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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 10, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mrs. Beatrice Lapham 428-8389 Correspondent CARDS AND FLOWERS I had the nicest Easter cards, They meant so much to me, And as I read the verses I felt a sense of unity. A lovely hydrangea, Pink blossoms in full bloom Adorns my dining table,. A touch of spring right in my room. Easter brings new life, new hope And that is just the reason That cards and flowers And happy hours Make It such a joyous season. ROUND ABOUT Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and children, Dolores, Robert and Donna of Beacon Falls, Conn., spent Easter weekend with his mother, Mrs. Esther Davis of Lovell's Lane. Francis Souza, who received his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army in February and is now working as a chemical engineer New Brunswick, N.J., spent Easter weekend with his father, Edward Souza of The Plains. Mr. and Mrs. TalMo Ranta!En- tertained at an Easter dinner Sunday their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ranta and little daughter Donna of West Barnstable, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Anderson of Buzzards Bay. The day was made complete by a telephone call: from their second son, Airman 1/C David Ranta sta- tioned^ at Castle AFB in California. Easter guests of the Seward Reid Jrs. of Spudder Ave., Hyannis were his parents, the Senior Reids of this' village, his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamblin of Prince's Cove, and his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Healy and three children , also of Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Easter and duughters, Janice and Jackie of Baltimore, Md., arrived on the Cape Palm Sunday for a short visit. Charles and Doris stayed with her mother , Mrs. Lauchlan Crocker Sri, and the children stay- ed with their grandmother , Mrs. Jacquiline Easter, returning to Baltimore Saturday. Mrs. Julia Repose of Falmouth is spending a week with her son , Solomon Wiseman and family of River Rd. Mr. and M'rs. Edward Mont- gomery of Chatham were dinner guests Sunday of Miss Emily Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Athearn of Mattapoiset were also recent dinner guests at the Lawr- ence home. Miss Karen Jones of Stratford , Conn, spent the Easter weekend with her parents, the Lawrence Jones of Newtown , and saw her new nephew , Andrew Robert McPhee, for the very first time. Word has been received that Mrs. Forest Hamblin who under- went surgery on her nose last week at Pondville Hospital in Wal- pole is recovering nicely and hopes to come home soon. Mrs. Lydla Davis, who is now able to be in a wheel chair at Centerville Nursing Home, will celebrate her 88th birthday today, April 10. Congratulations to a grand person. The Braddock Childs family and nephew Bruce spent the weekend skiing on Mt. Adams in Bethel , Maine. Miss Marie Childs is hav- ing a vacation from her studies at Chamberlain School In Boston this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gifford -of Lovell's Lane entertained at din- ner Easter Sunday his parents, the George T. Glffords, and her parents , the Samuel Sarkinens of Centerville. Mrs. Gifford and her little granddaughter Lisa, 3, had something in common as the form- er was walking with crutches due to a fractured bone in her left foot , while Lisa's left arm was in a sling due to a fractured bone in her elbow received in a collision with a cofTce table. The arm will have to be confined for another three weeks. Mrs. Joseph Duarte and Mrs. Maurice Hinckley Jr. attended the graduation excercises for Nurse 's Aids held at Centerville Nursing Home last T h u r s d ay . Mrs. Duarte 's sister , Mrs. Julia Martin of Santuit , was one of the grad- uates. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hadfleld and two chtldren , Alan and Lynn , spent Easter Sunday with his mother , Mrs. Charles Benolt , in Cohasset. SGM and Mrs. Paul H. Lapham and daughter Mary of Niagara Falls, N.Y, arrived Saturday for a week's visit, making their head- PROMOTIONS — In top photograph is Harold Thorkilsnn , newly pro-, ¦noted to senior vice president of marketing at Ocean Spray Cran- berries, as announced by Executive Vice President and G. -ncral Manager Edwin F. Lewis of Centerville. Other p'loto is of Endrc Endcrson , formerly manufacturing director of William Underwood Company, who becomes vice president of operations. • , , ...... .*,.iw..