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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 13, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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March 13, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LEGAL NOTICE S LEGAL NOTICES Charter No. 13395. Reserve District No. 1 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE BARNSTABLE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF HYANNIS In the State of Massachusetts, at the close of business on March 4, 1958, published In response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash , balances with other banks, Including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection $1,544 ,258.18 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed _ 1 ,538,163.45 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 400,877.50 g Other bonds , notes and debentures 10,000.00 " Corporate stocks (including $9,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) ._ „ 9,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $2, 171.17 overdrafts) 2,856,801.84 Hank premises owned $145,000.00, furniture and fixtures $60,000.00 205,000.00 Other assets 1 . . 1 . . . Z 1 . . ' 8,943.97 Total Assets $6,573,044.94 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, arid corporations' 3,749 ,682.41 , Time deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1,520,482.89 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) „ 22,960.03 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 509,035.74 Deposits of banks __, __ ... 59,853.96 ' Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) , 164,593.9.1 Total Deposits $6,02fi ,608.9G Total Liabilities _ „ $6,026 ,608.96 _ ,. , ' , CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock , total par $150,000.00 - _ $ 150,000.00 i Surplus ' __ 160,000.00 i Undivided profits „ " " 331,485.88 '. . Reserves _ ZIZIIZIIZZZZZZZ'ZZ " 25,000.00 - Total Capital Accounts 546,435.98 Total Liabilities and Capital AccountB _...„ - $6,573,044.94 • A • , ^ , MEMORANDA i ABsets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for i other purposes „ . .. 135,900.00 i (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction "™ of reserves ot _ .. 9 230.64 1 ¦ """ " ._ t I. ELLEN D. PELTON , Cashier, of the above-named bank , do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of a>y . knowledge and belief. ELLEN D. PELTON , Cashier. 3 Correct—Attest: WALCOTT AMES HOWARD W. SEAKS 3 I CHARLES L. AYLING - Directors. State ot Massachusetts, County of Barnstable SB : bworu to and subscribed before me thlB 11th day of March, 195* ,, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. » ROSAMOND MILNE, Notary Pub'!c' My commission expires Nov. 28th 1958 i (teal) ' ' Persons interested in submitting liids to furnished leased space for ii newly located Harnstable Village Post Office have until tomorrow to submit their proposals. Postmaster W. Dana Holmes has no Information other than that postal authorities feel that by abandoning the present building they may save money and, at the same time, provide more up-to- date .facilities. Presently the office is located in the famous landmark built as a customs house nearly 100 years ago when Harnstable Harbor was an extremely busy coastal port. If and when the post office moves the government likely will sell the present building and site it no other governmental agency is In- terested In using same, according to Mr. Holmes. One of those who has submitted a bill to provide quarters la Robert I ,. loses, proprietor of a TV store. If he is the successful bidder Mr. Junes will construct a new Cape Cod stylo building on the property lie purchased recently (the Carrie Seahury property). Mr. Jones would have his TV store in one side of the building, the post office in the other. To the rear there would be a parking lot for 25 cars. At their meeting this week Barn- slahlo selectmen voted permission to Mr . Jones to remove a section of the curbing around the town's parking lot (o allow entrance to the lot which Mr. Jones plans. It is rumored that at least one oilier prominent Harnstable resi- dent who owns a building down- town has submitted a bid for the new post office site. Government Seeks New Site For Post Office In Barnstable (Continued from Page 1) Mr. Cross cited these as neces- sary steps toward continuing healthy growth —the sprucing up of buildings In the East end, the encouraging of good, legitimate businesses to locate litre aud the providing of adequate docking