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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 13, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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March 13, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Patriot Ads For Results!! 4 lines: W w p e e e r k ; HOMEMAKERS NEEDS MARTTN'S Cakes - Pasterles - Cookies BreadB Rolls Special Pasterles For All Occasions 276 Main Street Hyannis 820 West Dennis - EXeter 8-2621 MTJRRAY'8 FUEL OIL SERVICE], INC. Heating Oils Service - Quality - Satisfaction Dennis Port, Mass. Phone EXeter 8-2408 Metered Tloket Printers BOOKS BOOKS WANTED Old - New Parnassus Book Service 13 Sherman Square Hy. 27S6 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Bicycles Repaired - For Hire JACK'S BIKE SHOP 18 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Your Evinrude Dealer ROBERT F. HAYDEN GENERAL CONTRACTING Building Moving and Flaking Complete line of building parts Falmouth Avenue, Cotuit, Mass. GArden 8-6380 MODELS - HOBBIES CRAFTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS Capeway Hobby Center 538 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. 1924 USED BUILDING MATERIALS Cape Lumber and Salvage Co. Rte. 28 Hyannis 2266 SERVICES WILLIAM OGDEN Your Paperhanging Expert FOrest 2-3361 Free Estimates The Patriot Presa PRINTING Hyannis, Mass. Telephone 24 H. M. MBSERVE CO. The Finest in OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Tel. GArden 8-6888 OsterriUe R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanough Road, Hyannis Telephone 181b It It' s REAL TILE you want use CERAMIC TILE call LOUIS SERPICO Hyannis 738 HERBERT F. PENDLETON "Your Village Plumber" Modern Plumbing and Heating Quality at a Fair Price Courteous Service Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Barnstable Hyannis 769 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS Vivian Holmes 80 Winter Street, Hyannis isi» HAROLD A. BOYNE Tractor Repair Hydraulics • ^J" 0" Falmouth Rd., Centerville, Mass. Tel. Hyannis 636-W G. W. Hallett & Son PLUMBING & HEATING OIL BURNERS Myers A Burks PumP» TeL GArden 8-6910 Osterville | SERVICES M A S S A G E Given by Henry Askell , register- ed physiotherapist, formerly at Cape Cod Health Center and Har- vard Club of Boston, at OLA STEWART'S home, South Main Street, Centerville , MBBS. For ap- pointment call Hyannis 2313-R. dg^ NICKERSON fHNJ| | FUNERAL and WMJ MONUMENT \ j ? SERVICES BOURNE - SANDWICH MASS. Serving CAPE COD and Surrounding Commoiiltiat CAPE COD SECRETARIAL, SCHOOL Typewriting Mimeographing All Public Stenographic Services Call Day and Evening Hyanni s 1372 242 Ocean Street, Hyannis FOR RENT Typewriters ¦ Adding Machines Day-Week-Month Cape Cod Office Equipment and Supply Co. Inc. AUTHORIZED UNDERWOOD AGENT Yarmouth Road Hyannis 1582 MOVING, TRANSPORTING CLOUGH & HIGG1NS GENERAL TRUCKING Gravel - Cinders • Rubbish Hauled Excavating and Cesspool Cleaning Hyannis l.'79-W 302 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. BAXTER TRANSPORT, INC. Boston - South Shore Cape Cod Hyannis 232 or 441 REAL ESTATE PRINCE A. FULLER REAL ESTATE Sales and Rentals Listings Wanted Centerville Four Corners Hyannis 206 or Hyannis 1989-M-4 WANT TO SELL7T List your property with Barnstable County Real Estate Exchange 255 Main Street Hyannis 277 REALTORS REAL fiSTATB Of Every Description Bought, Sold and Exchanged JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate Agency Tel. 302-1247 Hyannis See Me First CAPE COD REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CENTER SALES AND RENTALS Iloute 28 Iyanough Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylmer Evelyn Crosby Hyannis OArtMi 2646 - 1686 8-2469 WALTER I. FULLER Realtor Main Street, OsterriUe Call GArden 8-2165 CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings given Prompt and Personal Attention br James F. Kenney, Realtor 18 Ocean Street, Hyannis, Mass. Telephone 907 Genleve C. Bearse REALTOR Centerville, Craigville and West Hyannlsport Main Street . Centerville Hyannis 865 SCHUMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. Specializing in (.'ape Cod Properties since 1929 Member of Multiple Listing Service Tel. Hy. 277 Tel. Hy. 1486 evening! | T PAYS TO ADVERTISE PATRIOT ADS PAY Charge Your Ad! Call Hy. 24 For Action! i h yi LEGAL NOTICE w Commonwealth of Massachusetts v Barnstable , ss. Probate Court. c To all persons Interested In the estate of SARAH W. DANIELS, R late of Barnstable, In said County, ( , deceased. , A petition has been presented to sal'1 Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be tho j, last will of said deceased by _ HELEN W. MacLELLAN , of Barn- stable (Osterville), in said County W and praying that she or some other suitable person be appointed ad- ministratrix with the will annexed p of said estate. ti If you desire to object thereto, \ you or your attorney should file a n written appearance In Bnld Court b at Barnstable before ten o'clock In o the forenoon on the 25th day of .A March , 1958, the return day of I this citation. b Witness, KENR1CK A. SPAR- IV ROW, Esquire, Judge of said 1 Court , this 2lBt day of February, In H the year one thousand nine hun- I dred and flfty-elght. N 'ALFRED C. KNIGHT , N Register, tl Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13 p « Commonwealth of Massachusetts " Barnstable, BB . Probate Court. " To all persons Interested In tho ° OHtate under the will of EMMA R HANDY MALONEY , lute of llarn- H stable (Hyannis), In Bald County, deceased, for the benefi t of MARY I POLLOCK , et al. The surviving trustee of said es- 8 tnte has presented to said Court j 1 for allowance Its twenty-sixth ac- count. If you desire to object thoreto, you or your attorney should Ille a P written nppearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in a tho forenoon on tho a.ltli day of March, 1958 , the return day of " this citation. P Witness, KENRICK A. Sl'AR- ' ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court, ( this lXth day of February, lilts. ALFRED 0, KNIGHT, '* Register. " Feb. 27. Mar. 6, 13 ' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Harnstable , ss. Probate Court B To all persons interested in the " estate of DOROTHY BAKER EMERY, otherwise known as !l DOHA BAKER EMERY, lute of B (Hyannis ), Barnstable , In Huid County, deceased. A iiotltlon has been presented to ! said Court praying that Claude It. Cross, of Ilrookline , in the County of Norfolk , be appointed ailniinls- trator of said estate without giving " a surety on his bond. ~. If you desire to object thereto, * you or your attorney should file a j written appearance In said Court at Barnstublo boforo ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 25111 day of K March , 1958, tho return day of '' this citation. ' Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR- ' ROW , Esquire , Judge of sale Court, this 20th day of Fubruarj, !' in the year one thousand nine hun- dred and flfty-elght. ALFRED 0. KNIGHT , B Register. H Feb. 27, Mar. fl, 13 ° LOST PA88BOOK8 '> Notice is hereby given thai " Passbooks, NOB. DR1270, 1)111115. issued by Hyannis Co-operative 8 Hank , huve boon lost or dotroyod b and that applications liavo been I' made to Hyannis Co-operutlvo Hank b to Issue duplicate books In accord- ance with Sec. 40, Chap. f.ftO, Acts T> of 1908. » March 6, 13, 20 b — i d Commonwealth of Massachusetts {a Harnstable , ss. Probata Court i H, To all persons Interested In the I e tnrst eBtate—under the will of n JAMES HHACKETT, Ia(o of Hani- « stable , In said County, deceased: h