* - quarters at the home of her par- ents, the Theodore Nickersons of East Harwich. Mary is visiting her uncle, Edmund Nickerson , for a few days. Mrs. Wilbur Cushing, Mrs. Faye Dubey and Donald Melix visited their father , Leon Melix of Sand- wich, at Pocasset where he was taken Friday after suffering a slight shock at his home. They found him much improved. David Melix celebrated his 14th birthday recently and entertained family members at his home. He Is the only son of the Donald Melix' of Cotuit Rd. Mrs. James Misho and two girls, Nancy and Jane; flow to Wash- ington, D.C. where they spent several days on a sight seeing tour. The Mishos winter in Brook- line and have a summer home here on River Road. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman of Barrington , R.I. where in town for a few hours on Sunday and called on friends. Phil , who is studying for the ministry, will preach in Pennsylvania after fin- ishing his studies. ON DEAN'S LIST The K.W. Aittanlemi Srs. of Os- terville have received a letter of commendation from Robert H. Eaton , dean of men at Nichols College, advising that their son Alan was a member of the dean ': : list for the past semester. During Easter vacation Alan and a classmate, William Herbert Jr. of Livingston N.J., visited the Ait- taniemi home. Both are seniors at the college and will receive degrees in June. They will have finished a four year course in wildlife management and forestry in which they majored. Alan is a grandson of your reporter who of course is "standing tall. " AMONG THE TEENS The My-Effers of United Meth- odist Church are looking forward to their trip to Washington D.C. After attending church service on Sunday, April 20, they will leave for Washington. The 11 young folks who will go from this village are Jeannie Bur- rows, Betty Campbell, Scott and Craig Condinho, Gary and Gregg Gifford , Frank Lapham , Cherl Parker, Gail Melix , Ricky Cush- ing, and Debra Sherman. Going from Osterville will be Donna and Bruce Crosby and Cheryl Scudder. Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ochme, councillors of the group, Mr. and Mrs. William White and the Rev. Peter Palches. The young people have earned $700 to help defray expenses for the trip. A FINAL REMINDER Members of the GoGetters Mother 's Club hope that if you haven 't ordered your Birthday Calender yet , you will soon. Please call Mrs. Janet Duarte , chairman , Tel. 428-2248, and she will gladly take your order. Proceeds from the sale will help to support the Scholarship Fund. At the next meeting of the club to be held on April 16, Mrs. Ruth Rusher of Hyannis will be the guest speaker. The public is wel- come to attend. MARSTONS MILLS Churches all over .the Cape have been busy collecting clothing for the Church World Service annual spring drive , sponsored locally by the Cape Cod Council of Churches. Boxes of lightweight clothing, blankets, bandages and hospital gowns will be taken on Friday, April 11 from 9 a.m. to 4:30, and on Saturday, April 12 from 9 a.m. until noon to Cape Cod Moving and Storage , 538 Bearse's Way, Hyannis. Questions concerning drive may be answered by contacting Mrs. Walter Schafer, Main St. Barn- stable 362-6505. At least 5 million pounds of clothing and 300,000 blankets are needed by Church World Service for distribution in more than 30 countries with warm or tropicial climates. That is why the appeal is made for lightweight clothing, the kind we wear from late spring to early fall. Blankets of any weight are wanted , since they are used as first aid in emergen- cies and for many other purposes. Individuals wishing to make a contribution may do so by taking good, clean clothing, packed in boxes and tied or taped securely, to the above depot on dates stated. No shoes, hats or bathing suits are acceptable. While much of the work of get- ting these donations to the needy will be done by volunteers, some expense for processing is unavoid- able. Church World Service, there- fore , asks for a contribution of 10 cents per pound to help cover the necessary expenses. Blankets are purchasable for distribution by a donation of only $3 each. This should be sent to CHURCH WORLD S E R V I C E CLOTHING APPEAL , Box 220, Elkhart , Indiana , 46514. AIR NATIONAL GUARD BAND CONCERT APR. 19 AT FALMOUTH HIGH The final in a series of Saturday night concerts will be held April 19 at 8 o'clock in Lawrence High School Auditorium , Falmouth, by the 567th Air Force Band of the Massachusetts Air National Guard. The 26-man group which has participated in a Presidential In- augeratlon , a NATO conference, and a World' s