SOUTHERLY by waters of Nan- tucket Sound measuring on the up- land fifty (50) feet; and WESTERLY by land formerly of Grace E. Madden , now of Geof- frey D. Roberts , one hundred eighty ( 180) feet , more or loss. The above described premises arc conveyed subject to (a) the pro- visions of the Zoning and Building Regulations of the Town of Barn- stable , and (b) as to Parcel 2, an easement or right of way, if esta- blished , for the benefit of owners of land abutting said Parcel 2. Being the same premises con- veyed to us by John P. Edwards, Trustee , by deed to be recorded herewith. Subject to easements of record , and takings by the Town of Barn- stable for buildin g lines. Including as a part of the realty all portable or sectional buildings, h e a t ing apparatus, plumbing, ranges, mantels, storm doors and windows, oil burners , gas and oil and electric fixtures, screens, screen doors, awnings, air condi- tioning apparatus, and other fix- tures of whatever kind and natuie, on said premises, or hereailer placed thereon prior to the full pay- ment and discharge of this mort- gage, Insofar as the same are or can by agreement of the parties bo made a part of the realty." Said premises will be sold sub- ject to all outstanding taxes, tax titles, and municipal Hens and as- sessments, if any there be. Terms of the sale: Four Thou- sand Dollars ($4 ,000.00) to be paid In cash or certified or bank check by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale, balance of the purchase price within twenty (20) aays upon the delivery of the deed at the office of William P. Swift , Esquire , 49 Elm Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts. Other terms to be announced at the time of the sale. SANDWICH CO-OPERATIVE BANK Present Holder of said Mortgage By George Sutton , President For further authority for said sale , see decree of the Superior Court in and for the County of Barnstable, entered February 10, 1971, in Case No. 31028. William P. Swift Attorney at Law 49 Elm Street Hyannis, Mass. Counsel for Mortgagee. April 1, 8, 15, 1971 Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT PETITION TO FORECLOSE TAX LIEN (Seal ) No. 45458 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- CERN , and to Raymond R. Rog- ers and Irene M. Rogers, both now or formerly of Barnstable , in the County of Barnstable and said Commonwealth, or their heirs , de- visees or legal representatives ; Russell Hinckley and Lydia P. Hinckley, or their heirs , devisees or legal representatives : Whereas , a petition has been presented to said Court by the Town of Barnstable , a municipal corporation , located in the County of Barnstable, and said Common- wealth, to foreclose all rights of redemption from the tax lien pro- ceedings described in said peti- tion in and concerning a certain parcel of land situate in said Town of Barnstable, in the County of Barnstable , and in said Common- wealth , bounded and described in said petition as follows: A parcel of land , on the South side of Wakeby Road , in the vil- lage of Marstons Mills , as shown on a plan on file in the Assessors Office , in envelope 6-2 H-1B, and supposed to contain 50.00 acres , more or less. If you desire to make any objec- tion or defense to said petition you or your attorney must file a v. ritten appearance and an ans- wer, under oath, setting forth clearly and specifically your ob- jections or defense to each part of said petition , in the office of the Recorder of said Court in Boston (at the Court House) , on or before the tenth day of May next. Unless an appearance is so filed by or for you , your default will be recorded , the said petition will bo taken as confessed and you will be forever barred from cont^stlnc said petition or any decree enter- ed thereon. And in addition to the ueual service of this notice as required by law, ii is ordered that the fore- going citation be published forth- w'th orce paoh work for thr^c successive weeks in the Barnsta- ble Patriot a newspaper publish- ed in said Barnstable. W'tness. ET W')OD H. H E T - TRICK, Esquire , Judge of said Court, this twenty-ninth day of March in the year nineteen hun- dred and sevnty-one. Attest with Pe«i of said Court MARGARET M. DALY, RecorrW April 8, 15, 22 «. M. u REP0RT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY T^e^Hot rSlrve V iVe%^nf° , Mlb i?. f0r 0Dly one ""»"«* ^sertion. rXication reserve8 "• rl *ht t0 edit or reject any copy received for LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by ALEX- ANDER BLAIR and LOUISE EVANS BLAIR, dated May 9. 