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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 4, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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April 4, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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—^^smTof Masstoh«sstts *""* ST as ' Probate Court. »""'« «r«ons interested In the » a,1 r P EMILIO R. SILVA late ^itSS ^ CW**). m said """¦"ifafoHas been presented to A peti«°° "" rotate of R certaln »ldC -!«l purporting to be the '»8,ru m of "aM deceased by A. l3!l "'flilvs ot Brighton, In the Arthur ^'quffolk, praying that he Count) .° n ( t. S d U exMutor thereof with- U ttf*. » surety on his bond. °ut B' Hesire to object thereto, » y0 "n»r attorney should file a y°tt of CSc e In said Court Written fW^g^ ten o'clock In at B Caoon on the 9th day of April! S«'. "he retUrn dfty 0l ' "'wUiIU Col*n C. Campbell, Bs. ? nidge of said Court, this A H March, in the year J thousand nine hundred and '"^''r'HARLES S. MORRILL, Register. mA iUJ ^J ^J ¦^ i^s U h of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. TO nil persons Interested In the Jat/of JOSEPH A. CAMPAG- SlOLA late of Barnstable (Cen- iffirie), to said County, de- "I petition has been presented to SJid Court for probate of a certain n trument purporting to be the Z will of said deceased by Esther •amPaEi"'ola ' of Barnstable i,l| At Bowman Field , Ky., Marc h S, by chaplain Elmer i. Carrloker, Miss Myrtle L. Bryar of South Yar- mouth, and Joseph E. Flowers of Woirton , W. Va. In Chatham, April a, by the ilov. Stephen H. Smith , Mra. Helen I,. Mayo of Chatham and Hans H. Hileklen of Tluffalo, N. Y„ and Chathamport . In Ipsilantl , Mich , Mar. 13 , Miss Molba Heck of Ipsilantl, and Lt. John M. Sllva of Hyannis. In West Hartford, Conn., Mar. 24, by the Rev, Eldon Mills , Miss Hazel M. Williamson of Jamaica Plain and Chester A. Darling of Orleans. In Portsmouth , N. 11., Mar. 27, by the Rev. Arthur Acy Itouner, Miss Ruth 0. Anderson of Ports- mouth, and Chief Boatswain 's Mate Edward W. Preston of Dennlsport. In Buzzards Hay, Mar. SO, by the Rev. Thomas P, McNulty, Miss Jus- tine E. CaSSels of Huzza nis nay and Richard F, Kenyon of Bourne. ' IIIHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIII tin, i, in In Orleans , March 81, Ellsha A. Hlggill S, aged 79. In Harwlchport, April 1, Miss Edith Pardee, aged 83. in Dennlsport , April 2, E. IJ. linker. In Sandwich , April 3, Patrick Donovan of Uaal Sandwich. In Sandwich , April 3, Mrs. ('has. N. Orciitl of East Sandwich. In Cambridge, March 28, Carl P, Jones , aged 54, formerly of llyan- nls. In Kant Wolfoboro, N. II., Cyrus L. .leuness, formerly of Hyannls, In Ilosloii , John Daley, aged 62, of South Welllleet. In Hyannis, March 20, Mrs. Mary I.. Rockwell. lu Wesi Yarmouth, March 20, I John II. Hrice , aged XI. I In I'ocassel, March 20, Kail I,. iii' ownsoii , aged 75 , of Monument Beach. Ill Hyannls , March 20, Mis. Marie Jackinun , aged 7(1, formerly of Wu- I terhury, Conn. In Ainesbury, March 2!l , Thomas A. Wull. aged 83, In ' Pocassol, March 20, Charles U Haihawuy, aged (18, or Bourne, In South Dennis , April 1, Mra. Julio A. Forro, aged 8!>. In East bam, March 31, Mra. Cora Allen Fletcher, aged 85, of Well- fleet. VIVA RADIO A 17-year-old boy lias boon ac- quitted In Atlanta , Georgia , on a charge of robbery because ho WBB able to prove to tho court and jury thul he waa listening to a certain radio program. Proof the boy waa home the night of the robbery waa substantiat ed by his knowledge of the script. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IMMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII.IHUItlltllllllllllllllll DEATHS nun mi I i i I inn NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S : 0RECLOSURE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN HYANNI8, MASS. By virtue and in execution of the lower of sale contained in a cer- aln mortgage of real estate given iy JOSEPH P. SOUSA, of Prov- luetown, Massachusetts, to E. IENBY PHINNEY , of Hyannis , 'Uissachuaetts , dated August 31st, 910 and recorded with Barnstable loimty Deeds Book 570, Page 231, |f which mortgage the undersigned ' Henry Phinney is the present (older, for breach of the condi- long of said mortgage and tor the mrpose of foreclosing the same »"l be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION moii the mortgaged premises here- "after described on Saturday, the Jth day of April , 1046, at 2:00 'lock In the afternoon, all and lingular the premises conveyed by •aid mortgage deed, namely: — Commencing on the east side of OB road leading from Hyannls to 1 l'«rt of said village called Hy- innisport which said road Is called. Hxinnlsport Road at a point lo- atem conveyed on November ¦ 1911 to E. H. Phinney by Nel- ,on P. Phinney at a stake and "ones which stake and stones is ,,e S. w. Coiner bound of land '°w or formerly of Aurln B. Crock- r and th«nce running southerly one the Hyunnisport Road as the '"i fond now runs fifty (60) feet ' a stalte and fatone; thence run- ng easterly maintaining a dis- 'nee from the land now or former- Qf Aurin B. Crocker of fifty (50) et to u point forty-one (41) feet ore or lens on this course to a "Ko on the edge of a cranberry "•' owned at the date of this "'•'Rage by Nelson P. Phinney; le nce running northerly by land J-atd Nelson P. Phinney to a •to and stones at a point on the ii ndary une between land of sold Bison p, Phinney and land now lormerly of said Aurin B. Crock- n a westerly direction eighty teet more or less to the point Beginning, Said promises will be sold sub- ' "» all unpaid taxes or other "iclpal liens or assessments, It ¦> there be. wO.OO will be required to be paid asu |,y the purchaser at the 1,4 and place of the sale and the ,,, '¦* °f the purchase price up- ii nn ,?/*', of the deed within 11 I in i days. K. HENRY PHINNEY U5 Yarmouth Road ?«>•« C Paine Hyan "U* Ma88' ta* pTu M iT • ¦ CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT Shorthand - Typing Accounting Belated Subjects The Cape Cod Secretarial School Day and Boarding School Evening School 242 Ocean 8treet, Hyannls Hyannls 1372 j \ —^m^^^^mm^^m^m^^^m^^^^