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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 4, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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April 4, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thirty-five members of the Busi- ness and Professional Women's Club were present at the meeting held April 2, at Aunt Tempy's in Ostervllle. Mrs. Ruth Richards, co-hostess with Mrs. Sylvia Farnsworth, Intro- duced Walter Gaftney, architect ot Hyannis, who spoke on "Homes of Today and Tomorrow." He took the club on an imaginary trip through a "dream house of tomorrow," de- scribing the uses of Radiant heat , Thermopane and Vitray glass and modern electrical equipment. During tbe business meeting the following resolution was passed , "We tbe Business and Professional Women's Club of Cape Cod com- mend the performance of our wo- men in the armed services, their general efficiency, sense ot respon- sibility and devotion to duty ; and further, we offer our assistance to the end that those having to earn their living may find opportuni- ties to make full use of the skills which they acquired in service to their country." The nominating committee con- sisting of Miss Abbie Pierce, chair- man, of Harwlchport; Miss Miriam Crocker, , Hyannis, and .Miss Mar- jorie Leonard of Ostervllle ¦was elected. They are to bring In their report at the annual meeting in May. Business Women Hear Architect Chatham MARY M. HAMILTON Correspondent PERSONALS - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weston, and son, accompanied by Charles Weston, Sr„ of Providence, R. I., were at their Summer home over the week-end. Billle Matheson, one of the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. William Math- eson, recently broke his collarbone in a fall, down the stairs at his home. Walter Hopkins a discharged vet- eran , recipient of the Purple Heart, Is managing the local Jen- ney station. Mrs. Herbert Greenhalgh and sons, Hayden and Herbert, Jr., of Wellesley have been in town this past week opening their guest houses. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Webster are spending a few days in Arlington. Cmdr. Henry P. Hopkins and family, have arrived at their home here, and ore being cordially wel- comed by their hosts of friends nnd former patients of the doctor who has been absent for nearly five years. After a rest, he will resume his practice, May 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olsen of Mil- ton, who have been spending the | winter at Lake Yorth , Fla., will ar- rive at their Summer home on Barn Hill road, within a few days, to remain for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nlckerson, Jr., of Boston were week-end guests of Mrs. Nickerson's parents, Mr . nnd Mrs. Andrew Edwards. Carol Brooks, employed at the Wayside Inn , is in Brockton for a week. i Mr. and Mrs . Myro n Mather and children of West Bridgewater, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.j Kenneth Haven. Mrs. Frances Shaw has moved, into the Gnrrity house on Chatham Bars Inn avenue. Mrs. Burton Ryder is a patient at the Cape Cod hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson have purchased the Chase House on Main street. Sherman Silva has been promot- ed to Chief Petty Officer and with his family will leave soon for Port-1 land, Me., where he has been as- signed. | Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Atwood of Milford, have moved to Chatham. I the home town of Mr. Atwood.' John Taylor of Portland , Oregon, a ' nephew. Is making his home with them at present. Benjamin Eidredge remains se- riously 111 at the Cape Cod hospital. Doris Brent has returned from Florida and is employed at the Tel- ephone office. Mrs. Mills , has been forced to vacate the store where she haB op- erated the Woman 's Exchange for over 12 years. Members of the Congregational Club are cleaning the church this week. . TO HOLD CONCERT ! The 18th annual instrumental concert of the