1969, and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 1436, Page 399, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder , for breach of the condi- tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auc- tion at 2:00 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of April 1971, at the mort- gaged premises hereinafter de- scribed: A certain parcel of land , to- gether with the buildings thereon , situated in Barnstable (Cumma- quid) , Barnstable County, Massa- chusetts, being shown as LOT 27A on plan entitled "INDIAN HILL ESTATES in Barnstable - Cape Cod - Mass. Showing Revisions and Renumbering of Lots Property of ANNE S. CLIFTON. Scale: 1 inch = 80 feet - January 22, 1957. Ed. Kellogg - Civil Engineer Oster- ville " which said plan is duly recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 134. Page 55, being more particu- larly bounded and described as follows: WESTERLY by Indian Hill Road as shown on hereinabove mentioned plan , one hundred five and 39/100 ( 105.39) feet; NORTHERLY by Lot 28A as shown on said plan, one hundred forty two and 03/100 (142.03) feet: EASTERLY by land now or form- erly of Francis E. Walls, as shown on said plan , one hundred five and 47/100 (105.47) feet; and SOUTHERLY by Lot 26A , as shown on said plan , one hundred forty six and 06/100 (146.06) feet. Containing 15,035 square feet ac- cording to said plan. Said premises are conveyed to- gether with the right to use said Indian Hill Road for all purposes for which streets and roads are commonly used in the Town of Barnstable. Said premises are conveyed sub- ject to and with the benefit of easements, takings, restrictions and reservations of record , if any there be, insofar, as the same may be in force and applicable. This property is subj ect to mu- nicipal ana other public taxes. Terms of sale: Three thousand and 00/100 ($3,000.00) Dollars are to be paid in cash, certified check or bank draft at the time of the sale, and the balance is to be paid within ten (10) days following the decree of the Superior Court ap- proving the entry and sale at the office of Hayes & Creney, 22 East Main Street , Hyannis, Massachu- setts. BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK by: Carroll V. Murdock , Treasurer From the office of: Hayes & Creney Hyannis Professional Center 22 East Main Street Hyannis, Massachusetts' 02601 April 1, 8, 15, 1971 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Fower of Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage given by ALEX- ANDER BLAIR and LOUISE EVANS BLAIR, dated May 20, 1969, and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 1437, Page 560, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the condition s of said mortgage and for the pur- pose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 2:30 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of April 1971, at the mortgaged pre- mises hereinafter described: A certain parcel of land , together with any buildings thereon , situated in Barnstable , Barnstable County , Massachusetts, more particularly bounded and described as follows : WESTERLY by Indian Hill Road , ninety two (92) feet; NORTHWESTERLY by curve on Indian Hill R o a d , measuring twenty six and 04/100 (26.04 ) feet; NORTHERLY by Indian Hill Road, one hundred thirteen and 59/100 (113.59) feet ; EASTERLY by Lot 12 and by land now or formerly of Francis E. Walls by two lines together meas- uring one hundred forty three and 92/100 (143.92) feet; and SOUTHERLY by Lut 27A. one hundred forty two and 03/100 (142.03) feet. Containing 17,380 squire feet , and being LOT 28A as shown on a plan entitled "INDIAN HILL ESTATES in Barnstable - Cape Cod Mass. Showing Revisions and Renumbering of Lots Property of Anne S. Clifton Scale: 1 inch = 80 feet - January 22, 1957. Ed. Kellogg - Civil Engineer Oster- ville" which said plan is duly recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 134, Page 55. Said premises are conveyed to- gether with the riaht to use said Indian Hill Road for all purposes for which streets and roads are commonly used in the Town of Barnstable. Said premises are conveyed sub- ject to and with the benefit of easements, restrictions, and re- servations of record, if any there be, insofar as the same may be in force and applicable. This property is subj ect to mu- nicipal and other public taxes. Terms of sale: Three Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 ($3,500.00) Dollars are to be paid in cash , certified check or bank draft at the time of the sale , and the balance is to be paid within ten (10) davs following the decree of the Super- ior Court approving the entry and sale at the office of Hayos & Creney, 22 East Main Street , Hyan- nis, Massachusetts. BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK by: Carroll V. Murdock , Treasurer From th° office of: Hayes & Creney Hvnnnis Professional Center 2° East Main Street Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601 April 1. 