fa- cilities in Lewis Bay. Mr. Cross said that "sectional- isb" was one factor in the defeat of the Lewis Bay bulkhead pro- posal. '' Personally, 1 try t > feel towards the other villages as I would if 1 lived there ," Mr. Cross said. Plana to install the rotary at Main and Center Streets is a step forward, Mr . Cross said. "I do feel (hat we can do more to induce good businesses to come here and do more to Induce owners of run- down properties to dress their places up." In concluding, Mr. Cross said the selectmen always welcome "constructing thinking and con- structive suggestions." Park Commissioner Warren W. Cook said that , as the result of town meeting votes," you now have a Park Department." He said that there are many areas In be developed. "This will cost yon money, but you 'll get it back ," be added. Cross Talks About "Main Street" To Board Of Trade The annual Every Member Can- vass of the Barnstable Unitarian Church will be held next Sunday afternoon, March 16, it was an- nounced by the chairman, Kenneth II. Barnard, Two canvassers will visit each member and friend ol the church to receive pledges of fin- ancial support for the coming fis- cal year, and to talk about pro- posed plans for improvement of the church. Members and friends have been notified by letter and asked to be at homo to welcome the canvassers . From 5:01) to 6:30 pm. a social hour will bo held in the l'arlsh House , and coffee will he served by nu mbers of the Flower Guild Al- liance. Everyone is welcome tc come and hear the reports of the canvass. Canvassers include Messrs, Mas Whiting, l'"nuik I'ealiotty. liano Holmes , .lames Mitchell , Frederic! Jerauld , Frederick Matthews, Well- man Miiliken , Edward Harris Harold Nickersou, Roland p|h|, Nel- son Stone , Charles Huri'ell, Theo dure Glover, and Lee Davis; Alst Mesdames Bryce Cloweiy Hettina Diiisinore, Kenneth Doyle, Nelsor Stone, Carl Lilmatalmn, Jr., Syd ney Knott , Daniel Knott , Ilownrt Jackson, Kenneth Barnard , and thi Misses Margaret Craig, Haze Young, and Isabel Garvey. Unitarian Church Every Member Canvass Is Sunday (Continued from Page 1) Campbell find Paul Swift, Chester Crocker, Jim Kenncy, At- t orney John D. W. Bodfish , yes, and way back to Andrew Lawrence. Now Mr. Woodward continues to take on all comei-s- Oc- casionally he comes a cropper against the calm logic of Mr. Moderation (Selectman Adams) but he always does and prob- ably always will come bouncing back with more vigor than ever. Speaking Wednesday night in the carefully measured phrases of a camp meeting preacher, Mr. Woodward evaluated this year 's town meeting as follows : "Tuesday we had the finest taxpayers ' association meeting on earth right here. I had the impression that we all were members of a big corpora- tion—and we were determined to keep it solvent. " Certainly the meeting was conservative, extremely tax conscious, as well it should have been. With one or two excep- tions (notably the Lewis Bay bulkhead and boat basin and the article asking an investigation for a system of municipal rubbish collection) the meeting generally followed Finance Committee recommendations. FINANCE COMMITTEE DOESN'T FORCE ITS VIEWS Possibly it should be pointed out that , in contrast to some of his predecessors, Alfred C. Knight, chairman of the Finance Committee, chooses to remain in the background. When important articles are being discussed Mr- Knight briefly and unemotionally tells what the committee recom- mends and why. Beyond that he makes no etl'ort to sway the meeting, which probably is as it should be. Generally, in our opinion , voters made extremely wise decisions on important zoning articles. As has been the case during the past several yeurs, t he Planning Board carefully explained the .sentiment as expressed in the villages a ffected and voters went along to buck up this majority opinion. Barnstable Under-Currents The Barnstable Patriot Founded 1830 rublished every Thursday at 24 Pleasant Street, Hyannis , Mass. By The Patriot Press TBHMSi *:i.n«i p»r year In advance, ntx mom hit I3.0O RICHARD B. HASKIN9, mbll»fcer and General Manager LUTHER M. HOWES, Editor KENNETH R. LEONARD. Advertising- Representative The Barnstable Patriot Is entered as secotid-cla»s matter M the Hyannis Post Office under the Act of Congress of March I|JB* We assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors In ' advertisements, but will reprint that part ot an odvertisment In which the error ooours. Office . I'Atrtot •lulMlng, lly anulm . M»»«. Telephone! Hy«nnl« 24 John K. Lewis, . scm