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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 4, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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April 4, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BUTTON CLUB The South ' Yarmouth Button Club met Tuesday at the home ot Mrs, Lottie Robinson of Bass Rlv- er. A letter from Mrs. B. A. Cratty of Clearwater, Nebraska , who was pictured in a recent "Believe It or Not", wearing a dress covered with 19,922 buttons, was read at the meeting. The letter was received by Mrs. Fannie A. Holway, In answer to one written by her. Mrs. Cratty wrote that she had over 20,000 buttons with no two alike; she has received buttons from all 48 states and from 37 countries , and has a dress, cape, map of the United States, a vase and six 36 by 48 inch squares com- pletely covered with buttons. Mrs. Clarence H. Baker was elected delegate to the National Button Club Conference to be held in the Hotel Kimball, Springfield . An invitation was read for Club members to attend a meeting of the Get-together Friendly Button Club in the Bond Hotel, Hartford , Conn., on April 16 and 17. The next meeting of the Button Club will be on April 23 and will be visiting day with invited guests. South Yarmouth ¦ t ¦ The Hyannis Women's Bowling j League at the Hyannis Bowiaway, | Monday night found Jan Pooler of the Bomba-Dears with high honors, 103 for high single and 297 tor high three-string. Sally Burns of the Rollettes had second high single, with 101 and Jan Pooler and Rose Johnson took third high single with 100 and also won the prize which was for the nearest to a score of _i 100. Jean Crocker of the Brown- ies was second on three strings with 276 and Myrt Duchesney third with 268. The scores: Bowling I FASHION SHOW The annual fashion show, spon- sored by the Matrons Club will be at 8 p.m., next Thursday in the au- ditorium of Barnstable High school. Mrs. Sally Jordan, who is in charge of the display, has selected her models, who Include the Misses Jean Goodall and Saunle Whitney and Mmea, Edward Brown, Robert Scudder, Vernon B. Bearse, John U. MacPhee, Bruce Clowery and William J. Burch. Mrs. Henry B. Davles will serve as commentator. Tickets are on sale by Mrs. Les- ter W. Murphy nnd Mrs. Robert J. Edward s. Mrs. Dan B. Gaylord is publicity chairman , and Mrs. - John Askew is chairman of the decorat- ing committee, which includes Mmes. Ralph Fuller, Paul W. Stiles, Frederick L. Hull , George L. Cross, L. W. Murphy, Robert Benton and Joslah H. Cook. Hyannis MR*. LAURtNCK BKARSK Correspondent THE VILLAGE CHURCH The Ladies' Sewing Circle met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L'Esperance. The Friendship Guild met on Monday evening, at the home of Mrs. Evo on Bumps River road. After the business meeting games were enjoyed. Assisting Mrs. Ren- zi as hostesses were Mrs. Gunnar Iiahlberg. and Mrs. Phillip Neal. Next month's meeting of the Guild will be on May 6th. With Mrs. Stanley Buckler and. Mrs. Philip French in charge of a bowling party. The Union Lenten Service was held at the Hyannis Federated Church Wednesday evening. The service next Wednesday evening, April 10, will be held here in the South Congregational Church at 7:80 o'clock. RED CROSS REPORT To date; contributions in the 1946 Red Cross drive for funds has totaled 11,000, in the Centerville district it has been reported by Mrs. Arthur L. Patrick , captain. Anyone who has not been contact- I ed by a solicitor and wishes to con- tribute , may call Mrs. Patrick, Hy. 915-W. or contributions may be sent to Red Cross Headquarters in Hyannis. GARDEN FORUM The Centerville Library will be the scene of a Oarden Forum Mon- day night at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Annis M. Sturgls is in charge. Bert-i ram Tomlinson will be present as special consultant. All gardeners and would-be gardeners are urged to attend to share experiences and I find the answers to problems which . perplex them. PERSONALS Miss Dorothy Worrell has moved her household furnishings from I Dorchester to her home on Phin- ney's Lane, which she is now mak- ing her permanent residence. Mr. and Mrs. Prince A. Fuller Jr., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Blelcken in Hooksett , N. H. Mrs. Bertha Lewis who has been visiting her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larger- gren for 10 days, left Wednesday for Nantucket , where she will spend the Summer. Mrs. Georgia Bates of Brookline, visited friends in the village over the week-end. Mrs. Seabury Bearse celebrated her birthday last Thursday. She spent the day visiting Mrs. Sydney Phillips in Ostervllle. Mrs. Joseph Hallett who has been spending the Winter months in Hooksett, N. H„ arrived home on Wednesday. Mrs. John Blelcken brought her mother home. Mrs. Hallet t has been visiting the