8, 15, 1971 LOOT PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- inos Picsbnok No. 1892 issued by Sandwich Co-operative Bank , has bonn i0^t o'" destroyed and tpq t aupl'cat'on has been made to said Sanr1w'ch Co-onerat've Bank , to ls*ue a duplicate book in accor- rlqrco w"h requ^ements of cec- t'nn 40, Ohant»r 590, Acts of 1908. April 1, 8, 15, 1971 FOR SALE _^ RCA STEREO 1969 Model Excellent Condition Tel. 362-6461 ART SUPPLIES" hyannis art supplies " your cape art supply headquarters" Sherman Sq., Hyannis 775-2976 BOAT YARD (HyonnU) BRADBURY MARINE, INC. Formerly KLIMM'S BOAT YARD COMPLETE MARINE SERVICE 157 Pleasant St. 775-1707 FEED & GRAIN Wi Cape Maid Farms, Inc. Wild Bird Foods — Grain Purina Chows — Pet Foods Route 28 — Hyannis — 775-3782 CABINET MAKING ROD ADAMS, INC. y our Zrormica Center Custom Built Cabinets Hyannis Tel. 775-2416 C^LlANERS^HyannJsr SPARTAN CLEANERS Fast Cleaning Service 242 Barnstable Road Hyannis Tel. 7754119 INSTRUCTION - A person who can speak a foreign language is worth two people. Learn French, Italian, or Spanish. Paul K. Germani Call 428-6615 LANDSCAPE ~ C6NfRACTOR FRANCES DOREY Landscape Contractor LAWN - WOOD CHIPS - FENCES TREE AND BRUSH CUTTING Tel. 775-9056 West Yarmouth, Mass. LANDSCAPING/GARDENING I'm a most experienced youth in areas of .landscaping/gardening:. Seek work for residents of Barn- stable Village area this summer. Interested? Call 362-6318 after 5 p.m. OIL-FUEL MURRAY'S FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICES 24-HK. SERVICE CONTRACTS 2-WAY RADIO CONTROL Dennlsport Tel. 398-2408 LEGAL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Not*ne i« hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 3003 issued by 8audwich Co-operative Bank , has be. u L or aestroyed and that application has been made to sa d Sanawich Co-operative Bank , to issue a duplicate book in accor- dance with requirements of sec- tion 40, Chanter 590, Acts of 1908. April 1, 8, 15, 1971 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby Riven that Sav- ings Passbook No. 4540 issued by Sandwich Co - operative Bank , has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Co-operative Bank, to issue auplicate book in accor- dance with req uiremen Is o f Gen- eral Law , Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. April 1, 8, 15, 1911 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. , F£°&# Court To all Persons hiteresteH in the estate of LENORE E. M™1? HY' late of Hvannis (Barnstable) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been pres^ted jg said Court praying that LUCILLE I BE ° ' " ENCOURT , of Hvannis (Barnstable), in the County of ¦Rarnstnb'e be appoint ed nrtmln- Fstratrixof said estate. without giv- iner a surety on her bond If you desire to obiect thereto vou or your attorney, shou'd fl'e a wriWn "appearance in Bald Court Ht B^nwible before t£" o'c'nok in the forenon on the 27th day of April , 1971. the return day of tn£„cU elloniT wBim r K>"OHT . Witness, ALFFEii ' ,V _ , .t,; Esquire , Judre of said Court , this MtS d<» " of March ln71 „.„„_„ FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN, Register April 1. 8. 15, 1971 .9fJ!!5. Lf Qu,pi_* WBN. NEW STEEL FILES $34.95 Each Del. Cape Cod H. M. Meserve Co., Inc. J!?a Il?,s . .Tel. 778-0433 Miscellaneous For Sale LOBSTER FISHERMEN RABBIT AND PET OWNERS We Sell Surplus Mink Cages $1.00 Each Hotz Bros. Mink Farm Tel. 947-9692 Rre. 44, Middleboro MOVING & STORAGE ~~~ CHILDS MOVING & STORAGE Agent: MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE MOVING SERVICE HYANNIS Tel. 775-5544 KITCHEN CABINETS BRUCE R. LOVEJOY Co. KITCHENS-Designed-Installed FORMICA BATH ROOMS A VANITIES Show Room & Office Main St. RTE. 6A BARNSTABLE 362-3639 PAINT LLOYD'S NORFOLK PAINT STORE 382 MAIN ST. HYANNIS 775-1091 CAPE COD COLOR CENTER VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ELECTROLUX REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Salesmen and salesladies needed 775-7533 Route 28 — Hyannia RUBBISH REMOVAL CLOUGH & HIGGINS COMMERICAL CONTAINER PICKUP —CESSPOOL PUMPING— GENERAL TRUCKING. 775-1179 — 775-1351 SITUATION " WANTED MOTHER Will Baby-Sit Days To 3 o'cloc k and evenings Call 398-6300 TREE SERVICE CAPE COD TREE SERVICE • COMPLETE TREE SERVICE • BRUSH CLEARING • LANDSCAPING HYANNIS PORT TEL. 175-6448 CONTRACTORS JULIO R. RENZI GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Centerville, Mass. Sewage Systems all types, Drain- age, Excavations, Trenching, Fill and Loam Call 775-2981 after 6 00 p m LEGAL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 8037 issued by Sandwich Co - operative Bank has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Co-operative Bank , to issue duplicate book in accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law, Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. April 1, 8. 