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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
April 4, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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April 4, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDEN RULE APPLIED Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even ao to them ; tor this Is the law and the prophets. —Matthew 7:12. * » • • To do as you would be done by, is the plain , sure, and undisputed rule of mortality and justice. —Lord Chesterfield. • • • • The crimes that are now being committed by man against man cry aloud not for vengeance, but for a complete change in our re- lationship one with another. —G-eorge Lansbury. • » • » Mankind will be God-governed In proportion as God's government becomes apparent , the Golden Rule utilized, and the rights ot man and the liberty of conscience held sacred.—Mary Baker Eddy. • • • • All are not just because they do no wrong; but he who will not wrong me when he may, he is truly just.—Cumberland. • • • • Never, wtth the Bible in our hands, can we deny rights to an- other, which, under the same cir- cumstances, we would claim tor ourselves.—Gardner Spring. A domestic airline has ordered 100 planes that will have jet ex- haust propulsion as auxiliary power. ¦ """ *" ml GEMS OF THOUGHT ANNIVERSARIES Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Nelson will be married 14 years Saturday. PERSONALS A recent visitor of Mrs. Mlra W, Fish, who is ill, was her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Klnnard of Nashua, New Hampshire. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Vendt were his mother, Mrs. Augusta Vendt of Worcester, and Mrs. Vendt 's John SJostedt of Stockholm, Me. Mrs. Robert R. Deuel has been in Montrose, Pa., with her husband for a week. Mrs. Fay D. Faulkner of Estey avenue has purchased land on Yarmouth road from Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Fish, on which she plans to start building a home Immedi- ately. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Logan of Hyannis, and their baby, Sandra, are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Dean, for the summer. UNINTY GUILD Final plans for the annual Spring sale, bridge party and tea will be held Monday in Baldwin Hall, were made at Monday 's meeting. The sale will open at 1:30, card play at 2 and tea will be served at 4. Mrs. Clarence M. Chase Is In charge of bridge reservations; Miss Elolse H. Crocker, chairman ot the tea, will be assisted by Mesdamee Charles M. Ttrrell , Theodore W. Glover, Jr., Sarah K. Smith and Charles E. Harris. The food table will be in charge of Mrs. W. D. Bassett, chairman, and Mesdames Alexander Llghttoot, Oeorge W. Norwood and Seth R. Nlckerson. Mrs, Edltlh M. Cobb is chairman of the apron table; Mrs. Henry A. Ellis will aerve with her. The novelty table will be in charge of Mrs. Walter B. Chase, chairman, and Mesdames F. R. Miller, Walter D. Baker and William Baker. PUBLIC SUPPER A public baked bean supper will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. Satur- day in the Legion rooms by the Legion Auxiliary. Tickets may be obtained at the door. Mrs. Marie Atwood is chairman. COMMUNION AND BREAKFAST The annual corporate communion and breakfast of the Knights of Columbus will be Palm Sunday, April 14. Members will attend the 7 a.m. Mass at St. Francis Xavler Church and a breakfast at Bro- gan's Restaurant will follow. The speaker will be Henry L .Murphy, Commander of Dennis F. Thomas Post, V.F.W. Reservations must be made by tomorrow (Friday) with Peter F. Nelson, lecturer. EMBLEM CLUB ELECTS The slate at the annual election Included president , Mrs. Herman L. Hadfleld ; vice president , Mrs. John C. Bearse; financial secre- tary, Mrs. Louis J. Borsari; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Julius P. Morin, Sr.; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer A. E. Richards; corresponding sec- retary, Miss Rita Corrlgan, and di- rector for three years, Mrs. Ar- niand Drouin. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Doane of Swampscott are at their summer home for a while. J. T. Mahoney, an employe of the local Telephone Co. for a num- ber of years, has moved his family to Taunton. His house was pur- chased by Joseph L. Cairns. Mrs. Ashley R. Crocker Is re- cuperating at her home from a major operation at the Cape Cod Hospital. Mrs. Sarah B. Kelley went to Providence today to attend thel wedding of her cousin, Howard. Russell , Jr. She will visit her sis- | ter, Mrs. J. J. Morrlssey ot East' Braintree, and her son, George E. Relief of CtoMifW; N- H. Mrs. Frederick B,1 Topper, who underwent «**in«Jof Operation nt the Cape Cod Hospital, is at her home. HYANNIS NEWS THE FEDERATED CHURCH Carl F. Schultz, Minister Sunday Services 'At 11, a Service of Worship tor all faiths. Sermon by the Minister. Veterans, service members and new folk welcome; also at 11, Kin- dergarten, church school, ages 3 to grade 1, Mrs. Robert C. Benton, Supt. Primary Depts., grades 1-3, Mrs. Melvtn C. Knight , Supt. At 12:10, Older Dept. of the Church School, grades 4-12. Henry C. Lev- lnson, Supt. At 3 p.m., Victory Ves- pers broadcast from the church by the minister, Miss Saunie Whitney, soloist; Mrs. Warren W. Cook, organist. At 5 p.m., Baldwin Club for young people above high school age. Announcements Unity Guild, 1st and 3rd Mon- days at 2, Mrs. Charles E. Smith, president. Matrons Club, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8, Mrs. Raymond Osborne, president. Hi-Y and Fort- nightly, and Men's Club meetings as announced. Choir rehearsals,, Thursday at 7. Dally, the Minister may be reached at the parsonage or church. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CATHO- LIC CHURCH Rev. Thomas J. McLean , pas- tor; Rev. George C. Lewin, curate. Sunday masses, 7, 9 and 1 1 a.m.; Holy rosary, instruction and bene- diction , 7:30 p.m. Daily mass, 7 a.m. Confessions Saturday, 4 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Holy Rosary, litany, Lenten, sermon and benediction . Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Holy Rosary, The Way ot the Cross Friday, after school for chil- dren , and at 7:30 p.m. for adults. Sunday mass at Sacred Heart Church (mission), Yarmouth, 9:00 a.m., preceded by confessions. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. Frances B. Clarke, organ- ist; Frank B. Mehaffey. choir di- rector. Sunday services: 10:45 a.m., or- gan meditation; 1 1, morning wor- ship, prelude, "Pastoral", by Jon- gen; offertory, "Air" by Bach; an- them by the senior choir, "An- them ", by Gaul. Guest preacher, Dr. F. Slnglser of Boston , execu- tive secretary of the Massachusetts Bible Society, and former mission- ary to Burma , sermon theme, "In the Father's House." Church school : 9:45 a.m., junior and junior high and high school departments; 11, nursery, kinder- garten and primary departments ; 12:10, Bible class for adults , led by Miss Bertha M. Arey ; 6 p.m., Youth Fellowship. Monday, 7 p.m., Troop No. 58, Boy Scouts ; 8, meeting of the board of directors in Nye room. Tuesday, 10:30 and 1 p.m., 19th annual meeting of the Barnstable Baptist Women's Missionary Asso- ciation in this church ; 7:30, party for Youth Fellowship. Wednesday, 7:30, Union Lenten service in South Congregational Church, Cen- tervllle, Rev. Walter R. Jones, Jr., of Barnstable Unitarian Church , preacher. Thursday, 7:30, senior choir rehearsal in the sanctuary, at 8, Women's Fellowship meeting in the Nye room. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST in The Mother Church , The First Church of Christ , Scientist , in Bos- ton, Massachusetts, and in all of its branches, a Lesson-Sermon will be read on Sunday, April 7, on the subjec t '"Unreality." Just MltMd the 'Bloat' A chicken drinks a pound of wa- ter for each pound of feed eaten. 1 HYANNIS CHURCH NEWS I lllllllllimillHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllllll|||||||||i||||||||l|l||||||l|||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIHIU>muH| Found! ifv^fc - a Treasure Mff ix *\ j ayl Chest J **W I Brimming # «*£lf I GOLD! Jf , *y | ^ I ^^H .sssssa^ r ^ mm ^^^^ S ^^ Lovely to look at—lovel y to have is really fine i \ costume jewelry. Our new pieces are interpretive s 1 of the soft look fashion has decreed for Spring, | ?- 1946. "Counter-shop " our deftlj'-designed brooches, § I wide, chunky bracelets, stunning chokers. You 'll | S find your spring jewel here ! = I CINDERELLA , Jmeky SHQP^1 |rj*i^ I fllMnWIMaWirm^ 34 South St. Hyannls 1721R SABLE B. GREENE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TAX CONSULTANT Formerly associated with E. L. Pride & Co., Cert. Public Accountants of Boston I s a a V i l H B B ^B i i a B i M I I V B M B a a M I H S a a l i M i n H a a s n V B a a ^B l i a a H a l 2=0=2 ~ Mail OJ/A OW"** 0rders C>^^ tw MO-OWO Filled ¦ ¦ MASSACHUSETTS f *V Blouses Jt^.- - - ^^ — ; with the spirit (nfMu u i °fsPrin*! i\ MJ/ I I $2.70 to $5.98 / A \ BSflil / . M '' ""' textured rayon crepe ' \ \*M|A|ALx g / | ) ol. Suit-flntter' ui}? \ I JM ^MW / / necklines with bow-ties, \ \ ^^Z^/ j S e'rv neckline or the clussic P# """ out of a skirt. ^ ^ ^M \ f T ^ ^A / m^TTf/ " 1 Star Store JT V V^^iK^BvV\K» f / I ' Second Floor l^k (ffb L sPi* I iFl I / / I Many serious accidents—acci- dents Involving death are often caused by careless driv- ing and curs in need of re- pair. It is your duty as a car owner to drive carefully at all times—to have your car check- ed regularly. Hyannis Garage (Off Pleasuii t St.) Hyannis Mass. ¦ wmH^mma ^m^^mmmm For A I Sulf a See Our Well Displayed j WINDOWS for Suggestions Then come in to make your selection from the largest assortment we have had for many years. P URITATV Clothing Co. J_ ^| 408 Main Street Hyannls at th«t« LOW RATES for SAVINGS BANK LIFE INSURANCE $1000 STIkAtQHT lift INlUsANCI 4|«« AmiuUf Muf ib I** 911.41 SI.01 I- 11.49 1.01 y n.jj 1.01 4«* ll.JS 1.01 5*» 11.64 1.01 »J 16.71 l.4f 26 17.16 1.J1 17 17.61 1.5$ 28 1809 1.6» 29 18.59 1.64 50 19.11 1.69 51 19.67 1.74 51 10.1$ 1.79 5) 20.86 184 54 1 1 . 5 1 1.90 55 M.19 1.9» J6 22.91 101 57 15.67 109 J8 14.40 111 59 15.51 115 40 16.25 1.51 •Bates for other vet froam 1 month to 79 yearsand other tyyci •f policy will gladly be furnish- ed. Payments may also be tmade quarterly or semi-annually. ** Amount of insarsnee In force under age < Is on a graded seale. Bass River SAVINGS Bank South 40 aBt &>, Yarmouth (^ntj^r j ) , Hyannls • < m a wl M ¦ VS MB & 4 Make an appointment now for your gradua- tion photo or for a picture to give Mother on her day. Make appointment now! Phone Hyannls 345 COLBY PHOTOS "Picture Framing" Studios at 317 Main Street J m Keen-minded property own- • AM LTS look to us to plan their mm insurance needs. Call on us jjg£r- today. GEORGE H. MpSN, ; ^ , > . ¦Mil Miiln SI., Hyannls Tel. Hj. 669 SMSMSSMSMSMSMSM S MSMSMSMSSMSMSMSBMsMnMSMSMSS y i (if mfe 1§| Wanted MORE GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK 1. Good Pay. 2. No experience necessary. 