Bleic- kens and the Wallace Halletts. Miss Mary Bohllng, Miss Rather- lne MacDonald, and her brother, Lt. (j.g.) Joseph MacDonald of Ros- llndale, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LewiB. The second birthday of Frank Willard Buckler, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buckler, was cel- ebrated last Saturday. ta Cpl. Edmund J. Santos, son of Mrs. Mary G. Santos of Hyannls, has entered the Engineer Officer Candidate School at Fort BelVoir, Va. He had been stationed at Fort Lenard Wood, Mo., with the Army Service Forces Training Center, which is being closed. He is 18, and enlisted in the Army last De- cember in his Senior year at Barn- Btable High school and is eligible for his diploma In June. CENTERVILLE NEWS — - BUY EASTER SEALS AND HELP - saa^lM s w ¦»•> ^L Mondays thru Fridays — 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. %B^n *€£%/B4Uk' Saturdays 9 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. New Bedford M ^gg^ fljS&dL ~~^* —Hat Bar—Second Floor—Cherry's * ^ * FREE PARKING:—in our own Parking Lot on William St.—opposite the Parcel Post Office. Drive in—attendant will give you parking check which will be stamped "PAID" at the Exchange Desk, Street Floor, Cherry's, when you make a purchase. Housewives Acclaim... Hood's New'S^-ScWMilk Bottle! jy **"* They're th. talk of tho town. The/remodern ¦ -/ •ad scientificallydesigned...they savespace EJF>T : f f ' '~ 7 T*\> : , in your refrigerator. . . they're Hood's new ^ ^ p | '^^sT l^' ' "Space-Saver" milk bottles I Theee two dia- W j|| I || ^ »!Y& i ' * grams show how muchspace ^ ^ ^" , wB5i| H U beverages, or \ |||teg§fV m housewives have told us that these new 1W-"t* * I *^*i mff i f j ^ ] \ ^ "Space-Saver" bottles mean almost as much ( i^J f " i^Mi *J \ /l\ \ to them as a larger refrigerator! *—— j j j J \ \ ^ ^S 0^ ^%^ L W^ ^ ^ f^bk Afene advantage* J0i 1 0*^1 ' m *• *••«*" * f| I ~ V m W They're easier to handle — because your w -"¦ mk\' ' M ^ & - : W 'aand iito the 8quare tide" ¦•curelyl This * V'^i'H5$| ^iBLj*^/^ *' modern design makes it safe and easy aP^ V^ §1 1 ^ m, iot * cllilcl to nandle themI V ^> " ^ M \ J ( / ^K h W^M -yet hold a full quart! M ^ F^ L ~ ^^ lJj^ ^^ _ _ y Jj I I J Try them and see how M W W Please return your old-type bottles promptly as they are needed in other areas. ® Available Now st your NaighboiHOOD Stora or Telephone Hyannis 260 H. P. HOOD & SONS DAIR Y PBODUCTS SINCE 1646 i : BILLY MADDEN'S GARAGE Barnstable Rd. Tel. 1230 Hyannls Bear Wheel Alignment and Balancing "IJOM'T (1FT MAD—GUT MADDEN" ANNOUNCEMENT . A partnership has been formed under the firm name of Kelly and Moynahan to engage, in the business of Probate Accounting for Attorneys Tax Account ing Estate Planning ' , General Insurance Judicial &.Surety Bonds We offer bur services to the members of the local Bar and to the general public. i ! I EDWARD KELLY pH,UP A. MOYNAHAN " j 25 years experience in 22 years experience in | Tax Accounting Insurance and Bonding Room 4, Public Service Building Hvannis i ^ IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIl ^ CAPE COD i Real Estate j Sales Summer Rentals I Evelyn Crosby | Tel. Hy. 192-R Centerville | JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI 4 m \ 1 ..................... Electronic j I " and Radio s Repairing f We havean ExcellentStockof RECORDS and SHEET MUSIC Ed Gosselin RADIO - RECORD - MUSIC Shoppe 290 Main Street. Hyannis Near Railroad Depot TELEPHONE 60 ClHdpM^ More&ap s , BRIM IN momi . SBBBB BBT ^^BS BB- ' *• < > *%&sylt aa IBBf aaal l/ r^if' TOBBBBBB I aaawslPaVi Baa THIS country is short of in- dustrial fats, mighty short. The supply is solow that the government must decide how much fat can be released to makesoap;how muchforother peacetime goods. The shortage would be even worse without the wonderful help American housewives are giving by turn- ing in used fats. Keep saving to tide us over this emergency. It will help YOU get more soaps and other productsyou want so much. ( OW,tfHCte SAM. ) -fflJ M IF SfVlWS U6EP j T *T FATS HELPS /MAKE ] & r>^ MOKE tOrXn J (Z. I COUNTMB W/ /^W * W-> JMOWNS OSEPtmTO .f\ \ ^*5TA5900dAS l^vjZw HAVEACANFUL. (urn MOKE Bff sews)£ *-% \ TOMEtT OtWH/aNOW. , fc T* J VWH^HOMTTHB JflPr ISALVAGE CAN FILLS p\ j = ' \ jj r THESEWHS I J JSr^ f r^A (ANP THE BUTCHER.) « ^J\J SIVE6 ME 4# FOR / t * sn\EVERy WUNP I \>C I BWN6 IN / J MenMere ' sf a there ' s soap KEEf TURNING IN USED FATS ! TO HEP AAAKE MORE SOAP This photograph of fishing shanties at Oyster River , Soutli Chatham , is an example of some of the excellent work done bv one of the Cape 's outstanding amateur photographers , Robert H. Boody of Ocean Street , Hyannis , whose camera hobby has won him prizes in many exhibits and contests in recent years. The story of Mr. Boody 's hobby appeared in last, week's Patriot in Mrs. Ruby Freeman 's column. "Cape Tod Hobbies. "