for tho benefit of IRVIN G BIIAC- al KETT during his life and at his n death to go to other persons us in provided In tho will. > o A petition haB been presented to l> said Court praying that RICHARD W. BRACKET'!', of Barnstablo Jr (Cotuit), In the County of llarn- (u stable, be appointed trustee of said pi estate, in place of VICTOR II. |e ANDERSON, Deceased. If you desire to object thereto w you or your attorney should llle a tj written appearance in said Court ol at Harnstable before ten o'clock In ki the forenoon on the 26th day of H March , 1958, the return day of this [j citation. Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge of Bald Court, this 17th day of February, 1958. H ALFRED C. KNIGHT , A Register. II March (i, 13, 20 II jr, Commonwealth of Massachusetts _ Harnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons Interested In the N estate of MARY GLORIA CABRAL, late of Barnstable (Santult), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to C said Court for license to sell at private sale certain real estate of C said deceased. If you desire to object thereto, tn you or your attorney should file a al written appearance In said Court at BarnBtable before ten o'clock In 1 the forenoon on the 26th day of March, 1958 , the return duy of this P citation. ai Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR- U ROW , Esquire, Judge of said ei Court, this 26th day of February In the year one thousand nine hun- dred and flfty-elght . ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Register. March G, 13, 20 M L E G A L NOTII *» ;ommonwealth of Massachusetts larnstable, ss. ptouais e uitrt To all persons interested in the stato of EINO V. DAVIDSON. He of Barnstable (West), In sulci ouuty, deceased. A petition has lieen presented to lid Court , praying that ELLEN E. 'AVinSDN , of Barnstable (West). I tho County of Barnstable , be an- ointed administratrix of snid es- ito without giving a surety on er bond. If you desire to objoct thereto au or your attorney should file a rltten appearance In said Court t Barnstablo before ten o'clock In le forenoon on the 25th day of larch , 1958, the return day of this Itation. Witness , KENH1CK A. SPAR- OW, Esquire, Jndge of said ourt, this 26th day of February , )68. ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Register, [arch 6, 13, 20 lORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and In execution of a owor of sale contained In a cer- iln mortgage deed given by PILLIAM L. LAROCQUE and IARIETTB C. LAROCQUE, hus- and and wife , to the HOME W'NERS FEDERAL SAVINGS ,ND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a Inlted States Corporation , doing usinoBS In Boston, Suffolk County, lassachusetts, dated September 9, 955 , duly registered with Bnrn- tnble Registry Dlatrlct of tho ,nnd Court nnd noted as Document lo. 45579 on Certificate of Title to. 18330, for breach of the condt- [0ns of said mortgage and for tho urpoao of foreclosing the same ¦111 be sold at public unction , on ne premises, on Monday, the 24th ay of March , 1958, at olevon 'clock In the forenoon, all and Ingular tho premises conveyod by aid mortgage deed, dated namely: "Tho land , with the buildings lioreon, situated in tho Vlllago of [yannls, Town of Barnstable, Barn- lablo County, Massachusetts, being umbered 402-404 Hearse's Way in lie present numbering, bounded nil described an follows: SOUTHERLY in u curving lino y Lot 57A, ns shown on a plan erolnaftor mentioned , thirty-live nil 59/100 (35.59) feot; SOUTHWESTERLY In two (2) minds by Lot 68, as shown on said Ian , forty-live and 86/100 (45.86) jet and olghty-flvo nnd 18/100 85.18) feet , respectively; NORTHWESTERLY and WHST- IRLY In two (2) bounds by Ix>l 71 , s shown on said plan , forty and 4/100 (-10.14) foot and ton and (1/100 (10.30) feet , respectively; NORTHERLY by Lot 72, as hewn on HII lit plan , twenty-ei ght ml I'll/lllO (28.26) feot; NORTHEASTERLY by Lot 73 nil by n purl Ion of Lot HO, as linwn on suid plan , one hundred uty and 49/100 (140.49) foot; »"d SOUTHEASTERLY by Lot 56, us hown en said plan , eighty-live and ti ,'I no (85.00) feet. Said parcel of laud Is shown as .ot f>7 on a plan entitled "Sub- IVlslOU Plan ot Land In llurn- table", dated May 21, 1964, Bearse • Kellogg, Civil Engineers , llled in lie Land Registration Office as 'Ian No. 1778UE. Said premises are conveyed to littler with the bennilt of the use f me macadam way erected on, ror and around tho said Lot 57A , Or a 11 purposes for which ways lay now or at any time bo used I the Town of Barnstable, subject , owever , to tho right of all others iwfully entitled thereto to use the ,i-l way for said purposes; and ubject to and with the benefit f easement!, restrictions , agree- leiits and reservations of record , ' any there be, lusofur as the same lay be in force and applicable. Being the same premises convey* i\ to the snid Will iam L. Larocquo y deed ol Exchange Really Coin- any dated September 9, 1065 to 8 registered herwlth. Including as a part of Din unity all iMirtablu or sectional UlldingB, heating apparatus , liiinliln g, ranges, mantels , storm oors and windows, oil burners, gas ml oil and electric fixtures , greens, screen doors, awnin gs , leciric and gas refrigerators, air unlit ioiilng apparatus , aud other (tares of whatever kind and n/i - ir", on said premises, or here- ter placed thereon prior to the ill payment and discharge ol I tils ortguge, insofar as the same are r can by agreement of the parties i. made a part of tho really. " Said premises will be said Me- et to any and all unpaid taxes, vX titles , iiBHOBsnints and munlcl- il lions , so far as the same muy gaily exist. Five hundred dollars ($500.00 ) ill be required to be paid at the me and place of sale, when the her terms Of sale will bo made IOWI1. OMH OWNERS FEDERAL SAV- .'. 27, Mar. 6, 13 OTICE OF APPLICATIO N FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVER AGES LICEN8E In accordance with General LAWS, hapler 138 as Ain emli-d Name of Applicant: Robert II uiinsell and Mary K. Ellis. Kind of License: Original , Ro- ll Package Store, Seasonal. All cohollo beverages. Period Covered by License: April to Nov. 30, 1958 Incl. Location and Description ol reraises: 247 Iyanough Road, lly mis. One room on street floor, isemont for storuge. One front itranco and one rfcur exit. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS B. THOMAS M TH 'PHY Licensing Board for the Town of Uaruslable arch 13, 1958 LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and In execution of the power of sain containe d In a cer- tain mortgage given by Loe Roy Davis and Jaequelynn C. Davis , husband and wife , as tenants by the entirety, tn (lie Institution for Savings in Uoxbury, a banking cor- poration duly organized nnd exist- ing and having an usual placo of business in Boston , Suffolk County , Massachusetts , which mortgage is dated January 5th , 1954 , and re- corded with Barnstablo County Heeds , Book 803, Pago 330, of which mortgage tho undersigned 1B the present holder, for a breach of the conditions of snid mortgage and for Iho purpose of foreclosing tho snmu , will hold PUBLIC AUCTION , at two P.M., Friday, March 28, 195s , on tho mortgaged premises, all and singular the premises de- scribed in snid mortgage, to wit: Tho land with the buildings thereon , situated in Barnstable (Osterville) , In the County of Barn- Btable and Commonwealth of Mass- achusetts , bounded and described aB follows : Northwesterly by Old Mill Road (formerly known ns Humps Rlvor Road), one hundred twenty (120) feot; Northonsterl y by