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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 15, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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April 15, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MARSTONS MILLS BEATRICE LAPHAM CORRESPONDENT MARSTONS MILLS 02648 TEL. 428-8389 HOME AGAIN After three months in the sunny- south, I am home again at last. It is good to welcome spring once more And to know the winter is past. I wandered in the orange groves And smeiled the blossoms sweet. I saw so many lovely sights Which made my stay complete. Bet when we reached Cape Cod Canal And the bright lights "winked" at me, I knew this little "neck <>' land" Was the only place to be! Yes, spring is here , dear read- ers, and so am I. And it's glad I am to be home again. My grate- ful thanks to granddaughter Ali- son who filled In for me in spite of a busy schedule with two ac- tive boys and a husband to care for. IN THE SERVICE Scott Condinho, second son of Mrs. Nancy Condinho, of River Rd. who is now serving with the Army Corps of Engineers, has finished his boot training at Ft. Dix, N.J., and is now attending school at Ft. Belvoir, Va. NEW ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laakso- nen (Susan Lapham) of Fitchburg are the happy parents of a baby daughter who arrived at Burbank Hospital on March 18. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 4 oz., they have na- med her Shanni Ellen . This is their first child and the George Laphams here are grandparents ior the second time. The new mother was graduated from Burbank hospital as an R.N. and has been a nurse there for about 18 months. Sharing great grandparent ho - nors are Mrs. Ina O'Connell and your reporter which brings her great grands up now to 14! t HEBE AND THERE Mr. and Mrs. Lorlng G. Jones Sr. are at home after spending four months in California visiting daughter Nancy and family in Orange , and son Curtis and fa - mily of Roseville. While there , they attended the graduation of their granddaughter , Miss Jaclyn Jones, from Mira Lomba High School in Sacramento. On Easter Sunday they were happy to re- ceive a phone call from Nancy and her husband Marvin who was celebrating his birthday that same day. Miss Karen Jones Is enjoying a week's vacation from her teach- ing duties in Stratford, Conn, at the home of her parents, the Law- rence Joneses of Newtown. Mrs. Grace Rosa has returned to her home off River Rd. after spending the winter with daugh- ter Frances and family in Spring- field, Vt. The Braddock Childs family left last Tuesday for Maine on a ski- ing trip and enjoyed the sport at Squaw Mt., Sugarloaf Mt., and Saddleback Mt. In the party were the Misses Jane and Jill Childs, and sister, the new Mrs. Bert Parmenter HI. Mr. ajnd Mrs. Carl Wiseman and two sons, Wesley and Troy, have returned from a six-week visit with his parents, the Solo- mon Wisemans, who are winter- ing at Vero Beach , Fla. Troy, seven months old , has been quite ill from a strep throat, but is bet- ter now. The Edward Duartes ot Lovell's Lane had as dinner guests Easter Sunday his parents, the Joseph Duarte Srs., and her mother , Mrs. Sylvia Enos of Santuit. The Edward Grazuls of Lovell's Lane entertained ten guests at a dinner party on Easter Sunday. The Edmund Nickersons were hosts to 12 on Easter Sunday. Guests included the Paul Salva- dors of Bridgewater who were weekenders, and Miss Pamela Perry of Hyannis. A buffet dinner was enjoyed. BRIDAL SHOWER A bridal shower was held in Whitman for Miss Dianne O'Con- nell of Hanson, granddaughter of _ Mrs. Ina O'Connell of this village. I About 25 guests attended. The -' guest of honor was seated in a chair decorated with pink and la- vender streamers under a cluster of wedding bells. After the lovely gifts were opened a buffet was served. Dianne, who is to be married on May 16 to Gary Halbrook of Whitman , is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Connell, who have six sons. Her sister-in- law. Mrs. Richard O'Connell, and grandmother Ina attended from here. CHURCH NOTES Four young people from this village were welcomed into the Uniled Methodist Church last Sun- day. Those confirmed were Ed- ward Thew Jr., Susan Melix , Au- drey Lapham and Diane Parker. Mr. and Mrs. John Warner and Mr . and Mrs. Edgar Wylie joined the church on Palm Sunday. The most beautiful symbol of the resurrection is the butterfly, emerging from the dark cocoon to light and beauty. Grade ni of the church school , under the su- pervision of their teacher, Mrs. Lois Perry, made several very realistic ones in lovely colors , and they were on display in the nar- thex. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Michaelson of Randolph announce the engage- ment of their daughter , Miss Ka- ren Jane Michaelson, to John Mi- chael Komich, son of the Joseph Komichs of Canton St. The bride- to- be is a graduate of Randolph High School , class of 1967, and has made her home with her sister- in- law, Mrs. Linda Mi- chaelson and family of Williman- tic Drive since last 'August . She is currently employed at the Cape Cod Bank and Trust Co. in Hyan- nis. Her fiance, a 1965 Randolph High alumnus, is with Willow Con- struction Co. of Stoughton. A fall wedding is planned. Engagement Announced Applications Being Accepted For YMCA Cape Camping Applications are now being ac- cepted at the YMCA office for the 4th season of camping at Camp Arrowhead , the Cape YMCA's day camp located on the shores of Tri- angle Pond in South Sandwich. Boys and girls of Cape Cod, ages 7 through 12, will be offered four , two-week periods of camp beginning June 28 and closing Aug. 20. Camp bus service will be offered in the towns of Dennis, Yarmouth and Barnstable. In Barnstable , bus stops will be made at the Barnstable Fire House Howard Johnson's Restuarant in Centerville , Hyannis East Elemen- tary School and the Barnstable Fair Grounds. In Yarmouth, stops will be made at the Yarmouth Port Fire House, John Simpkins School and the West Yarmouth Community Buil- ding. While at camp, youngsters asso- ciate with those of their own age and sex In small groups for the best possible camp group experi- ence. The camp staff is selected , trained and directed by the YMCA professional staff , and is chosen on the basis of integrity, know- ledge of child behaviour , camp- ing background and skills , and sound moral character. In keeping with good day camp- ing standards as established by the YMCA and the American Camping Association , one senior staff person is assigned to each ten campers. Re-turning to the camp staff this season will be Richard Carter, a senior at the University of Massachusetts; Eu- gene Cadman, a sophomore at Springfield College; Carolyn Fish, a sophomore at Green Mountain Junior College; Diane Finch, a senior at Barnstable High School , and Ralph Paulson , a graduate of Tufts University. While at camp from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, campers enjoy many varied out- door camping experiences, includ- ing swimming instruction, air rlf- lery, archery, arts and crafts, story telling, power boating, ca- noeing, sailing, horseback riding, cookouts , nature study, hiking, fishing, and many special events. A phone call to the YMCA office at 775-8611 will answer any ques- t ons about Camp Arrowhead. Bro- chures and applications will be mailed on request. Early regis- tration is encouraged to avoid dis- appointment. ITEM Mel and Jerl Summerfield of Yarmouth have become grandpa- rents for the first time. The arri- val of their grandson , Jason Alan , was March 20. Proud parents are Martin and Carol Summerfield of Brookliuc. ^ ^ ^ ^ STATEMENT SAVINGS replaces the out-dated para- ^0 ***^^ ^^^^*^^ book-provides faster,more efficient service at tellers' ^ ^ ^ ^"V ^ windows. STATEMENTSAVINGSeliminates"Lost-interestdays" y^ v becauseitpaysDAILYINTEREST.Thereisnopenaltyfor ^ ^ > ^ *