of Mr. and . Mrs. John (1 . Lewis ol 38 Blossom . Ave., OsUrville. Mass., lias been i appointed master-at-arms ot hie i recruit company at the Great Lakes i Naval Training Center. As a recruit petty officer he will 1 wear a miniature rating inslgne at 3 a badge of authority during the re 1 mulnder of tils nine weeks of "Bool Camp." OSTERVILLE SAILOR NAMED MASTER-AT-ARMS LEGAL NOTICE The Commonwealth of Massachusetts TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Office of the COLLECTOR OF TAXES ] The owner or occupants of the following described parcels of land situated In the Town of Harnstable in the County of Harnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the public are hereby notified that the taxes thereon severally assessed for the years hereinafter , specified , according to the lists committed to me as Collector of j Taxes for the Town of Barnstable, remain unpaid, and that said, par- cels ot land will be taken for the said Town of Barnstable on Thurs- day, March 27, 1958 at 10 o'clock A.M., for the non-payment of said taxes and Interest , If any, unless the same shall be previously dis- charged. Harry Halverson and Marlon D. Halverson A parcel of land in Barnstable as described In a deed from Paul M. Swift, Commissioner, dated Sept. 5, 1950, and recorded In the Barnstable Registry of Deeds, Book 762, Page 460, being parcel No. 5, In said deed, and supposed to con- tain 1 acre of land. 1956 Town Tax $9-35 1956 Barnstable Fire District Tax 11 . 1 3 Harry Halverson and Marion D. Halverson . A parcel of land in Barnstable as described In a deed from Paul M. Swift, Commissioner, dated Sept. 5, 1950 and recorded in the Barn- stable Registry of Deeds, Book 762, Page 460, being parcel No. 4, In said deed, and supposed to contain 1% acres of land. 1956 Town Tax $9.35 1956 Barnstable Fire District Tax $1.12 ELSIE B, CASWELL, ' Tax Collector TOWN OF BARNSTABLE POLICE DEPARTMENT N O T I C E Albert L. Hinckley, Chief of Police of The Barnstable Police Department, will receive sealed bids for three new 1958 2-door sedans. Color black , lettered and seal of Town of Barnstable placed on sides and rear, as shown on re- quest at the Office of the Chief of Police. Engine V-Type , 8 cylinder , auto- matic transmission , fully equipped with brand now heavy duty police generators and voltage regulators, new sirens (Sirenko make) 12 volt. Heavy duty slip covers, spotlight on operato r's side. Heater. Have one 1957 Mercury and one 1956 Mercury for trade in. Bids riiust be in the hands of the Chief of Police, Albert L. Hinckley, not 'late r than 3:00 p.m., March 26, 1058, ftt the Police Head- quarters , Klin Street , Hyannis, Mass., at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened. Chief Hinckley reserves the right to accept or reject any ur all bids. Delivery of cars to be made within thirty days after opening of bids. ALBERT L. HINCKLEY , Chief Town of Barnstable Police Department Marc h 13 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Laws , Chapter 138 as Amended: Name of Applicant: Henry L. Nielsen, d/b/a- Cap'n Gray's. Kind of License: Original , Sea- sonal , Innholders , 7 Day All alco- holic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. . '10, 1958 Incl. Location and Description of Premises : Route 6A, Barnstable, Wooden structure. Four rooms on first floor. Four rooms on second floor. Two rooms on third floor. Two entrances. Four exits. VICTOR F. ADAMS • GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Hoard for the Town of Harnstable March 13, 1958. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant : Oyster Har- bors Club , Inc. Harry F. Jenkins , Secretary. Kind Of License: Renewal , Sea- sonal , Club, All alcoholic beverages Period Covtred by License: April 1 to Nov. 30, 1958 Incl. Locatio n and Description of Premises: Golf House, Oyster Har- bors, Osterville. Five front I n trances , two rear exits. Foyer, din- ing room , and terraces on first floor. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS 10. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Hoard for the Town of Barnstable March 13, 1058 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 13S of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant: Oyster Har- bors Club , inc. Harrv F. Jenkin s Sec. Kind ol License: Renewal, Sea- sonal. Club. All alcoholic beverages. Period Covt red by License: Aprli 1 to Nov. Ill), 1958 Incl. Location and Description „f Premises: Clubhouse, Oyster liar- bora, Osterville, Mass. Public rooms and porches on street floor, 34 rooms on second floor , 25 rooms 1 on third floor , 7 rooms, grill room , j loggia, foyer and terrace in base- ment . Six front entrances. Five rear exits. ' VICTOR F. ADAMS 1 GEORGE Ls CROSS K. THOMAS MURPHY L Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable. March 13, 1958 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS The Highway Surveyor of the rown of Barnstable will receive lealed bids for plain and reinforced j oncrete pipe in the following sizes 'or the use of the Highway De- partment during 1958. 8"—24" (Inclusive) plain con- crete pipe 12"—24" (inclusive ) reinforced concrete pipe These materials must comply with Mass. Dept. of Public Works specifications and Bhall be de- livered In the Town of Barnstable, is required by the Highway De- partment. Bids will be received at the High- way Department office , Routo #28, Hyannis, Mass., on or before March 24, 1958 until 9:30 A.M., at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. Envelopes contalalng bids shall be plainl y marked "Bids for Con- crete Pipe". The Town of Barnstable High- way Department, Hyannis, Mass., acting through Us Highway Sur- veyor, Stanley R, Doane, reserves the right to rejec t any or all bids, to waive any Informalities In the bidding, and/or to accept the pro- posal deemed best for the Town. 3TANLEY R. DOAN E. Surveyor of Highways. Town of Barnstablo. Dated at Hyannis, Mass. March 12, 1958 (Mar. 13) TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS The Highway Surveyor ol the Town of Barnstable will receive sealed bids for approximatel y 200 cubic yards of ready mixed con- crete for curbings , to be delivered to various streets in the Town of Barnstable. This concrete shall meet the Mass. Standard specifications for Class D cement concrete, and shall be delivered as required by the Highway Department. Bids will be received at the High- way Department office. Route #28 , Hyannis, Mass., on or before March 24 , 1958, until 10:15 A.M., at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. Envelopes containing the* bids shall be plainly marked "Bids for Cement Concrete (Ready-mixed)". The Town of Barnstable High- way Department, Hyannis, Mass., acting through its Highway Sur- veyor, Stanley R. Doane, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities In the bidding, and/or to accept the pro- posal deemed best for the Town. STANLEY R. DOANE, Surveyor of Highways. Town of Barnstable. Dated at Hyannis. Mass. March 12, 1SS8 (Mar. 13) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, as. Superior Court No. 24894 In Equity To JOSEPH M. LaMAR and MILDRED D. LaMAR, both of Barnstable (Hyannis), Barnstable County, Massachusetts; JOHN La- MAR, of New York , New York ; and A. F. GERMAN CO., INC., c/o Marshall M. Dranetz , Esq., of Barnstable (Hyannis), Harnstable County, Massachusetts; and to all whom It may concern. H Y A N N I S CO-OPERATIVE BANK, a Massachusetts banking corporation , having its principal place of business at Harnstable (Hyannis) , Harnstable County. Massachusetts, claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering real property situated in Barnstable (Hyannis) in said County of Barn- stable given liy Joseph M. LaMar and Mildred I). LaMar to Hyannis Co-operative Bank dated May 25, 1950 nnd recorded with Barnstable County Deeds, Book 752 Pago 19 has filed with said court a bill in equity for authority to foreclose said mortgage in the following manner, to wit: by entry and pos- session ami by the exercise of a power or sale contained in said mortgage. If you are entitled to the benefits of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act ot 1910 and amendments thereto and you object to the fore- closure of surd mortga ge, you or your attorney should file a writ- ten appearance ami answer in said court at Barnstable on or before April t-i, 19i"8, or you may be for- ever barred from claiming that such foreclosure made under such authority is invalid under said act. Witness, PAUL C. REARDON, Ksuulre , Chief Justice of our Superior COttrt, the Hftlj day ol March , lit ihe year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. BARBARA HOLMES NEIL , Clerk. March 1.1 * TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT HYANNIS , MASSACHUSETTS The Highway Surveyor of the Town of Barnstable will receive sealed bids for Rock Salt , in 100 lb paper bags, lor Snow and Ice Ro moval. The bids shall be for car load lots, (Minimum oar 45,001 lbs.) F.O.B. Hyannis. Bids will lie received at the High way Department office, Route #28 