Fair , is presenting the concert on behalf of the Otis Memorial Park Fund. Brawny 16th Century Scotsmen, hefting heavy rounded stones of half a hundred weight or more started Scotland's national winter sport, "Curling. Church Clothing Drive Depot Is Announced LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons Interested In the estate of KATHRYN L^RETTA RUHAN, also known as KATHRYN L. RUHAN, late of Barnstable, (Centerville) In said County, de- ccftscd A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased bv JAMES F. RUHAN of Yarmouth (Bass River) In the County of Barnstable praying that he be ap- pointed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond If you desire to oblect thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 22nd day of April 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 27th day of March 1969. PHILIP JONES, Register. (April 3, 10, 17) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Superior Court No. 30243 in Equity To ROBERT G. HALL and ELEANOR THURSTON HA L L, both of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts : and to all f>ersons entitled to the benefit of he Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Re- lief Act of 1940 as amended. SANDWICH CO-OPER A T I V E BANK, situated in Sanwlch , Barn- stable County, Massachus e 11 s, claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering real property, registered and un-registered situ- ated in Barnstable (Osterville ! in said County of Barnstable given by Robert G. Hall, being married to Eleanor Thurston Hall to Sandwich Co-operative Bank dated Septem- ber 30, 1955 the un-registered par- cels being recorded with Barn- stable County Deeds, Book 921, Page 409; the registered parcel filed in the Land Registration Of- fice of Barnstable County Registry District, being Document No. 45,820 noted on Certificate of Title No. 18419 has filed with said court a bill in equity for authority to foreclose said mortgage In the following manner, to wit: by entry and possession and by the exercise of a power of sale contained in said mortgage. If you are entitled to the benefits of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 and amendments thereto and you object to the fore- closure of said mortgage, you or your attorney should file a written appearance and • answer in said court at Barnstable on or before May 12, 1969, or you- may be for- ever barred from' claiming that such foreclosure made under such authority is Invalid under said act. Witness, G. JOSEPH TAURO, Esquire, Chief Justice of our Superior Court, the third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty- nine. Barbara Holmes Neil Clerk (April 10, 1969) HOUSES FOR SALE OWNER MUST SELL Overlooking Long Pond, South Yar- mouth, 3 or 4 bedroom home, den living room with fireplace, dining room , oversized 2 car garage, 2% baths, 2 zone gas baseboard forced hot water heat, carpeted. Close to schools, churches, shopping plaza and beaches. $41.000 — 398-6819 HELP WANTED TYPIST Part Time, Weekly — To learn Perforator. Apply R. B. Hasklns Patriot Press, Hyannis Tel. 775-2445 LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained In a cer- tain mortgage of real estate given by Rowena Homes, Inc. dated Au- gust 3, 1962, and recorded on Au- gust 3, 1962, with Barnstable Coun- ty Registry of Deeds, Book 1167, Page 486, to Sandwich Co-opera- tive Bank, and assigned by said Bank to Alan L. Hall, your com- plainant, by assignment dated January 6, 1969, and recorded on January 6, 1969, with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 1424, Page 471, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, excepting therefrom, that portion released from said mortgage by Partial Release dated November 2, 1962, recorded on January 18, 1963 in . Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Book 1187, Page 406, being shown as Lot 11 on Plan recorded in Plan Book 171, Page 61, and excepting therefrom, that portion released from said mortgage by Partial Re- lease dated September 23, 1966, recorded on September 26. 