Lot #5, as shown on plan hereinafter men- tioned , two hundred (200) feet; Southeasterly by Lot #6, as shown on said plan , one hundred twenty (120) feot; and Southwesterly by I.ot #3, as shown on said plan , two hundred (200) feet. The nbovo doscrlbod promises are shown as LOT No. 4, on plan entitled "Plan of Land In Ostor- vtllo , M USH ., for Manuel H. Monln ", Scalo 40' — one Inch , dated Novem- ber 8, 1960 , by Herbert Richardson duly tiled with Barnstablo County Registry of Deeds, Plan Hook 96, Pago 153. For title soo deod of Manuel II. Monlz to Loo Roy DIIV IH and Jae- quelynn C. Davis , dated January 6, 1954 , and recorded with Harnstablo County Deeds, Book 863 . Pago 329. Reference is made to decree auth- orising foreclosure of real estate mortgage by entry und possoBBlon nnd exercise of the power of sale, wheh dncroo Is dated February 27 , 1958 , Case No. 21781 Equity, llurn- stabio Superior Court. Said premises will lie sold Bub- Joct lo uuy und all unpaid taxes, tax titles and municipal lions If any there be. Terms of Sale: ton (10%) per cent of the purchase price lo be paid In cash by the purchaser or purchasers at the time aud placo of sale. Other terms to bo an- nounced at tho sulo. \ INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS IN ROXIIUHY By Frederick C. Holland , Treasurer Present Holder of said Morlgage. Herbert E. Hun/.llier, Ksq. BaStman Buildin g Falmouth, Mass. Moron 6, 18, 20 , NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Lawn, Chapter LIS as Amended : Name of Applicant! Roland A. Auger. Kind of License: Original , Sea- sonal , Retail Package Store . All alcoholic bovorages. Period Covered by License : April 1 to Nov. 80, Pins Incl. Location and Desorlptlon of Premises : I ¦, a icli Road . Hyan- nis, Muss. Two rooms on stree t Hour. One front entrance and one rear exit, VICTOR F. AHAMH GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Hoard for the Town of Barnstablo March 13 , l' i:,.s NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE 111 accordance with General Laws . Chapter 138 as Amended Name of Applicant: Cbrlstos c RoiMBOpulos d/li/a Omar's. Kind of License : Renewal , Sea sonul , Common Victualler 's. Period Covered by License : April 1 lo Nov. 30, 1858 Incl. Location and Description of Premises: 11 Barnstable Rood, lly- amils. One front entrance, one rear exll , one side exit . Also two exits from basement , [lining room and kitchen on first floor, cocktail lounge in basement Rear part of basemenl for storago. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS K. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable March 1.1 , 191,8 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGL8 LICENSE III accordance with General Laws , Chapter 138 as Amended : Name or Applicant . The Beach Club, Inc . Stauwood 0 UradlM, President . Kind (if License: Renewal , Sea- sonal Club. All alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License April 1 to Nov. 30, 1968 Incl. Location and Description or Promises: Long Beach Road , Craig- ville , Muss Bar and five rooms and porch on first floor. Seven rooms on second Door. Basement for storage . Two entrances on l«oiig Beach Roud , live entrances on Beach side (Houth side) and two Hide entrances and exits. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L CROSS E THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable March 13, 1958 LO8T PASSBOOK Notice Is hereby given Dial Passbook, No 1134 3 . Issued by Hy- annis Trust Co , bus been lost or destroyed and that applic ation hus been made to Hyannis Trust Co. to Issue a duplicate book In accord- ance with Sec 40, Chap 600, Acts of 1808. 