15, 1971 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of WINFIELD MO O D Y NICKERSON , late of Barnstable (West) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by VIOLET ELIZABETH NICKER - SON , of Barnstable (West ), in the County of Barnstable , praying that she b:; appointed expeutrix there- of without giving a surety on her bond , and further prayincr tin t said will be proved and allowed without the testimony of the sub- scribinu witnesses. If you desire to ob' ect thereto , you or your attorney should file a written appeararc^ in said Oourt at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the fm-enoon on (he 11th dav of May. 1971, the return day of this citation. Witness , ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire, Jud^e of sn '* Court , this 31st dav of March , 1971. FWF'-F.RIC P. CLAUSSEN, Register. April 8, 15, 22 LEGAJ^JNOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of J. EDWARD JESSEN, late of Barnstable (Osterville) , in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for piobate of a cer- t'lin lnstiumcnt purporting to be the last will of said deceased by BERNICE P. JESEEN , of Barn- stable (Osterville) in the County of Barnstable , prayintr ihat she be appointnd executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If j'ou desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 11th day of May. 1971, the return day of this citntion. Witness , ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 7th dav of Aoril , 1971. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register. April 15, 22, 29 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 1634 issued by Sandwich Cooperative Bank has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Cooperative Bank to is- sue duplicate book in accordance with requirements of General Law Ter . Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. April 15, 22, 29 LEGAL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 5426 issued by Sandwich Co - operative Bank , has been lost or aestroyed and that application has been made to Sanawich Co-operative Bank , to issue duplicate book in accor- dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law, Ter. Ed., Chapter 167. Secvion 20. April 8, 15, 22, 1971 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and In execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Iyan- ough Investors, Inc. to Auburn Finance Corp. dated August 24, 1970 , and recorded with Barnsta- ble Registry of Deeds in Book 1482, Page 629, of which the un- dersigned is the present holder , for breach of the conditions con- tained in said mortgage, and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction, on the first parcel of the premises hereinafter described , at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on Friday, April 30, 1971, all and singular the premis- es described In said mortgage , to wit: The land with the buildings thereon situated in Hyannis, Barn- stable County, Massachusetts, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest cor- ner of the granted parcel at the intersection of Old West Barnsta- ble Road and the old cart way so- callea ; thence SOUTHERLY by the said Old West Barnstable Road , 40 feet to land now or formerly of Mary E. Sherman ; thence EASTERLY by land now or for- merly of Mary E. Sherman, about 96.50 feet to land now or formerly of one Bacon; thence NORTH 1° East by land now or formerly of said Bacon , 132 feet to the old cart way; thence WESTERLY by said old cart way about 176 feet to the point of beginning. Being the premises conveyed to Iyanough Investors, Inc. by deed of Jenny K. Johnson and Dorothy K. Studeny duly re- corded with Barnstable Registr y of Deeds. The land , with the buildings thereon , situated in Hyannis, Barn- stable County, Massachusetts , more particularly bounded and describ- ed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast cor- ner of the premises at a point marked by a stone; thence NORTH 1° East about 303 feet to the old cart way or right, of way; thence WESTERLY about 176 feet to a corner marked by a stone at a point on what is known as West Barnstable Road; thence SOUTHERLY by said Old West Barnstable Road about 132 feet to a corner marked by a stone; and thence EASTERLY about 96.50 feet to the first mentioned bound and the point of beginning. Excepting and reserving so much of the above described parcel as was conveyed by Mary E. Sher- man to one Richard P. Cotter and Vesta. A. Cotter as tenants by the entirety, by deed dated May 4. 