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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 10, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GEOMETRIC MANEUVER — John Crosby, Billy Merritt, Rufus Russ and Arthur Rlely (left to right) concentrate on sequence game involv- ing geometric shape recognition and left-to-right progression in Mrs. Ruth Spicer's transition class at Hyannis Elementary School. (Photo by Deborah Barrows ) Mrs. Charlotte A. Sherman Correspondent 314 Bay Lane Tel. 775-6464 AMONG OUR RESIDENTS Mrs. Gorham Crosby of South Main Street entertained her fam- ily at an Easter dinner Saturday. Present were her son and his wife , the G. Kingman Crosbys of Dar- ien, Conn., who have recently opened their home on Wequaquet Lake for the summer. Another son, Edward Danforth Crosby, his wife, Edward Jr. and twins, all of Wilton, also attended. The twins are Ann, who is stu- dying at Simmons College Boston, and Peter, who is at the Univer- sity of Maine. Miss Elizabeth Cros- by of Boston, a daughter of the Sr. Mrs. Crosby, also joined in the happy festivities as did Miss Evelyn Crosby of Main Street, this village. A family Easter dinner took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Williams on Camp Ope- chee Road with the following rela- tives attending: Mr. and Mrs. John Monroe of Bumps River Road, Mrs. Monroe's father, Ernest Crocker, and the Monroe sons, Jim and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Monroe Jr. of Osterville, the William's daughter Michele and her fiance John Innello. Mr. William's aunt, Mrs. Minnie Del- Guidice of West Haven, Conn, has also been visiting for two weeks with her nephew. Partaking of the Easter celebration were Mrs. Neva McNeil and also Jerry Kuhl, both of Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friendson of Main Street have returned from a buying trip throughout New Hampshire and Maine for their antique shop. While their son and his wife were visiting in Jamaica , Mass., the Friendsons spent sever- al relaxing days at their son's Sherhorne, Mass. home. After vacationing in the Virgin Islands for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Valentine of Bay Lane are back looking tan and happy. Mrs. Dorothy B. Smith has open- ed her home, Shadow-Lawn, on Stage Road for the summer sea- son. WEQUAQUET FIRE Four engines and a rescue truck frohi Centerville-Ostervllle Fire Department rushed to the scene of a fire at Bearse's Pond and Holly Point in the Wequaquet Lake area Saturday morning. Flames had al- ready engulfed the premises and between fire, smoke, heat and water damage Chief Stanley Buck- ler estimated the destruction of the unoccupied summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Albert of Lexing- ton at $30,000. There is no explana- tion to date as to the cause of the fire which is now under investiga- tion by the State Fire Marshall's office. ON DEAN'S LIST On the dean's list at Wentworth Institute at Boston is Stephen C. Pinney of 943 West Main Street. He is specializing in building con- struction technology. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnston of Glenwood road are parents of a girl born March 25, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces at Cape Cod Hos- pital Her mother Is the former Relda Stoltz. A daughter was born March 21 at Cape Cod Hospital weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces to Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Smith of Emerson Way. Her mother is the former Geraldine Renoski. ATTEND CONCERT Mrs. W.D.P. Murphy of Oak Hill Road and Miss Frances V. Maher of Winter St. Hyannis at- tended the final concert of the subscribed series "B" of the Bos- ton Symphony conducted by Erich Leinsdorf recently. This was also Maestro Lelnsdorf's farewell ap- pearance as he leaves his post at the end of this season He chose an all Beethoven program which was executed with excellent phrasing and emotional climaxes. In the next five years Mr. Lein- sdorf will appear often as guest conductor of the Boston Symphony and in the interim will conduct orchestras throughout Europe and conduct at Tanglewood for a ¦series! this summer. His seven years as conductor of Boston Symphony have been an inspira- tion to all who were fortunate enough to hear his interpretations of th finer musical works. SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday, April 13, the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be ob- served. The 11 a.m. sermon by Rev. Rev. Robert H. Sargent will be After Easter-What?. Greeters at the service will be Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macomber. Ushers will be Frank Williams, Joseph Macomber, Henry Harmon and Roy Landls. The adult class studying the Parables of Jesus will meet Mon- day, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. At 3 p.m. Tuesday the Church Council will meet. The Women's Fellowship will meet in the parish hall April 14 at 8 p.m. Devotions will be led by Mrs. Joseph Macomber. Dr. Ro- bert Bartlett will be speaker of the evening, his topic being Spring Wild Flowers and learning what to look for In flowers on your spring walks. The talk will be illustrated by slides. Dr. Bartlett was a professor of Sciences and Mathematics at the Westchester Community College of New York before retiring to Osterville a few years ago. The slides were made for reviewing field trips during his teaching career and since his retirement. IN SERVICE SP4 Ronald W. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of Bumps River Road, has been in Korea since January and his fam- ily hear from him often and know that he is well. His younger brother Arnold, who will graduate from BHS this June, has applied for entrance to Uni- versity of Miami, Fla., Monmonth College in Illinois and Massachu- setts Maritime Academy. Arnie's preference is the Maritime Aca- demy whose classes start in July. Arnie had been accepted to all three colleges. Another brother, who is in the 7th grade, will attend Tabor Aca- demy at Marion this summer. Tlmmy is looking forward to "get- ting off" the Cape for a while. HAPPY TO BE HOME Mr. and Mrs. William Molloy of Bay Lane have returned from a flying trip to Italy. Their excur- sions throughout the country were lovely and visiting the village where Mrs. Molloy's father had lived was a sweet experience for her as she had never before been there. After three weeks abroad how- ever, Cape Cod looks very fine to them and they are happy to be back. ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Leach of Winchester and Mrs. and Mrs. Daniel Serpico of this village en- tertained their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serpico, recently at a cocktail party on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary at the home of the Daniel Serplcos. A number of guests gathered to participate in the celebration . IN SERVICE Staff Sergeant William A. Lewis, brother of Mrs. John M. Berto Jr. of Wequaquet Lane, has ar- rived for duty at Davis Monthan AFB, Ariz., where he is an air- craft mechanic assigned to a unit of the SAC. Sgt. Lewis previously served at Lakenheath RAF Station, England, and in Vietnam. VILLAGERS TO MEET AT CHURCH APR. 16 The Villagers will meet In the Fellowship Hall of South Congre- gational Church, Centerville , on Wednesday, April 16. Following luncheon at 12:30, Dr. Robert Bartlett, editor of the May- flower Quarterly, will present a program entitled "Four Hundred Years of the Pilgrim Story.'" He will be assisted by Mrs. Bartlett . Both will be In Pilgrim costume. The talk will be accompanied by slides. Hostesses will be Mrs. Howard Murray and Mrs. Philip Dowden. ITEM While repairs are being made to Bass River Bridge, the bridge will remain open, according to an an- nouncement by Massachusetts De- partment of Public Works. Work which will include replacement of concrete deck, sidewalks and curbings is expected to be done by May 30. HYANNIS PORT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. William Collins have returned to their Green Dunes Road home after three weeks In Sarasota, Fla. The weather was on the cold side, but being avid golfers they played the many courses. Enroute bock to the Cape by car, they tried their luck at various other golf-links and had a happy sojourn in all ways. RETURN FROM ST. MARTIN'S Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Chase of Greenwood Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Sprague of West Yarmouth flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico where they changed to Air France for the trip to St. Martin 's Island for a two weeks' respite. The plane landed at Juliana Airport on the Dutch side of the island near the capital of Phillisburg. At St. Martin's, the Chase party was royally entertained by the Hazel family, native Dutch pro- prietors of the Seaview Hotel. Ele- gant food at the buffets and bar- beques was the order of the day and evening, with steel bands na- tive to this area playing in the background. Sunbathing and swimming in the warm Caribbean waters was de- lightful. Perusal of the island in rented small foreign cars gave the party a chance to see the na- tive villages, visit gift shops and restaurants. Work in the shops and cuisines are done by natives. IN THE SERVICE Sgt. Steven K. Thomas, son of John W. Thomas of Blueberry Hill Road, has received the Bronze Star Medal at K. I. Sawyer AFB in Gwin, Mich, for meritorious service in military operations against the Viet Cong. An administrative specialist with the U. S. Air Force, Thomas is now at K. I. Sawyer In a unit of the SAC. TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE Taxpayer assistance will be given April 11, 14 and 15 In Hy- annis Post Office Building annex from 8:30 to 5 p.m. by Internal Revenue Service personnel. Taxpayers are urged to com- plete as much of their return as possible before calling at the of- fice. For assistance by telephone on the same days and hours as stated above, the number is 775- 2138. CEMTERVILLE ^Mj^L_ * m* mmnm* Krmw*mw ' mm *mm * m" mrmiKrw'm ' mwr mFmr% i MOORE MOTORS , INC. 13 MAIN STREET HYANNIS f / i 'f V ' . i . " lEsleM W^jSlKJM /^^^^^ ^^ . « . _?