Chatham school will be held on Tuesday evening, Apr I 9. at 7:30, in the school auditorium. The program will be under the , direction of Thomas Nassi super- visor of instrumental music. There is no admission charge, but a silver collection will be taken. | June Fickert has gone to her home in North Middleboro for a short stay. i OYSTER VESSEL ARRIVES The S.S. Blackmon from New Haven, Conn., skippered by War- ren Critchlow, arrived at Oyster Pond River, on Sunday, loaded with oyBters for S. W. Gould and Son, Inc. It was the first of several trips that the vessel will make this Spring, bringing oysters which will be planted in the river. Throughout the Summer the oy- sters are cared for and tonged from time to time, when In the Fall they are ready for consumption. Oysters are shipped to many parts of the United States annually by the Gould firm. SCHOOL NOTES The Spelling contest sponsored by the Student Council was the main event of last week. Twelve students , two from each class of the upper grades, participated . First prize of $3 was won by Ann I Hessler, who outspelled students of the High school. The two words which proved difficult were "psy- chology " and "jeopardize." Second and third honors went to William Tweddell and Ruth Nlckerson. As the Easter vacation approach- es, the Seniors are anxious to he] on their way to Washington. The itinerary of the trip provides for a visit to Gettysburg, also a day in Philadelphia, when they will visit Independence Hail. On Apr. in , the ClasH will spend the day at ML Vernon , home of George Wash- ington , ancj the Shennaudoah Cav- erns , followed by two days In Wash- ington , where they will visit usual places or Interest, except the White House. After a full day in New York, where they will attend a late radio broadcast, they plan to return home on the 19th. BOWLING BANQUET The bowling team composed of several couples who have met each week, throughout the winter , clos- ed their season with a banquet at Club Panama, In Hyannls , Monday evening. Prises for highest three- string totals were received by Freeman Howes with a score of 386 and by ltutli Haven with 251 points . Highest single string bowlers who received awards were Joe Orlando with 115, and ILtty Tripp, scoring 102. BASKETBALL TOURNEY Arnold Rogean, Barnstable High School coach, who is directing the Kiwanis-sponsored schoolboy bas- ketball tourney which starts at 6 -30 Monday night in the High school, reported today that more than 23 entries had been received for the event. All preliminary games will have six - minute periods, Barnstable High school varsity players will serve as officials and Howard "Pop" Sears of Ostervllle will be official scorer. Following are the entries: Class A: Red Rockets and Wan- dering Five of Falmouth, Province- town Rasc^g, Hyannis Polecats, Harvey's' Bombers of Barnstable High, and The Misfits of Ostervllle. Class B: Rocky Five of Fal- mouth , Atomic Five of Barnstable Village, Little Giants of Province- town , The Kids of Yarmouth High, Orleans All-stars, The Fireballs of Falmouth , Red Devils of Hyannls, Harwich Bulldogs, Slip-Knots of Hyannls, Blue Boys of Hyannls and The Freshmen of Hyannis. Class C: Shamrock Juniors ot Ostervllle, Shark City Aggies of West Barnstable, Provlncetown Ramblers, Hyannis Desperates, Barnstable Aggies of Ostervllle and Young Kids of Yarmouth High, CHAMP VISITS HERE Big Billy Weinberg of Chelsea, the 220-pound heavyweight boxer, who got out ot the Coast Guard last fall after almost four years of service, is on a visit here as a guest ot boxing promoter Lester H. Carew. Big Bill , who is keeping in tops condlsh these "Sprinter" days by road work and wood sawing, plans to take on Pat Comiskey at the Boston Garden, April 29th. Bill won the New England heavyweight crown Just prior to going Into the service. A member of the Coast Guard's amphibious forces, he saw plenty of action throughout the war, in- cluding D-Day. He served all over the ETO. BARNSTABLE LEGION Twenty-one new members were admitted