1937 and recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 523, Page 559, to which deed refer- ence is made for a more particu- lar description of the parcel here- in excepted and reserved. There is excluded from the op- eration of this mortgage so much of the above described premises as was taken by the County of Barnstable as shown on a plan of County Way known as Old West Barnstable ' Road as laid out by the County Commissioners on a plan dated May 15, 1930. recorded with said Deeds, Book 41, Pago 43. Being the premises conveyed to Iyanough Investors, Inc. by Doro- thy A. Koogle duly recorded with said Deeds. Said premises will be sold sub- j ect to unpaid real estate taxes, municipal liens and assessments, if any there be. $500.00 in cash or certified check will be required to be made at the time and place of sale, and the balance In ten days. Other terms to be announced at the sain . AUBURN FINANCE CORP. By Joseph Mastro, treasurer Present holder of said mortgage Sriberg, Sriberg & Bcrman , Attys. 89 State Street. Boston , Mass. 02109 April 8, 15, 22 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 2400 Issued by Sandwich Cooperative Bank , has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandwich Cooperative Bank , to issue duplicate book hi accordance with requirements of General Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 107, Section 20. April 8, A5._22 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of POLLY L. KATZMANN . also known as POLLY LESEUR KATZMANN or MARY L. KATZ- MANN , late of Barnstable (Oster- ville) , in said County , deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by ALBERT W. ROCKWOOD, of Barnstable (Osterville) in t h e County of Barnstable, praying that 'he be appointed executor tht»r"of without giving a surely on his bond. If you desire to oblect thereto , you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the lltl ) day of May, 1971 , the return day of this citation. Witne ss, ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Esquire , Judne of said Court , this 5th dav of April , 1971. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN . Register. April 8, 15, 22 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- )_ . ~ „v,„0i<- fj 0 CRQI issued by Sandwich Co - operative Bank, i .,. lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sandw ich Co-operative Bank , to issue duplicate book in accor- dance with requ 'rements of Gen- erai Law . Ter. Ed., Chapter 167. Section 20 Apr . 1, 8, 15, 1971 LOST PASSBOOK Not'ce is hereby riven that Sav- ings Passbook No. 2027 Issued bv Snrdw 'ch Co-operative Bark , has been lost or destroyed and thnt annl' c t 'on has boon made to said San'^'ch Co-oneratWe Bank , to is'-ue a r^unlicitp bnnk in accor- darce with requirements of sec- tion 40, ^h-intor S90 , Acts of 1908. Anrll 1. 8, IS , 1971 MRS. BETTY SOUZA Correspondent Cotuit 02635 T-»l 428-2269 SUGGESTION WORTH $1,030 Air Force T. Sgt. Thomas W. Hadley of High Street was award- ed $1,030 for his suggestion that saved the government approxi <- mately $66,000. He suggested cancellation of un- necessary underground cables at Andrews Air Force Base, Mci., where he was previously station- ed. His curren t assignment is with the Communications Divi - sion , Defense Supply Agency, Al- exandria , Va. His wife is the for- mer Laurie Campbell of the vil- lage , daughter of Mrs. Ethel Campbell. They are the parents of two daughters. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES Happy Birthday wishes go this week to Manuel Frazler of Santuit who is celebrating his on Wednes- day, April 21, and to Jan Rapp who has a birthday on April 22. ANDREW ATWELL Andre w Y. Atwell of Cotuit, for- merly of Belmont , died April 9 at Cape Cod Hospital. Atwell was generally recogniz- ed as a developer of the dictating industry and as such, was per- sonally associated with Thomas Alva Edison. He started his business life with John Hancock Life Insurance Co. and in 1916 he founded the Atwell Company, now of Cambridge. In addition to his many civic interests, he was a Mason and a past president of Boston Rotary Club. He was associated with the Boston Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the Brae Burn Country Club. He is survived by his wife , Mar- garet (Demond ) , and two daugh- ters , Mrs. William (Betty ) Dan- forth , Jr., and Mrs. William (Mari- lyn) Woods , Both of Belmont. Al- so by five grandchildren. EXPLORER SCOUTS PLAN AUCTION Explorer Post 52 of Cotuit is planning an auction for May 22 at 7 p.m. in Freedom Hall In Co> tult. These young men are trying tc raise money to help finance a camping trip to the White Moun tains in New Hampshire this sum mer. Anyone wishing to donate iterm for this auction may contact Char les or Stephen Hamblin at 428 6236 or William Cash at 428-2831 for pickup of any items. We will try to keep you inform cd as to what will be available each week as we progress, sc watch for lt in this column. GIRLS SOFTBALL TO START