__i- V» •«*/ It Um mwr^^ ivlTa ___# ^^ ^^^^^kS^^Wmmm^m^m^mw^^^^^m^mw 1 Sport Suburban Wagon Chrysler - Plymouth - Imperial TEL. 775-4930 ria^a_i _ i_i_ i_ i _ i_ i»_ i _ i_ r^^-^ ^-^^^-^ >:tj Mf>rtini>m,Tm»«i»»»iT,T»iui»»itnfr,T i ii»tnr«Mj ^¦¦¦¦¦w — WJ ^ MW _ »M.^»¦^wtw ¦ ! ¦ ! ¦ —¦ ¦ ¦»!¦ _—iwatmsat^mm I———i—_——^p DYER ELECTRICAL CO., INC. [ CAPE COD'S OLDEST SERVICING APPLIANCE DEALER | g 322 MAIN STREET HYANNIS E £j Telephone 775-2525 t i TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MANY I I SERVICES WE OFFER ' IS ; E ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS £ | LAMPS REWIRED AND REPAIRED j_ I IRONS - TOASTERS - MIXERS, ETC., EXPERTLY REPAIRED j £ SCHICK - REMINGTON - SUNBEAM - NORELCO I g SHAVER REPAIRING £ £ MAYTAG LAUNDRY AND G.E. RANGES £ WIRING SUPPLIES | jj FACTORY SERVICE - EUREKA - G.E. • HOOVER VACS E | MILDRED'S CHOWDER HOUSE jj ! The Home Of Cape Cod Clam Chowder I | II NOTICE: ! j jj OUR DINING ROOM WILL BE CLOSED i DURING OUR REMODELING PERIOD I | I I WE WILL DE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE YOU EVEN BETTER IN THE FUTURE j j j OUR LOUNGE WILL REMAIN OPEN I! i, AS USUAL ! jj j j ALSO, IN OUR LOUNOE, WE WILL SERVE A LIMITED MENU I I FROM 11 A.M. TO 3 P.M. | | l( Your Hosts: Jim and Bernie Desmond II 1j *££i3^Jteffff!l3£ m^m^ J ji l^^ ^y jnJ j [ FOR GOOD MUSIC, PLUS NEWS j j ON THE HOUR j J LISTEN TO. .. j 1 ¥ JF CTBDBO V I I i JCL o IEIX E\ J 1 V Be sure to listen to . . . . \ \ "Cape Cod's Radio Auction Man", John Mesmer ( \ Saturday Mornings between 9:30 and 11 O'clock V \ WCOD reaches all of Cape Cod and the ( / Islands and southeastern Massachusetts. / I 28 BARNSTABLE ROAD • HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 I INTERSTATE L_^^"_^^ C^_3B 3_I I ^ ^^^**"*-^*^*^^^ Hy«niM», Matt. T.I. 775-1010 SHOW TIMES Matinee* 2.00 Evening* 6.55 & 9.00 NOW THRU TUES.* ("Except Sat.-Sun. Matinee*) IN COLOR CHARLY CLIFF ROBERTSON CLAIRE BLOOM 'Sal -Sun. Matinee 2 P.M. IN COLOR The King And I YUL BRYNER DEBORAH KERR ¦ M-e—M———— ¦ ——^— ¦¦- IT- I I 1¦ HI _»_—¦—> MM— Starts Wedneiday April 16 (FOR 4 DAY SI IN COLOR Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell (Ratin g M) GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA SHELLY WINTERS PHIL SILVERS SHOWS: Matineet 2:00 - Eves. 6:55 t 9 cooooooocoo eoooe Justlikethat.... ! _ # PRING c|jSp | | | ...and just like that oven cleaning and cooking are more automatic than ever before! GeneralElectric \ ^^p Jjfi^LA ¦VWvfvXtt\kvt\^J5S___k_LeW 338 All the beauty and convenience of mod- ern electric cooking plus the convenience of automatic oven cleaningI Has conven- ient push-button controls, Easy-Set timer, clock,outlet and lighted cooking surface. *289' 5 As little as $10down. Budget terms. Other ranges as low as $179.95. &$&CAPE & VINEYARD ELECTRIC COMPANY ^Sfflg^L—_ _ *" *lm "**" "t««t«,t - jfflS-W*** ' [ Wed., Thurs. and Sun. 2 to 6 p.m. i ^ ^ ^ l ^^ ^^* '* ' ' ' Fri. and Sat. 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. il4P^ _l^ifi"lW . • Closed Monday and Tuesday ^W^i^^^^^A^^^^i ' CAPE COD AQUARIUM , M. J. COUTE ' TROPICAL FISH • ACCESSORIES • GOLDFISH FROZEN FOODS • PLANTS ', MAIN STREET, ROUTE 6A BARNSTABLE < , ACROSS FROM THE COURTHOUSE | TELEPHONE 362-6969 ] > _ ' B A R B E R SHOP * Hair Stylist * Razor Cut * Continental Cute * 3 Chairs * Appointments Available PHONE 778-9664 * Both Father and Son * Open Dally 8-6 Prl. 8-9 Member of Master Barber A8SO0. CENTERTILLE SHOPPING CENTER — ROUTE 38 e SHELL FURNACI ;. . . . . OIL ATWOOD OIL COMPANY Kerosene Fuel Oil Metered Ticket Printers Tel. 775-0081 Central Cape Dodge DART CORONET POLARA MONACO CHARGER By DODGE Sales & Service FALMOUTH ROAD ROUTE 28 HYANNIS Telephone 7754424 Mrs. David Curtis, chairman of the public education committee of the Cape Cod Unit, announces that the unit is sponsoring a cancer detection program under the aus- pices of the American Cancer Society. With the co-operation of Howard Cadman, manager of the Center Theatre, Hyannis, the committee will show the film 'Breast Self- Examination" at the theatre on April 18, at 10 a.m. The public is invited and there is no charge. Dr. Robert Barry and Dr. Paul Jaques will be present during the program. Following the film, there will be questions and an open dis- cussion on cancer and early detec- tion. The Cape Cod Unit of the Amer- ican Cancer Society Is located at 328 Winter Street, Hyannis, and is staffed by volunteers, Monday through Friday. Anyone seeking in- formation and service may call 775-6900. mmmmmmm ^^ mmm Cancer Detection ProgramSponsored