1 March 13 , 20, 27 I LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts BarnBtable, ss. Probate Court. To DANIEL BEARSE , of Hyan- nis , Massachusetts; the DISTRICT NURSING ASSOCIATION of Barn- stable . Yarmouth nnd Dennis; the l-'IKST UNIVEHSALIST SOCIETY of Chelsea; the FEDERATED CHURCH of Hyanni s; IRA L. HINCKLEY , of Ilvannis; ALBERT L, HINCKLEY , of Osterville; RION- N1E HINCKLEY , of South Yar- mouth; MARGARET COOPER, of Hyannis; WINIFRED WILLIAMS , of Hyannis; and CHESTER II. W1LBAR, presently of Ft. Louder- dale , Florida, and to tho ATTOR- NEY GENERAL ot Bald Common- wealth of Massachusetts. A petition has boon presented to said Court by GLORIA CORREIA. Trusteo tinder tho will of CHES- TER H. WILBAR , Into of Barn- stable (Hyannis ) , In tho County of Barnstable , representing among other things that she Is Informed and therefore believes that CHES- TER H. WILBAR (the grand- nephew), beneficiary under the 4th clause of the will of said de- ceased , graduated from High School on June 10, 1956 , and on- tored I.OS Angeles Harbor Junior College In Wilmington , California , on or about February 5, 1067; that he Is majoring In Machine Tech- nology nnd that on the successful completion of this course will re- ceive an Associate of Arts de- gree; that tho Machine Technology courso comprises approximately two (2) yonrs of collogo work, plus on-the-job training of which CUES TER H. WILBAR has successfully completed approximately one (1) year, and praying thut your peti- tioner niny bo Instructed by this Court as to whether the beneficiary CHESTER H. WILBAR bus enter- ed such a college as would Qualify him to receive funds under the said will ami whether CHESTER 11. WILBAR will be entitled to the remainder of (he trust funds upon the receipt by him ot au Associate of Arts degree, If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should lib) In Bald Court at Barnstablo a written appearance and answer or other legal pleading, within twenty-one days after the 25th day of March , 1968 , the return day of Ibis cita- tion. Witness , KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW , Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 25th day of February, 1958. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Register. March fi , 13 , 20 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Harnstable . BH . Prtihuto Court To all persons Intereste d In the estate or it. EDGAR BENSON, JR., late or Qreenwlch, in the County id Piilrlleld , and Stale ol' Connecticut, deceased. A petition has been presented to suid Court, with certain pii|>ors purporting to ba copies <>r the lust will Ot said deceased , und of the probate thereof in said state or Connecticut, duly authenticated, by HELEN S. BENSON and EDGAR s. BENHON , both of Qreenwlch, in the County or Fairfield, and Stale of Connectic ut , and RICH ARI ) H. BENSON , or Pines Luke . Wayne , Passaic County, New Jer- sey, praying that tho copy H used cars H Hyannis 4285 H TOR THE BEST DEAL I IN A NEW OR USED CAR, ¦ SEE I BRAGLE CHEVROLET CO., INC. I NORTH STREET B HYANNIS 1843 or 1844 ¦ CAPE COD AUTO ¦ RADIATOR WORKS, INC. ¦ Established 1929 I Body and Fender WorK ¦ Complete Auto Painting H Radiator Repairs I Telephone Hyannis 858 I West Main Street, Hyannis 1 jjggJANTED FEMAIE ¦ immediate placement with Avon ¦ ,k^. etlc8 (or energetic lady over I r?? r"flve - Can wo"* 10:00 a.m. to ¦ j:38 p.m. 40% comml8Bi011, Write: I im\M Dave>- 100 Tyler Street, ¦wtleboro, Mass. IHOMEMAKER'S NEEDS I OSBORNE'S ¦ REFRIGERATION SERVICE ¦Aothorizej Westlnghouse Dealer ¦ "omestice and Commercial ¦ Refrigeration M t?» u . a'88 anQ Service ¦ " I Main St.. Hyannis Tel. 213-W I SUNDRY AND CLEANING ¦RDQ CLEANING STORAGE I Cash and Carry I it Plant Office I C*PE COD LAUNDR f , INO. R ^__Tebjphone Hyannis 78 ¦ HE VVALLpApE;R 8HOppB I to °' Flne Wallpapers ¦ window shades, Curtains. ¦ Urauery Materials ¦ M2 *»U Street, Hyannis H Hyannis 1755