to Barnstable Post C06, American Legion, at the meeting Tuesday night in post headquar- ters. In all, 83 members were pres- i ent. Carl A. Fraser of the Cape Cod Extension Service, former Army major, showed colored stills taken before VE-Day during his service in Europe. The post will sponsor three boys at Boys State this Summer In Am- herst. At the request of Legion- naires two boys are to be sponsor- ed by Hyannis Rotary Club and one by the Kiwanls Club. John U. MacPhee, commander and chairman of the Memorial Day Committee for the Town of Barn- stable, is now considering appoint- ments to the committee and dis- cussion of the program is planned the next meeting at 8 p.m., May 7, in post headquarters . Read the Classified Advertisements SPORTS INTERSTATE CAPE COD THEATRES—WEEK STARTING APRIL 5 \J^Lfwv*^ 9f fwwAWkJ fw9tie WHERE TO GO ON CAPE COD .. _ - ._,._, ...j* Action! I Headlinersl I Thrills! ! IVRRT Nf Rainbow Ballroom j If 11LJ I L111U EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT TICKETS on Sale nt SMALLHOFF * \ H il.VBS HESEHVATIONSl call 'HYANNIS 330 1 '*** -**» ***» ****»»*****»**»***» ***»» **«»«*******aa****** >»»#»»<«J 1 * VJHA K I iI K i I S Fried OWckeD - Spaghetti | VAAIH.11JA1J, V Sandwiches I Tel. Hyannls 1016 Choice Liquors—Beer—Wine—Ale fl Kitchen Hours : 4 to 10 P.M. Craigvllle Road, West Hyannlaport fl Open 1 to 12 P.M. dally. Closed Mondays. JI 3!MMIIIIIMrjn!IIMHinnmHMMHm3l»(HnHUia>lllilIIMIIt3illlMIMinr jMIMlllllllUllllliMllilt3«HtlllHllt3nilllllllltCJ!!1 );illllllt3lllC- 1 DANCEand DINE ^^6Pilgrim Cafe Open 9 A.M. to 12 Midnight Tel. Hyannis 624 DEPOT SQUARE HYANNIS I HS MH ^^ Strawberry Shortcakes — 25c dozen *-- Whipped Cream Creampuffs — 10c each §| Cape Cod Bakery § 366A Main Street Phone 1658 Hyannis J| in""""K Don't Neglect NECESSARY REPAIRS / Those minor things, after a hard winter, are necessary to keep your home and buildings in sound condition. LET US SUPPLY YOU WIT H THE THINGS YOU NEED < TOOLS FENCING CEMENT HARDWARE ROOFING PLASTER SHINGLES INSULATION PAINT JOHN HINCKLEY & SON CO. 2 YARDS TO SERVE YOU Hyannis Yarmouthport TeL Hyannls 700 Tel. Barnstable 1«-2 ¦ ¦ • ¦ • • . » . , . . . . , »M»t«w» WHIM A. «,_.«.»... ... ,.^»»^«» ! K« ^ wS| BIG STAGE and RADIO FESTIVAL ^ ^^^k%W Th.M«kb,Hi€.»WNACp. or«»» l«il>K«DIE LANEand Orch. SHE* FIELDS aad Orth. ^ I \ gfi,isSlOn\ 0 .UII OF TWO CITIES ROR CHESTER andOrch. I ¦ * $I. O° \ YANRU aWINOTETTE YANKEE STRING ENSEMBLE J ¦ CHILO'Z \ YANKEE GRAND ORCHESTRA Jjfl m Hu*l£ggfm rrTTTTTTTHf iTTrTTRafflPWl KCTnTrnriU l.ii^aT.ll ilMilit aa^iU'rHIUsHlirril § iiiipii j i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i mini ii jijjjij jj j i i — — 11 Boudoir Chairs i Colorful Hampers I Platform Rockers §' l | . Ciii-d Tnlilc Sris MitooK and Pictures 1 | I.HI-^C Selections to Choose Prom, I S j ~ ~~ ' ' 1 ri 1 Simmon's Bedding and Studio Couches I = ! • I H llFUt^^d gll l l,,,,,,,,.,:";^,^,,,,*, 2 STORES R ,J>;S_?.'j' ,^«| ailHIiJIHlW^ „ „! • Boats and Accessories fMULLINS FISHING GEAR INC. HEW iii'.nrimn 'iow doing business at our newly l i-enovatej and modern .store a' Pier 4 with a complete line of mnrlne hardware and fishing {supplies. _£*^ LaWKa JBL—P"* '^kSfa/ f ^A Her Lunch Is Incomplete Without Her Glass of Milk Your child can have the same healthy, happy look that this little Kirl has. Just he Biire he or she get s our whole, creamy, rich milk with every meal. Phone Ost. 2256 for delivery of milk, cream, buttermilk Mystic Lake Farm H. 8. Hord, Proprietor Marstons Mills Mass. n _e ____», s sj _ _ _ _ _ i Depot Square Tailors 253 Main Street , Hyannis Special Announcement We are pleased to announce a new , prompt and efficient clean- sing and pressing service. Ex- tra fine QUALITY work at new below O. P. A. ceiling prices. Work fully guaranteed to your satisfaction. Try us once and you will continue our service. OPEN from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Jack's Bike Shop IT llamatalil* Hi»ad HyannU Read the Classified Advertisements Henry W. Howes