3. You're p aid while you train. 4. Friendl y Associates. 5. Chance f oradvancement. ^ 2 Ka^sssOsI ACT AT ONCI. Here are j obs that are ¦ I interesting and secure. This may be just I ¦sssTTi ^ Ml l l^^B tne chance you've been waiting for* S ¦HpHPVPrVrlM! I I Positions now open in Hyannis, Falmouth and Wareham. Apply to the Chief Operators in these offices. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE * TELEGRAPH COMPANY -1 HYANNISFISHCO. PLEASANT STREET Phone Hyannis 1266W 1 On the Water Front Everything in Season Judith Aguiar , Barbara Bacon , Joan Barrows, Jean Bearse, Shir- ley Cahoon, Yvonne Dupuis , C'aro- lee Howes, Carol Martin , Janet Morrison , Pauline Peters, June Richards, Marcia Stevens, Char- lotte Taylor , David Bassett , Jos- eph Cairns, Edward Chase, James Doherty, Nicholas Joaklm , Thomas Olsen, James Stusse and Peter White. Charles Aguair, Robert Gibbs, Carl FerdenBi, Nelson Llttlefleld , James Mendes , William Rosen- gren, Richard Woodward , Jose- phine Antone, Elizabeth Barrows, Claire Bouchard , Carol Campbell, I Sally Casey, Joanne Moda , Patri- cia Marsh, Lois Pena, Donna St.- Peter, Ruth Tobey. Edwin Askew, Robert CroBs, John Rennie, Charles Senteio, Lawrence Tobey, Jane Alberghini, Carol Bennett, Judith Butler, Hilda Gifford , Sandra Labelle, Ellen Nlckerson , Anne Stevens, Char- lene Benton , Coe Mclver. John Bearse, Richard Frazier, Eugene Guild , Robert Long, Rod- ney Lopes, David Montcalm , James Richard, William Woodbury, Sally Baxter, Prances Brlggs, Marcia Chambers, Jacquelyn Duchesney, Beverly Gibbs, Ruth Hodge, Judy Rivers, Eileen Santry, Sally Stearns, Ruth Washington. Beverly Brown, Patricia Camp- bell , Betty Chase , Roberta Hlrsch , Mary Martin , Joan Monteiro, An- dria Richards, Patricia Santry, Prlscilla Washington, Theodore Arvanitld , Donald Coombs, Robert Frlmodig, David Jones, Allan Mar- chant, James Murphy, Berkeley Rice, Francis Richard , Donald Rob- inson , Frederick St. Peter, Harold Tobey, William Wlmberly. Peter Chickering, Briar Cook, Frederick Llttlefleld , Donald Man- no, Craig Mederlos, Tommy Rob- inson , Paul Stearns, Oliver Wash- lngton, Richard White, Vincent WorBley, Lorraine Doherty, Ber- tha Lopes, Betty Martin, Eleanor ! Medelros, Katura RoBary, Betsy Sylvester, Sandra Wilson. Barbara Bearse, Eileen Mar- chant. Betty Montcalm, Kathertne Roderick , Nancy Shepard, Donald Pena, Victor Skende. Thomas Butler, Harry Maddox , Donald Montcalm, Matthew Ros- ary, George Runnels, Joan Chase, Beatrice Crowell, Reglna Martin. John Alberghini , Robert Brough- ton , Robert French, Tony Maxwell, Catherine Cotell, Ann Goode, Deb- orah Howes, Shirley Imberg, Clara Merchant , Jean McElhaney, Joan McElhuney, Constance Perry, Joun Prada, Dorothy Slddall , Ann Sla- vln , Phyllis Thomas. Janice Caswell, Kalliope Garou- fes, Judith Martin , Joyce Wordell , Richard Crapo, Kenneth Grace, Robert Roberts, Colin Woodbury, Sheila O'Brlan. Marriage licenses issued in cities of the first class size throughout the United States increased 11% in 1B4B as compared with the pre- vious year—and the 1940 rate Is hotter still, TRAINING SCHOOL PERFECT ATTENDANCE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilUUIIini B Unl nn|^^n ¦ I Home Ownership Made Easier Through | MODERN FINANCING by the Hyannis Co-operative Bank West Main St. A Scudder Ave. Hyannis j iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiniiiimiiii iiiiiiimiiiiHHiiiiiiH