Hyannis, Mass., on or before Marcl 24 , 1958 until 10:15 A.M., at whicl time and place the bids will bi publicly opene d and read. Envelopes containing bids shal be plainly marked "nuia for ROCI Salt." The Town of Barnstable High way Department, Hyannis, Mass. acting through Its Highway Sur veyor, Stanley R. Doane, reserve! the right to reject any or all bids to waive any informalities in tin bidding, and/or to accept the pre poBal deemed best for the Town STANLEY It. DOANE, Surveyor of Highways Town of Barnstable i Dated at Hyannis, MUBS. March 12, 1958 (Mar. 13) LEGAL roui ivco NOTftJB OP APPWATIOM roft ALCOH OLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 138 as Amended: Name of Applicant: Edwin 8. Whlttemore and Mildred B. Whltte- more. „ ,_, . », Kind of License: TJrigtnal , Re- tall Package Store, Seasonal. All alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. 30, 1958 Incl. Location and Description of Premises: 101 Iyanough Road, Hy- annis, Mass. Wooden structure with one room on street floor and basement for storage. One entrance and exit on Iyanough Road. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable March 13, 1958 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS The Highway Surveyor of the Town of Barnstable will receive sealed bids for two (2) 1958 Truck Chassis and Cab complete with body and hoist. These trucks must be rated at 2% ton and be equipped with 3 yard dump body with cab protector. Specifications Include : 9:00 x 20 tires (all wheels), heavy duty front and rear springs, rear view mir- rors, dual electric wipers, and either 6 or 8 cylinder engines will be considered in the bid. Allow- ance to be made under th is pro- posal for one (1) 1947 Dodge 2% ton truck and one (1) 1949 Dodge 2>4 ton truck. Envelopes containing bids shall be clearly marked "Dump Truck Bid ' and will be received at the Highway Dept. office, Route #28, Hyannis, Mass., on or before March 24 , 1958 until 10:30 A.M., at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. The Town of Barnstable High- way Department, Hyannis, Mass., acting through its Highway Sur- veyor, Stanley R. Doarie, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in the bidding, and/or to accept the pro- posal deemed best for the Town. STANLEY R. DOANE, Surveyor of Highways. Town of Barnstable Dated at Hyannis, Mass. March 12, 1958 (Mar. 13) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 138 as Amended: Name of Applicant: Mayflower Restaurants Inc. John Joakim , President & Manager. Kind of License; Renewal , Com- mon Victuallers—7 Day Seasonal. All alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. 30, 1958 Incl. Location and Description of Premises: 334j Main Street and 8 Harnstable Road , Hyannis , Mass. Three rooms on street floor. Base- ment for storage. One front en- trance , one side entrance and one rear exit . VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS B. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable March 13, 1958 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 138 as Amended : Name of Applicant: Louis R. Adams and Lennox F. Hodman. Kind of License: Original, Sea- sonal, Retail Package Store. All alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License : April 1 to Nov. 30, 1958 Incl. Location and Description of Premises; Nlckerson Building, Iyanough Road , Hyannis, Mass. One front entrance. One rear exit. Wooden structure. Two rooms on street f loor. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for tho Town of Barnstable March 13, 1958 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 138 as Amended : Name of Applicant: Arthur Smith. Kind of License: Original, Re- tail Package Store. AH alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. 30, 1958 Incl. Location and Description of Premises: Bearse's Way, HyannlB, Mass. Wooden building with three rooms on street floor. Basement for storage. VICTOR P. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable March 13, 1958 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS The Highway Surveyor of the Town of Barnstable will receive sealed bids for Bituminous materi- 1 als to be delivered and applied on the various streets of the Town during 1958, as required. Penetration asphalt OA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. MC 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 Medium curing asphalt. RC 1 , 2 3, 4, 5 Rapid curing asphalt. MS 1, 2 Emulsified asphalt. RS 1, 2 Emulsified asphalt. Tar produ cts T 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (T, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. TCB 5, 6 Cold Patch—truck load lots. These materials must comply with Massachusetts State* Depart- ment of Public Work specifications. Bids will be received at the High- way Department office, Route #28, Hyannis, Mass., on or before March 24, 1958, until 9:45 A.M., at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. Envelopes containing bids shall be clearly marked "Bids for Asphalt". The Town of Barnstable High- way Department, Hyannis, Mass., acting through Its Highway Sur- veyor, Stanley R. Doane, reserves t the right to reject any or all bids, " to waive any Informalities In the bidding, and/or lo accept the pro- posal doomed best for the Town. STANLEY R. DOANE. Surveyor of Highways. Town of Barnstable. Dated at Hyannis, Mass. March 12. 1958 (Mar. 13) LEGAL NOTICE U NITED STATES DISTRI CT COURT FOR THE DISTRIC T OF MASSACHUSETTS In the matter of Milford H. Dennett Bankrupt In Bankruptcy No. 836-57 JOSEPH H. BEECHER Trustee in Bankruptcy of MlLFOIt D H. DENNETT, Petitioner vs. MILFORD H. DENNETT, Trustee ot DENNETT REAL ESTATE TRUST and EVELYN F. DENNETT, Respondents ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION At Boston In said District , on the 6th day of March , 1958; Upon the Petition filed in this Court by the above named peti- tioner against the above named re- spondents To Reach and Apply as more fully set forth in such peti- tion, and it appearing to the Court that the respondents are not within the jurisdi ction of this Court; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DECREED that the respondents or their Attorneys file a written appearance and answer In said Court at Room 1128, Federal Build- ing, Boston , Massachusetts, in the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy for said District on or before March 24 , 1958, or defaults be en- tered against the said respondents. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Or- der be published in the Barnstable Patriot on or before March 14, 1958, and that a copy of such pub- lication be sent by certified or reg- istered mail to the respondents at their last known Massachusetts address. W. H. SMART, Referee in Bankruptcy Acting for Edwin F. Hannon, Referee In Bankruptcy. A true copy, Attest: March 13 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant : Arthur Wil- liam Linnell. Kind of License: Original, Retail Package Store, Seasonal, All alco- holic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. 30, 1958 incl. Location and Description of Premises: Iyanough Road , Hyan- nis. Mass. Nlckerson Block with entrance on Iyanough Road , and one rear exit. Three rooms on street floor. No basement. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable. March 13, 1958 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE in accordanc e with Chapter 138 ol the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant: Harbor View Manor Club , Inc. Morton H. Clark, President & Mgr . Kind of License: Renewal , Sea- sonal, Club , All alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. SO, 1958 Incl. Location and Description of Premises: Wooden structure locat- ed on Main Street, Cotuit with five rooms on first floor, eight rooms on second floor, six rooms on the third floor. Four front and one side en- trances. Two rear exits. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable March 13, 19&S NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant: Eugene E. C. Swift Co., Inc. Charles Roscoe Hinckley, Manager. Kind of License: Renewal, Sea- sonal , Retail Package Store, all al- coholic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1 to Nov. 30, 195S, Incl. Location and Description of Premises: Main Street , Osterville, Mass. Two front entrances , One rear exit. Three rooms on first floor, one room on second floor. Wooden structure. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORG E L CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable. March 13, 1058 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 13X as Amended: Name ol Applicant: Francis W. Klay Kind or Licenser Original , Sea- sonal , ltetail Package Store. All al- coholic beverages. Period Covered by License: April 1st to Nov. 30, 1958 IncL Location and Description of Premises: lul Iyanough Road , Route -S, Hyannis , Mass . One en- trance. One exit. One room on street floor. Base ment , VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS M t ' R P H Y Licensing Hoard for the Town of Harnstable March 13, 1068.