Girls in the 5th and 6th grade; at Cotuit Elementary School in terested in playing softball are asked to be at the elementary sen ool field on Saturday, April 17, a 10 a.m. Mrs. Dorothea Stalcup o Pirate 's Cove will be the coach This is sponsored by the Barn stable Playground and Recrea tion Commission. GOLF CLUB NEWS The team of Sieve Heher anc Gus Dahlbo were the winners ii the men's tournament held a 9:30 on Easter Sunday at the Co tuit Golf Club. Second flight win ners were Clarence Tarvainai and Nate Lewis. There was m mixed scotch in the afternoon sc that members could be with theii families on the holiday. Ka.e Heher has announced that the clinics for the ladies will star! on May 6. Winners of the ladies Saturday match were Jo Tarvainan , Edla Dahlbo , Dot Lentcll and Ruth Behl- man. Coming in second were Car- leen Burton , Bev Cohen and Doris Coleman. A "hole in one" was made on the fifth hole by Bev Cohen. PAPERBACK BOOK DRIVE STILL ON The paperback book drive spon- sored by the Cape Cod Branch of the U.S. Marine Corps is still on. Three boxes of books have already been left at Pete's Esso Station . If you wish to donate some and haven 't already, please leave them at the station, or they will be pick- ed up if you will call "Red" Mo- rin at 428-8126. The books are distributed among patients at veterans hospitals in the area. WOMAN'S FELLOWSHIP RUMMAGE SALE The Women 's Fellowship is spon- soring a rummage sale In Bruce Hall Wednesday, April 21, from 7-9 p.m. and on Thursday, April 21, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Anyone having rummage can leave it in Bruce Hall during the week. April 21 also ends the Church World Service Clothing Drive. Anyone having any lightweight men's or women's clothing or chil- dren 's clothing is asked to leave this also, but it should be marked accordingly. SEWAGE PLAN APPROVED Approval has been given by the state for sewage disposal plans for the proposed comfort station at The Loop. The system is design- ed to handle 1000 gallons per day. AMONG THE ILL OF THE VILLAGE Alma Bracket! has returned home after being a patient at Cape Cod Hospital for some time. Floss Shaw is reported "resting com- fortably " at the hospital. On the improvement list are Effie Cove- ney, mother of Mrs. Roger Snow , and Edna Hurncy, grandmother of Carol Slsson. Vicky Gifford , who was hospi- talized at this time last week, has returned home from the hospital and has returned to her studies at B.J.H.S. Judy Nickerson a pa- tient at Carney Hospital In Bos- ton is Improving each day. Don during the week 1 was able to chat and the children visited her at the hospital on Easter. Little Sarah Elizabeth Bird , in- fant daughter of the Barry Birds of Grove Street who will be a mon- th old today, April 15, Is reported improving at Children 's Hospital in Boston . At the Centerville Nursing Home a few minutes with Foster Nicker- son and his Aunt Emily Salles, who are patients. They wish me to remember them to all their friends in the village. Jessie Phil- lips is a patient this week at Fal- mouth Hospital where she under- went surgery on 'both feet. AROUND THE VILLAGE Jack and Helen Atwater of the Riley Estate spent Easter Sunday with their daughter and family, the Connie Downeys hi Nashua , N.H. They picked up daughter Katlvy at Salem State Teachers College on the way. Marlon Odence has returned home after a trip to Spain. Edith I Crawford and Ethel Campbell ¦ spent a few days last week in Washington where the cherry blos- i sorns are in bloom. Mary Murphy of Grove Street ¦ is once again In the village. The Stanley Embergs were at their home on Crocker 's Neck ; Road over the weekend. • CHURCH NEWS ) Although the day was cloudy, a large number turned out for the - sunrise service held on Easter ; Sunday at the Loop Beach. i Committees set up at the Cotuit Federated Church recently are deaconesses co - ordinated by Helen Dottridge , deacons by Phil Brackett. Chairman of finance s committee Is Bob Hayden. Ann Burlinganie is chairman of ) the Joint committee. Natalie Par- - ker is the new secretary of the t joii i; committee. Bob Sisson is f chairman of the music commit- . tee. Chairman ol the education - committee is Barbara Dottridge. • Manny Rubello continues as chair- man of the trustees. The mission- ary committee is now chaired by Kay Hamblin. i A housekeeping committee for l the church has been set up. Wal- t ter Dottridge is the chairman of - this committee with Dot Cabrul • and Doris Coleman. i ) LIBRARY NEWS ) In the display case at the Cotuit • Library this month is a fine dis- play of equipment for the horse- ; man as advertised in the catalo- ; gue dated about 1880. This display was loaned by Lincoln Brlgham ' of Mashpee. It is quite interesting, . so don 't miss it. COTUIT NEWS