ELECtROLUX Authorized Representative Sales and Service Dennis Mass. f Insurance Real Estate j. L. ROGERS Orleans Tel. 110 Mass. J General Contracting Carpentry - Painting Landscaping Hamblen - Rogean, Ine. Hyannls Box 506, Mass. Telephone 766W Ii =T Dr. John L. Terry, Jr. Veterinarian 74 Camp St. Hyannis Mass. Phone 377 or 674 I- _] Tel. Ostervllle 4992 CLARENCE M. MacLEOD PIANO TUNING Repairing Refelting (20 years experience) Marstons Mills Mass. —^——i ———————— r i^=r~l L AAW ^ S l~^% onvJi "^2 a | ft . &*v<*.aes *$ J:^Vk Wie*W \w West 6.T%A I W HV*tvV.s. 1/ask **•«*«»•«»$ ' jfcliqi ip j H « j« H Order j • For Sale TWO pints of Berlou sprayed on your 9x12 rug protects lt from moth damage for 5-years or Ber- lou pays the damage. Average cost only 50c per year. The Wall- paper Shoppe, 302 Main Street, Hyannis, Mass. COMPLETE SET OF FURNACE Grates and Accessories, brand new. Apply Box 687, Hyannls, Mass., or telephone Hyannls 1216. • For Rent OARAGE near Main Street. Write Box 1 , Hyannls. 7/12 It. • Wanted WANTED PASTRY COOK, position with girl 8 years old; 27 years Hotel Exp. Florence Perkins, William Street , Bellows Falls, Vermont. WANTED LARGE HOUSE Nine or more rooms on large lot on main road. State lowest price, condition, photo if possible. Box N, Hyannis, c/o Patriot. WANTED TO BUY Want to purchase Bottling Works or Bottling Machine for Carbon- ated Beverages in whole or in part. Address Box CED, care of Patriot. __ ! _. WANTED TO BUY BEACH WAGON. MUST be In good condition. Write Box X, Patriot Office. tf Classi f ied Advertising Two cents a word first insertion; 1 eent a word each subsequent In- sertion; minimum charge for each Insertion 28c. Display rate on ap- plication. To order a Classified, telephone 1216 and ask for Ad-taker. ¦ ~——~~ BUY YOUR Easter Cards EARLY For Rest Selections 8MALLHOFF & HAINES I INC. 282 Main Street Hyannls mmmnmmnmmnmnmMik\\mm O R I G I N A L tj mnish Bath OPEN DAILY 8un. da . vs by Appointment only. Price $1.00 South Sea Avenue West Yarmouth Mass. Tel. Hyannls 1591-W-1 •Services Offered FLOORS SANDED AND RE- finished. Linoleum and tile renew- ed. Call Hyannis 1340. Hyannis Floor Service. Box 10. ANTIQUES KEPAmED AND RE- finished. First quality workman- ship and reasonable rates. O. F. Freeman, 151 Pine Street , Hyannis. Tel. 218-M ^ FLOOR SANDING & REFINISH- ING. Also machines to rent. Wall- paper Shoppe. Tel. Hyannls 1755. PAPER HANGING - INTERIOR and Exterior Painting. Floor Re- finishing. Arvid W. Jacobson, 23 School Street , Hyannis. Telephone 1142-M. ^ ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED For the New Colorfu l Magazine "HCLIDAY" to be published Feb. 20, 1946 Charter subscription price $4.00 yearly After March 1, 1946, $5.00 yearly Order For Christmas Gifts HELEN M. BERRY Phone Hyannis 1649M3 Bass River Mass. Phone 1010 Dally at 2:15 - 7:00 - 9:00 ENDS FRIDAY BLACK MARKET BABIES RALPH MORGAN Added : 'NEWEST MARCH OF TIME . • NIGHT CLUB BOOM" * SATURDAY Col. Effingham's Raid 0HA8. OOBURN JOAN BENNETT ¦WM. EYTHE SUN. - MON. - TUES. TOMORROW IS FOREVER OLAUDETTE COLBERT ORSON WELLES GEORGE BRENT Sunday—4 COMPLETE SHOWS Continuous from 2:30 i WEDNESDAY SHOCK Vincent PRICE ¦Lynn BARI THURSDAY ¦ FRIDAY WALK IN THE SUN DANA ANDREWS Phone 72 MATINEES: SAT. AND SUN—2:30 EVENINGS: ONE SHOW—7:45 FRIDAY ¦ SATURDAY AN EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE! SPELL BOUNO INGRID BERGMAN GRETORY PECK 8UNDAY - MONDAY A DARING EXPOSE AT LAST of a racket that developed from World War II BLACK MARKET BABIES RALPH MORGAN — Plus — Days of Buffalo Bill SUNSET CAR80N PEGGY STEWART COMING TOMORROW IS FOREVER Phone 490 MATINEES : SAT. AND SUN.—2:30 EVENINGS: ONE SHOW—7:45 FRIDAY - SATURDAY T^r "'"'~"OT~w~ A MASTERPIECE OF DIRECTION Starring Award Winning INGRID BERGMAN SPELL BOUND with GREGORY PECK SUNDAY • MONDAY BLACK MARKET BABIES RALPH MORGAN WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE DAY ; Col. Effingham's Raid CHAS. OOBURN JOAN BENNETT - WM. EYTHE — And With It — Riders of the Dawn JIMMY WAKELY