1966, in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Book 1347, Page 620, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, will' TJe sold at Public Auction - at ten . o'clock A.M. (E. S.T. ) on Tuesday, the twenty-sec- ond day of April, A.D. 1969, on the premises described i in said mort- gage, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, to wit: "The land , with the buildings thereon, situated in Barnstable (Hyannis) , Barnstable Coun t y, Massachusetts,. bounded and de- scribed as follows : Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of the premises at a point on the Westerly side of Sea Street, so-called, which point is the North- easterly corner of land now or formerly of Lydia N, Thomas; Thence North 76° 03' 30" West in line of said Thomas' land (marked by a fence) nine hundred fifty-eight and 58/100 (958.58 ) feet , to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Mary Ware Murray; Thence North 45° 58' 20" East in line of said Murray's land two hundred twenty-two and 33 , 100 (222.33) feet to a concrete bound ; Thence South 77" 22' 10" Easl still in line of land now or form- erly of Mary Ware Murray (mark- ed by a fence) three hundred nineteen and 70/100 (319.70) feet to a point; Thence South 75° 54' 00" East still in line of land now or form- erly of said Murray (marked by a fence) two hundred seventy-two and 57/100 (272.57 ) feet to a point ; Thence South 54° 47' 50" East still in line of land now or form- erly of said Murray eighty-six and 86/100 (86.86) feet to a point; Thence South 77" 04' 30" East still in line of land now or former- ly of said Murray (marked by fence posts ) one hundred sixty-five and 35/100 (165.35) feet to the Westerly line of Sea Street, so- cfilloci * Thence South 13" 11' 00" West in said Westerly line of said Sea Street one hundred sixty-six and 50/100 (166.50) feet to the point of beginning. Said premises being more partic- ularly shown and described on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Hyannis-Barnstable, Mass., Scale I" = 40 ft., Jan. 1943, Leslie F. Rogers, Engineer, H y a n n i s". which said plan is duly recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 68, Page 19. Subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, ease- ments, restrictions and reserva- tions of record insofar as the same are in force and applicable. Being the same premises con- veyed to it by Robert A. Sherman and Helen P. Sherman by deed to be recorded herewith." Excepting therefrom that por- tion released from said mortgage by Partial Release dated Novem- ber 2, 1962, recorded on January 18, 1963 in Barnstable County Reg- istry of Deeds, Book 1187, Page 406, being shown as Lot 11 on Plan recorded in Plan Book 171, Page 61, and excepting therefrom , that portion released from said mort- gage by Partial Release dated September 23, 1966, recorded on September 26, 1966, in Barnstable Countv Registry of Deeds, Bool: 1347, Page 620. Said premises will be sold sub- ject to all unpaid taxes , tax titles , water liens and other municipal liens or assessments. Terms of the Sale: $1,000.00 will be required to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale, and the balance In or within twenty days from the date of the sale at the office of Edwin S. Mycock , 171 Main Street , Hyannis, Massachusetts, Attorney for the mortccauee. Oth°r terms to be announced at the sale. ALAN L. HALL Bv his Attorney: Edwin S. Mycock For authority for said sale, see uecrce of the Superior Court in and for the said Countv of Barn- stable , dated March 18, 1969 in Case No. 30148 in Equity. (Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10) Employed Americans will work two and a half hours every eight- hour working day in 1969 to pay their federal, state and local tax bills, according to U.S. Chamber of Commerce. SERVICES _ _ _ _ _ ft"" M. MESERVE ~ C0.7lNCr OFFICE EQUIIPMENT CASH REGISTERS WOOD FURNITURE TEL. 775-0433 R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanough Road Hyannis Tel. 775-5813 THE PATRIOT PRESS PRINTING 24 Pleasant Street Hyannis TEL. 775-2445 JOB WELDING No job too small or too large Equipped to handle all metals FENNER GRANT INDUSTRIES, Inc. 63 Enterprise Rd., rear Aamco Trans. Hyannis Free Estimates, Tel. 775-5486 RADIO - TV ED GOSSELIN MUSIC-SHOPPE GUITARS—AMPS—PHONOS SHEET MUSIC—RECORDS Tel. 775-0060 — 290 Main St. Hyannis, Mass. REALTORS GENIEVE C. BEARSE Realtor 580 Main 8t. Centerville __TeJ. 775-0865 H. W. ROBINSON REALTOR COTUIT 428-6564 EDWARD S. TRISORIO Realtor Airport Shopping Plaza Opposite A & P Hyannis, Mass. . Tel. 775-3222 REAL ESTATE Mr. & Mrs. Wm. D. Knott REAL ESTATE Sales & Rentals Tel. 362-3159 Main St. i * Barnstable JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate — General Insurance 51 Elm Street, Hyannis, 775-0302 " See Me First" LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. - '.Superior Court TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- CERN , and to DAVID J. LORD of Boston, Suffolk County, Massa- chusetts; MILLICENT L. BAS- SETT of Barnstable (Hyannis) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, PLYMOUTH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Ply- mouth, Plymouth County, Massa- chusetts ; and the HEIRS of JOSHUA BAKER: HAZEL BAK- ER and VINCENT G. BAKER , both of Waltham, Middlesex Coun- ty, Massachusetts; JOSHUA BAK- ER, JR., of Union , State of New- Jersey ; HERBERT K. BAKER of Medway, Norfolk County, Massa- chusetts; and ARTHUR BAKER of Yarmouth (Yarmou t h p o r t) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts ; or their heirs, legal representa- tives, or such persons as shall be- come their heirs, devisees, or ap- pointees; or any persons claim- ing under them and to persons un- known : DEFENDANTS WHEREAS a suit in equity has been presented to said Court bv DOROTHY A. KOOGLE of Coral Gables , States of Florida , PLAIN- TIFF, under the provisions of Gen- eral Laws (Ter. Ed.) Chapter 240. Sections 6 to 10 inclusive, to quiet or establish and confirm title to land in Barnstable (Hyannis) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts , being conveyed to said plaintiff by deed of Richard P. Cotter and Vesta A. Cotter dated July 11, 1952, and recorded in Barnstable Coun- ty Registry of Deeds in Book 816, Patre 214. WE COMMAND YOU if you claim or may claim by purchase, descent , or otherwise any rieht , title, interest, or estate in said land which is the subject of said suit and if you intend to make any defense, that on the first Monday of September next, which day is the return day of this notice, or within such further time as the law allows, you do cause your writ- ten appearance to be entered and your written answer or other law- ful pleading to be filed in the oi- flce of the Clerk of said Court what the Court shall order , ad- judge, and decree therein; AND IT APPEARING to the Court by suggestion of the plain- tiff that there may be persons un- ascertained , not in being, un- known , or who cannot be served with process or made personally amenable to the decree of the Court ; IT IS ORDERED by the Court that the plaintiff trive notice to the resident defendants by service of subpoena by officer qualified to serve process; e:ive notice to th" defendants by causing an attested copy of this order to be published three times in different weeks in the BARNSTABLE PATRTOT. n newspaper published in Hyannis in said County, such service to h< completed not later than two months before the said first Mon- day of September next; give no- tice to the non-resident defendants by mailing a copy of the subnoena , postpaid , by registered mail; and by postine a copy of this order on the premises and in the Barnstable County R"snstry of Deeds, Hereof fail not , at your peril , as otherwise said suit may be ad- judged , and orders and decrees entered therein in vour absence. Witness, G. JOSEPH TATipo K < . ouire , Chief Justice of our Superior Court, the twenty-eiphth dav of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty- nine. BARBARA HOLMES NEIL Clerk (April 3, 10. 17) AUTO SALES AND SERVICE " ~ CAPE COD AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, INC. Established 1929 Body and Fender Work Complete Auto Painting Radiator Repairing Telephone: 775-0858 West Main Street Hyannis NEIL'S ^ AUTO BODY SHOP Wreck Repairs, Spray Painting Welding Rt. 6-A W. Barnstable Tel: 362,3390_ _____ LANDSCAPING bTWTGANSHAW Quality Lawn and Garden Maintenance Sod Lawns Land Brushing Tel. 362-6070 WELDING ~~~ CAPE COD SCALE CO. Food Service Machines Wrought Iron Railings Welding i Harry Jones 775-1720 SERVICES ELECTROLUX SALES & SERVICE New Factory Branch We refurbish and restore to full power any make cleaner. Trade- ins welcomed Salesman and/or Salesladies Needed. Telephone for interview 775-7533 RT. 28 Hyannis near Registry j Motor Vehicles. " " " MURRAY'S" fuel Oil Service, Inc. Oil Burner Service Contracts Available Dennisport, Mass. Phone 398-2408 _ BRUCE R. LOVEWTC^. Complete Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Show room and' office Main St. Barnstable Tel. 362-3639 CLOUGH & HIGGINS RUBBISH SERVICE SEASONAL & COMMERCIAL — CESSPOOL PUMPING GENERAL TRUCKING 775-1179 — 775-1351 LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable* ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of CONSTANCE P. LOV- ELL, late of Barnstable, in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of certain instruments purporting to be the last will and one codicil of said deceased by FORREST BEAM, of Barnstable, in the County of Barn- stable, praying that he be appoint- ed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond , Shirley D. Lovell, the first executor named in said will having predeceased the testatrix and further praying that said will and codicil may be proved and allowed without the testimony of the subscribing wit- nesses. If you desire to obqect thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 13th day of May, 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 1st day of April , 1969. ANNABEL J. TRAYSER , Assistant Register (April 10, 17, 24) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of ROBERT L. JONES, late of Barnstable, in said County, de- optmor! A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by LILLIAN JONES, of Barnstable. in the County of Barnstable , pray- ing that she be appointed execut- rix thereof without giving a sure- ty on her bond , Philip Jones, Co- executor named in said will hav- ing declined to serve. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should nle a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 22nd day or April, 1969, the return day of this citation. ' „,_, Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Esquire , Judge of said Court , this 26th day of March, 1969. PHILIP JONES, Register. (April 3. 10. 17) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of EMILIA LEHTINEN late of Barnstable (Hyannisport) in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a car- tn<- «—+nVi«T»ent puroort'nsf to be the last will , of said deceased by A1LI E. NICKERSON, former ',' AT i.r E T EHTINEN of Barnstable (Hvannlenpri) in the Cou"ty of Barnstable praying that she be ap- pointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on h"r bo'-"-!, and further praying that said will may be proved and allowed without the te- ' • nny of the subscribing wit- nesses. xi you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o colck in the forenoon on the thirteenth dpv of *ff« v 1969, the return day of this citation. „ _,.____, W'»'•¦¦ SS, ALFRED C. KNIGHT . Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 27th day of March 1969 PHILIP JONES, Register ( April 10. 17, 24) Nearly nine millions cars were produced by U. S. anto manufac- tures during 1968 while 1918, total production was 943,436. f m BUSINESS DIRECTORY RATES One Insertion — 6 cents per word. Two or more Insertions — 5 cents per word (50 cent minimum). REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY The publisher will be responsible for only one Incorrect insertion. Tn«Patriot reserves the right to edit or reject any copy received for publication. BUSINESS ffflSft ntPPCTORY STORY noUR ''Tim Tadpole and the Great Bullfrog " by Marjorie Flack and The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood from "Favorite Fairy Tales Told in France " by Virginia Haviland are the two stories chosen by Miss Ida Anderson, librarian , for story hour on Saturday, April 12, from 10:30-11:15 a.m. CLEAN UP BY TROOP Cn March 29 members of Bo> ' Scout Troop 52 worked together in a yard cleanup at Cotuit Fed- erated Church , their sponsoring in- stitution , and at Freedom Hall for their service project. Scouts participating included Biir Cash , Philip Field , Arthur Ander- son, John Mehalko, Mike Mayne.. Keith Martin , Donald Irwin , Steve Perry, Scott Coleman , Wade Behl- man , Paul Sisson, Scott Behlman, Larry Bearse, Robert Morin , Ric- hard Morin and Steve Irwin. Assisting the boys were leaders , Jim Irwin , Phil Field and Steve Hamblin. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER Due to a conflicting event in the village , the Boy Scouts have changed the date of their chicken pie supper which was to be held on the 19th to a new date of Sat- urday evening, May 10 at 6 in Bruce Hall. DOTTIE GOMES IS WAVE Dorothy "Dottie" Ella Gomes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Gomes of Grove Street, has completed ten weeks of basic training at Recruit Trainin f Com- mand ( Women i , U.S. Naval Train- ing Center , Bainbridgc . Md. and was graduated during a military review held on Feb. 7. Dottie , a former B.H.S. student , is now stationed at the U. S. Naval Training Center , Great Lakes, 111. in the Hospital Corps School. She has received Naval Orientation ; Naval History, Citizenship and Current Events; Naval Ships , Air- craft and Armament; Navy Jobs and Training; Self Improvement; First Aid; Physical Training and Military bearing and drill during! her indoctrination period. The Cotuit Wave enlisted at the U.S. Navy Recruiting Station , San Jose, Calif, for three years and was sworn In at the U.S. Navy Re- cruiting Station, San Francisco. i . ' COTUIT NEWS